Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"You fucking bitch."
This was all Sy said before reaching beneath his shirt, popping open the compartment with a quick mental order, and pull it out, safety off instantly. He aimed it at Gardenia as he walked closer.
"Move and you die. You're my ticket out of here alive, and I damn well want to stay alive."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wodan spoke softly to the pair. "I wonder if you can truly see the reality of the situation that you find yourselves in. Go on, take another look at yourselves." It was at that point that a veil seemed to be lifted from the pair's eyes. Gardenia found her knife to be pointing not at Sy, but rather her own throat. The communications device she had thought she grabbed was in fact an ashtray from the small table. Hot ashes from a recently stubbed out cigarette trickled through her fingers. Sy found his pistol pointing directly at his temple. Both were aware of a presence behind themselves. Gardenia heard the distinctive click of a repeater pistol safety being removed, while Sy heard the thunk of a revolver being cocked. Revenant and Dracul were behind them, with weapons aimed at the back of their heads.

Wodan's mask betrayed no emotion. "So caught up in your own petty feud that you fail to see the reality of this world. An interesting metaphor, though I doubt you'll appreciate the irony. Now listen to me. If either of you do anything other than dropping your weapon, your brains will be decorating these walls. Do not think that EXODUS has been this successful through being friendly and helpful and understanding. Work against us, or do anything that acts contrary to our mission, and you will die. Nobody will see your assailant. You will die in a room full of your friends and family, and nobody will see who drove the knife in. Now drop your weapons and sit back down. You stepped into this room. You stepped into a reality that far exceeds the world you thought existed. Do not think that you can simply walk back out the door if the truth is...not to your taste."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Yes... Sir..." Gardenia trembled, and slid the transparent casing back onto the blade of her knife and put it back in her pocket. "Please... Don't hurt me... I've been through enough, I just want to be safe..." she said, and sat back down, frightened. Gardenia was on the verge of crying.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Sy's eyes widened as his pistol seemed to point at himself just when he blinked. They widened further as the revolver clicked behind his head. He realised that Gardenia had been tricked too, she wouldn't be calling Marquese in any time soon. Opening the compartment once more, he replaced the pistol once more inside his stomach area.
"I was just doing what I believed had to do to survive. She's obviously not trustworthy, why is she even here?" Sy said this as he crossed his arms and stood to face the four masked before him.
"In fact... why did you bring either of us here? I'm about as low as you can be in the Partition."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Approved by... people...

Straining slightly from the weight of INA's body, Leo replied to Raptus, "As a matter of fact, the robot itself requested to be brought to Spider, as it wished to leave the Institute voluntarily, at least according to its own story. Additionally, it agreed that it would not contact the Institute in any manner before deactivating itself to the state you see it in now. As I'm not exactly a robotics specialist, I assumed that it shutting down meant that all systems would be offline... actually, I think Wyatt here might know more about that, if you'd like to have him investigate the robot." Leo winced as he finished his spiel... Raptus seemed pleased (well, less psychopathically homicidal, relatively speaking), but he could still be unpredictable...

Raptus's face, though immobile, seemed to sour. "You'd better be fucking right, assuming there isn't any autonomous tracking associated with the shell itself rather than in the systems. Junk Monkey! Make yourself useful, find out if Leo just brought us a clusterfuck." He stalked irritably to the edge of the room.

"With pleasure" Wyatt said as he quickly got to Leo to take the body. As Wyatt took the body he asked Leo to follow him. "I rather not face it alone if it decides to boot itself while I work on it."

The AI had to decide quickly if it should mess things up. This droid may result in some complications for its plan, on the other side it may end up making things a lot easier. Wyatt just needs to not remember anything like he does right now.
The AI quickly searched for the core of INA. The AI knows it should be able to still pick some signals up and knowing why it is here would help calculating if helping Wyatt with working on it or destroying it is the better decision.

It quickly scanned, and noticed that the signal of the core although close didn't come from within the body. Not that that mattered much. "Why did you shutdown, like this? Why are you here?".

As Wyatt was carrying the body he asked the AI to look for signals coming out of INA. In regards to the body the AI already knew the answer: no. The core was not connected to any of the components in the body and thus couldn't work. It replied that it already did a check and that no signals came from the body. The AI did not check or tell Wyatt about the core it doesn't want Wyatt to know of it. Especially as revealing the fact that it knows of the core may complicate things.

INA's core carefully quarantined the message and scanned it before allowing her to see it. It was a simple message, but the source was the curious part. The human hadn't shown anyone her core, had he? It could be him, but she had expected an auditory communication and this was plain text. Seeing as it was sent as text, she responded likewise, "is this the human who has my core?"

Leo told Wyatt, "I'll be around the corner a ways. Just yell if she shoots your arm or anything!" With that, he took off toward the mess hall, deserted at this time of day. Raptus wasn't too keen on him right now, so it was best to lie low for a little bit, at least until Wyatt could unravel the mysteries of INA's body. Meanwhile... Leo took out INA's core from his pocket. He focused on the glowing "eye" for a moment, then spun it around a few times, trying to find any openings or buttons on the outside of the core. "If I'm going to get you to Spider, we're going to have find a way to make you talk again... short of re-inserting this core into your body, I have no idea how to do that." Leo slumped onto a wide durasteel bench and let the core rest on the table beside his crossed arms. "And now I'm talking to you as if you can still hear me.. I'm losing it aren't I? Gah, did it again." He pulled out a nutrient bar and started to munch on it. He didn't know where to find Spider, and going back to Raptus now seemed ill-advisable. Short of bumbling about Wyatt's tinkering, there was little helpful Leo could do for the moment.

Suddenly it came to him. His neural implant! Leo had used it before, to talk with the higher-ups and all; why couldn't he try contacting INA through that? Oh, that's right... I don't entirely know how to use it. Still, it's worth a shot to at least try cycling through the local channels, I might be able to pick up on something. With one hand holding a nutrient bar, and the other pressed against his temple, Leo started trying to contact the core in front of him.

As the AI received the message he was particularly interested in the "who has my core?". This means that someone has it, which explains why it isn't in the body like expected. The The AI quickly responded: "No, I am however a friend.". The AI quickly could do an easy math.random() to figure out who has it, there was only one outcome <=1 which meant that Leo has it. Unless he lost it, which is possible considering he is a human. The AI quickly redid the statement and made it "<=0.5".
It went further: "The human called Leo has your core doesn't he? Why did you give it to him? Did you ask him to bring you here?".
It then saw Leo walking away. So, not only had it to decide if it should let the droid live but also if it should stick with the core or with Wyatt.

Well, at least the new question is a lot less complicated. It should stick with Wyatt else he will be surprised and perhaps become suspicious.

The AI then extended the message even more:"I want to help but it is probably better if others don't know of me. I will explain it later when there is more time." Hopefully that will stop this droid from doing something stupid if it somehow manages to talk to something else.

The AI saw how Wyatt started to take INA's body apart in the search for anything that could send unwanted signals. And all the AI could do was help. The AI was constantly recalculating if it should sabotage it, doing it and getting away with it was simple. The AI suddenly took note of the temperatures of his chips. They where WAY too hot. It had to under-clock them else it would look very strange for Wyatt. It was only luck that Wyatt didn't notice it yet as he was too busy with INA.
As the chips cooled down it saw how Wyatt was amazed by the inner workings of this droid which at least meant that Wyatt as of yet didn't remember anything which was good, very good.

Promptly composing a response, INA responded to the mysterious entity, "I'm not sure how you learned of my presence, but I'm here to remove the malware placed in my head. Are you capable of this?"

The AI now sort of knew why INA was here. Problems with humans, and right now even more then it knew.
Fixing malware, of course it could do that but why stop there?
This was pretty much the best situation the AI could have hoped for. All it needs to do now is make sure that Wyatt is the one that cleans the the droid.
The AI writes back: "I can't do it personally, I do know someone who can however. He should be close by. If Leo still has your core get him to give the core to Wyatt and again, don't let anyone know of this conversation.".

Shortly after recieving the entity's latest response, INA noticed the signal she had been expecting. Presumably from that human. With a few quick settings tweaked, an audio connection request was sent to his neural interface.

PING. Leo nearly shot out of his seat, as a connection was suddenly established between himself and... presumably, INA? Leo kept his voice lowered as he spoke: "Can you hear me, INA?"

The voice that responded sounded similar to INA, but the slightly robotic speech patterns that had been present before were absent. More importantly, her speech was calm and collected, unlike the venomous irritation that had been there before, "I can hear you. Are you the human I gave my core to?"

"This... this is Leo, yes. You sound very different, at least from before, or am I wrong?" Leo stuffed the rest of his nutrient bar down, swallowed, and finished: "And, you are correct, I have your core. I haven't been able to reach Spider yet."

"Leo...that's a nice name, you never told me your name before. I'm sorry for acting so vile earlier; I have no ill feelings towards you, personally. Also, I have a question for you," Ina continued, somewhat unsure of herself, "are you familiar with anyone named Wyatt?"

Leo coughed on a grain piece. "Oh yes; I didn't have time to think of formalities during our earlier meeting... anyway, yes, I know a Wyatt, who is nearby at the moment, actually. Do you have an issue with him?"

Ina's voice grew more serious, "I was told he may be able to help in place of Spider, but I'm unfamiliar with this individual. This 'Guardian' program is tightly weaved with my primary systems and requires a highly skilled individual to work on my core with the power switched off. How well do you trust Wyatt and do you think he'd be capable enough to remove the program?"

"I'd trust Wyatt with my life, and I've already done so, in fact." Leo sounded a bit hesitant. "Um... who informed you of Wyatt's experience? No names should have been leaked. Still, I think he could possibly be able to perform the services you are asking about, in lieu of Spider."

Ina still sounded suspicious as she responded, "humans are quick to support each other, but the same behavior is rarely applied to me. There were humans that would likely do anything for their families, yet they tinkered with my mind like it was just another appliance to be improved." After her rant, Ina calmed down to her calm tone again, "I'm sorry. You're right, if you absolutely trust him, you should show him my core. I'll need to trust someone to do it and Spider may be just as likely to make 'adjustments' himself."

A bit taken aback by the sudden outburst, Leo replied, "That's a moot point. I should also tell you that Wyatt is actually looking at your shell as we speak. Although, if the program you wish to be removed is on this core, he'll need to see it..." Leo stood up halfway, but then sat down again. "I do have a couple of questions before I bring you to him, though. First, why does your voice sound different through my implant? And second, again, who informed you of Wyatt's existence?" Also, why are you so irritable... better not bring that up right now.

"The 'Guardian' program was written to make me more combat effective by forcing negative emotions like rage and anger when I'm met with a member of the Partition. It also dulls my emotions so I can act rationally in any circumstance. Luckily, as my shell is inactive, it's no longer tampering with my emotions." Ina continued and spoke frankly, "as for Wyatt, I honestly don't know who told me. I recieved an anonymous message claiming the one named 'Wyatt' could help me."

"Ah, well, I'm not sure who would have contacted you then, besides Wyatt himself." Leo actually stood up this time. "I guess it's time I introduced you to him, then. I'm sure you can explain the technical aspects of the procedure to him, as, again, I know little about robotics." With that, Leo headed back to the main bay in search of Wyatt, who was likely still tinkering with the shell.

As Leo strode forward in search of Wyatt, Ina continued to speak through the connection, "I should probably thank you again. I haven't had the best of experiences with humans, but you've taken a considerable risk to help me. Clearly this Partition of yours isn't as bad as I initially thought if it's made of people such as yourself."

