I wish we where in a time where we had computers that could handle a larger game world. Besieged would be awesome on a larger scale in a sandbox.Way too much Besiege, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Brawlhalla.
Besiege for me is pretty much all about the mechanism and concepts - while I'll be amazed by some of the stuff people make, especially Dawn Shade and Neutex, I prefer myself to make things in a way that simply works best, not really caring at all about looks. Not to mention I prefer not to reiterate previous models and do stuff that's already been done, such as all sorts of planes and tanks, not to bash those who do a good job at such. For example, I've never made a proper plane that I'd upload, but I've made ones that are unique in the way they work.
There are even besiege multiplayer mods in the works, though I reckon they'll have to be run at low speed and would need good computers and a strong connection. Still, pretty awesome.I wish we where in a time where we had computers that could handle a larger game world. Besieged would be awesome on a larger scale in a sandbox.
Medeival engineers gets close but tyat game by virtue performs pretty bad when your creations get big.
I dunno how that counts as cheating...that just sounds like Space Engineers was designed well, to me.One thing kind of like that I can think of is space engineers, though that's cheating by having things act as holistic objects until they're damaged or changed by the player.
Oh I'm not disparaging it, it's just one method of many, one which is less realistic even if you might prefer it. In besiege you see, there can be internal stresses on something, for example a machine can tear itself apart through having too much torque on a heavy object or just being poorly built.I dunno how that counts as cheating...that just sounds like Space Engineers was designed well, to me.
When that game was cool? What does that mean?I remember besiege, when that game was cool. Draegast, I still watch em.
I talk about it loads, with other besiege players. You've no idea mate.Noone talks about it.
That seems to be an ongoing theme.You've no idea mate.
If you mean Minecraft, no certainly not! In fact, confession time: I actually got into Minecraft because of the XBox version!I thought it was PC only.