Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}

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Aug 22, 2014
A place
Dan refused to give this Partition bitch any more entertainment. If he had got angrier he knew what would happen next. Ooh the toddler's throwing a tantrum! He could almost hear her annoying voice. He gripped his knives, secretly turning them to a high voltage setting, and stepped onto the floatcar.

Dan had learned from experience that depriving each person of something that makes them happy or amused was a great way to get back at people. He knew lots of things, his struggle was doing them. He knew how to kill people in many ways with his bare hands, that didn't make him a badass, since he couldn't actually do those things. Still, he was going to try. If there was anything Dan had picked up that Godetzka liked, it was probably attention, and while she was still going to get it from him, she wouldn't know.

He sat near her, with his knives clearly displayed to stop her trying anything in the unlikely event that hacking her went wrong, and made sure he didn't look like he was paying attention by looking out of the window. He slowed time, looking at her firewall. It was easy, really. It took less than 5 minutes, less than 5 seconds in real time, but when he broke it, he appeared at a firewall again. Weird, had he fallen into a loophole? No. He couldn't have, and it was definitely different. Worried that there might be lots of firewalls, he used a simpler strategy of trial and error, to put together a map of what the firewall did. That was his mistake. It wasn't a firewall, it was an encryption system.

But it was too late, time resumed to normal. Not good. He hadn't told his systems to do that. Then came the high-pitched noise. He stuck his fingers in his ears, but he realised that there was no point, his systems were being messed with from the inside. It grew louder and louder, then there was a crow, but nobody else saw it, even the prisoner looked confused. Then the crow flew at his face, he reacted and went to stab it, but his knife went straight through it. His vision went to static, and it formed into letters. 'Karma's a bitch'. As his vision returned he pulled himself upright from where he had begun to slump against his seat.

He realised some data had been copied, and he linked it to a street sweeping robot, but then it was gone, with no trace left behind. He stared at the prisoner, who had begun to smirk at him. So she had worked out what had happened.
'Shit! You...' he trailed off as he noticed his captain still there. 'Uh, I, uh, sort of, uh, tried to, umm, take a peek at the prisoner's files, and it, well, went a bit wrong captain...'


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Natalya laughed at Dan's stammering explanation. "Aww what's the matter? Did the big bad crow get your tongue? Captain DuVares, I think he needs his nappy changing." Elin shot an icy glare at the pair of them as the floatcar began its descent. The look was laden with a message of 'There will be consequences later.' Picking up her rifle, she moved to the doorway and motioned for Godetzka to follow. Escorting her out, the pair moved to the entrance of the plaza, mirroring the Partition operatives on the far side. With a look of distinct bad grace, Elin removed Natalya's shackles, while Raptus set to work untying Gardenia's hands and removing the hood on the far side. Once both were untied, the two captains glared at each other across the divide. Satisfied with the condition of the exchange, both were sent moving. Gardenia received a rough kick from Raptus to send her on her way. At the other end, Natalya turned to face Elin. "So good we could catch up. Give Henri my best wishes next time you visit." Natalya's face twisted into a vicious smirk as Elin visibly slumped. Her grip tightened on her rifle, before she turned away. Grinning, Natalya resumed her journey.

Gardenia and Natalya continued to walk until they came to the midpoint, where their paths would cross. As they approached one another, Natalya suddenly lashed out, planting her fist square in Gardenia's gut. Tito's finger twitched on the trigger, but no order came through to fire. Gritting his teeth in frustration, he held off his fire. As Gardenia doubled over, Natalya gripped her and bent over her ear. With line of sight to her mouth blocked, it was impossible to make out her words. "I'm guessing the old man's had a bit of a chat with you. Don't believe the sanctimonious hero of the people bullshit - there's more at stake than who gets to be the big fish in the small pond. If you want to find the truth - the real truth - visit the Castius Club in the Upper Levels. Arrive at 5 and ask the barman for a shot of Black Magic." With that done, she straightened up. "SORRY! Just wanted to say hi!"

She continued on her way to the far end, raising eight fingers in the air when she reached the far side, a gesture that seemed to be aimed at Elin. "You never change, do you Goetzka?" Raptus hissed. "Still the same as before, despite your extended vacation." Natalya grinned, slapping the robot on the shoulder. "Well, someone's got to be actually funny around here, rather than just funny in the head." Leo was taken aback by a weird grunting rattle that came from Raptus - it took a moment before he realised the terrifying reality. Raptus was laughing. As his laughter died away, he thumbed the radio. "Hey now. A mission you didn't run away from. ... You are still there, right? Rendezvous point is at the safehouse. Take your time getting back." As Sy began to pack away his rifle, a glimmer of white caught his eyes. A small piece of card tucked into the windowsill next to him. As he pulled it out, he noticed the logo of a crow in the centre of the paper. Turning it over revealed text on the reverse side:

We cordially invite

Syderis Velos

to join us at the Castius Club

Drinks at 5​

Meanwhile, Gardenia had just reached the Institute forces waiting at the far side. As she drew near, a network of circuitry seared itself onto Elin's flesh as a protective dome was raised. Elin wasted no time in dispensing a nanobot vial into Gardenia, and the pain from the blows she had taken began to recede as they completed their job. Elin raised the snipers by radio: "Job's done. Meet at the floatcar. We return as Yeta Squad." Any trace of her earlier vulnerability was missing, as she supported Gardenia into the floatcar.

As the floatcar pulled up to the hangar, they were greeted by the sight of Karl Marquese scowling from the far end. "Get Pirose checked over and then send her to my office. The rest of you, dismissed." He turned on his heel and stalked out.

Gardenia was whisked away by medical staff to be treated, leaving the three operatives with their captain. As soon as Gardenia left, Elin turned away from the group. "Go get some rest. It's been a long day." She trudged steadily off, leaving the three of them behind. Tito turned to Dan. "Hey, what's up with the Captain? She seems a"

Following their return to the safehouse, Raptus set off to report to Spider, leaving the three alone with Natalya. She had appropriated a large comfortable armchair and was now slouched in it, a cigarette smouldering between her lips. "So, you guys are the Institute's nightmare huh? Spidey must be desperate if he's after people of your caliber. So, given your survival chances are pretty arse, why did you even join up?" She took a deep pull on her cigarette, then continued. "That's not just me being a bitch, it's also a genuine question."


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Sy observed from his vantage point as the trade went off without a hitch, until the two hostages met in the middle. Godetzka made a fist and drove it into Pirose's stomach, doubling her over and grabbing onto her.
"Shit, Wyatt, get ready, there's a possibility that we're seeing some more action."
As the situation diffused though, and the two moved on once more, he breathed a sigh (eyy) of relief.
"Scratch that Wyatt. It's fine. Godetzka punched Pirose, but they've both walked on now. They've both got back to their sides, so we can back to base."
Finally looking out of his scope, Sy looked at what he thought was just a glint on the window. Setting down the coilgun for a moment, he stepped forwards to see what it was.
A piece of paper, on the windowsill. How the hell did it get there? DEciding to take a tiny risk and sticking his head out the window, he looked up and down the facade, but nothing was there. Naught to be seen in the sky either, this district was pretty dead.
The card had an insignia of some kind of black bird on it. What was it called? He remembered learning about it as a child. A kaw? No, a crow, that was it. On the other side, was a strange, strange message. Drinks in the upper district? That would be hard to pull off, he hadn't been there in a long while, and obviously his IDs would either be blacklisted to within an inch of their life or he'd be tracked and apprehended immediately for using them. That was even if he decided to believe it. Who the hell was it from, and how the hell did they put it there? Was it an institute trap to get them a new hostage?
Not sure what to do, Sy approached the safehouse, and he heard Raptus confirming what he already knew. He saw that Godetzka was within when he entered, and he took a seat with a tired sigh. Two missions in one day, he was going to need one hell of a lie-in.
her question intrigued him though. He really was one of the lowest of the low, failing even the team's first mission. He'd actually run away for god's sake. But he damn sure knew his answer, at least.
"Well... I'm guessing you're going to laugh at this, and there's no way to say this without sounding like a talking cliche, but I wanted to do the right thing. I can fight at least better than a civvy, I hate the institution, what more do you need?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I want to show the Institute that the people they think are subservient to them simply won't be pushed around too easily." Leo frowned. "What good has the Institute brought to the citizens here? All I can see is the wanton decay due to the imposition of their laws and restrictions. If the city were to feel, well, more alive, perhaps its councillors ought to allow their people to live. Not just survive, but thrive."

"They don't even care about the people. To them, we're just another unit to be taken care of, cast aside, and forgotten about. Something to follow a predetermined, absolute law, with no regard for our own freedoms." He paused. "They didn't care... about anyone."

After a brief moment, Leo continued, "And that's why I'm here. The Partition, I think, has a bit of a fighting chance, because we're organized. We can't just call on the common people of the city to rise up and attack all at once. Change doesn't happen like that. We need to pick our battles."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gardenia was whisked away to a nearby medical team, and immediately put through a whole body scanner. In addition to reporting on her wounds, it also checked for any unknown monitoring devices that may have been placed within her. The scan came back clean, with the nanobots she had received repairing most of the more serious damage, leaving her with some superficial bruising. With the physical check complete, a brain activity scan was carried out, and no malign or unrecognised code could be detected. With those procedures completed, she found herself ushered into Marquese's office.

