Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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have i goofed something or is making redstone blocks only possible by using an induction smelter on regular minecraft ore with sand? But then redstone is only found in the nether so I can't find the regular ore, plus I don't have silk touch. I can't craft regular redstone into a block?

You have to smelt or pulverizer the nether redstone into normal Redstone.
Hrm. Something broke though, you shouldn't have to do it that way. Will try to get it fixed for 1.0.3
Are there any US based BnB servers that dont have a 600ms ping like the prospercraft one?

We've get a server up now with some of the admin from Lolnet playing and having some fun with the pack. I'm wrapping my head around it and pondering talking Dez into adding a server for it. Have to figure out a bit more, and think on how to set it up. My thoughts, (and feel free to comment, since they are all half baked):
-It's a hard modpack, so not adding much of anything that takes away from that. Keep the feel of playing solo.
-Don't think I'd want PVP. Hard enough as is, and you'd have some people just run around and steal from those that built/farmed. So a general no grief/no raid/no pvp. If possible, I'd like to have each player have a small protected area. Well, protected from players. Mobs could still grief and blow things up, and run into your town to kill you if you set things up poorly. This would keep the theme of the modpack and difficulty, without adding the sheer joy of finding out someone stole all your potatoes. I just don't want any system that lets you turn off mobs or silly things like that.
-A world border. Partly to stop the guy that seems to feel he needs to be 30k from spawn, partly to keep players around a central area. Say 1500 block radius for lack of a better number. The center of the world would be a certain nasty looking gateway...
-Spawn would be very minimal. A platform that you could drop down into a pool of water, swim to shore and start running.
-No tp to home. Use a bed like normal. Or a /sethome command, but no tp.
-We'd set a date for it opening. People interested could all start at the same time.
-Enable Hostile Worlds. Latecomers would just have to deal a bit with the larger invader spawns.
-Normal Difficulty (on death you start with 5 health, 8 food.) I tried playing for a few days on Difficulty 3 (2.5 health, 5 food). It was brutal..lets not talk about it.
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1.0.3 is pushed live and set recommended on the launcher. Hopefully vike will be getting to all the changelogs tonight some time. briefly:

updated some mods
added Dynamic Lights by AtomicStryker (you can now hold many objects and it will cast light around you as well as burning mobs will now produce light, etc. Adds a wonderful feel of "what the hell is beyond the light" with the hardcore darkness instead of the "its dark, fml." should appeal to youtubers and streamers also.)
Computercraft should be less derpy
fixed redstone block crafting
replaced Gold Helm with the Mining Helm (gives a small aura of light around you.)
replaced all diamond tools with cobalt tools
removed redundant Blank Pattern recipe (2 planks, 2 sticks), now just uses 4 sticks
removed glowstone block recipe and replaced it in pertinent recipes, you can now only get glowstone blocks with silk touch
updated a lot of recipes that use glass to use Thick Glass (not done with this yet.)

TODO for 1.0.4
Big Reactor recipes
finish AE recipes
finish PR recipes
check TPS stability (horrible during worldgen atm...)
I've been playing on 1.0.3 for a while; looking very good, but I have an issue with mushrooms replacing a few blocks in the sky and casting shadows for monsters to spawn in XD . Obligatory picture:


At least I get free food out of it.
added Dynamic Lights by AtomicStryker (you can now hold many objects and it will cast light around you as well as burning mobs will now produce light, etc. Adds a wonderful feel of "what the hell is
Thanks for adding my suggestion :)
Btw Eyamaz, the old JVM parameters are linked in your sig on this forum. Sounds like that should be updated at some point.

Also, looking at the parameters in this thread, you don't use the Xms, PermSize, or Xmx at all anymore? for any of the FTB packs?
Btw Eyamaz, the old JVM parameters are linked in your sig on this forum. Sounds like that should be updated at some point.

Also, looking at the parameters in this thread, you don't use the Xms, PermSize, or Xmx at all anymore? for any of the FTB packs?