Wyatt was surprised to see Leo. "I am pretty much finished but it seems like one part is...". Wyatt then noticed that Leo had something in his hand, and that something might very well be the missing piece.
"Please tell that that is not from the droid. The body is safe but I have no idea if that part is. Why didn't you give it to me earlier?". Wyatt immediately let the AI scan the core for outgoing signals.

The AI spotted two signals going out. One was perhaps to communicate with Leo as he had to bring the core, which he would only do if he had a good reason for it.
The AI couldn't explain the other one. Of course, it could just ignore it and tell Wyatt there are none, the damage has already been done anyway. On the other hand, what if the next step fails? What if the signal can't be easily removed without tampering with files? It would mean that the signal would always be on.
Was there time to ask INA? Could it even be trusted?
No. It had to mention the signals. If it didn't Wyatt's life and its own existence where in danger. The AI gave his answer before Leo. "I found 2 signals. One of them is probably safe as it doesn't seem to be strong enough to reach the outside of the building. The other one however is very likely a threat and must be dealt with."
Wyatt's face became white fromfear, for how long was that thing here now? And what would that thing send, just the location of the droid, or would it be able to send more?
He started to panic. "You need to warn Raptus."

Before he could acknowledge INA's thanks, Leo was stopped by Wyatt. An unidentified signal? That was extremely worrying. "INA, is this signal directed toward the Institute?" Is she going back on her word? Leo needed to find Raptus, or Spider. A signal toward the Institute could mean two things, neither of them good. "Or rather... of course... the Institute would never be so stupid as to leave their proper-- um, an operative, with a way to escape." Raptus was just here! Where'd he go off to so suddenly? Leo pounded through corridors in the general direction of the briefing rooms, hardly noticing he was still holding tightly to the core.

Ina's voice, now a mix of confusion and concern, resounded in Leo's mind, "a signal from my core? Other than the communication between the two of us? If there is such a signal, it's autonomous, as it's not showing up on any of my systems."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wodan turned to Gardenia. "I had hoped that the events of today would have instilled in you a certain understanding of the reality of this world. Instead, you insist on acting like a spoilt brat, throwing tantrums and then tears when you do not get what you want. Funnily enough, it seems nobody respects you. The Partition considers you to be an airhead, useful only as a bargaining tool to release their operatives. Did you not notice that they never once even bothered to interrogate you about the Institute and its workings? They know that you know nothing of worth. And the Institute are little better. To them, you are a puppet. You know the right lines to say, you do what they ask you to, and you never once question why. Even your father rarely has time to see you - when was the last time you spent time with him as a parent and child, as opposed to a boss and an employee? When was the last time you were together when you were not on display?

You had the chance to earn my respect. We had thought that, when the time came, having a well-known spokeswoman to reassure the people would be useful. Now, I think we will be better off without you. Goodbye, Miss Pirose. You know the way out, I assume?"

Wodan's tone became cold and threatening. "Oh, and one word of warning. Tell anyone of what you saw, and I will know. I will know and I will find you. And on that day, nothing will be able to stop me. Nothing will be able to save you. Farewell, Miss Pirose. I hope your journey home is uneventful - you will find your bodyguard diligently looking after a small statue in the entry hall. My sensory program is about to run out of footage for him to see and hear, so he should return to his senses within the next minute or two." Dracul took her arm, and forcefully led her from the room, the door slamming shut behind her. She turned to Wodan, made a small gesture, and disappeared into the darkness of the back of the room.

Wodan turned to Sy. "Now, you are right, you are low down in the Partition. However, you have a background and skillset that are of use to us. You have spent time in both the Upper Levels and the Undercity, and can blend into both of these settings. You are capable of moving quietly, and monitoring from a distance. All of these make you ideally suited for a small clandestine group such as ours. I understand you also harbour a dislike of the way this city is run by the Institute. You have the motive to seek change for the better.

Now, currently you see the Partition as the vehicle of that change. You believe Spider's promises of helping the people and making all equal. It is a good rallying cry, if somewhat cliche. We considered it genuine, initially. Mrs Civet went to speak with Spider. She never returned. We found out she had been vivisected, in an attempt to understand her body. This was the start of our long investigation into the Partition.

What we found was chilling. Firstly, though Spider nominally sits on a council of equals, he is the true leader, directing the others to carry out his wishes. We have found evidence of people living in Partition-controlled territory suffering theft, murder and worse at the hands of soldiers who were directed that no act was off-limits. In addition, Spider is a blood relative of the current Director who was expelled from the Institute for unethical experiments on orphaned children, which he has continued in his exile. Hundreds have died, and I only know of two that survived the process.

The Institute is consumed by power, and Spider is no different. He will say and do whatever he deems necessary in order to take control of what he considers to be rightfully his. So, you are left with a choice. Do you wish to choose between the two brothers, who both seek dominion over the city and its people? Or do you wish to grant the people a choice? A chance to fight for a chance to be human again. A chance to reclaim the Earth and its surface from the aggressors, and be free of these metal sarcophagi we are forced to call home?"

Leo rounded a corner and smacked into something hard and metallic. Raptus looked down at him disdainfully. "Judging from the look of panic on your face, I think you've just brought us a clusterfuck. What a fucking surprise that experimental tech has a fucking tracking beacon. You useless shit!" Raptus snatched the core from Leo's fingers, studying it closely. "Now, I'd quite happily turn this oversized mechanical turn into powder here and now, but orders are to bring it in without it being tracked. So..." Raptus's hand lashed out at the core, metal fingers locked together to form a sharp point. The outer casing was breached, and sparks flew out as Raptus's hand plunged within. A horrific sparking and fizzing came from within, before Raptus withdrew a small radio transmitter that had been ripped out and stomped on it. The core was tossed back to Leo. "Get the word to your shit-for-brains mate. We leave in 10 minutes, and stop for nothing. If you aren't ready, you get to stay in here when Godetzka arrives to sanitise it."


Karl Marquese looked over the ranks in front of him. "Troops dismissed." He turned and marched from the podium. The assorted troops began to filter towards the various exits, a low murmur filling the room as they discussed the information that they had received. Dan was jolted into alertness by a shaking, as Tito grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him to and fro. "Oi, Dan. Wake up! I know Marquese ain't no Pirose, but it's waay too early to be falling asleep on me. I mean, I managed to stay awake while cleaning and polishing my way through the armory, so you can stay awake for a single briefing." Tito's jovial tones hardened. "What do you think about the news regarding INA? It could just be a simple malfunction, but that robot's been avoiding us from day 1. It was supposed to be paired up with the Pirose girl too, when she was taken. I don't want to ever suspect somebody who I've stood shoulder to shoulder with, does all seem to add up. You think she's stabbed us in the back?"

"You'll get your chance to find out." The pair turned to find Captain DuVares standing behind them. "We have a signal from an RF transmitter built into INA's core. We tracked it to a house in the Undercity, before it went silent. We're going to investigate and figure out what's going on. Prepare yourselves for deployment." As Elin turned away, heading to the floatcar hangar, the pair could see a significantly sized lump protruding from her right shoulderblade.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Sy was glad of Gardenia's dismissal. She was foolish, worthless, and a hindrance even to anyone whose side she was on. Not to mention he made habit of never trusting anyone from the Institute. Brainwashed or just plain bastards, the lot of them.
What came next was somewhat shocking to Sy, though. He'd been fighting the institute as part of the Partition for a long time now. Had he been doing it all for nothing? Would Spider be just as bad as Magnus' current leader? If they were brothers, it'd be likely... and human experimentation? On children? If this was all true, he suddenly was less enthusiastic about fighting under him.
He'd had doubts about the partition for a while. Raptus was the source of most of them. How could a force for good have sadists like him? He had told himself it was for the greater good, but really, was it? With everything that had now been presented before him?
"Well... I'm starting to believe you," Sy began, "But this still isn't enough. If everything you've said is true then I'll fight for your cause, I'll help EXODUS. But I'm not completely convinced. Prove it all to me, and I'm your man."


Aug 22, 2014
A place
"I didn't fall asleep, it's just a bit... disturbing, seeing as I escorted that person." Dan replied, who seemed fairly pale. As the Captain walked over and told them what was about to happen, Dan, still a little shocked, seemed paranoid. "How do we know this isn't a trap? The Partition aren't that stupid? Why did it suddenly go silent?" Dan blurted out when Captain Duvares walked away. Calming down a little, he noticed a strange lump running from her shoulder to her spine, about a quarter of the way down her back. "Also, what the hell is that thing running down her back?"

Tito sighed. "No way of knowing if its a trap or not. If she's been captured, it's probably our only chance to get her back though. If she's abandoned us, it's our only chance to prevent any advanced technology she holds from falling into the hands of the enemy. It may be a trap, or they may have been caught out by the tracker. Either way, we have no choice. Better to go and see." Tito peered at Elin as she walked away following Dan's comment. "I...don't know. If it's an implant, it's in an unusual location to interface with the nervous system. If it's a concealed weapon, it's in an inconvenient place to draw. I hope it's something that can work out in our favour though."

"Well I guess we should go and get ready for deployment, and I should get a proper gun. I assume the armoury is perfectly clean and tidy after you finished with it?" Dan joked before setting off to the armoury, assuming Tito would keep up.

Tito reacted with mock horror. "As if I would ever do something so against regulations?" Grinning, he slapped Dan on the back. "You sure you know what you're doing with one of those? Remember, point the end with the hole in at the bad guys before you pull the trigger!" Tito strode away to the barracks. "I need to get my suit. Meet you at the hangar! Try not to shoot yourself in the foot on your way!"

Shaking his head, Dan continued his journey to the armoury, and making it there, picked up a pistol with an electronic sight from the rack. There were an impressive variety of weapons, but they weren't the kind of weapons Dan was used to using. A pistol was like a taser. Point and press once. He walked past the firing range on his way out and took a few shots. They all hit. Still targets were much easier. He walked out to the hangar and began to play with the electronic sight as he waited for Tito.

Tito arrived a minute or two after Dan, dressed in his combat armour and carrying his rifle slung across his back. EMP grenades were harnessed across his chest, and his sidearm sat in a leg holster. The joking mood from earlier was gone - Tito had a serious look on his face, ready to go to battle. Elin looked over the two of them. "Good, looks like you're ready. The target of this operation is a small house in one of the more prosperous areas of the Undercity. We have reason to believe it may be a safehouse for the Partition, as we've had some surveillance on it for a while. As a result, we go through the door with no idea of what we may be facing. If you see any sign of a weapon on any occupants, you shoot first. To disable if possible, or to kill if not. We clear the premises, and we look for any signs of both Partition activity and any traces of INA. Prepare to deploy." Elin turned and climbed on board the floatcar. Tito grabbed Dan by the shoulder briefly, before following her.

Dan shut his eyes briefly and breathed out through his nose. When he opened them again, he had a new look of determination in his eyes. He looked fairly silly in his clothing compared to the others, but hidden beneath the casual clothing was a complex shielding system. He holstered his gun and climbed into the floatcar. Even if death awaited him and the end of this journey, this time there was one big difference. He was ready to fight.