The Director of Public Security was sat behind his desk, brooding over a report displayed on his desk. As Gardenia entered, he looked up, before dismissing the report with a wave of his hand. He gestured towards a chair set out on the other side of his desk. "Miss Pirose. Would you like to take a seat?" Sighing, he continued without waiting for any response from her. "I'm sorry for how today turned out. It was meant to be a routine operation, but the Partition must have gotten word somehow. You got to see the job at its absolute worst today.

I appreciate that you may well have questions about the events of today. I am willing to answer these questions as completely and comprehensively as I can without breaching operational secrecy, provided that you answer my questions about your experience fully and honestly. I owe you that much at the very least."

Gardenia looked at Marquese and nodded nonchalantly, "It's fine, sir. Sometimes you have to see the worst pass before you get any good out of it. Though I may ask why you had personally sent the Yeta Division out. If I was the Director of Public Security I would have relegated the task to one of my lower subordinates."

Marquese smiled slightly. "Admittedly not the question I had thought you would ask. The reason is simple. Every time one of my squads leaves this barracks, some of them may not come back alive. It's the nature of the job, and they know it. Because of my position, I cannot stand there alongside them and share in it, as much as I want to. I can do more good for them plotting behind a desk than fighting on the frontlines. The very least I can do as a commander of my men is to brief them personally and see them all off. It takes about 5 minutes of my time for each team, but it's important as a way of showing them that I respect what they do. If I delegate to my subordinate, how do they know that I care? What reason do they have to risk their lives at the command of a man who cannot even look them in the eye as he does so?

I hope that answers your question. I'd like to ask you to describe to me, in as much detail as you can, the events around your capture, imprisonment and subsequent release. Please, do not leave out anything, no matter how small it may be. The seemingly inconsequential piece of information may be the last piece of a vast puzzle."

Gardenia stirs up in her seat, replying, "Nothing much happened, sir. I ran into the wrong alley and met what seems to be one of the resistance's biggest general. He knocked me unconscious, and I woke up bound and slung over his shoulders. I woke up again in a room that seemed more like a guest room than a prison cell. There was a bed, carpeting, a bathroom, and they were slightly comforting. There was also a screen and I assume a hidden camera and microphone somewhere, because a man called Spider keeps speaking to me. I'm guessing he's the leader of the resistance."

Gardenia paused to catch a breather, "Anyways, he never referred to me as hostage, he always called me 'his guest'. He kept saying I was a prisoner here, in the Institute instead." She continued, "he kept on asking me why I thought this resistance exists, and threatened to withhold food from me. I was defiant, and resorted to prying the doors open with my daggers," she flashed out her remaining dagger, "I used to have another one, sir, it broke while I was trying to get out of there. They had the room pretty secure, and I eventually had to conform to his demands. I answered his question, and then he said I would be exchanged with one of the prisoners we kept."

"I was quite surprised he didn't keep me for long, barely a day. He then sent the same general who captured me, as well as another one to escort me back home. They bound my hands together again and put a hood over my head, I guess to prevent me from finding the way back and revealing their location. The general has ruthless; he had said to me over and over again that he would kill me if he could, and I had to walk the entire way without catching a break. I fell unconscious once and he splashed water all over me, and scolded me. It was really frightening, sir."

"Once we got to the exchange point the prisoner whom I was supposed to be exchanged with punched me in the stomach, and hissed at me. It was a good thing Captain DuVares has her nanobots, else I probably wouldn't be here."

Gardenia shifted in her seat, and said, "I think that would be the entire journey, sir. Would there be anything you would like me to answer, sir?"

Marquese sighed. "Fantastic. Just as I had feared, Spider is involved in all this. You were probably targeted as a means to release Natalya Godetzka from our custody. I gather all she did was punch you, which is quite a good first impression by her standards. She's dangerous. Very dangerous. I'll have to have a security briefing as soon as I physically can to warn all operatives, as the danger to them has just got much worse.

Even that, however, pales in comparison to Spider. We don't have an identity for the guy, a face, a name, whatever. The man is a literal shadow - hell, he could be a woman with a voice modulator for all I...excuse me a minute."
Karl got out of his chair and headed to the door, which had cracked open slightly. His arm lashed out and grabbed an individual by the throat. A camera fell from the reporter's hands, as he squirmed. "How many times do I have to tell you people? I don't give a shit about her role as a figurehead, I don't give a shit about the whole returning hero bullshit story you want to spin about this, I don't give a shit about your mass-produced bullshit newspaper. This is my department. I have a fucking job to do, and part of that is debriefing with individuals after they return, especially if they have been held by the enemy. Now, you can run away, and print whatever lies and propaganda you want. I cannot stop you. But do not get in the way of me and my men!" This last point was punctuated by Marquese crushing the camera beneath his foot. "Now fuck off!"

Karl returned to his desk. "Sorry about that. Your father has been harrassing me constantly since you got back - apparently I'm depriving the masses of their hero, or some verbiose bollocks to that effect. Now, where were we...right, Spider. Did you see or hear any indication of who he might be? Did he say anything that might give us a clue as to who he is?"

Gardenia shook her head, "No sir. He didn't tell me anything about himself. Though no one entered my room until I was brought to the exchange site. I assume he's the leader of the resistance. He did tell me a story, I hope you can debunk it." Gardenia then relayed the story to Marquese.

As Gardenia told the story that Spider had told her, Marquese appeared visibly shaken. Once she had finished, he sat back and took a deep swig of his coffee. Running his fingers through his hair, he seemed lost in thought. Eventually he started to mutter to himself."It's gotta did he escape? He must have had help, yet the locks were hacked from the inside. That son of a bitch is out there!" Karl looked terrifying now, a look of pure hatred and rage on his face. "No wonder he's been cracking into our systems so neatly and flawlessly. No wonder he knows where we'll be before we get there. No wonder you all ran into increased opposition. Vitali, you bastard!" Karl dialled a code into the internal phone that sat on his desk. "Christian? I need you here and I need you here now! We are looking at a massive ongoing security breach, and we need to fix it."

Putting the phone down, Karl looked tired. "I can't debunk that story. The details and the motivations have been altered or left out entirely, but the sequence of events is true. There was an election that Vitali Magnus was due to win. His supporters did turn on him at the last minute thanks to the influence of your father and I. And he was taken into custody and subjected to enhanced interrogation."

Gardenia felt shaken. She was worried about her safety in the Institute. "They're going to take me back or even kill me, sir, " she said, "will I be safe here then?"

Karl blinked in surprise. "What makes you think they'll be able to catch you here? What would they even want to recapture you for? They got what they wanted with the release of Godetzka."

Gardenia is still shaking. She still was stirred up by whatever has happened to her over the past few days. All she wants is to go back to her room, away from any troubles she would face. Trembling, she asked Marquese, "Sir, is there anything else you want from me? I'm still frightened from everything that has happened, and I need some rest."

Marquese nodded. "You've already given us the biggest lead we could ask for here. I appreciate your help. If ever you wish to help out, I will ensure that there is a place for you here, should you need it." He got up, and opened the door for Gardenia. "Go get some rest."

Gardenia nodded, "Thank you, sir." She trembled, and headed out the door. It was only a short walk from Marquese's office back to her room, but every step she took was swarmed by reporters and journalists awaiting her story. She ended up at her room nearly a half hour later, and laid down face first on her velvet bed, and fell asleep.

She tossed and turned around, but sleep never came to you. She sat up, her stomach was growling. "Hungry..." she moaned, realising she hasn't eaten in days. She prodded around on an interface that she virtually opened from a microchip implanted in her brain. She requested an order for some food, and sat back up, groaning. Not long after a bot arrived at her doorstep, complete with her order. She picked up the tray of food, and brought it to her bed to eat, with the bot now sent away.

Gardenia quietly nibbled on her food, relieved that food was now entering her system after days of starvation. She thought of her capture, imprisonment, and subsequent release, and her discussion with Marquese about said events. She remembered when the exchanged prisoner tackled her to the ground, and whispered something in her ear, "if you want the truth - the real truth - visit the Castius Club in the Upper Levels. Arrive at 5 and ask the barman for a shot of Black Magic."

At 5?, she thought, it should be much later than 5 by now. Could she have meant tomorrow afternoon? And the Castius Club? Hopefully my chip would know where it is. She opened up the interface yet again to look for the directions, and thankfully the directions to where she needed to go flooded straight out. Excellent, she thought, I'll be able to get more information about the resistance and report it to Director Marquese.
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Popular Member
Jul 23, 2014
Not Kansas
INA exited the hanger in a hurry the moment she was dismissed. Orders were important and all, but Raptus had been right there in her sight and she had let him get away. While the Guardian program continued to dull her emotions, they still swirled around behind it all like a storm. Feelings like anger, regret, frustration and....loneliness maybe? That one was new. It would be great if INA could trust even one person, but how would she determine which humans wouldn't take advantage of that trust? Maybe she could think of some sort of test?

Turning a hallway corner, INA picked out her own room and entered. What kind of test would this be? Plus, who would she test first? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all, but a trusted ally would be valuable. She laid down on the somewhat modest bed and began powering off her shell, one system at a time. Finally, INA switched her core to sleep mode for the night. These missions demanded as much energy as possible, so some time would be necessary to let the power reserves catch up.


Jul 31, 2013
"There is only one thing worse then loosing everything you had and that is not knowing who you where or what you had." Wyatt said as he took of his cap. "My past is gone and I am sick and tired of trying to find it again."

