BlockLabs (13+) | Mindcrack V7 | Whitelisted | Mature 13+ | PVE |15 Slots | 24/7 |

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Server IP:
[Server Info]
Hello and welcome to BlockLabs FTB, A one of a kind FTB server dedicated for Gamer's and Youtuber's!
The server will be up 24/7 and is running on the Mindcrack Pack V7 Currently (Up to date), We accept Youtuber's onto the server from Small to Big Subscriber bases(That goes for people who do Youtube videos, If you do not then you can feel free to ignore that). We are looking for Mature Gamer's, who would obey rules and who like to have a good laugh with fellow Gamer's. Also the server is Youtube friendly.
[Server Rules]
As most of you can imagine, the normal rules of life apply.
Be nice and make sure to help others when needed.
Make sure to not overdose on the chat (Caps, spamming and try not use minimal use of bad language!)
No taking items from others chests or using others machines unless given permission to do so.
Do not grief, in any shape or form.
[Disabled Mods/Banned Items]
Gregtech Recipes (Most of the mod)
MystCraft (Just ask a admin, if you wish to create a world.)
[Joining BlockLabs]
If you would be interested in joining as it is a whitelisted server please post a response via comment, using the following template:
Why would you like to join the server?:
Youtube Channel:
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers:
What could you bring into the servers community?:
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No):
[Server Specs]
3GB Ram (3GB Dedicated to server.)​
50GB Disk Space​
1.22TB Bandwith​
Hosted within the United States​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 25
Skype: bmac6324
Why would you like to join the server?: I have been watching YouTube channels with multiple people playin together and it always makes me laugh and want to take part as well. Never a dull moments plus you learn from each other.
YouTube Channel: IHaveOneIQ25
Have you have any past experience with whitelisted servers?: Applied for several but no answer, trying to be in a small whitelist as to have better comrodery.
What could you bring into the server community?: I have a fair amount of knowledge about FTB. Plus I like to have a good time no matter what.
Do you agree not to break the server rules?: Rules are rules, set for a reason, so Yes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Luiggie
Age: 19
Skype: LuiggieHD
Why would you like to join the server?: I Know alot about the mods and can create alot of contraptions for the comunity use.
Youtube Channel: LAWSCRAFT
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers: Not yet
What could you bring into the servers community?: Alot of help for those who need it the most.
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No): YES !


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Skype:Chaz Rasmussen
Why would you like to join the server?:A lot more fun to work together and you accomplish more
Youtube Channel:mrthatcoolkid23
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers:yes i use to play on a tekkit server then the server shut down now i am expanding to ftb
What could you bring into the servers community?:a good general knowledge of mods and some really cool big builds
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No):yes of course


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 25
Skype: bmac6324
Why would you like to join the server?: I have been watching YouTube channels with multiple people playin together and it always makes me laugh and want to take part as well. Never a dull moments plus you learn from each other.
YouTube Channel: IHaveOneIQ25
Have you have any past experience with whitelisted servers?: Applied for several but no answer, trying to be in a small whitelist as to have better comrodery.
What could you bring into the server community?: I have a fair amount of knowledge about FTB. Plus I like to have a good time no matter what.
Do you agree not to break the server rules?: Rules are rules, set for a reason, so Yes.
Skype:Chaz Rasmussen
Why would you like to join the server?:A lot more fun to work together and you accomplish more
Youtube Channel:mrthatcoolkid23
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers:yes i use to play on a tekkit server then the server shut down now i am expanding to ftb
What could you bring into the servers community?:a good general knowledge of mods and some really cool big builds
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No):yes of course

Both Accepted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: baronmcawesome
Age: 13
Skype: TechnoGareth
Why would you like to join the server?: Cause it is badass
Youtube Channel:
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers: No :(
What could you bring into the servers community?: I am a good person who can build amazing thing's and i could help out with people's project's if they want me to.
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No): Yes I will not break any rule's


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Eugenez90
Age: 14
Skype: Eugenez90
Why would you like to join the server?: Finding a more protected server with a better community
Youtube Channel: Bobnpie
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers: Yes , sadly most of them became inactive so im finding newer ones with less greifers..
What could you bring into the servers community?: I'll try my best to help and support the community in whatever way and help when requested to
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No): Yes , i will try to not break any rules


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: OnlyAverageGamer

Age: 16 (I don't normally give this out as people tend to judge me by others of my age. Please speak with me if my age is an issue.)

Skype: onlyaveragegamer

Why would you like to join the server?: I have quite enjoyed playing on semi-vanilla servers and would like to try an FTB server, mainly because that is what my youtube channel is based on.

Youtube Channel: SirOnlyAverageGamer

Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers: Yes, particularly the DarkCraft survival server.

What could you bring into the servers community?: I have quite a bit of experience with most of the FTB mods and am willing to help in any manner possible.

Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No):Yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Domicilius
Age: 19
Skype: Domicilius
Why would you like to join the server?: Looking for a whitelisted FTB server to start a YT series on. I'm also looking for people to play FTB with as most of the mods play a lot better with other people (in my experience).
Youtube Channel: Theoknight2
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers: Yes, although mostly vanilla servers when MC was still alpha/beta.
What could you bring into the servers community?: Experience with the common mods (IC2, buildcraft, TE, CC, etc) Little experience with Thaumcraft, but I'm willing to learn. Also bring a willingness to participate in group events and a very tiny YouTube channel.
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No): Yep.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: frogger35

Age: 16

Skype: tylertnooo

Why would you like to join the server?: I think I can learn and grow on your server. I am looking for a dedicated server to play with friends and meet new
people along the way.

Youtube Channel: do not stream/youtube anymore to many issues

Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers: Yes, most server I play on are whitelisted as I find a better playing experience with them.

What could you bring into the servers ?: I can bring my knowledge of how most the mods work and run together. I can bring creativity and great builds to the server.

Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No): yes I do

Hope to see you ingame :D.
Question: Is the server going to update to the 1.4.6?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why would you like to join the server?:To play some games with like minded peoples
Youtube Channel:Don't have one that I upload to
Have you had any past experience with whitelisted servers:Yes
What could you bring into the servers community?:My awesomeness and weirdness
Do you agree not to break the Server Rules (Yes or No): yes i agree i will not break said rules or may my account be banned by notch himself