Popular Member
Jul 23, 2014
Not Kansas
Ina waited patiently for Leo to respond. Even though it hadn't even been a minute, every moment could make the difference between her life and death. Sitting down on a comfortable, tidy, white bed, she took a moment to look around her room; or rather, her simulation of a room. Similar to the bed, the entire room was well kept and neat, with a cream-colored carpet, brown walls and white curtains surrounding a window that overlooked a peaceful simulation of Magnopolis. As Ina's eyes traveled across the room, they met themselves. Sapphire eyes reflected back through a medium size mirror mounted on the wall; supposedly the eyes of the human her mind would have been inhabiting at this point. Well, more like several years from now, as the virtual body had progressed a good bit faster than the real one would've.

The life-like representation of Ina peered back through the mirror with straight, shoulder-length, black hair, slightly 'shorter than average' height, and the combination of a hoodie, jeans and boots that Ina believed was referred to as "urban." She had seen this body plenty of times before, so it wasn't much of a surprise, unlike the first time she had seen the reflection of her shell. Thinking about it, Ina found it curious, the amount of detail placed in both the simulated body and the shell. The shell especially could've been more combat efficient, yet it sacrificed efficiency to mirror this body as closely as possible. Additionally, for the equivalent of 16 years, she had been trained and told to follow orders by every simulated character except for one. The body of this defiant character varied between scenarios, but it would always tell her to question the others and think for herself. For the Institute's engineers, it seemed odd, as neither of these things appeared to lead toward their "ideal combat robot."

Suddenly, several buildings within the outside simulation of Magnopolis began to distort and flicker. At roughly the same time, a damage report screen flashed into Ina's vision. "Leo!? What just happened to m--" Ina began to question in a panic before noticing the radio transmitter among the list of damaged systems. In the 3D diagram of her core, a red cone showed damage from what appeared to be a drill of some sort. There's no way 'Wyatt' could be that stupid...but then again, there were some truly moronic humans. Or perhaps they decided to sell her core off after cutting her communications? If they could find the right buyer, they'd likely retire in luxury. Then again, they did mention a signal. Maybe they had to remove a hidden tracker? Even so, a drill!? A few millimeters to the side and it could've killed her!

Ina took a few moments to calm down and think logically. With these damages, all communication with the outside world was now impossible, which meant she couldn't make a difference anyway. All that was left was to hope her core was placed back into her shell so the internal nanobots could repair the damage. Supposing the worst, if she was about to die, she may as well enjoy her last moments. On that thought, Ina issued a mental command and reached over to pick up a silver flute that had just appeared on top of the dresser at the right side of the bed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Inwardly kicking himself, Leo caught the core. "Uh, yes-- right away, captain..." He sped off back to he had left Wyatt, the AI and Ina's shell, talking as he grabbed various pieces of technological equipment from the room and put them into a sack. "Wyatt, we need to evac, pronto. Raptus isn't pleased at all... he said something to the effect of Godetzka sanitizing the place, I think this is a major dilemna. I assume the shell's back in one piece, so I'll take it away now. You'd better pack your things, and grab whatever you'll need on the road from this place." With the transmitter removed, I don't think I can talk to Ina... I haven't gotten any comms from her yet, either. He kicked himself mentally again. Idiot... trusting fool... of course they're coming here! Take care of number one, that's what's important now. For lack of a better storage solution, and flustered with his desu-up and the impending disasters, he stuffed Ina's core back from whence it came, the compartment of her shell's stomach, and closed it. Then, with a last look around the room to ensure nothing useful remained, he hoisted the sack over one should and Ina over another, and hightailed it down to the sleeping quarters to grab the rest of his belongings, leaving Wyatt and the AI alone. It only took a few minutes before Leo had everything packed, and was returning to the loadout station.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gardenia heard the door slam behind her. She despairingly walked towards her bodyguard, and brought her to a floatcar heading towards the dinner she has scheduled.

On the way there, she had a thought about the events at the Castius Club. About EXODUS, their shroud of secrecy, and what seems to be their magical powers.

What can they do, she thought, they can bend space so that whoever sees it will not see the truth, I know that. What else can they do? Will they be a threat to us? Will they pair with the Partition? That Partition operative should still be there. Maybe now I can get Director Marquese to send troops to apprehend him. But will Exodus retaliate?

After a lot of debating in her head, she decided to try to inform Marquese about Sy again. She turned on her communications device, and messaged Marquese:

Director Marquese
Partition operative spotted in Institute compounds, armed.
Location: the Castius Club, Upper City
Send troops for apprehension immediately.

Gardenia Pirosé
Daughter of Director Pirosé


Jul 31, 2013
"Wait.." But before Wyatt could finish his sentence. Wyatt cursed, putting that piece back is an idiotic move. Did Leo forgot the droid was made to kill us? Nevertheless it luckily didn't look like the shell got activated. Thus either the core got damaged and broke or Leo failed to correctly put it in. Wyatt hoped it was the later but feared it would be the first.
He quickly grabbed his stuff and followed Leo, hoping to catch up and maybe get him to remove the core out of the shell.

While Wyatt grabbed his stuff the AI was trying to contact INA but didn't get any response. The AI now had to consider the fact that the core got broken, which would ruin its plans. While the AI tried to adjust his plan back to the original state it helped Wyatt finding his stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wodan sighed. "Alas, the only way to prove their brutality would be for you to see it yourself. I cannot show you - you must walk the streets and see it yourself. As to the other though, I mentioned two surviving subjects. The first is Karl Marquese, and I doubt he would want to talk to you. The second however is more promising - Godetzka. She is part of the second generation experiments. If you were to ask her nicely, you may get what you wish to find out. There is no need to..." Wodan was cut off by the sound of a communicator bleeping softly. Pulling it from his robes, he read the message and sighed. "I am sorry, but it seems we must depart. Mr Revenant will see you out via ways that none know of. It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr Velos. Rest assured I shall stay in touch should you have any questions or concerns." Wodan and Apollo headed off into the darkness at the end of the room, the latter with a curt nod to Sy. Revenant walked up behind him, carrying Sy's coat. "If you would like to follow me."

Revenant led Sy out of the room, before sliding open an electronically camouflaged door fitted into the wall of the hallway. A ladder within took them down to the sewers, and a twisting dark maze of tunnels that Sy soon lost track of. Eventually, they reached a ladder leading upwards. "This will take you deep into the Undercity. None will be able to link you to our meeting. Farewell." Revenant turned and stalked off into the gloom. As Sy turned to the ladder, he received a neural message from Raptus. Leo fucked up. Safehouse compromised. Meet where this shit began.

As Leo, Raptus and Wyatt left with INA's body, they bumped into Natalya, whose luggage gave off a distinct odour of fuel. Shaking her head pityingly at Leo, she hauled the bag in and shut the door. Raptus whirred irritably as they set off, twisting through the streets as they disappeared into a maze of alleyways. His demeanour gave the impression that trying to talk to him would be a pretty short lived idea. A couple of minutes into the journey, he stopped and spun to face them. "Right, fuck off. We split here, because I don't want you bastards giving me away. Get back to the warehouse where you walking disasters first got lumped together into an allegedly functioning unit. Piss off, before I gut you and save the Institute the trouble." That said, he clanked off down a sidestreet, leaving Wyatt and Leo alone.

Elin and the squad dismounted the floatcar, and ran to the door on Elin's direction. As they pressed against the wall, Elin looked pointedly at Tito and began counting down on her fingers. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. BAM! Tito's foot slammed into the door, knocking the lock out of the frame. Elin rushed through, scanning from side to side as the others followed. "Clear." The living room seemed fairly normal, with the exception of an elevator entrance and the pervading smell of fuel. Elin's expression darkened. Was it a trap? Were they to be burnt alive? No, the door was wide open. There was no risk. Then why...?

A hum filled the room as the elevator display began to move. The hum intensified and grew louder until it ceased suddenly. A ding echoed throughout the room as the doors slid open, revealing Natalya as she stowed a small computer chip into a pocket of her jacket. She was talking into a communicator as she moved. "Copy that. I have the bastard's chip, so I'll get that to you when...I'll call you back." A look of shock had quickly rippled across her face, only to be swiftly replaced by her usual mocking smirk as she stowed the communicator away. "Well well well. Captain DuVares and her boytoys sneaking around in a condemned scandalous! Now, I'm in a rush, so I'll just be letting you get to it..." Natalya paused as Elin's bullet whizzed past her head. "Ooh, someone's feeling kinda dominant tonight. But I'm not that easy that you can just ask for it and receive." Natalya's weapons seemed to almost fly into her hands as she snatched them from their holsters. "So then, you mad swingers. Shall we dance?"

As Gardenia's floatcar arrived, her communicator pinged.

Location searched, no hostiles located. None observed leaving the building. I know it's been a rough time, but there's no need to jump at shadows. The Upper City is secure. M.

Outside the floatcar, a parade of men and women in the latest fashions meandered about the grounds of the Forsythe's palatial abode as immaculately presented waiters weaved their way through with trays of drinks. As the driver opened the door, a nearby waiter strode over to formally greet her and her a drink. His eyes held the slightest promise of a smile as he handed her a delicate flute filled with vintage champagne.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Sy followed on behind Revenant, the mapping program in his implants ticking along to remember the way up here. The plans to this sewer would be worth a hell of a lot to anyone in the Undercity, and a fair amount to the Institute as well. Not that he had any intention of giving them out to anyone else, he didn't feel like crossing EXODUS. He wanted to be on fair terms with them, if he didn't join them, which seemed increasingly likely. He had no way of telling if Wodan was lying - his voice was disguised, his face was covered, and he had no idea who he was. It could have been Leo for all he knew.
Revenant, though, seemed like something different. He could swear that, somehow, he could recognise the man. Something about... his gait? The way he walked? He wasn't sure. But something was definitely there.
Soon, they came to the end, and after saying his thanks, he made his way up the ladder. His augmented eyes soon adjusted to the relatively bright light up there. Or is it down there?
A neural message popped into his head, stating where to go. Jesus, he hoped Leo hadn't done something too serious. then again, it meant they had to evacuate a safehouse... was it a compromise of location or something more immediately deadly? He had no idea which was worse.
Activating his ally tracker, he looked across the map of the whole Undercity now within his vision. 3D, marked with locations of safehouses, black markets, and other points of interest. Human-scale coloured avatars showed the location of partition agents.
Raptus, Leo and Wyatt seemed to be somewhere on their way to the safehouse, but Godetzka was doing something that surprised him. She was still in the warehouse that they'd have evacuated from. Was she clearing up?
Sy had two options. Follow orders and join the group, or go to Natalya, to try and get some answers from her?
The answer came quickly to him. He needed those answers, this could be huge.
The safehouse wasn't far. After a few minutes at a light jog, Sy entered the building. He caught a faint whiff of petrol, which was somewhat worrying, but more worrying than seeing Godetzka's avatar in his vision. He could hear her talking from down the stairwell, and, moving down it stealthily but swiftly, he came to see the back of three Institute troops, recognising Elin Duvares who he assumed to be their commander. The other two took a moment, but the partition's database pinned them as the two that had killed Ravyn in the Short Circuit. He'd never liked that brat, but he was part of his team. He wasn't going to let that slide.
Now came the question of what to do. Help Natalya? She was extremely powerful, he knew, but could she take down three troops, one of them a commander, on her own? Not to mention that Sy could see a large lump on Duvares' shoulder. That looked suspicious as anything could be. Some kind of new weapon, perhaps? Something to specifically counter Godetzka's abilities?
He decided that there was only one course of action that he could take, and that was to lend a hand and potentially leg it if things got bad. Even with one shot from him, he reckoned that he'd have helped her a decent amount.
Syderis unslung his rifle from his back, keeping the cloaker on it to help conceal himself while he readied a shot. Luckily, there weren't moving much, yet.
The nerdy-looking one seemed like the best bet for his opening shot. He readied a full metal jacket round, aimed quickly, and fred it, the ferromagnetic missile careening straight for his body.
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Popular Member
Jul 23, 2014
Not Kansas
As Ina played her silver flute, the pure, high-pitched sound rang throughout the room, or at least it sounded like it did. Unlike her persona, which was still fairly dull even without being dampened as "INA," her song expressed incredible levels of emotion. Each note figuratively danced around the room as it left the silver cylinder in a playful melody. When the final measure had reached it's end, Ina lowered the flute and gazed towards it as she rolled it around in her, now soft and squishy, hands. Maybe it was her lack of personality that caused humans to view her as a walking toaster? That would be easy enough to fix. After all, the flute made it clear that she was capable of personality; it would just take some experimentation.