"The future is the only thing I have left and I will do everything I can to make it worthwhile. If I die as a result so be it. Nothing is lost in that case that wasn't already lost long ago."

"I joined the partition not only because it is the right thing but because its the only way to make the future of others slightly better."

As soon as Wyatt was done talking he heard something ask "If you don't care about your past then why do you still search for it?". It was the AI and Wyatt was glad that he was the only one that could hear it.
He was surprised the AI asked this. Of course he would still take an easy chance to discover who he was. Everyone would, however he isn't devoting his life on finding it anymore. The AI continued "You even proved that you want to know it today when you heard about that droid having a bug.". Wyatt smiled, he was surprised the AI took note of that. He then jokingly answered. "That droid is probably better build then you in your current state. I taught you might have wanted an upgrade but apparently not".

Wyatt realized that answering the AI perhaps wasn't the best thing to do, considering the others didn't see it nor had any idea what he was talking about.


Aug 22, 2014
A place
"Uh.. well, you know the prisoner that we just released?" Tuite paused. "From what I can tell, she seems to of.. well, murdered the Captain's previous partner." Tuite rocked from foot to foot uncomfortably. These kind of conversations were really not the kind of conversations Dan enjoyed having.

Tito blinked in surprise. "Wait, what? We let that kind of person walk out of here? If that's her mood, I can't even begin to imagine how much anger Marquese is holding in right now. He's a hardass, but he cares deeply about his men. I really don't want to be the next person to piss him off. What was that prisoner like, anyway? Get any idea as to what she's capable of, considering we may meet her in the field?"

Dan got even more uncomfortable. "She is capable enough to stop me hacking her, freak the shit out of me, and steal my bloody information." He paused, realising he had just told Tito that he had attempted to hack the prisoner. "Uh, and I had a completely legitimate reason for hacking her." Dan fully realised that he had just given a really bad coverup, but he just hoped Tito didn't push the subject.

Tito whistled. "Aww man, that must be hitting you pretty hard, huh? Counterhacks are pretty brutal to encounter. Guess it serves you right for being so nosy, with your completely legitimate reason and all." Tito gave a sly wink and continued. "The more concerning thing is the information she stole. If there's anything there that could compromise our operations, it could go really badly for us. There wasn't anything in your knowledge or memories that could be used against us, right?"

Dan blushed when Tito mocked him. "Well, she knows everything that I can do. Well, everything that I can do so far. Everyone else should be alright though, I generally keep myself to myself. And I don't mean that I don't have any friends! Stop smiling at me! She was a total bitch anyway, you would've reacted just as badly as me. She called me the Captain's boytoy and a toddler, but I really felt bad for DuVares, she really would not put down the subject of the Captain's ex-partner."

Tito shrugged. "Well, if you're such a loner..." he said, grinning as he turned away and headed to the dorm. As he reached the door, he paused. "Hey, Dan. I never got round to saying this earlier but...I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier today. This - this is all I ever wanted to be, and to have you come in, talking like it was such a terrible situation...I kinda flipped a little. I saw you as some whining kid, unwilling to accept the consequences of his actions. But I see now that I was wrong. You kept fighting, even with your back against the wall and blood pouring from your body. You're someone who I'm proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with in the defense of what is just and right. So, yeah. Sorry about earlier and all. Night." That said, Tito headed off through the doorway.

Dan stood outside, rooted to the spot. Private Graves, proud to stand next to him in the battlefield? He had never had someone praise him like that before. It wasn't like he didn't have a loving family and all, but.. he was sort of a disappointment to them. Yeah, he was clever and all, but he always got himself into trouble. Not with a bunch of friends having a laugh, but trouble trouble. As in, breaking laws on purpose, by himself, in his little room at home. Growing up, he had been the weird nerdy kid to people his age, and the troublemaker to older people. But he had never stopped. The rush he got from breaking he rules, from fighting against some great force with a few lines of code. It had always convinced him that he didn't need to make friends, and stay within the law. But now he realised the truth. That rush was just from fighting against a force. He didn't need to break the law. In fact, to know that he was helping people, to know that he was upholding the law, not breaking it, but even more, to know that people were proud of what he was doing. That made it so much better. He looked back up at Tito's closed door, and smiled. "Thank you." He said quietly. And with that he walked back to his quarters, and for the first time, he slept happily in the knowledge that someone was proud to be with him.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Natalya grunted whilst listening to their answers. "Well, one of you has a decent answer I guess. I guess I'm so sick of hearing this 'for the people' bullshit that I've become jaded to it. Personally, I don't try to hide behind some pseudo-intellectual superiority. Only reason I'm in this game is revenge. Guessing you heard the stories about Marquese? A kid picked off the streets, and experimented on until he became the beast he became today. That approach is the basis of what happened to me. All I can remember of my early years is pain - from surgical procedures, experimental augmentations gone wrong, testing their new toys to the limit." Natalya paused, spitting into the corner. "So I'm going to walk into there, and shove their instruments up their asses before I burn the fucking place to the ground. Some people consider revenge to be a piss-poor justification for my actions, but they weren't there. They didn't feel the bite of a vibroscalpel, or the pain when an overheating implant begins to sear you from the inside. To me, it's...purer than lying about noble views." Natalya stubbed out her cigarette on the table, before sliding smoothly off her chair. "Anyway, bedtime kiddies. One thing you learn in this line of business - there's always another job."

Both Institute and Partition forces, tired from the exhaustion of running two missions in a day, collapsed into bed at the end of the day. When the events were looked back over, today would be remembered as being inconclusive in the grand scheme of events that unfolded. Despite that though, its significance would not be forgotten. It was, after all, the day when it all began.


All had slept well, save for Dan. His sleep had been disturbed by visions of crows fluttering across his dreams and screeching in his mind. Nonetheless, when the customary summons rolled out, the three members of Yeta Squad were ready and at attention. Marquese was as usual behind his desk, surveying a report when they arrived. Beside him was an unfamiliar man, wearing the uniform of an Institute coder and a pair of glasses. He nodded to the team as they arrived, a glint of intelligence shining fiercely in his sharp eyes. Of Captain DuVares, there was no sign. Marquese, seeing their arrival, tossed the report to the desk. He looked more tired than the previous day, with dark rings under his eyes. Nevertheless, his gaze still held its customary force as he looked over to them.

"Good morning. I appreciate you had an eventful day yesterday. As a result, you will not be deployed to active service today - we need to give you all a break. As a result, you have each been assigned a detail within the department." His eyes roved along the line, before settling on Tito. "Private Graves, as a consequence of your evident tampering with Institute equipment yesterday, you will be assigned to the armoury. Your will be responsible for ensuring that the stored equipment is fit for purpose, clean, and servicable. Private INA, the Robotics division have requested that you go in for scheduled maintenance, particularly in light of the damage you took yesterday." His eyes shifted to Dan. "Private Tuite, I understand you have an affinity with machinery and coding. Chief Officer Rowlands here is in charge of our cybersecurity, and has requested that, in line with your talents, you be assigned to him today." Marquese paced back to his desk, and turned to address the trio. "These duties will run until 1600 hours. Following that at 16.30 there will be a compulsory briefing for all agents regarding the capabilities of Prisoner 24601, Natalya Godetzka, who was returned to the Partition yesterday. Dismissed."

As Tito headed off with dejection written across his face, Dan was accosted by Rowlands. The coder was beaming practically ear to ear. "Well well well. Daniel Tuite, in the flesh! Or should I call you Weave? We've all been looking forwards to this - you did quite a number on that drone you hacked into. Fascinating work! I just about followed your code, but I don't think I quite got all the specifics. Come with me and I'll explain the situation." Still babbling excitedly, the coder had taken Dan's shoulder and manoeuvred him into the nearby lift shaft. He waited until the doors shut before turning back to Dan. "So, here are the facts. We just found out that the guy who leads the Partition is most likely a former member of the Institute. What's more, this guy worked in our department! Before our time, and very few of were around back then, but he basically wrote our firewall systems. Which means he knows how to get past them. We're currently in the progress of replacing all his code with new, updated and unfamiliar defences to stop him just strolling through. Given the unique nature of your coding skills, I just had to get you involved in the project - I mean, we need people with your skillset. So, I'll take you in, let you meet the team, and show you the code. Sound fun?"

Gardenia awoke as a maid fussed around her room. Within minutes of her awakening, an opulent breakfast had been brought into her room on a tray and laid before her. The servant who brought it affected a curtsey, and began to speak. "Good morning mi'lady. Your father wishes me to inform you that he has scheduled a press conference for you at 11am today in order for you to describe your bravery and unyielding nature during your capture, as well as remind the people of the weakness of the small group of insurgents that call themselves the Partition. Following that, there is a pre-prepared speech for you to deliver at 2pm in the Central Plaza. Lunch will be provided following the press conference, and dinner will be at the Forsythe's, at 8pm, arriving at 7.30pm. Your father thinks it important to show a resolute face of strength as widely and publicly as possible." With that said, the maid bustled out of the room, leaving Gardenia alone with her breakfast.


