Best lagfree sorting system? Pipes vs Tubes

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello im new to this forum and i made an accout to ask you some questions

What is the best sorting system for a quarry for a lagfree play?

pipes with diamond transport pipes?
tubes with filters?

what should be avoided? redstone timers?
do any have a good video or picture of there sorting system?
or any tips?

sorry for my bad english, i'm norwegian :)

Thank you so mutch!


Forum Addict
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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I suspect that lag with traditional pipe/tube sorting systems can be reduced with a moderately slow pulse (30 seconds, 1 minute maybe, lower if you have one or more really fast quarries) on the extraction from the input chest, or some other kind of buffering. My system has 5 Sorting Machines directly connected to an Enderchest, and my Quarry connects to another identical Enderchest, so every piece of cobblestone is individually pulled into the tubes. If it waited until there was a stack of cobble, then that would only be one item in the system instead of 64. I might insert a buffer chest with a Filter & Timer to implement this. Keeping your pipe/tube lengths as short as possible will also probably help, so there are fewer items in transit at any given time. Some have suggested having the sorting system in a Mystcraft age, although when the items get routed back into your base they have to be re-sorted into the various chests so I can't see how there is much to be gained that way.

Byte Templar

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Router + barrels (and overflow system just in case), and Im loving it. Takes a moment to setup all, but works pretty much lag free (no items in tubes/pipes at all).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sticking to the OP title, if you're playing survival, RP2 tubes are less laggy than BC pipes, nearly as inexpensive. It can work endgame or until you can work your way up to the other methods.

I do like the router/barrel system, but not for everything. I'm finding I prefer it for things I don't need constantly.

Also? Tesseracts FTW.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depends. Graphical lag wise, neither are good as you still have lots of entities in pipes. AE and tesseracts and ender chests are best for that.
Sorting wise, If you HAVE to use those mods I would say tubes because you have the sorting machine. You'll probably be able to build a much more compact system.

BOTH of them you should buffer into stacks. Seding a stack or so every few seconds, and sorting stacks is up to 64X less laggy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RP2 tubes are less laggy than BC pipes

This is so far from the truth as they are facts in the game today, in FTB, that you're either maliciously lying or you haven't used Buildcraft pipes since 1.2.5

Buildcraft is now noticably and measurably better than RP tubes at moving items down the pipe. Furthermore, since we're talking a quarry which auto emits items into pipes while due to Eloraam's intransigent attitude would require some alternative method of initiating items into tubes, the lag creation goes up by an order of magnitude.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You mean a Relay. I don't have anything to say about lag, I'm not well versed in that. But a Relay would automatically output anything placed in it by the quarry into pneumatic tubes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You mean a Relay. I don't have anything to say about lag, I'm not well versed in that. But a Relay would automatically output anything placed in it by the quarry into pneumatic tubes.

And the relay is one of the primary lag producing items in the game.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm headed down the Applied Energistics route for my next item inventory setup. I plan to just fill dozens of diamond chests, no organization or sorting. I'll connect those chests to an AE network and just use access terminals to filter for what I am looking for, like NEI lets you do for recipes. Eventually I'll probably store items in AE storage drives, but I don't see that as necessary for getting started with AE.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why is the relay so lagproducing? Im hearing it everywhere, but I cant see the reason. Another thing to consider if you want to go with pipes or tubes and not the AE route are Logistic Pipes. Of course this isnt an option if you are playing on a server, but alone its not too hard to add the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eventually I'll probably store items in AE storage drives, but I don't see that as necessary for getting started with AE.