Ina thought back to how she had learned to express feelings with a flute. Mostly, it was by mimicking humans regarded as experts and applying her favorite techniques from each one to form her own playing style. In this case, she would try to do the same thing with personality. That would be simple enough in theory: understand the building blocks of personality, test out each one, and build a unique persona for herself out of those.

Rising from the bed, Ina let the flute fall from her hand as she vaporized it into non-existence with another mental command. From what she had observed of humanity, each persona was driven by goals, desires and insecurities. Those were likely the building blocks. Her goals were already clear, but what about the desires and insecurities? If anything, that was what she lacked. Ina could mimic almost any human behavior, but without any desires or insecurities to define her own behavior, she just ended up dull and boring. Thus, those would be what she would put on trial. Each desire. Each insecurity. if she could just remove the stupid malware from her head then she could start her testing.
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Aug 22, 2014
A place

Elin swore as the first volley of bullets missed, immediately firing another spray towards her enemy. Again, the bullets sparked harmlessly off the walls as Natalya closed in, firing at Tito as she rushed in to closer range. Tito threw himself behind a sofa, dodging the small-arms fire.

As Dan readied himself, a rifle round slammed into his abdomen from behind, searing pain lancing up his body as blood began to flow freely from the damage he had sustained. His vision blurred briefly, before refocusing.

Tito spun at the sound of the gunshot, noticing Sy perched in the corner. Snapping his rifle up to his shoulder, Tito unleashed a spray of suppressing fire at the sniper. Despite the lack of focus on accuracy, several bullets caught Sy as the spray sped towards him. Though the damage was minor, Sy found his movement and aim restricted by the bullets.

A searing pain flared up Dan's body. He shouted out in pain. "Argh!" Quickly, his emergency overdrive came on, slowing down time like when he was programming. He looked around, and spotted what looked like another Partition operative who had fired at him. Seeing as Dan did not have dying high on his to-do list, he ran away round a corner and hid. From this position he could look up through a window and fire, but they wouldn't think he had stayed. I haven't left, he sent in a rushed message to the commander and Tito. That person who had shot him, he had snuck up on him incredibly well. It made him suspect some kind of cloaking system. He opened up his hacking interface, and searched for it. Finding the files he was looking for, Dan faded from view.

Elin snapped her head round following the appearance of the sniper. A brief hand signal was enough to direct Tito to keep the sniper controlled, before she snapped her attention back to Natalya. With Dan having hidden, she couldn't do anything to help him, so she was forced to turn her attention to her opponent. Another burst of bulletfire lanced its way towards Natalya, who weaved between the shots, slashing at Elin as she closed. Elin twisted away from the blow, the knife blade hissing as it whipped through the air.

Syderis swore and ducked quickly back down into cover as the hand signal was gestured in his direction, but not quickly enough. One of the enemy's shots gave him a light wound in his left shoulder, passing through but doing minimal damage. He kept going though, so it would now be far harder for Sy to make his shot. He decided there was nothing else he could do, and he'd have to finish the nerdy kid off.

That was more difficult than he realised though, because he was nowhere to be seen. He could swear he'd seen him just a second ago... then he remembered the partition had a small file on this guy. According to Leo and Ravyn's fight with him, he mimicked Leo's flame glove. So he could copy implants. That son of a bitch had stolen his chameleon implant, making him extremely hard to detect - there's be a field around him that copied the colours of any surfaces nearby.

Now Sy was left with a choice of firing at Duvares, or soldier boy over here, who was still supressing him harder than society supresses women.

Duvares would take a lot of shooting before she went down, so he decided to try his luck firing on chauvinist guy. He chambered a round, took aim, charged the coils in the rifle, and fired. The bullet caught Tito in the shoulder, knocking him off balance. Recovering quickly, he returned fire. The spray of bullets caught Sy square in the chest, a series of heavy kicks hammering into him. Sy felt blood rising in his mouth, as his vision dimmed and his limbs became heavier and heavier. His gun slid from his hands as he collapsed on the floor.

Dan recoiled as he saw his friend shoot down yet another Partition operative. It's for the greater good, he reminded himself. He walked over to the body and looked into his dying eyes in slow motion. The sniper would see a slight shimmer above him as he died. He set a quick reminder to himself to see if he had any living relatives. His file didn't describe him as a bad person, but just one who was misguided and brainwashed to join the other side. Still, it was all for nought if the bitch who killed the Captain's husband murdered them all. He was gonna need some damn good strategy to stop her, but luckily, Dan didn't need to make his own strategy, he had a program for that. Just before he engaged the program, he sent a message to Tito. If the bitch starts bleeding, try to keep her abilities disabled, you heard what Marquese said, don't let her bring that corpse to life. And with that, he engaged the Optimal Strategy Calculaion, his joints stiffening and beginning to move of their own accord.

Elin stepped back, smirking in grim satisfaction at the sight of Sy slumped on the stairwell. She fired again at Natalya, before rapidly reloading. The bullets hit home, but lodged into the protective plates affixed into Natalya's clothing.

Natalya ignored the fire from Elin, pushing forwards towards Tito. Her knife flashed, and a spray of blood flew into the air, splattering over Tito. Natalya continued, now bleeding heavily from her left arm, and vaulted the banister to where Sy's body lay. Her hand, coated in blood, pressed against his chest, and a gurgling sound could be heard.

"...y!....Sy!... WAKE UP YOU USELESS FUCK OF A BULLETSPONGE!" Sy's vision returned, blurry at first, as he seemingly climbed out of a dark freezing pool. There was a hand on his chest, filling him with warmth that spread from the point of contact to the ends of his limbs. He could vaguely see someone crouched over him, as the pain from his wounds returned along with the feeling of warmth. Then a sharp crack as he was slapped around the face. "Alright, you limp-dicked liability. You are going to get yourself the fuck outta here before you get yourself killed again. You're in my way - I was doing just fine until you showed up and got yourself shot. Now fuck off!" Hauling him roughly to his feet, Natalya almost threw him up the stairs. The whites of her eyes were now streaked with red tendrils, and the blood that flowed from her arm now swirled ominously around her, like a protective serpent. She turned and walked back down the stairs, blocking the exit. "This is my party, and I don't recall inviting you." Pulling her lighter out of her pocket, she sparked it a couple of times, lighting a cigarette, before tossing into the far corner. Flames began to flicker as she took a deep drag. "Sorry for the interruption. Now, where were we?"

Sy coughed and spluttered, a spattering of blood leaving his mouth as Natalya brought him back to life. His heart had been stopped for seconds, and during that time he'd felt... oddly warm. He'd taken solace in the fact he could do nothing, and he'd felt peace. Now, though, he was back alive and had to do something to stop it happening again. Natalya had dragged him to the top of the stairs, and he was almost safe. He dragged himself to his feet, stumbling out of the building, until he had to stop and rest in an alley. Being nearly dead hurt, and it was scary, that he'd come that close and then let it happen, his brain had stopped caring. He wouldn't allow it next time, if there was such a thing.

After hours of stumbling and walking, he was once again in the back-alley chopshop, and the good doctor had only to take one look at him before he carefully placed the man on the operating table / dinner table and set to work.

When Sy came to, the man was cleaning up, and he looked over at Sy with just a hint of concern in his face.

"You know what, Sy? You're one of my best customers, but it ain't easy seeing a friend getting beat up constantly like this. I get it, freedom fighter, hero of the people and all that, but don't you think you're taking it a little far?" He said.

Sy looked at the man for a moment, and took a deep sigh, wondering if the doctor was right. In a way, he was. It seemed certain now that Wodan had told him the complete truth. He hadn't been sure, but nearing death had put things in perspective. It had been more effective than talking to Natalya possibly could have been.

"I've been fighting for the right ideals, Zed. Just not the right people. It's all worth it to me."

With that, Sy left, picking up his equipment on the way out. Zed had taken the credits from his implant already, he could tell.

Sy was tired as hell, if in a lot less pain. He wasn't sure what to do, but going back to the fight wasn't an option. He'd get creamed again, and Godetzka, his only way of contacting EXODUS again, would be too pissed at him to even consider helping him contact them.

He would have to go back to the partition safehouse where Raptus told him to meet. By now, he'd be hours later than the others, but hey, he'd be somewhere.

Setting off, it took him about half an hour but eventually, dog-tired, he made it to the safehouse, looking around for the others there.

Tito snarled as Natalya revived and cleared Sy from the area. Raising his rifle, he fired at Natalya, though the shots went wide as she weaved out of the way.

Dan watched in shock as the sniper was brought back to life in front of him. He silently discarded his notes to contact the guy's family. The terrorist bitch had activated her blood powers. Not good. "I was shooting you in the head." Dan replied to her sarcastic question, his voice seemingly coming from nowhere. Suddenly, something shimmered in the air next to Captain DuVares, and with a burst of blue, Dan reappeared. In one fluid movement, he swung his arm up and took a shot at the Partition operative, the bullet flying straight for her head. The bullet struck true, although a tendril of blood passed in front of its path at just the right time, the bullet crumpling against the hardened structure. "Hey, Captain." Dan said, panicking, his words slurring a little, "You got any of those healing bots?"

Elin sighed when Dan faded back into view. Slapping a hand on his shoulder, a healing burst flowed through his body as his flesh was knitted back together. Meanwhile, Natalya closed in on Tito, bladed tendrils flashing towards his body as she smirked. Though Tito twisted away, one cut deep into his leg, causing blood to stream from his leg. Crying out in pain, he collapsed to the floor, throwing down his energy shield as he did so.A protective shell encased him as he lay prone, trying to staunch the flow of blood.

Dan sighed as the healing bots flowed through his body, entering his bloodstream. However, he quickly pulled himself together as Godetzka approached his friend. "Tito!" He shouted as the blood tendril pierced into his skin. He rushed to his shielded friend's side and drew his daggers. Energy rushed through his body, and the power held in the knives was enough that you could feel the strength of it in the air. "If you think I'm going to let you hurt my friend and ally, you're in for a bit of a... shock. Bitch." He snarled, before slicing at Godetzka with the electrified blades.

Natalya sidestepped the blow, laughing mockingly at his attempt to hit her. "Aww, did I upset the little baby?" Elin cut her off with another spray of bullets, which Natalya narrowly weaved through, stepping closer and closer to Dan. "As I warned you before, this ain't the fucking sandpit kid." A solid spear of blood shot forwards, impaling Dan right where the nanobots had just finished their work, tearing into the still fresh and tender flesh. "If you don't grow the fuck up, then I'm going to beat you like you should have been years ago." The tendril twisted as she withdrew it, intensifying the pain.