As the operatives awoke, they would find Natalya slouched back in the same armchair, another cigarette clamped firmly between her lips. Sat across from her; Raptus. The two veteran operatives were seemingly in the middle of a discussion, which broke off as soon as the first operative descended from the bedrooms. Once all three had descended, Raptus and Natalya exchanged a meaningful glance before Raptus stepped forwards. "Well, if it isn't a veritable triplet of sleeping beauties. Nice to see you can cope with the stress of the job and be up and ready to be going the next morning." Natalya smirked as the robot continued. "Anyway, it's your lucky day, because it seems Spider's in a good mood today. You're assigned to errand-boy duties today. Keep your heads down and shit won't happen to you today. Leo, you've been assigned to return to the Scrap Market. Spider is still hoping that there may be some equipment left behind, or any sign of where Alvarez slithered off to. You know the inside of the building, and the Institute seem to have left it alone. If it gets hot in there, you've already pulled off a successful escape. Wyatt, you're going to work with your equals in the trash. We've got a load of useless junk, and you may as well see if there's anything usable there. Takes trash to know trash after all. Syderis, you get to run away to the Upper City. Spider has noticed that there seems to be some big cybersecurity initiative going on up there, and has a mole checking it out. You'll meet our middleman at the security point, with a fake identification. Use it to meet the mole at these co-ordinates, and run away at the first sight of danger as per usual. Got it?"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Syderis frowned as Godetzka somewhat shat on what he knew many of his comrades in the partition truly believed in. He didn't like that, that she saw it as a fake-noble facade when he knew, understood and sympathised with what it was liked to feel that, even if it wasn't his main reason.
He could empathise though with what she went through. Training with the Institute was hard enough, he could only imagine being manipulated and tortured by them from birth. It wasn't a pretty thought. He knew exactly what getting just a few implants felt like, and they hurt like hell, especially his eyes. Anyone who would pay attention to them for long enough would notice that his iris glowed every so slightly, and small motions could be seen whenever he looked around - the lenses readjusting and focusing, letting his whole field of vision be in sharp detail, the optical parts of his brain changed to deal with that stress. He didn't use that often though, as after some time it would begin to strain him.
Now, he was tired though, and while his own accommodation was nice, the safehouse had its own beds, which were much closer. Walking upstairs, he took off his webbing and jacket, placed his coilgun beside his bed, and put the pistol on his night stand. That done, he crashed out on the bed, but couldn't sleep. Reaching into his pocket, he used his night vision to look at the note in the dark. He had finally chosen what to do. He would do whatever task was set to him, and before 5:00 he'd use his fake ID to let him get to the Castius Club.
That decided, he open a console on his wrist, projected from a wristband, and pressed a few of the buttons projected onto his skin. Calming impulses were sent into his brain, and he soon found himself slipping under, into a deep sleep.
His dreams worried him. A crow, flying ahead of him, just out of arm's reach. He kept chasing it until he fell into a hole, a deep chasm with water at the bottom, and as he sunk he felt a warm embrace. He was somewhat familiar with what it felt like to be dying.
When he awoke, it was about 9:00. By his standards, that was a long sleep. He had been tired, after all. Still slightly groggy, he stood up, stretched, and grabbed his equipment, making his way down as he saw Godetzka and Raptus having a conversation, quickly cut off as he entered the room and began heading for the kitchen. He grabbed some cereal, and went back in as the other two appeared. Seemed like he'd be getting sent to the Upper Districts, which was perfect. He realised quickly he was smiling, but luckily was turned away from the others, and he quickly he hid that. Who knew what the others would think about his plans. Unless...
Syderis' eyes emitted an imperceptible whirring as the servos within adjusted the focus of his field of vision to look at Godetzka. His eyes wouldn't be staring directly at her, but he was looking her way. It was like a high-tech sidelong glance.
Was she involved? She hadn't seemed to be looking at him, so either she wasn't involved, or she was smarter than that. He suspected the latter was more likely. She was definitely pretty damn experienced, and shrewd. Not to mention likely deadly in a fight.

Soon enough, he had taken his ID and set off. He'd need to stop off at home to grab a few things. Firstly, a micro-cloaker for his coilgun - he wouldn't exactly look too normal with a whopping great barrel sticking out behind his head. Inorganic objects were easier to get the teach for, so he had gotten one of these a while ago for attracting less suspicion.
His pistol was of course coming with him, and it would be sealed within a compartment within his stomach. It wasn't comfy, but a quick button press made that sensation go away with the right electrical signals to selectively numb it without losing his sense of feeling.
That done, he changed his wardrobe slightly. More sophisticated garb, but nothing showy, and it had enough space to hold everything he needed - some compact nutrition bars, some ammo, et cetera. More importantly, he wouldn't stand out among the Upper Districts full of opulent businessmen and women.

The final barrier to entry into the Upper Districts, the world of riches he had ran from so long ago, was a forcefield that surrounded the entire place, secondary to the one that kept everyone safe - said liberally - within the city as a whole, the poor and the rich alike. The ID he carried would allow him to pass seamlessly through, as if it wasn't there.
Approaching the bubble, his heart rate increased as he came closer and closer. Armed guards in towers looked at him, wondering to themselves what someone from inside the field would be doing outside of it. The moment of truth approached, and as promised, the ID allowed him to traverse the boundary and enter the other side.
The first thing that hit him was the noise. Outside of the markets, the Undercity was quiet and reserved, the occasional scuffle or shout being heard. Here, though, there was a constant chatter as people walked around, enjoying the air that was fresher than he'd experienced for a long time. A park could be seen nearby, with fountains glistening with the light from the fake yellow sun in the fake blue sky. Children were playing in it, and he felt a pang of nostalgia and jealousy, soon diluted by his hate of the institute as he remembered his mission.
Coordinates and a marker were in his vision, and long strides brought him there quickly. It was a security checkpoint, a small one with a drone bay and probably just the one guy manning the station.
Syderis knocked upon the door, waiting for the answer to come.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A small hatch in the station door slid open, and a pair of suspicious eyes peered through. "Don't recognise you. ID card." When it was handed to him, the hatch slid shut again for a few seconds, before the door itself opened. "Welcome sir. Feel free to come in and ensure all proper procedure is being followed." After Sy stepped in, the guard hastily shut the door and twisted the lock back shut. The guard post was a mess of paperwork and takeaway containers, with only the one chair clear to sit in. "Hoo boy. So you're the messenger. Right, here's the dirt you're after. Marquese apparently flipped his shit yesterday. Seems one of the high-ups in your organisation is ex-Institute and, what's more, helped design all their security systems. As a result, the code monkeys are pulling in anyone they can get to redo the entire firewall and security system as quickly as possible. They've got Marquese breathing down their necks, so the code is just flying out. That's the reason for the massive changes I was asked for. Now do yourself a favour, and get outta here without getting caught. I don't want to be linked to you lot and have Marquese pay me a social call."

The guard unlocked the door again. "Thank you for your visit sir! I will rectify that paperwork issue immediately!" As Sy stepped out, the door slammed shut behind him.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Approved by Luma

INA's expression would've frozen upon hearing Marquese speak of the "robotics department" if it weren't always so static. In the few months she had roamed the real world, she had met hundreds of humans that treated her with the same respect as an overly-glorified toaster. With the robotics department, toaster-level respect would be a major improvement. Disrespect had never bothered INA, but drugging up her mind with restrictive 'combat' programs was completely unacceptable.

INA calmly walked down the hallway towards the robotics department, following orders as was typical of her, when a new thought crossed her mind. Suddenly, she turned and began to walk more quickly in the opposite direction, towards the exit. Disobeying orders felt wrong, but she had been taught there were times when it was necessary. Once she was out the door, she took off in a run towards the undercity.

The undercity was a bit unfamiliar, as INA had only visited twice, and both times had led her to the scrap market. This time was no different in location, but circumstances changed everything. As she ran along the streets, passerbys threw her looks of scorn or fear, likely mistaking her for a new-age Institute drone, which technically she was. INA approached the scrap market and wasted no time looking around for some clue of where the Partition members may have run off to.

After Natalya had finished giving her orders, Leo headed out of the chamber. No point going against Spider, especially since I don't have anything better to do today. Leo grabbed his katana from where it had been propped against the outer corridor, sheathed it, and re-powered his glove, All set.

Leo began to hike toward the direction of the scrap market. It wasn't very far, and he soon reached a vantage point from where he could look down over the main plaza. Across the plaza, the Short Circuit's storefront could still be seen, although it was now half-destroyed as a result of their sting operation. Well, it looks peaceful enough this morning. Still, there's not much sense in approaching it from the front. Leo hopped and clambered his way down into a side alley, then made his way via a circuitous path around to the Short Circuit's back entrance. The door was unlocked.

Carefully, Leo pushed on the door with the point of his katana. Dead silence. Using his holographic stylus, Leo projected a sign over the doorframe: "CONDEMNED: Entry denied to all citizens." Then, he activated his glove's flashlight mode, and slipped quietly inside.

INA approached the Short Circuit from the front, looking up at the smashed in windows. That would be a good place to start, she had never seen the inside, but clearly there had been Partitioners in there. She flipped she wrists back and let out a quick thurster burst, flinging her shell straight through the left window. In terms of war zones, this room looked perfectly neat. Presumably the fight had taken place elsewhere in the building. INA continued walking through the hallways towards the back, looking for some sign of battle, such as a blood stain or gun shells.

Leo froze from examining another empty cargo crate. He'd heard a noise. Something almost like the sound a Nokia made when thrown from a large height. This noise seemed to have come from the upper level of the shop, which could mean nothing good. At this time, there could be still citizens looking for scrap metal or components, but the weight of the noise signified that some... thing had instead entered the Short Circuit. The noise came again, lighter now, and again and again. Leo cautiously moved up a staircase, sword at the ready.