It's how I've started with AE on the world I started recently. A single 16k drive in a chest holds almost everything I've found so far, and all I do is throw a charcoal into a stirling engine to activate it when I need it. I'll expand it into a network once I've got some proper power infrastructure set up, but for now, it's three blocks (chest, engine, lever) that holds a couple thousand stacks of stuff, which I can move around easily when the time comes. It's pretty great, compared to the amount of resources and space it'd take to store that much stuff in non-ME chests, that would still be a major hassle to move when I relocate the chests from my mine to a more permanent base and processing center.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think routers are ideal for barrel rooms. They DO work though, that's not the issue. The issue is how a router was meant to be used and how we're trying to use it. The thoroughness upgrade says it will fill a machine and move onto the next. We think because were using a barrel that it should fill the barrel completely and move on. But 'machines' usually only have 1 inventory slot that accepts 64 items (or 16 items for some special things like bottles and such). So to a router, it's filled it if the 'machine' has a full stack. Then it can move onto the next machine and fill that up.

So, unless you go through all your barrels and pre-select what they get, you're not going to have a pleasant time of it. For a barrel sorting wall, the thoroughness upgrade isn't even needed.

That all being said and being true ... routers are amazing for sorting rooms once you get them all set up and stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I also decided to go AE for my new Ultimate world. I do not miss my three story barrel storage room. I even have it tied into Deep Storage Units from MFR for mass storage of cobble and such (similar to GregTech's Quantum Chests). No items flowing through any pipes, just data cables, even for my auto-processing area.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's how I've started with AE on the world I started recently. A single 16k drive in a chest holds almost everything I've found so far, and all I do is throw a charcoal into a stirling engine to activate it when I need it. I'll expand it into a network once I've got some proper power infrastructure set up, but for now, it's three blocks (chest, engine, lever) that holds a couple thousand stacks of stuff, which I can move around easily when the time comes. It's pretty great, compared to the amount of resources and space it'd take to store that much stuff in non-ME chests, that would still be a major hassle to move when I relocate the chests from my mine to a more permanent base and processing center.
I guess "world i recently started" wasn't correct -- I already have diamond chest after diamond chest of random items that need organizing, so I'm going to get them all linked into an AE network first, then work on the AE storage solution. The preformatting feature and the portability are awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why is the relay so lagproducing? Im hearing it everywhere, but I cant see the reason. Another thing to consider if you want to go with pipes or tubes and not the AE route are Logistic Pipes. Of course this isnt an option if you are playing on a server, but alone its not too hard to add the mod.
My guess would be that since it doesnt need a timer to pipe stuff it must be "looking" for items constantly which is hammering the cpu. basically it sits idly trying to pump stuff constantly. With a timer you can at least limit it to once every 5 seconds. Redstone pulses are the biggest issue with red power2 causing lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
causing lag.

From what I've heard, the majority of coding in RP2 is not optimized to prevent lag, and usually goes about doing things an ugly/brute force way such as constantly querying for something.

It's a common programmer defect, sadly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Off the quarry make a diamond pipe -> void pipe a direction. Void at least the cobble. Void any other materials you don't need or can't easily make infinitely on your own with machines. After the first quarry you will probably add gravel, sand, and maybe dirt to the void direction.

Rest let pipe into an enderchest. You could technically do some filtering here with the diamond pipe and go to different enderchests, but you will be moving this end of the setup somewhat often, so best to keep it simple.

At your base/sorting area place another endpoint of the enderchest.

Only thing really to avoid is a lot of machines in one chunk. Try out a system and if it lags you then tinker with it.

The amount of lag redpower machines cause will have a lot to do with what else you have going on in that chunk.

I stopped using pipes when i could not find a workaround for items popping out when you send stacks of items around. If there is room for part of the stack in a machine it will fill the machine and spit out the rest -- no matter what pipe you use to insert.

Tubes + barrels are really easy sorting system. Too many in a run seems to lag people.
Router+ barrels good as well. Routers work best when you limit their item types to exactly what will be in the connected barrels. If you ever fill up the storage they will jam.

In the ultimate pack advanced energetics is probably the best storage/transport system, but i haven't used it yet. It basically digitizes items and does not show items in transit, just moves them instantly through data cables from endpoint to endpoint.
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