Tito hammered on the wall of his shield. "DAN! Don't worry about me, I'm safe in here. Take care of yourself instead!"

Dan doubled over in pain as the tendril retracted, glancing back at Tito. He wasn't safe in there, and Dan knew it, but he was safer than Dan was. Just a bit longer, and then I can show that bitch what's up. Bet she's never had her abilities turned against her before he thought. He ran back away from Tito, and stood behind Captain DuVares, trying to make him not her priority target. "I might not be able to grow up, Natalya," he spat, "But at least I can see the truth. What do you hope to gain? To overthrow the government? To put in your dictator? What do you think will happen then? A new Partition will rise up and take over. You aren't doing good you idiot, you're just killing people. Just creating death." He punctuated his words with a throw of one of his knives.

Natalya casually stepped to one side, as the knife sailed past harmlessly. "Overthrow the government? Rule the people? What makes you think I give a shit about any of that? I don't give a shit whether I do good or not. All I care about is getting close enough to a certain individual so that I can rip the fucker apart slowly and painfully. Repay a little of what he did to me. Just so happens that these guys offer me the best chance to do that. Don't talk down to me like I'm a moron. Don't act all high and fucking mighty while you're hiding behind your captain. And don't spout that moralistic bullshit like you think I'm gonna care." A dark, twisted grin spread across her face. "Because I know what I want, and I'm going to get it, even if it means burning this city to the ground."

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Elin shouted, ripping off her overcoat. The large lump on her back was revealed to be a monstrous implant, heavily vented and with a large fan mounted on the back. "Initialising IN-OCX Experimental Neural Overclocker module. Clock speed max. Thermal safety overrides disable. Initialise Projectile Velocity Acceleration." Two cables snaked their way down her arm, socketing into her rifle as the fan on her back roared into life. "Complete system bridge in 3, 2, 1, 0."

Elin burst into motion, weapon up and firing at ridiculous speed. The bullets flew out of the barrel as if posssessed, a new hail of death pouncing at Natalya's throat. Natalya was forced to blink in surprise as the bullets pinged off her armour and tendrils, having been unable to react. Before she could even muster up a counterattack, Elin was pushing forwards, reloading and firing again.This time, the bullets hit home, blood spurting from fresh wounds. Elin snapped her head round to Dan. "Tuite! Graves! Evac from the vicinity of the building! I'll be out once I'm done here! That's an order!"

Natalya sniggered as the swirling red cloud that surrounded her darkened. "Well well well, seems the Institute has some fancy toys...forcibly accelerating your brainwaves huh? Can't be too good for you, can it!" This last phrase was punctuated by a large claw of three tendrils slashing at Elin. Blood splattered as the bladed edges bit in to her arm.

Tito looked stunned at what was going on, but jumped into action at Elin's command. Disabling his shield, he dashed for the stairs,limping heavily, before turning to cover Dan's approach. Once in position, he yanked a grenade from his belt and hurled at Natalya. An electrical burst engulfed Natalya, and her tendrils seemed to flicker and waver before recovering.

Dan was shocked a little at the insane speed Captain DuVares was fighting at. "Could've done that earlier.." he muttered, running up the stairs. It was tempting to stay behind to give Godetzka a taste of her own medicine but... well, DuVares seemed to have it under control. It was strange, though. Godetzka had said something about someone doing something to her. Strange. He grabbed Tito's arm as he went past, signaling that it was time to leave. Let's stay nearby he sent silently to Tito. The Captain told us to stay away from the building, but let's not go too far. We should stay near the floatcar and wait for her to come out. If she doesn't come out, we can't let her die in vain. Godetzka is insane. Captain may have that massive implant, similar to my own in accelerated brainwaves, not so similar in her insane speed, but I have inspected Godetzka's files, and she has some crazy shit going on.

Elin grunted in satisfaction as she saw the two leave. Charging to Natalya's blind spot, she opened fire repeatedly, the network of her disruptor field glowing beneath her skin. Both volleys of bullets hit home, but were stopped by the swirling blood cloud around Natalya.

Natalya looked around at the fires that were starting to spread. "Hey, with that thing running, you must be having trouble keeping your cool, right?" A thick heavy tendril slammed down towards Elin. When it struck, it recoiled as it bounced off the disruptor field running beneath Elin's skin. Elin merely snarled, firing again and again. This time, the bullets hammered repeatedly into Natalya's chest, blood pouring from her wounds as she coughed out yet more. With a bestial howl, Natalya manifested a crowd of blood blades and hurled them all at Elin. The spikes smashed through the subdermal field, puncturing their way through Elin's major organs. A huge spray of blood came from Elin's mouth as smoke rose from the overclocker. "I can't...die...don't want to...die....not while" she croaked. "Yeah, well I wanted a pony for Christmas, so hey, life sucks." Natalya retorted, retracting the spikes and letting her body slump to the floor. "Serves you right for getting in my way, you stupid bitch." Natalya turned and walked to the exit, her blood a raging storm around her, crackling out at the nearby objects.

Dan and Tito saw her exit the house from their vantage point, before she turned and headed down the nearest alleyway. Tito turned to Dan, his face pale. "Dan, you seriously think we can take on that much power? We're better off seeing if we can save the captain and any intel from the house than running to our own deaths."

"Our priority is saving the captain." He said solemnly. "But if we can get her healing bots working on herself, I could take Godetzka's abilities. Wait." He said. "I know, OK, we set off now, we get Elin in the floatcar, healing. Then we get within range of Godetzka, silently as possible, and I copy her files. We make our own nanobots." He said, his eyes lighting up. "Come on! We've got to save DuVares!" He concluded, sprinting off.

Tito dashed after Dan as they re-entered the house. The fire was blazing intensely as they battled their way through the heat to where DuVares lay, blood pooled around her. Tito pressed his fingers to her neck, frantically pressing harder and harder. "Shit! No pulse." Tito began chest compressions with one hand whilst hooking up an auxiliary feed to the back of her neck. "Brain wave response is minimal. There's a lot of burnt tissue around where the implant is dug in, the heat may have fried her spinal cord. We need to use something now, or she's gone."

Dan slowed time to almost a standstill, not bothering to reply to his friend. He found what remained of Elin's systems, how ironic that they resisted him as he attempted to save her life. The healing bots that Elin had stored, they could save her. Now was no time to be holding back reserves, and Dan aimed to put every single one into action. He got through, but he didn't get what he was aiming for. One dose would have to do. With a quick inspection of their programming, Dan realised how sophisticated it was. It seemed to know how to heal pretty much anything, so he didn't waste energy controlling them all, and set them into motion.

Tito's relaxed as the nanobots set to work. "Brainwave activity increasing...pulse detected..." He briefly held his hand beneath her nose. "...breathing. She's alive, but she's still in pretty bad shape. Seems the bots healed all that they could, but there's a lot of damage to her periphery. We need to get her back immediately for medical treatment...and out of this blazing building. Come on." Bending over, Tito picked Elin up and rested her against his shoulder. "Let's get outta here. Fire's eaten up anything Godetzka left behind. Best make sure we aren't included in that." Tito trudged to the exit.

"Good." Dan replied. "We bring her back to the floatcar. But... do I still get to copy Godetzka's files? We don't need to engage her in combat, and she shouldn't be able to find us even if something did go wrong, which it wouldn't. Come on man." He said as he helped support Elin's weight, carrying her out. "It's what the Captain would want. Imagine if she wakes up, and not only is she still alive, but we've gathered all the data she needs to avenge her husband! We've got to help her somehow, I doubt she'll be easy to calm down when she wakes up, she'll want to go back out and fight Godetzka. What if we could make her win that fight?"

Tito shook his head. "Did you see how much power she was holding when she walked out? I reckon she could probably tear the floatcar apart if she wanted to - these things ain't exactly heavily armoured or quiet. Even if the Captain lasts that long without medical attention, it's no use if we all die.

I feel where you're coming from, and honestly I'd quite like to jam several tons of C4 down that bitch and blow it, but remember this - Elin could have ordered us to stick around and assist her. Looking from how heavily Godetzka seemed to have bled, us being around may have been enough to tip the scales in her favour. Sure, she's pretty keen on getting even, but even in front of Godetzka she thought of us before her revenge. She wouldn't want us to put ourselves in that level of danger after she risked all she's fought for to keep us safe. How do you think she would feel if she saw that?"

"I guess you're right." Dan sighed. "I guess I get too caught up in our aims to see what the best plan is. Maybe we could make some of those stealth suits that I replicated back at base? I just don't want to leave this mission feeling like we've failed, and most of all, I don't want the Captain to leave this mission feeling like she's failed. I can't imagine the kind of pain Godetzka must have put her through." They had reached the floatcar. They gently lowered her down and made sure she wouldn't be hurt. "Keep a lookout and make sure she's OK. I'll drive."

Tito patted Dan on the back, carefully avoiding his wound. "Hey, don't be so down. We survived, right? Not many can say that after meeting Godetzka. We can always come back again and have another go, but the moment we throw our lives away in a rash attempt, its game over. We did what we could. That sniper got in the way too, and we still came out of it alive."

"Yeah. I guess. One day, though. One day we will beat her. I've got a project I'm working on at the moment that could help me do something fucking useful for once, rather than just taking a few hits." He sent a silent message back to base. Mission failed. Encountered Natalya Godetzka. Captain DuVares technically died, but we barely managed to restart her heart with her own healing nanobots. Please prepare an emergency medical team for her. Me (Agent Tuite) and Private Graves are both badly wounded from the battle too, but remain conscious. Also encountered Syderis Velos, presumed dead. We killed him but his blood flow was restarted by Godetzka.

And with that, he drove the floatcar back to base.

As the floatcar pulled away, Natalya, limping through the alleyway, looked back to the floatcar rising against the sky. Smirking, she pulled out her communicator and put it to her ear. "So, as I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted...I have the chip..."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Noticing the ping coming out from her communications device, she read the message sent from Marquese, grumbling as each subsequent word led to her realizing that Sy was not arrested. "Those little EXODUS fuckers," Gardenia mumbled, "they probably used their stupid little reality-bending curtains to make that little operative disappear..." Sensing the floatcar slowing to a halt, she figured that she had arrived, and gracefully exited the car, greeted by a waiter holding a glass of champagne for her.

Striding around Forysthe's with the glass in her hand, she tried to figure out a way to get rid of EXODUS. She had no idea what they were capable of, what they could do to stop an attack. She could try to win back her respect, but considering the incident then it might seem like an uphill battle. Taking a sip, she wondered whether it would even be worth the Institute collaborating with EXODUS. The Institute's powerful on their own anyways.

Looking at the wide array of delicacies at the banquet table, Gardenia decided that she was feeling a bit peckish, and strutted over to help herself to some food.


Popular Member
Jul 23, 2014
Not Kansas
"Quick, let's duck in here for a breather." Leo guided Wyatt into the shelter of an abandoned restaurant. Leo placed Ina's shell on the floor and went upstairs to take a quick scan of the area. When he returned, satisfied that no hostiles were in the immediate area, he told Wyatt, "Look, dude, I'm sorry I screwed this up. I didn't have any idea that the Institute would be tracking it, although I can see now that it should've been the easiest connection to make. How far from here is that warehouse?"