He emerged at the floor beneath the store's ground floor. There were some storage containers here as well, and more empty tables. There was, however, no sign of whatever was making the noises that continued to emanate, still from a point above Leo's head. He saw a large corroded energy cell on the floor near the upper staircase, and a thought came to him. He picked up the cell, dimmed his glove to darkness, and then squatted behind a thin wall aside the upper staircase, then listened carefully as the noises grew closer. Could they actually be steps? Leo decided it wasn't outside of the Institute's methods to send guard droids in to clean up the mess...

INA cracked open a few crates and peered inside. Clearly most of the more useful items had already been cleaned out, as they were either full of junk, low quality scrap or empty. On this floor, there didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. She began to continue on to the next one, which looked rather dark, looking down the staircase. As she decended the staircase into the lower light levels, her eyes began to glow. Her eyes were always self illuminated, but it became far more clear to see in the darkness.

As the steps reached the top of the staircase, Leo hurled the energy cell, which flew down the lower staircase and ricocheted around the lowest floor, crashing about and making general crashy-bangy noises. He positioned himself to react when the unknown intruder made their way down the upper staircase.

Before INA had taken more than a few steps down, she picked up a cacophony of noise coming from the lowest floor that shattered the relative silence taking over the building. Interesting; she hadn't expected anyone to be in here after what had happened yesterday. Maybe a poorly propped up piece of metal had fallen over? INA ran down the staircase and continued straight to the next one, looking around expecting to see a humanoid figure. Instead, there were just a great deal of containers lying around.

As the shadowy figure dashed past Leo's hiding place, he strained to catch any sort of detail on their body that could identify them. He had no such luck, except for noticing that it was indeed made of some tough, heavy material; possibly reflective, meaning there were some metallic parts. So, there were two options: Leo could strike first, no questions asked; or, he could give the stranger a chance to explain themselves before he attacked. If the stranger was Institute, though, the second option would likely not work.

Leo had to make a choice. Quickly, he moved to the top of the lower staircase, where he could dimly make out the stranger at the bottom, appearing to be scanning the floor. He doubted there'd be a way out of this without a confrontation, so it was lucky he had the higher ground. He engaged the electrical aspect of his katana, which sprang to life with a snapping buzz, and re-activated the high-power flashlight on his glove, aiming both weapons at the stranger. "You there!! State your business in this place."

INA's gaze finally met the busted up energy cell. Just as she realized what had happened, she heard a release of energy behind her, followed by a flash of light and a shout. She turned back and looked up the stairs, her eyes quickly adjusting the image to accomidate the sudden change in lighting. Near the top, she made out what appeared to be the human who had escorted Garden to the meeting point last night. The moment she made this realization, her expression twisted in irritation. So even a suspicion could set it off. How annoying. Beneath it all though, she realized this human's arrival might very well be perfect if she could figure him out. "INA is searching for a certain group of humans," she stated, with the irritation clearly showing in her voice.

The light from Leo's glove dimmed slightly, in order for him to get a better look. Yeah, this was likely an Institute machine. In fact, it looked remarkably similar to the one described in the last mission reports. This could get tricky. "What does... 'INA' want with these humans?" Leo asked menacingly.

INA thought carefully for a short moment, trying out a few different phrases in her head. Finally, she settled on possibly the shortest answer of them all: "help."

Leo's eyes narrowed. "What does that mean? Who is asking for help? And why are you looking for it here?"

INA's face appeared to dull ever so slightly as the human finished his last question. She iterated through each question with an answer. "Help; a verb used with an object: to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need. INA is asking for this help here because it was important to the 'group's' latest activity."

"... what do you take me for..." Leo lowered his palm and dimmed the light further, but kept his sword active. "So you've come here because, as it must be known by now, the Partition was here? You look well-cared for, and the only place in this city that has droids like that is the Institute. Are you here on their behalf?"

As the sword-wielding human mentioned the Partition, INA's suspicions grew worse. It wasn't proof that he was part of it, but it was enough to bring the former irritation back and then some. She muttered out a venomous reply which contradicted the words spoken, "INA is here on her own behalf. Undesignated human is wise to distrust her, but INA has recently decided she has even less trust for the Institute than the..." Her words stopped as she hesitated to speak the one specific word.

"Than the what? The Partition?" That word seemed to visibly affect the entity. Leo continued, "You're very close with your own words, you know. So you were with the Institute, at some point..." Leo stepped down and let his glove illuminate the staircase.

As the human stepped forward, INA recoiled to keep the same distance between them.

With the shadows gone, Leo realized that this intruder had the form of a girl. However, it was definitely not human, as the voice that it had spoken with, and its body were robotic, although nevertheless humanoid. He paused on the second step, as 'INA' had retreated. It fears me? This was strange. "Why exactly does INA need help? And is there any reason I should believe you?"

INA answered from across the room, "the Institute believes INA needs 'enhancement' programs to improve her combat efficiency." She made use of the irritated tone to spit out the word 'enhancement.' "Undesignated human has no reason to trust INA, but as she is the one requiring help, she will be the one to trust the group of humans."

Leo was still highly suspicious. For all he knew, this could be an attempt at infiltrating the Partition under the guise of an innocent. "Perhaps an arrangement could be made," Leo replied. "But be warned that the group you seek help from does not take kindly to outsiders... never did..." Leo trailed off, cleared his throat and continued. "But if circumstances are as you say, then here is the situation as I understand it: a rogue robot has disobeyed Institute orders (for reasons I don't understand) and come seeking aid from their enemy. That is a highly volatile situation, should it turn out to be true. If you seek these humans in good faith, what do you have to offer them? And me?"

Unlikely the previous replies, INA was wordless for a considerable amount of time, allowing the buzzing energy from the sword to take the title of 'most noticable sound.' She hadn't expected to actually meet a member of the Partition this early and, for all her planning, she hadn't thought of any sort of exchange. She still had the mini-laser in her arm, she could potentially offer that, though she'd be defenseless. She could use that mini-laser to take the human's life and give it back to him at the last moment, but that could back-fire in any one of numerous ways. Or...there was always the option of services. Should she really offer her services to a bunch of viruses. Then again, the world hadn't been how INA initially designated it to be. She discovered new surprises every day, maybe this would be one of them.

Finally, INA answered and reclaimed the 'most noticable sound' title from the sword, "INA cannot guarentee anything in exchange, but she can offer her protection for the ones she's indebted to." She continued and reluctantly added on to her offer, "if this isn't acceptable...INA may be able to offer her integrated mini-laser instead."

Sigh. Leo deactivated the electrical aspect, and lowered his sword. "I'm not interested in a weapons exchange, if that's what you mean. But you need to make a substantial, backed promise that you mean no harm to these people. Although that laser idea does sound tempting, if it's doable... tell you what, I can bring you to a member of the organization you're seeking. Maybe a temporary disabling of some offensive systems on your body will be enough to let you speak with them."

INA wished she could smile to show the human she was satisfied with this offer, but the irritated scowl remained plastered on her face. He had denied the laser; that was particularly important. "INA needs this human to bring her to the human known as Spider." She hesitated again, with this next part marking her final decision. "It would be most safe for these humans if INA deactivated herself entirely. Does the unidentified human have any additional statements before INA does so?"

"Only that I'm the biggest idiot in the whole city for going through with this." Leo sighed again. "Go on, deactivate. You'll be taken to the Partition shortly; I've got a few loose ends to tie up here. And don't even cogitate about raising a signal back to the Institute. If you've separated from them voluntarily, I doubt they'd be happy to hear from you as well, wouldn't you think?"

INA nodded her head in response and instructed the human, "then INA's core will now separate from her shell. INA will persist as long as her core is intact, if undesignated human wishes to speak with her again, he may interface with the core while he is in a safe environment." She paused and added a final statement, "...and thank you."

Leo raised an eyebrow, but did nothing to stop INA from doing... whatever that meant.

INA laid down and began to power off her shell. After roughly a minute had passed, a compartment opened where her stomech would be, to reveal a small metalic sphere emitting a blue glow that had recently detatched from a variety of wires that were made of some organic material. While the human may or may not have been aware of it, the sphere was made of a combination databank and supercomputer, making it worth a fortune.

Leo walked downstairs finally and over to the prone figure of 'INA'. He reached down to grasp the small sphere, which turned out to be lighter than he expected for a component of its size. He examined it in his hands for a moment. "... we'll see if your thanks are well-placed. I doubt you can hear me right now, but keep your hopes up that I keep my head when Raptus hears of this. As long as you're still well-intentioned, that is..." With that, Leo pocketed the core of INA's body. He stood for a few moments, debating what to do about the body, or rather, INA's empty shell. If he stored it here, there was no telling who might come along and take it away. No, the best course of action would be to take it back to the Partition safehouse, at least if there were a place to keep it. Leo had a few ideas about that.

Whoa, this is actually a major advancement for our side. Now that he had the life and brain of one of the Institute's operatives, the Partition might be able to critically strike at the Institute. Of course, that would mean that Leo would have to hand over INA's core to Spider, and he didn't even know what the robot wanted, much less what Spider would do to it. And then there was the matter of the whole "made contact with the enemy" situation; there'd be questioning and orders. Granted, these things would probably be done in order to facilitate the safety of the Partition and the ease of future operations, but there was something that seemed slightly off about this whole deal still.

