I cant stop posting questions...I think I may be addicted to these forums now... My apologies and gratitude while I work through this...first minecraft addiction, now this. It truly is a slippery slope my friends...anwyays...
Yeah so, Tinkers Construct adds several types of road blocks, the brownstones' tooltips tell you which of them is faster, but do the other TC roads give any sort of boosts ? Anyone know about MF Reloaded's roads ? Do they give any sort of boost ? Then there is Gravel Roads, dont remember if they're from MFR too or not, and then there's chisel's concrete/paving stuff, anyone know if they have any sort of boosting properties ? Can you think of any other road adding mods anyone ? I like the good ol' gravel paths from OpenBlocks and Crayfish' Furniture Mod. What sort of roads do you guys have ? maybe you dont have roads. And does anyone know how to get the white road lines from Chisel ? They are a must for urban areas. Now, my next thread will be comparing lighting options for your modern urban development programs. j/k, I will keep my lighting decsions battle in my head
Yeah so, Tinkers Construct adds several types of road blocks, the brownstones' tooltips tell you which of them is faster, but do the other TC roads give any sort of boosts ? Anyone know about MF Reloaded's roads ? Do they give any sort of boost ? Then there is Gravel Roads, dont remember if they're from MFR too or not, and then there's chisel's concrete/paving stuff, anyone know if they have any sort of boosting properties ? Can you think of any other road adding mods anyone ? I like the good ol' gravel paths from OpenBlocks and Crayfish' Furniture Mod. What sort of roads do you guys have ? maybe you dont have roads. And does anyone know how to get the white road lines from Chisel ? They are a must for urban areas. Now, my next thread will be comparing lighting options for your modern urban development programs. j/k, I will keep my lighting decsions battle in my head