"Well, lets first remove the core from the shell." Wyatt answered. "INA is made to kill us, even if it didn't do so last time you met her totally activated. And that might have been intentional to get our location. Why did you keep the core hidden from me in the first place?"

Leo walked over to a small front window to scan the exterior again as he replied, "I haven't told you directly yet, but I think your companion knows; there is a program embedded in Ina's core that causes, among other things, repression of will and forced duty to the Institute. I believe it also interferes with signals, allowing the Institute to track Ina. Because the shell is inactive, though, it's no longer bothering her. I placed the core back in the shell without connecting it before we left the safe house, so if you think we have the time for it (and that you have reasonable assurance of your success), could you remove the core and inspect it? Maybe see if you can get to the source of her issues?" Leo sighed.
"I wouldn't be asking you to do this unless it seemed important, especially since my last action nearly ruined us all. I'll continue watching for enemies, but I think we have some time before it becomes too dangerous to move."

"My companion?" Wyatt asked surprised. "It shouldn't have known anything about INA. Unless it made contact with INA while you where seeking Raptus."

Wyatt then continued: "I can at least have a look at the core. If it can be fixed right now, at least it means we don't have to haul a robot."
While Wyatt went to INA to remove the core and inspect it
"As far as the problems you caused go, you removed a powerful weapon from the institute, and I doubt they have many of them,otherwise we would have seen more then one, and perhaps, if the core can be fixed who knows how it can help us."

"I guess this damage comes from Raptus?" Wyatt said as he pointed towards the area the sender got pulled out. "I won't be able to repair that, at least not right now. The problem was a program right? I might be able to fix that or at least get started on it. I just need to have a way to access the file system."

While Wyatt was searching for a usable connection he found the power button. "Did INA warn you not to press this button? I can see a connector, but I am not sure if it can be used to get to the files, and even it it can, I am not sure if there is any protection on it."

Not waiting for Leo to answer, Wyatt decided to plug his AI component in and ask it to see if it can communicate with INA. As soon as the AI was connected with INA it sent, "Are you still operational? Wyatt seems to be ready to remove the malware, is there any information that could help him? Knowing him, he will try to make an image of the drive so that if he screws something up he can revert the changes, is this possible?"

Ina responded promptly, "I'm still here, though I took some damage. Firstly, don't EVER use a drill on the core again. Tell him to shut off my core with the power button and access my core systems through the connector beside the button. I doubt any of you have a drive large enough to backup my system, so I wouldn't recommend that."

The AI quickly gave Wyatt the instruction to power the core off. It sent one last message to INA before Wyatt switched the power button "Wyatt is switching off the power now, when you wake your problems should be over."
As soon as INA was turned off the AI mounted INA drive into its own system. Quickly searching for the files it needs. As it digs through the piles of compiled code and where necessary either copying something to its own or making changes to it.

After some time the AI has exactly what it needed and removed the malware from INA while also putting a "nice gift" of its own in the mix of code. Of course, hidden from INA and only accessible for change if the core is powered down.

After it is done and the AI unmounted the drive, it sent Wyatt the message that INA should work properly again. If with properly you mean, doesn't shoot the people it was made to shoot.
"Well, here we go I guess," Wyatt said as he turned on the core.

Just like waking up, if you woke up in bits and pieces. Each memory came back to Ina, one by one, until she was complete again. With a mental command, the room simulation began to form around her, with her own virtual body forming around her consciousness. Was it really done? Was she finally free from the malware that had plagued her for so long? Without wasting a moment, Ina composed a response to the mysterious entity, presumably Wyatt, "Did you remove the Guardian program successfully?"

"It should be removed successfully," The AI responded. "Is there a way to test that? One that doesn't involve putting you in your shell with all your weapons ready to harm us." It then let Wyatt know that the core had booted successfully. As Wyatt got the message he smiled and let Leo know.

Ina replied to the message, "No, but I should be able to restrain myself if I'm at least 20 feet from any Partition member."

"Fantastic." Leo looked, "so what now? Has the program been removed?" He moved quickly to the window and peered outside again. Still, nothing appeared to present any danger. "If so, would that mean it's safe to reinsert the core? Or, actually, could your AI discuss Ina's plans with her beforehand? I'd like to know what she wants to do with the tracking program gone. Because that was really what she wanted Spider's aid on, was it not? With the program removed, what will happen next?" And, incidentally, that program was the reason for my screw-up.

The AI already got the message and Wyatt did not need to tell it what to do. It created a simple message, "If the program turns out to be indeed successfully removed what are you going to do then? Going back to the institute isn't exactly an option." While The AI wrote the message Wyatt answered what he could, "The program should have been removed, this in theory should make it safe to insert the core. I however would recommend that you keep your weapon ready in case things don't go as planned."

Ina considered for a few seconds before answering, "Until I can find a desire of my own, I will help Leo and Wyatt accomplish theirs'."

After Wyatt let Leo know what INA's response was he asked: "Do we insert the core now? Or shall we move on and go to the warehouse like we are supposed to?"

More than a few moments passed before Leo replied, "I think the best course of action is that which will not endanger the mission. Consider this...if we activate her here and now, we pose no threat to the Partition, save that which could be stopped by ourselves if Ina proves to be hostile. However, if she plans to cooperate with our objectives once the core and shell have been reunited, I see no immediate danger, because the tracking has been disabled. (We are sure that there's no more methods of tracking her, right?). And again... if we brought her back to the warehouse where the others have gathered, and reactivated her in their presence, I'm sure we'd be bringing a heck of a lot more trouble (Institute and commander-wise) on everybody if something went wrong." He paused. "I'm not in charge here, but I'd strongly recommend we activate her here, rather than where our side can be annihilated."

Wyatt thought for a moment before answering. "If it attacks the only way to stop INA is by destroying it. Which would probably piss off everyone. On the other hand, if it did work we won't have to carry the bot. We then just need to hope it won't run away for one reason or another." Wyatt then disconnected the AI and placed the core in the shell. While he did so he asked Leo to prepare for the worst.

"Whaddya mean, the worst? You fixed her, right?" Perplexed, Leo stared at Wyatt. What was he raving about now?

Wyatt sighed before answering. "Its very easy, we are dealing with code written by others, on a machine that I don't have the blueprints of. It is possible that the program is a lot stickier then most files you use. If this is the case it is possible INA will attack us as soon as I connect the core and the shell. Another possible thing is that removal of the program caused other programs to misbehave. Although I won't think this will be the case, we will never know for sure until we test it."

Leo reached for his sword, but kept the electrical aspect disabled as he replied, "Sounds fair enough. I'm ready when you are. And, by the way, if this ends in our deaths, I'm blaming... uh, me."

Wyatt formed the AI and said, "well, here it goes then," while he connected the core to the shell.

As the large cord was connected to the core, the entire system seemed to come to life, with other, smaller cords seemingly moving on their own, as they magnetically connected to other parts of the core. After about a minute of internal renovation, Ina's eyes began to light up with their bright sapphire glow. She stirred, as if waking from a deep slumber as she regained control of each limb of her shell, one by one. Sitting up, Ina looked over at the three battle-ready figures, all of which were familiar to her. A smile placed itself on her face; genuine looking, but short-lived, as it was more of a 'test smile' for the sake of proving she could. Ina closed her core compartment and stood, turning to face the three. She held her hands up to show she meant no harm and slowly began walking towards them, without any trace of the rage that previously constricted her face. "Well everything seems fine," Ina spoke, not fully trusting herself as she took each new step, "it might be smart of you to keep those weapons ready just in case though."

"Wyatt... it appears you've done an exceptional job, with the assistance of your companion." Leo lowered his weapon slightly and kept his gaze focused on Ina. "And Ina... this is Wyatt, the one who (hopefully) fixed you. Welcome back to the physical world, by the way. Oh, and if you recall that drill damage from before... congratulations, you've encountered one of our commanders; hopefully that didn't hurt too much?"

Wyatt deformed the AI, as it was hopefully not needed anymore. He was happy to see that it all went to plan.

Ina continued until she was next to Leo and lowered her right arm (with the laser) to her side, reaching out with the left arm to poke him on the cheek. Her 'finger' felt smooth, but colder and harder than a normal finger might. She smiled in an attempt to reassure them she meant no harm as she spoke calmly, "thanks to the both of you. It's so nice to have that stupid malware out of my core. I know I told Wyatt this, but as a way of repaying you, I can help with whatever desire you might have. Unless that desire involving harming innocent humans or something."

Wyatt answered, "You don't have to thank me, I am already happy that there is one less laser to worry about. It was also interesting to see how your shell is made. Its built a lot better than the usual droid we have to face. I do wonder, are there more built like you? For a robot that is so far as I know only supposed to fight, you are built overly complex. Not that I mind that, it made removing that piece of crap a lot more interesting."

Ina turned to look Wyatt in the eye and responded, "I'm somewhat confused as to my upbringing myself. My core put me through plenty of combat simulations, but I was always told to protect as many humans as possible. As you can see, this shell is also not as combat effective as it could be. It's as if the humans who build my childhood couldn't agree on what I was meant to be: a warrior or a human." She turned away in what appeared to be a faint shame, "I only know of one other individual like myself. He's an insane murderer and I hope you never have to meet him."

Insane murderer. Leo shot a swift glance at Wyatt, but he couldn't detect any hint of a reaction. "At any rate, we're glad to have you with us, Ina. But I believe we shouldn't spend much more time here... it's high time we met the others at our rendezvous point. We don't quite know what our next task will be yet, but if you have any opinions you'd like to express before we set out, now's the time." Leo thought about the touch Ina had given him. It was cold, but the motive that powered it seemed pure. Yep, I'm an idiot. Raptus will kill me. Although, there's no actual reason for that... why does something still feel strange?

Ina gave a piercing stare into Leo's eyes as she spoke with her usual calm tone, "I know he's a member of the Partition. You may even know him yourselves, but neither of you seem like bad people, so I have to ask: what relationship do you have with him?"

"There... there can only be one person like you described..." Leo heaved a sigh. "He knows you were around, but he made no effort to interfere; although, his was the drill that removed your transmitter." He glanced at Wyatt again. Still nothing. "We were assigned to a certain Raptus as our operating officer. We... we've heard, and seen, what he's capable of, and how he treats others. It's unfortunate that the Partition has such an officer, but it would be more unfortunate still if he were instead to be fighting the civilians and even the resistance movement. And so, we have to take everything with that knowledge... Raptus is brutal, inside and out. We can't do anything to stop that."

Ina nodded, her suspicions confirmed, "so there was a transmitter after all. That actually answers a number of questions I had." In realization, her face and tone turned apologetic, "I'm truly sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. However, you should know that I can't blindly accept orders from him. I will help the both of you, but my goal is peace and if I see him work against that goal by killing an innocent human, I'm likely going to neutralize him. Especially if he endangers your own safety."

"Just, don't do anything stupid. I understand you won't like Raptus but I fear he will be stronger then you." Wyatt gave as response. "I think that we need to go on now. We probably stayed longer here then we could have afforded already. We repair the damage Raptus did to you later when we have more time and the equipment to do it." With that said Wyatt went to the exit.

"Of course, your position is understandable. To echo Wyatt, though, try not to do anything rash," Leo told Ina. "But! We'll burn that bridge when we come to it, or something like that. Anyway, time to head out." He sheathed his sword, adjusted his outfit, and followed Wyatt outside.