An hour later, after further ransacking of the shop had proved fruitless aside from a few miscellaneous parts and other random junk, a figure could be seen exiting the Short Circuit's rear door, carrying another body over their shoulder. Leo darted away through the alleys toward the Partition's safehouse, where he would secretly store INA's shell and take some time to consider his next actions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gardenia looked over the lavish array of food and smiled. Ah, the Institute, where everyone's health and welfare is accounted for, she thought, unlike that stupid little resistance force, the Partition it is called?, where riots and unrest are rampant, even for the most basic of necessities. So glad I'm not under their custody, who knows what they could have done to manipulate me into their ways?

After breakfast was over, she took a long shower and removed her now days-old military uniform, in favour of a bright scarlet dress. Red, just like Daddy had once said, she thought, the colour of blood. Representing fear, and power. Fitting to show the Partition who's actually has the power now. She left the household, and was almost immediately swarmed by reporters and journalists, desperate for a scoop. The capture and imprisonment of Gardenia Pirosé, the daughter of the Director of Communications, in an otherwise routine procedure was the hottest issue at the moment. It brought up many issues: Who is to blame for the security lapse? Must the Institute increase security against invading forces? Should government officials and their family have increased protection? Is the Partition a force to be reckoned with? Gardenia knew a press conference is going to be held in slightly less than 2 hours, and she would answer any questions the press had then. She calmly recited a response she knew by heart out loud to the reporters, "Please hold off your questions until the beginning of the press conference. There will be more than sufficient time for me to address all of your queries."

Gardenia quietly took a stroll around the Institute, curtsied and greeted any Directors and high-ranking officials walking past her, and replied with that rehearsed message to any wandering journalists. The most satisfying experience for her was definitely meeting the residents of the Institute, knowing certainly that their every need has and will be taken care for you, without the worry or hassle to compete for resources against anyone else.

The press conference was about to begin, and Gardenia hurriedly strolled over to the location of the press conference, hurrying backstage to get her makeup done. She had to look beautiful for the press, after all she was the Institute's poster girl. A few touches of makeup later, she strode down the hallway, ready to begin the conference. She could almost see the flashes and hear the clicks from the photographers.

The press conference was now under way, and questions from the press had frenzied about left and right. Having enough experience with these sorts of things, Gardenia knew how to methodically handle all the questions from them.

Reporter: Why were you out on the front lines?
Gardenia: A strong nation requires a strong defence, and knowing how safe the Institute has been from hostile intrusion, I had only wanted to know how prepared our military is for battle. I guess you could say I wasn't exactly pleasantly surprised, but it was merely a lapse in security, nothing more.
R: Is Karl Marquese at fault for putting you in harm's way?
G: Never had I blamed Director Marquese for this lapse in security, he is an intelligent Director with more than enough capabilities to act as the Director of Public Security. The Partition had only gotten the hold of this one routine check, and none of our operatives would have known that this would escalate into something more than a routine check. Besides, you could perhaps say the dice were not rolled in my favour, I was cornered in a dimly-lit corridor by what I presume to be one of the Partition's best generals. They only had the pieces fall in their favour.
R: How were you treated during your imprisonment?
G: It was, well, not what I had expected. I had always been referred as a guest by presumably the head of the Partition, and I was held in a guest room. Though it was nowhere like our exquisite bedrooms in the Institute, it was in no way like any prison cell I knew. The Partition is running a campaign of deception and brainwashing, the entire time I had been there the head of the Partition had always called me a prisoner of the Institute, which I know is far from the truth. He liked to question my loyalty to the Institute, and brainwashing me to join the rugged band of rebels there. I will never know their true motives for me should I join, perhaps I could have been used as a puppet against the Institute.
R: What do you know of the prisoner that was released during the exchange?
G: Very little, all I know is that she is one of the generals of the Partition, otherwise all information about her is classified and beyond my knowledge.
R: How strong are the Partition? Do they pose a genuine threat to the Institute?
G: I believe them to be easily destroyed by Institute forces should they come out of the shadows. All of their members come from divided backgrounds and social statuses, all they have in common is an aggression for the Institute. They know they cannot fight our forces using hand-to-hand combat, and have resorted to using subliminal messages, in order to ignite hatred amongst everyday citizens. I urge everyone to be vigilant, any form of resistance will not be tolerated. Aggression and violence will only lead to chaos and destruction, not change or progress. If we are strengthened mentally, the Partition will not have any way to stay afloat.

The press conference had ended, and now Gardenia retired back to the household in order to have lunch. A maid was bustling in her room, tidying the place up. Not long after, lunch, this time slightly smaller in portion, had arrived at her room. She didn't complain, she knew the Institute would have her best interests in mind, and she will be having a lavish dinner in the evening after all. She activated her microchip and searched through the news. Not surprisingly, reports about her press conference earlier today covered the front page. She laughed, thinking how the media would exacerbate her answers, and continued her lunch. After lunch, she headed for the venue of the speech she was going to deliver.

Gardenia was handed the script for the speech by one of the backstage crew members, and skimmed through it while touching up on her makeup. Soon, she gracefully walked up to the podium, and delivered the speech, with a little adjustments, without skipping a beat,

Good afternoon, citizens of Magnopolis! You may have heard stories about my capture, but I am here to tell you the truth of the matter. Yes, I was captured and held to ransom by a petty group of bandits that call themselves the Partition. A truly desperate act, from a desperate group who, even as we speak, are being pressed ever further against the wall by the stalwart efforts of Director Marquese and his men. As the Partition seek desperately to win a single encounter, they begin to use more extreme methods that bring misery to the people! They lie, cheat and steal in their attempts to subvert order and bring anarchy to the streets! The people would like to see nothing less than this corrupt terrorist group ground into the dust. Their resolves weakens, their numbers thin! They use civilians as shields to hide themselves as they continue to scramble to defeat us, use deception and brainwashing to make people bow down to them. But we will not fall! I faced them in the middle of their own stronghold, and I did not falter! Their tactics of lies are just that, lies, nothing more! In the end, Director Marquese offered them a minor player in order to give them the opportunity to save some face! They are a ridiculous masquerade of an organisation, and I doubt they will survive the coming months. In the name of justice, order and unity, we shall prevail!"

A loud wave of applause and flashing of cameras by the media ensued. Gardenia picked up the script, and exited the podium with grace. She then headed back to her room in the house.

She changed into some regular clothes, and activated the microchip and pulled up the directions to the Castius Club. She figured she could be able to make it there by floatcar, and be able to get to dinner at Forsythe's in time. She also requested for a bodyguard to be present at the time of her arrival, should the event go south. Gardenia smiles, knowing she could get the Institute one step closer to annihilating the Partition and putting their leaders to justice.

Gardenia was ready to leave for Castius Club. She was in a turquoise dress, decorated with tiny silver scales. She once again confirmed that the bodyguard had arrived on location, and got into the floatcar, going towards the club.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
That was... brisk... Sy thought to himself as the man practically shoved him out of the security station, slamming the door behind him.
Now, he had a question as to what to do. It was still an hour or two until he was planning to arrive at the Castius Club, and it was barely half an hour's walk over there.
He decided that he might as well enjoy the park nearby. It had been so, so long since he'd been into the Upper City. The last time was the day before his squad went down into the Undercity for their mission, before he'd left the Institute for good. The day he'd shot Marquese.
He'd missed this part of his life. He'd always loved the park. It was like another world in the cramped, bustling city. Spacious and fresh, with real, green plants covering its expanse.
He walked in it for a while, watching kids playing, couples sitting on park benches together, enjoying the beautiful day.
Sy sat down on a bench of his own, and he smiled. A nostalgic tear might have rolled down his face if he still had tear ducts. His memories of this park were some of the only good ones he'd ever truly had, and they were his most cherished. One day, the whole city would be able to see this beauty for themselves. His hand tightened around the armrest, and a frown shadowed his brow as he remembered why not everyone could. The Institute.
In the corner of his eye he saw it was about 16:00. He'd been walking and sitting there for longer than he realised. He supposed it was time that he got moving. Standing up, he made his way along the route that his implants showed him in his vision at a brisk pace.
He arrived at the Castius Club at 16:30. As he ambled his way towards the establishment, a floatcar pulled up ahead of him, and out stepped a woman in a beautiful blue-and-silver dress. Her head was turned away from him, but even from this angle she seemed familiar. His eyes widened as he saw her face from the side, and he recognised Gardenia Pirose, walking towards the Castius Club before him. This didn't bode well. What should he do? Ignore her? THat was probably for the best. He had only been a basic institute soldier when he'd noticed her, she would doubtlessly never have even glanced at his face if she'd even looked in his vague direction.
Syderis decided to ignore her. She was probably just going for drinks with some swanky business partner. He, on the other hand, had to get to the bottom of what this invitation was.
Pushing open the door, he was greeted with the sight of a sophisticated building full of the well-to-do of the Upper City. Everyone here was wearing an evening gown or a suit, and Syderis was suddenly one of them. He took the note out of his pocket, and glanced once more at it.
"Might I take your coat sir?" A chaperone asked him, and Sy let him take his jacket to be placed within a tube where it floated, being passively cleaned and dried as it was left there.
Now all that was left to do was to walk up to the bar. He didn't need to wait, the barman walked straight over to him as if he was expected. Well, he somewhat was, he supposed.
"My name is Syderis Velos. I believe that I'm expected here?"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gardenia strode into the club, curtsying to all of the heads who turned towards her upon the clack of her heels. She headed towards an empty barstool, in front of which stood the bartender, wiping away on the table. He saw her approaching, and looked and cooed, "Miss Pirose! What an unexpected surprise, for you to be here." Gardenia replied coolly, "Just celebrating my safe return to the Institute. Needed to get away from the press, they are relentless. You've heard, right? It's all over the news." The bartender nodded, "Indeed. Must be a terrifying experience, being under the mercy of the enemy and all. Definitely need some R&R, miss. Anyways, any drinks you fancy? We have an extensive array for you to select from."