I run with 2048m of Xms/Xmx and 256m of PermSize. That's pretty much auto set by the launcher currently, so didn't say them. Unless you port to multimc. And I assume anyone intelligent enough to port to multimc knows how to set ram in it too.
Hey Eyamaz I have no idea where i would ask this so I'll ask it here, How do you edit recipes? Code, Configs, Mods? Such as the blood altar requiring Metallurgy Metals
So @ZeekDaGeek and I are going to do a Hardcore server challenge together to see who can last the longest. We have to work out the details of it yet, as well as the time. I'll post more info once we iron things out. Pretty sure we will end up dual streaming it.
Eyamaz, First off, I hate you! This is so damn hard it is frustrating! With that being said, how the hell do you stop invader zombies from destroying your base and destroying everything?

Edit: Nevermind, i tried leaving my base, which had a fence perimeter around it, some armored creeper riding a spider hopped the fence and destroyed a huge chunk of fence, now my base is filled with 5 invader zombies and 3-5 regular zombies(one with a fishing pole so i can't even run). Thanks for nothing jerk :p!
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Eyamaz, First off, I hate you! This is so damn hard it is frustrating! With that being said, how the hell do you stop invader zombies from destroying your base and destroying everything?

Edit: Nevermind, i tried leaving my base, which had a fence perimeter around it, some armored creeper riding a spider hopped the fence and destroyed a huge chunk of fence, now my base is filled with 5 invader zombies and 3-5 regular zombies(one with a fishing pole so i can't even run). Thanks for nothing jerk :p!
When I play this, I make my walls 3 blocks thick. So yeah reinforcements are the way to go. If you live underground try and dig into a hill (about 4 blocks in). That's my plan of attack on the first night usually
Eyamaz, First off, I hate you! This is so damn hard it is frustrating! With that being said, how the hell do you stop invader zombies from destroying your base and destroying everything?

Edit: Nevermind, i tried leaving my base, which had a fence perimeter around it, some armored creeper riding a spider hopped the fence and destroyed a huge chunk of fence, now my base is filled with 5 invader zombies and 3-5 regular zombies(one with a fishing pole so i can't even run). Thanks for nothing jerk :p!

Try your best to get some lava and protect yourself temporarily. Then, destroy their portal! It falls down in the form of a meteor, with a portal in the middle. They managed to spawn camp me for 'days'...dozens of them kinda sucks that they don't despawn, day or night. Also, DON'T GO THROUGH THE PORTAL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST DESTROY IT. You can get trapped in there. I learned the hard way :c . So yeah. Basically, lava. Get some clay buckets for it, or start running far, far away!

Also, looking forward to the stream! So, how many minutes do you think it will last?

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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Eyamaz, First off, I hate you! This is so damn hard it is frustrating! With that being said, how the hell do you stop invader zombies from destroying your base and destroying everything?

Well now, lets do a bit of thinking about this one.
Problem: Spiders hopping fences.
Solution: If you build fences or walls, make them 3 high and give them an overhang on the outside. Spiders climb the outer edge, and can't get past the overhang.

Problem: Zombies destroying a torch on your wall.
Solution: It's based on distance to the zombie. Don't put torches on the inner part of walls, put them on the ground a couple of blocks in.

Problem: Boom!
Solution: Don't sit real close to the walls so creepers get within 1 block of you and explode.

Problem: Zombies mining through the ground to you.
Soulution: They can't mine air. Put a two block gap between the ground and the lower level of your base. 6 blocks is better, gives room for a maze of cactus under your base in the dark area :)
Except for the first few days, having a base inside a hill will just be asking for trouble.

There are a lot of things you can do to protect yourself a bit. Also a lot more problems you will encounter when you get past the first few.
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I can say pumpkins are one of your best friends. Especially once you get soul sand and cobalt.

Look up utility mobs by Father Toast.
Hmmm, I am utterly amazed. You are merciful enough to let us have private armies? I'm going to go park a bunch of golems over by a certain gateway .......
Skip that. While fun for a few minutes, this seems way to easy. The zombies aren't even fighting back, just letting golems beat the crap out of them. This makes the modpack significantly easier once you find a pumpkin patch and make some stone golems. Add turrents, and I feel sorry for the poor zombies again.
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