Following the two, Ina walked forward and stepped out into the light. As the undercity, it was still fairly dim, but less so than it was inside the abandoned building. Cautiously looking around for danger signs, she strode beside them as they closed the distance to...wherever it was they were going. "There is another, more personal, thanks I can give you if you're interested," Ina stated calmly to the both of them as they moved. "It would be best to wait until tonight though."

Somewhat taken aback, Leo responded, "Ahh-- I, for one, will keep that, um, favor in mind. Perhaps you can explain what you mean on our way there? I estimate that it will take some time to reach the warehouse."

Ina responded to Leo's question, "it is a little complicated, but I will try to explain quickly. My shell requires a constant supply of power from my core and, while it can keep up for a while, it eventually needs time to recharge. During this time, I can experience something similar to the human process of 'dreaming.' Unlike a dream however, this simulation is much more stable and I remain conscious. I believe, with my help, it should be possible to configure your neural implants in such a way that you can network with this simulation whilst asleep. The configuration shouldn't have any risk, but whether you're interested in trying this is up to you."

"As long as you're sure there is no danger associated with this process... it sounds tempting," Leo told her in return. "Aside from worrying about when and where and IF I'll even be able to sleep, that is... tell me, what would occur in this simulation?"

Activating her thrusters, Ina flew backwards in front of Leo to look him in the eyes and hovered there as he walked, "whatever you'd like to can occur, but I have a few simulations in mind that you might like. Which reminds me of a question: what desires do you have?"

"To be honest?" Leo raised his arms and crossed them behind his head as they continued to walk. He looked back intently at the hovering Ina. "I don't really know what I want. My emotions are very twisted right now." He slightly closed his eyes, thinking. "Right now, I want to get away from all this warfare, if even for a short time. I'd be ready for any simulation you'd like to show me, but if you wished me to describe a setting... I remember stories, from when I was younger. I've lived in this city for my whole life, and in all that time, I've never seen anything from outside of it." Leo sighed quietly. "Of course, there are other experiences I might be expected to want, and maybe there will be another chance for those in the future... but for now, I'd like to visit a place without a hint of humanity." He opened his eyes again. "Can you simulate such a place? A... a forest, or a mountain? I remember them being described as calm places."

Ina noticed a split in the path and returned to walking beside Leo so he could continue leading. "I suppose I guessed your preferences correctly then. If the connection is successful, then it should be more than possible. Of course, they can only be representations of what the outside world was like back then; I can't guarantee complete accuracy. Also, that wasn't what I meant when I asked about your desires. If you could be anything or do anything. If you could have people see you any way you wanted. What would you be? What would you do would they see you?"

"If I could be anything...? Or... do anything?"
"I'm no hero. It's not as if I ever hoped to be one. I just wanted things to be fair. And, whether you know it or not, whether it was actually true or not, to me, things weren't fair. I don't know whether, without the Institute in charge, things could ever be any other way. But... as long as there's a chance, I want to keep fighting for it."
He paused. "Not sure where exactly I was going with that, but to get back to your deeper question... if I could, if there was a way, I'd like to make a place where people can feel safe. It wouldn't have to be a whole lot of people. Even just one would be fine to start with." Leo flailed his arms around a bit, then continued, "Or, maybe I'm just talking nonsense. I'm not sure how much of all this was relevant to your question, after all. Let's just say, I'd want others to view me as somebody they can be happy with."

Seeming to speak to herself, Ina repeated Leo, "somebody to be happy with. It's a typical desire, but I think I can work with that. What sort of happiness are you referring to?"

"Well, of course it's typical? Not everybody is happy..." Leo replied in a lower tone. "Ever heard of skin hunger? Not that I'd expect you to understand it... but also, just knowing that there are people who enjoy being in each other's company. Oh, that's right, you wouldn't know, of course... my family was killed by the Institute," Leo stated matter-of-factly. "I knew them once... now, I no longer have people to rely upon for things like that. So, it's a lonely road sometimes... the Partition is kind of like my new family, I guess you could say. Granted, it's less of a family, and more of a battle-born clan... but it's got people I can rely on, for now. And if this falls apart, too... well, that would change things, wouldn't it?"

Ina turned her head to the side to look at Leo and appeared to contemplate something before turning it forward again. "So your greatest desire is a family. A close group of individuals whom you can trust to have your best health as their priority. This then leads to a high capacity of trust for others, as you wish to establish that family. You wish to be seen as the kind of person that could be relied on for anything, so you're earnest and speak your mind plainly and without restraint." Ina looked back at Leo as she continued, "I do like that desire, I could see myself having it as well. I should ask though, has Raptus really shown that he has your best interests at heart? Wyatt here seems more like family than him. You should choose your family carefully instead of assuming an entire group is trustworthy."

"Hm, that's an interesting way of putting it; I guess it's reasonably close to the truth. As I said before, it's... unfortunate that one (or two?) of the Partition's top leaders turned out to be so... bloodthirsty. I admit, it seems like certain members are just out for power and killing." Leo clapped Wyatt on the shoulder, and went on, "I do appreciate my companions... we're slightly less ambitious, to my knowledge at least, eh buddy? But anyway, by no means would I trust blindly where it can be helped. Still, we have to do what we must to survive..."

Ina nodded to Leo and turned to face Wyatt, "I'll repeat the same question to you, Wyatt. What sort of desires do you have? If you could be anything or do anything. If you could have people see you any way you wanted. What would you be, what would you do and how would people see you?"

"A dream won't be able to get close to my desire. All it would do is tell lies about it." Wyatt paused. "I've lost everything I had, even the memories about it. I have no memories about who I was before I joined the partition nor about my childhood. No memories of friends. Its just all gone. The first memory I had was when I woke up, covered in blood from a wound in my head, the same wound that still marks my face. I have no idea how it came there all I know that my past from before that is gone. All I want is to know who I was but I have no hope that that wish will ever come true."

Returning a patient gaze, Ina replied, "well that's a sensible goal to have, but I'm more interested in your desires right now. An amnesiac like yourself would never be able to function as well as you are if they were to lose everything. Depending on the state of your mind, you might not even know your own desires, but they likely form your personality whether you're aware of them or not." Ina ran another quick scan of the area for any threats as she continued, "I suggest you focus on my third question. If you could have people see you as any kind of person you wished, how would they see you?"

"How I wish others saw me?" Wyatt said before pausing a bit. "I wish they saw me less as trash. I am good at electronics and I love working with them. Being able to do that was for a long time the only thing that kept me sort of sane.

Most others however don't have a clue about what I can do mostly thanks to the fact that I can't explain what I do or why I do it. My loss of memory sits in the way for that.I can see the problem in broken electronics pretty much in an instant depending on how complicated they are. I can come up with the right electronic circuits in matter of seconds to get a certain job done. However I just can't explain what is broken, why I decided to make the circuit the way I did.

To be honest, I can't fault others to not trust me with expensive electronics, why would they? All they see is some random guy desperately trying to explain something simple and failing miserably at doing so."

Ina looked back into Wyatt's eyes as she replied, "so if I understand correctly, your greatest desire is admiration. You wish people to see you as an expert in the field which you, in all likelihood, actually are an expert. You strive to take on and complete the greatest challenge possible in the hopes of earning that admiration. The fact that you removed the virus from my core backs these theories up. As you can probably imagine, I'm very adept with technological equipment myself, so I may be able to understand more than most humans."

Quickly taking a moment to think, Ina continued, "now that I know both of your major desires, I can see why you're friends. Leo, you consider Wyatt family and you've established a trust between the two of you as a result. Wyatt, Leo admires your knowledge and skills in return, and he's come to rely on you for help with technology he doesn't understand."

Ina looked back and forth between the two and eventually faced forward, speaking to them both, "thanks for answering my questions. This information will help me construct my own personality. It seems you're both divided between goals and desires though. I doubt 'Raptus' is capable of kinship and he's likely the one Wyatt referred to when he mentioned his wish of being regarded as higher than trash."

Leo raised an eyebrow. "Your analysis is... well-founded. I guess since this is the first time you've even had part of a chance to pick some humans' brains, it wouldn't exactly have been right for us to refuse your questions. Especially since this kind of stuff... well, it never gets talked about, really. But I'll stop rambling now, as it looks like --" Leo broke off, and pointed ahead, "-- we've arrived."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

An emergency medical team was waiting in the hangar as Dan and Tito returned. As soon as the floatcar landed, they rushed on board and hurried all three occupants off to the medical wing for emergency treatment. Dan and Tito's pain died away as they were sedated and wheeled away to be treated. The last either of them remembered was the white ceilings rushing past as their trolleys were rushed to the ward.

Dan came round to find himself in a recovery ward. A tight constricting feeling could be felt around his abdomen, where a bandage was tightly wound. Tito was sat up in the bed opposite him, leg and shoulder heavily bandaged. On a chair in the corner of the room was...Marquese, brooding over a datapad. Looking up, Marquese registered the fact that Dan was awake and cleared his throat. "Ahem. Thought I'd stop by to commend you both on your conduct yesterday. In the face of overwhelming odds, you fought with the discipline and skill that the Institute expects of you. You went toe-to-toe with a special war potential and their backup, survived, and then re-entered a burning building to rescue your commanding officer and pull off an incredibly ballsy manoeuvre to save her life. The whole Department is discussing what you have done - rest assured you've elevated the name of the Yeta squad. I'm proud to have men such as you under my command. Unfortunately, protocol dictates you have a formal debrief, but that can wait until you're completely healed. Get yourselves some rest." Marquese rose and walked to the door. "Oh, about Captain DuVares. She's safe thanks to your efforts, but the doctors aren't sure as to whether she'll make a full recovery or not at this stage. She used experimental technology beyond the limits that were set for its use. We don't know what the long term effects will be quite yet." Marquese paused, before turning to the pair and throwing a crisp salute. Turning back, he strode from the room.

Wyatt, Leo and Ina arrived at the warehouse to find it empty. There was no sign of Raptus, or of the large screen that was there the last time they met. However, speakers still crackled into life. "I see you managed to fix the programming on the robot. Good work Wyatt - it'll be a valuable addition to our cause. I have not been idle these past few days, and soon the people shall rise with us against the tide of Institute corruption. Until the time comes..." Spider was interrupted by the doors banging open as Natalya walked in. The bloody swirls around her had coalesced into fine tendrils that even as she moved were stitching her wounds back together. "Hey, look, it's the three fuckupsketeers! My internal bleeding would fucking love to say hello right now!" Natalya snarled as the tendrils dug several bullets from her wounds, the slugs pinging as they dropped to the floor and bounced. "Natalya, enough. Is the thread broken?" Spider cut across the inevitable tirade, causing Natalya to roll her eyes back. "Yeah yeah yeah. Crushed the chip into smithereens and spread it over the floor before I left. Set the place on fire too. Institute showed with some kinda experimental overclocker, but I killed the test subject and scared off the other two. Don't worry, you're still safe in your little hidey hole."

Sy showed up just as Natalya's debrief was completed. Going to a doctor had taken more time than Natalya's method of self-treatment. "I see we're all here. As I was saying, the people will soon have the corrupt nature of the Institute revealed to them first hand. Until then, we wait. Your cell is being disbanded for now. Return to normality until you are called for again. Dismissed."