Gardenia replied nonchalantly, "I had something in mind already as a matter of fact." She then gestured for the bartender to lean his ear against her. She whispered to him, "Get me a Black Magic, please."
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
"Great! I was waiting to finally get some work outside of the field, and get back down to programming!" Dan exclaimed. As the lift doors opened, Dan was impressed by the vast array of Institute technology contained in the room. His facilities at home had essentially just been the network built into himself, so the machinery displayed, such as the HoloComputers and the HoloScape were really impressive to him. He stood there, dumbfounded for a second, before realising that the chief officer was attempting to get his attention.

Chief Officer Rowlands strode forwards, beginning to speak to the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Mr Weave, or Dan Tuite. You all remember the drone we had so much trouble with? It was this guy! And he's here to lend a hand for the day on our big recode. So, I think we've got a lot of fun on our hands! Dan, care to introduce yourself before I take you to your workstation?"

"Uh, yeah sure." Dan replied. "I'm sorry about all the trouble I may have caused you guys before, but I swear I've changed now, and I'm proud to help the Institute! I've coded since I was a little kid, and I'm sure I love it as much as you all do!" Dan turned away, blushing from his awkward speech. He realised what the Chief Officer had said, his own workstation! This was going to be great.

Rowlands led Dan to an empty computer workstation, and pointed out several areas that he could work on. As they day went on, various people came by to chat about code, and how he'd structured his attacks. Nobody there seemed to bear him any ill will, except for a couple of older members working away the corner who threw dirty glances in his direction every so often. Everyone seemed interested to have a new person to talk to about their depressingly nerdy habit.

After he finally calmed down about his new workstation Dan decided to see how everyone else was doing. He rolled his chair over to a nearby desk and peeked at the coder's screen. "What are you working on?" He asked.

"Errr, well, I'm recoding the firewalls and security systems to be placed on our autonomous drones and droids, in an effort to...stop people taking control of them. N-not that I'm saying that because it's you or anything, it's just my job, I'm sorryyyy..." The young, somewhat scatty-seeming programmer had gone bright red as a result of her response. "I'm not sure how well it's gonna work though, especially with people like you around - I mean really good coders, not, well, bad people, just...y'know...Anyway, would you be able to have a look and see if you could break it?"

"Yeah, sure!" Dan replied. "Also, don't worry about insulting the old me!" He laughed. Then, more seriously, he said, "Just so you're clear that I'm not like that anymore. Anyway, let's take a go at this firewall!" Dan hit the run button and then leaned away, opening the neural interface and attempting to hack it. He smiled when he found a way in after 5 seconds. If he hadn't, somebody else would have. "There's a small loophole there, you see how the while loop can be broken there? Still though, this is some nice coding, I'd almost given up!"

The coder sighed when she saw her firewall fall apart as Dan exploited the opening in her code. "Awww. I thought I may have managed to make something that was impregnable to most hacks. I thought that...if I could beat you, I could beat anyone. Guess I'm not that good yet." She looked at where Dan had indicated in the code. "Yeah, there it is. Such a dumb weakness to miss. Damn it." Some of the light seemed to have gone from her eyes as she looked at the results. "Hey, thanks for your help. I'm gonna go grab a coffee before I fix that." Listlessly, she crawled from her chair and off to the break area.

"Hey, wait!" Dan said as she walked away. "Mind if I join you? I think it's time for my break as well. And hey, don't be so harsh on yourself. You are good, but I've spent my entire life hacking things, and I have a natural affinity for hacking. If I didn't have a neural speed accelerator slowing down time for me, that would've taken me half an hour to find that loophole, it isn't an obvious mistake. You can beat anyone, you just have to keep trying. You can tell me to go away now if you want." He laughed.

Dan was forced to watch in an awkward silence after he gave that speech, as he watched a cup of what was almost black tar poured. The very smell it gave off was enough to dispel any lingering feelings of tiredness. A large gulp. Then another. Then another. The whole cup disappeared in the space of about 30 seconds. "Fwaaah. Needed thaat." Dropping the mug into the sink, she turned and faced him. "Man, I wish you'd told me about that accelerator before you crushed a week's work in the blink of an eye. Do you have any idea how worthless I felt at that moment?" Another awkward pause. "I'm sorry, it's not your fault. I'm just mad at myself for leaving such a dumbass flaw in the firewall and not noticing it. I thought I'd be able to even the scoreboard a bit after that drone hacking. I heard you were coming, and I was all excited to surprise you with a piece of impregnable code, and then to leave the door open like's mortifying. I kind of want to go crawl into a hole and die right now."

"Jeez, it's not the end of the world! Don't let this get to you that much! We just found out about the firewall being infiltrated, so you haven't had very long to work on it. Every firewall has some way to get into it anyway, promise you won't tell anyone this but even my firewall was hacked recent... OH SHIT." Dan cursed as he realised he could still be being monitored. He quickly squeezed his eyes shut and shouted out to the Chief Officer. "Sir! I need a scan of my systems! I think they may have been compromised!"

Rowlands looked over at Dan's panicked expression, and decided not to question the situation. "Roger that. Tessie, guide him over to my workstation." As Rowlands began flicking a series of switches to isolate his terminal from the network, Dan felt a hand take him by the arm and carefully guide him over to the Chief Officer. "Dan, I've completely isolated this system from the network. That means the chances of anything jumping are eliminated, but it also means I'm going to have to establish a direct link via the AUX port in your occipito-basal implant. I'm going to have to strip the skin off from this layer, so stay really still. Commencing procedure in 3, 2, 1..." Dan felt a biting pain as a fine blade slid through the skin at the back of his neck, cutting away the skin that had grown over the metallic implant that nestled below the cerebellum. He could feel a slight pressure as a network cable was plugged in. "OK, ready to commence security sweep. Unilateral data bridge initialising. Waveform analysers ready to record. Software imaging good to go. I'm going to go in and analyse your firewall first, so keep it up for now."

The clattering of Rowland's hands on his terminal's keyboard filtered in through Dan's ears as a trickle of blood ran down his neck. He could feel his firewall being gently probed by the scanning programs, the defences being tested. With his eyes squeezed shut, he was free to focus on the sensation, until suddenly various pieces of data from his brain started flickering in front of his eyes. Rowlands whistled in surprise. "That was unexpected...I don't think I've seen anything like this before. Dan, I'm going to give it to you straight - whatever hit you was pretty insane. There is a completely unsecured hole in the middle of your firewall right now. Keep your firewall up, I'll scan through the hole to see if anything else is out of place." A long few minutes passed, during which most of Dan's life passed in front of his eyes as the files were checked by the programs running through the vast datastore.

"OK, evidence of a mass download 15 hours ago, but no lingering effects other than what was done to your firewall. It looks like they overwrote your own firewall code with their own. Let me see what I can do." Dan felt the same gentle probing fingers of code begin to pull the edges of his firewall together, knitting the hole together. Suddenly, they were shattered and fragmented as a jolt ran through his mind. "Well well well. Ambush code, designed to attack anyone who tried to undo what they had written. Good job I set up the unilateral bridge, or my machine would be in a similar position to your head right now." The fingers rematerialised, and resumed the stitching together. A couple minutes later, the job was done and the code withdrew. "No anomalies in alpha, beta, or theta waveforms. No unrecognised software based on system images from the past 3 years. No data transmissions since the hack. I think we can give you a clean bill of health." The connections were unplugged from his neck. "Just gotta re-cover this now." A sterile adhesive pad was applied over the implant. "There we go. All cleaned up. Leave the pad on for the next few days - it's waterproof and will keep the everything clean. How do you feel?"

"I feel fine thanks, but also a bit stupid. I should of realised that the bit... uh, terrorist operative would've left something behind. I guess it was a really tiring day, seeing as I almost died. My deepest apologies sir. Oh, and also, the information was routed through a street cleaning drone, I managed to get it's ID in the millisecond before it was removed, it was ID 24457, I'm transferring the warning to its files now. I'm hugely sorry for risking the integrity of our system." Dan replied sheepishly, before quickly hurrying back to his station.

As he hurried back, his neighbour turned to him with a slight smile. "I guess even you screw up sometimes, huh? Man , I would loove to meet the person who caught you out like that. Must have been fun to see your face." She giggled slightly. "Well, you helped with the firewall, and you didn't actually expose our entire system to an attack, so hey. Not bad for your first day. Name's Tessiana, but it's far too long. So, just call me Tessie."

Dan grinned at the comment, "Trust me, you wouldn't, Tessie, she's the kind of person that would kill your partner and then make fun of you for it." Dan grimaced a little at his own sick joke. "Hey, I, uh, umm, would you like to, uh, go and get something to eat together after work tomorrow?" He asked, blushing and trying not to look her in the eyes.