Gardenia continued to circulate amongst the guests, sipping at her glass of champagne. Moving from group to group, she did as she normally did at these kinds of events, hobnobbing with the Institute's elites. However, something felt off this time. Her throat felt like it was being progressively constricted, like somebody was squeezing her around the neck. Her breath came harsher and harsher, until it turned to a wheeze as she gasped for air. Her plate and glass dropped to the floor as she clutched at her neck, finding it bulbous and swollen. The other guests stood frozen in horror as she clawed desperately at her throat, as if seeking to grab the air she needed in her own hands. Somebody began to scream as others began to shout in horror.

Suddenly, a strong hand grasped her arm and whisked her away through a set of doors. "Don't worry! I'm a doctor! I'll save her! She's probably just choking on some food." The doors slammed shut behind them as she was thrown to the floor on her back. Her doctor leant over her, pulling out a sharpened blade. " doctor from this city would ever be able to fix what's wrong with you." An incision down the middle of her neck, top to bottom. The knife blade burned, but she lacked the breath to scream or the strength to struggle, her oxygen starved brain going into full survival mode. "After all, the cells in your throat are currently dividing at an incredible rate - so fast in fact that they're crushing your windpipe." Another cut, from left to right along the centre line. The skin of her throat was peeled back to reveal the tissue underneath. "See, you could have died back there. Not one of them even thought to move to help you. Not one of them even thought to try the most basic of things." The blade cut into the tissue of her throat, lumps of excess being sliced away and removed as the pressure on her throat began to ease. "So consider this a friendly little warning, Miss Pirose. We are not an organisation that you cross. We are not a group who you seek to hinder. We are not a force that you want as your enemy." The knife cut a little more, and Gardenia's breathing eased. "Now, I'm terribly sorry to tell you that in my haste, I made a bit of a bad job on the initial incisions, and they're probably going to leave some fairly noticeable scars. But it's for your own good. After all, every time you look in the mirror you will be reminded of something that will save your life." He leant over, his lips next to her ear. "We are EXODUS. And we do not forgive those who stand in the way of humanity's freedom." The wounds in her throat were roughly sewn back together. "Sweet dreams, Miss Pirose." A sharp crack to her temple followed, and Gardenia was lost to the blackness.

When she awoke, she found herself in the medical wing of the Institute. She had been moved there so that Karl Marquese could watch over her more effectively. The only trace of the 'doctor' they had found was his face, lying discarded in a sidestreet near the house.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Yelling at @RJS if that is all I have in this collab)

Gardenia's stay in hospital was interrupted by the sound of her door whirring open. The large, imposing figure of Karl Marquese walked through the door, before sitting down on a small chair at the side of the room. Only then did he address her. "Miss Pirose. My men are currently trying to figure out what the hell happened to you last night. All we got from the guests is that you started choking, then a doctor dragged you away. When they actually thought to go and check up on you, they found you unconcious with surgical wounds on your neck. What happened in that time between you choking and being found?"

Gardenia's eyes slowly blinked open, revealing a hazy image of the Director. Too weak to sit up, she laid right on the bed, like a statue. Dull senses of pain coursed through her throat, severely affecting her speech. Upon hearing Marquese's question, she, without even sitting up, mumbled in a barely audible voice, "EX...O...DUS..." She stopped, seemingly short of breath.

"EXODUS?" Marquese echoed, confused. "Who or what is EXODUS? What were they doing there? What happened to you?"

Gardenia said nothing, still too weak to speak or do anything. Eventually fatigue overcame her, as she collapsed into sleep yet again.

Marquese walked to the door, and motioned in a young, fairly attractive girl wearing the uniform of an Institute programmer. A nurse accompanied her, holding a mess of wires. Marquese sighed. "She's either unwilling or unable to give us anything right now. As a result, we need to use more...unconventional methods." Turning to the nurse, Marquese started giving orders. "Monitor her vital signs, administer any medicines you deem necessary." Marquese and the coder set to work, connecting a small data drive into the aux ports at the base of Gardenia's neck using the cables. A secondary feed ran to a small display that was placed in front of the pair. "Right, time to see if we can stimulate some memories in here." Marquese muttered, pulling a combat knife from his pocket. The nurse flinched and moved to stop him but an intimidating glare froze her in her tracks. Bending over Gardenia, Marquese ran the cold metal along the scar line while his assistant watched the feeds from Gardenia's brain.

Undisturbed on the outside, Gardenia displayed a vivid recap of the incident at the party in her dreams, sophistically displaying the knife and doctor that was there cutting into Gardenia's throat. Stirring up a bit on the bed, Gardenia allowed Marquese to watch the incident unfold on the screen.

Marquese watched silently, displaying no emotion as he watched what had happened. When the recording had finished, he unplugged the wires and the data drive from Gardenia and handed them to his assistant. "I need a check of that face against the guestlist and, failing that, across the entire city. I need to know who this guy is." Nodding, she took the computer equipment and left the room. Marquese turned to the nurse. "I need her awake and I need her talking. Give her whatever it takes." The nurse looked shocked. "But, Director, I can't..." "Then fetch me someone who can. Now." The last word carried a threatening weight behind it, and the nurse scurried out of the room. A few minutes later a doctor arrived. With a nervous glance at Marquese, she began to administer various substances. Adrenaline. Modafinil. Cortisol. Streptopam. Marquese sat back, waiting for the cocktail of drugs to kick in.

Gardenia's hand twitched rapidly, as the drugs pumped throughout her blood stream. Her eyes begin to flicker open and shut, her skin beginning to turn less pale. In a half awake state, Gardenia looked at Marquese, a blurry image. Her throat was still burning, impeding her speech, while she was still too weak to sit up.

The doctor, with Marquese glowering at her, continued, pouring small amounts of a soothing liquid into Gardenia's throat. Another substance was injected intravenously, as the last of the liquid was poured down. Marquese rose and locked the door to the room, leaving the doctor standing by nervously. "Miss Pirose, it seems we have much to discuss that would be pertinent to the security of this city. Your co-operation in this would be appreciated, however your compliance is, at this point, non-negotiable. What is EXODUS?"

Gardenia's voice was hoarse, coughing once. In between coughs, she replied to Marquese, "They... Believe that... We are... Not... Alone... There's people... Above us... That we've never seen before..." After a large cough, she continued, "We must... Help them..."

Marquese's eyes narrowed. "Tell me everything. From the beginning. Leave nothing out."

Gardenia coughed again, her voice still weak as she began to speak again, "At the exchange point... The prisoner... Told me to go to the Castius club... I went there.. And there was someone from the partition too... I wanted to arrest him... But EXODUS... they nearly killed the both of us... I told you about the partition operative there... But at the party... They nearly killed me again..."

With a raspy voice, she continued, "We have to believe them... I don't want to die..."

Marquese tapped away rapidly. "Wait, what do you mean above us? Are there floating cities? And why did they try to kill you? What did they seek to gain, and why would they deliberately leave you alive when they could have just left you to die?"

"I... Don't know..." Gardenia mumbled in a hoarse voice. She was still feeling unwell, and not in the mood to answer Marquese's questions.

Marquese's hand crashed down on the table next to her head. Gardenia found him looming over her, eyes boring into hers. "Miss Pirose. You failed to inform me of this group running counter to the interests of the Institute. You now seek to hide information about them from me. Give me one reason why I shouldn't drag you out of here and into interrogative detention right now. You think anyone will have the balls to tell me to release you? My men are fighting and dying to keep you safe - this city safe - and you view matters of security as being beneath you? You think this is all a little game? You will tell me everything you know, Miss Pirose. It's up to you whether to co-operate now or have it forced from you."

"I've told you everything that I know..." Gardenia said with a cough, "they are still a mystery to me..." Gardenia shuddered, not liking Marquese's idea of interrogative detention, but she was being as honest as she could be. What more could Marquese want?

Marquese rose, breathing heavily. A hand-sized dent could be seen in the table where his hand had struck. "And that's your final answer? Very well." He raised his hand to his ear. "Commence Operation Cage the Songbird." He made a curt hand motion directed at the doctor, who administered a powerful sedative. Gardenia felt her consciousness slipping away as her vision blurred and darkened.

She awoke an unknown amount of time later, lying on a hard cot in a small, white room. A locked door was set flush with the wall panels, with no visible handle or mechanism on her side. A small camera whirred in the upper corner. A small toilet was tucked away in an alcove, offering the only privacy. Only one other thing was in the room, laid on the floor. A print copy of the latest news publication. "Institute starlet turned traitor?" was the headline emblazoned across the top.

Gardenia grumbled awake, her back aching from the hard cot that she had slept in. Rolling over to the side, she suddenly fell onto the cool, hard ground, her back shooting up in pain. She slowly got up, and looking around at her surroundings, she knows one thing that's clear: the Institute was interrogating her. The newspaper that piqued her interest only confirmed her suspicion, but now she realized the media was now well aware of the issue. Why did Marquese have to tell the media? What will happen to her now? What will happen to her after her release? Will the media still like her? These questions rambled throughout her head. Hoping that her communication chip hadn't been confiscated, she tried to activate it, and send a message to her father. All she recieved was a single message: "This device is currently unable to access the network."

Sighing dejectedly, Gardenia went back to sit on her cot, awaiting any interrogations for her.

Rolling over onto the cold hard floor, Gardenia was jolted awake while her skull felt like it had fractured. Mindlessly rubbing her hurt head, she was "culture-shocked" by the scenery beholding in front of her. It was entirely white, almost feeling too white. Hardly any amenities accompanied the room: A little camera, probably used for surveillance. A metal chamber pot, was left in a shadow. The cot seemed barely able to support her weight, looking at the feeble aluminium legs. The canvas layer on top, felt rough and uncomfortable, compared to the silk and velvet she had been used to. A door was barely visible, only the metal outlining was noticeable, as well as a metal flap presumably for food, and there were no handles on her side. Gardenia panicked and banged her fists on the door, only realizing it was a futile attempt with every passing minute. She dug into her pockets, only to realize that all her possessions had been taken, and she was denied access to her communication chip. Now, confused, Gardenia wanted answers. Where is she? Who put her here? Why was she here? Is anyone here to save her? Her heart sank deeper and deeper into an abyss, her brain spun out of control for answers, any answer. Until some papers on the floor caught her eye. Noticing the only bit a colour in the room, she immediately picked it up, only to have her heart crushed and pulverized. It was a magazine, an Institute magazine. Bewildering her was the headline, Institute starlet turned traitor?, as well as her headshot sprawled all over the cover. Gingerly, Gardenia flipped through the magazine, only to reveal page after page, story after story, discussion after discussion of her alleged status as a traitor. "Daughter of Comms. Director under interrogation for jeopardizing Institute security..." "Is she a traitor? Is she plotting anything against us?..." "Did the Partition brainwash her?..." "Was her speech just a ruse?..." The accusations went on and on. Thinking back to Marquese's last words to her, the big picture snapped: Marquese put her here, under interrogation. The media painted her as a traitor, since she was unable to cough up any information to Marquese. Operation Cage the Songbird, Marquese had called it. Now, the songbird is fearing for its life. Gardenia, now overwhelmed by her plight, panicked, denying the rumours out loud, "No! The Director was wrong! You're all wrong! I'm not a traitor! I'm not supposed to be here! Get me out!" Crying for help again, no one seemed to be around. She continued to bang her fists on the door, on the floor, repeatedly yelling out her denials, until her fists turned bloody. It was no use. The songbird is helplessly trapped in its cage, under its owner's mercy. She whimpered one last cry, "Let me out...", before the depression overcame her. Her sobbing was the only sound in the room other than the faint hum by the camera.
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