Tessie seemed somewhat taken aback by Dan's comments. "Eeeeeeh. You - you don't really talk to girls that much do you? Most people try not to be so bleak before they ask people out for food. Well, I guess I have nothing better planned. You've taught me a fair bit about coding, so I may as well see if I can teach you about how to be charming." She stuck her tongue out at him briefly. "So, where are you taking me?"

Dan seemed extremely nervous as she commented on him not talking to girls much, but seemed happy when she accepted. "Uh, sorry I don't talk to many people, being the nerdy guy who loves programming and hacking doesn't exactly make everyone want to be your friend, or seen with you at all. Anyway, I don't have a load of money, so I'm afraid it won't be too fancy, but there's a nice café that I've been to a few times called The Coffee Corner, I was thinking we could go there? Anyway," he replied, then looked around cautiously, "I really should get back to work, or we'll both get in trouble." He smiled and waved goodbye, then went back to work on his counter-hacking system for the Institute files. After a while, he finished the part he was working on, and spent the rest of the day trying to hack other people's firewalls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Although she had received confirmation that her bodyguard was on the scene, Gardenia could see no evidence of his presence in the area. The barman's face had experienced a flicker of shock at the drink she had ordered, before his face readjusted itself to it's normal acquiescent expression. "As you wish, miss. Please follow me." He walked to a small door set into the side of the bar, beckoning her to follow. The door led up a set of narrow steps, with a small landing leading to another door. As she stepped towards it, she found herself slammed against the wall by the bartender and a small blade held to her throat. "Why are you here, Miss Pirose? This matter does not concern you. Such a shame, but it seems you'll be leaving very -"

"She stays." A tall figure stepped out of the doorway. A large hooded cloak and featureless opera mask concealed the deep voiced individual's identity, just as his tone carried an element of artificial distortion. The barman spun round, his eyes focusing on the barrel of an ornate revolver that was aimed directly at him. "Sir, I must disagree! Her presence here is..." "She. Stays. Do not make me repeat myself. She has been invited, and she is expected. Now leave." The barman paused for a little, before slipping his blade away into a compartment in his arm. "Of course sir. My deepest apologies for my conduct to the pair of you." He turned and headed back down the stairs. As he descended, another figure appeared from the doorway. Similarly attired to the first, the only difference between the two was the mask. In the second stranger's case, it was a crude image of a mythical creature - a vampire, with red eyes and exaggerated fangs. Their voice, like the other, carried heavy electronic modulation. "Told you the idiot was on edge. We may need to replace him - who knows when he might break and spill all. I see the princess came then. I wasn't sure if she would have the guts."

Meanwhile, Sy encountered a distinctly nervous looking bartender downstairs. Upon mention of his name, the man hissed irritably. "Show's through that door, and up the stairs." His hands indicated the door through which Gardenia had recently disappeared. Following the steps up to the landing, he found Gardenia, along with the two masked individuals. "Good evening, Mr Velos. Good evening, Miss Pirose. I am Mr Revenant, and my associate here is Miss Dracul. We have been looking forwards to your company. Please, step through." The room within was dark, and two more people, attired similarly to Revenant and Dracul, were already sat within. The only difference between them was their masks. One bore the image of a sun on their mask, whilst the other wore a distinctive black-beaked mask. "These are our comrades, Mr Apollo and Mr Wodan." Revenant said, before moving to sit with Dracul and the others. Wodan was the one to arise, speaking in a moderate calm tone.

"Tell me, what do you know of the truth behind this city, Magnopolis? What do you know of the world beyond the dome? You will have heard the stories of course. The asteroid strike, the city protected by a protective shield. But why did the dome never come down? Why have other cities not come to contact you? The story does not add up. It is a lie, spread by the Director of the Institute, and unchallenged by the leadership of the Partition. It is a coward's tool to keep you from looking outside. To keep you all living beneath the neon stars.

My codename is Wodan. I represent an organisation known as EXODUS. And I am here to tell the city the truth, little by little. For this city is not called Magnopolis. It is known as ARC-5, standing for Advanced Research City. And it was built and supported by we of EXODUS. We are EXtraterrestrial Operational Defense via Underground Shelters. We represent the hope of the people of this world. For it was not asteroids that hit the Earth. We were invaded by beings from another world. Their expeditionary force wrought havoc with advanced technology before being subdued. We knew we could not stand against their main offensive, not with our currently lacking technology. So it was decided to build a network of shelters, camouflaged deep underground by seismic activity. And we filled them with some of the best and brightest in their fields. Each ARC carried the hopes and dreams of a discipline - be it bioengineering, advanced weaponry, or in your case computer systems. The intention was to bring humanity to a level where it could strike back, and then lead a war of extermination against the alien occupiers. However, 5 years after the project began, ARC-5 went quiet. The Institute, prompted by a new Director, used the ubiquitous implants to overwrite the memories of everyone in the city, and stopped sending project reports. Some of us know the truth, yet our numbers are too few. Spider of the Partition knows, and yet keeps it hidden, for it does not serve his interests. We cannot stand against the force of either organisation as it is, but we do what we can, infiltrating the ranks of both."

A long pause followed the speech. Wodan sighed. "I appreciate this sounds like the ramblings of a madman. Let me assure you that the threat is real and out there. There is only so much longer we can hope to hide. We must stand together, or die scattered and separated."


The entirety of the divisions not currently on active deployment were in the hall. Karl Marquese stood at a lectern in the front, impassive in front of the general murmur. All it took was the raising of a hand for the hall to fall quiet. "Attention, soldiers of the Institute! As you are no doubt aware, Insitute detainee 24601, name of Natalya Godetzka, was released yesterday evening in exchange for Gardenia Pirose. This briefing is to warn you of the abilities of Godetzka, who is officially considered a Special War Potential, and is to be engaged with the utmost caution.

Godetzka was captured during an operation codenamed Pyrrhic Intrusion. It was supposed to be a straightforward raid of a safehouse used by Partition forces. The occupants numbered 3, including Godetzka. One unit of 4 was dispatched, and successfully dealt with two of the three hostiles, before going silent. A backup unit, including a medical officer, was dispatched. This unit was forced to call for backup within a minute of landing, and an elite team was dispatched." Marquese paused, sighing heavily. "We sent 12 people into that house. 4 of them came back alive. Godetzka killed 8 people, including one veteran operative, before they could subdue her. Out of the 4 survivors, only one is still operating at present. The others all withdrew from active service shortly after the conclusion of Pyrrhic Intrusion. As a result, we designated Godetzka as an SWP.

Based on the eyewitness reports, we have reason to believe that Goedtzka possesses a unique experimental implant that interfaces with nanoscale structures within her bloodstream. These structures are capable self-assembly and disassembly at high speeds, allowing her to form her own blood into weapons. As a result, any wounds she receives increases her killing capacity and her threat level. Possibly as a result of the extended use of her own blood as a weapon, she is significantly more durable than your average opponent, and possesses much greater vitality.

These structures also give her abilities to be wary of. We have reports of Godetzka using these properties to forcibly transfuse blood from an opponent into herself. As a result, she can sustain herself and her vitality in the middle of battle, making her a significant threat.

Finally, and the most traumatising of her abilities. Godetzka has infused her blood into the corpses of her slain opponents, allowing her to manipulate them like a marionette. The psychological impact alone of this technique is what drove 3 tough soldiers to take early retirement, even before you consider the impact it has on her battle potential. She turned that safehouse into a deathtrap, with former friends and teammates firing on those they stood side by side with just minutes earlier.

If you encounter Godetzka, do not attempt to engage without significant backup. If you are presented with a situation in which you have no choice but to engage, do so cautiously. Our intelligence suggests that her implant takes significant amounts of power and concentration to use, rendering her more vulnerable to technological and cyber-based attacks. As such, if you are capable, hacking is a better strategy than physical combat.

Before we move on, there is one final thing I must inform you of. An experimental robotic solider, codename INA, went AWOL this morning, failing to report to its regular maintenance update. We are monitoring the situation, but exercise suitable discretion should you encounter it. Any questions regarding Godetzka?"

Leo returned to find Wyatt still tinkering with a couple of pieces of scrap. Raptus was clanking irritably around the safehouse, but turned when Leo entered. "What is that... that's the advanced robot that was at the Scrap Market...How did you get your hands on a prize like that one? I'm sure Spider would be interested in having a look at it and seeing if there was anything of value he could use. Good job Leo, this is an absolute ste- Wait. Did you check for any tracking and monitoring systems before you brought it here?"
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Syderis thought that the barman seemed weirdly nervous, which he didn't think boded well. Ignoring that, he began climbing the stairs, hand creeping ever closer to the compartment in his stomach. A quick neural signal would open it, and he'd have the gun out in under a second.
At the top of the stairs he was greeted by the sight of a man and a woman, both strangely masked. Coser to Sy was, to his surprise, Gardenia. He had the resist the urge to pull the gun out, all of his instincts were screaming at him to run, but his brain was telling him that they wouldn't have taken him here to put him in danger. They wanted to talk, it seemed.
Talk they did, and by the end Sy's head was nearly spinning, they'd told him so much that completely turned his idea of what the world was upside-down. Aliens? ARCs? Mass memory hacks? It was all so much, and how did he even know, as "Mr. Wodan" had said, that is wasn't the ramblings of a madman. If it was true, he'd certainly try to do what was right and join it, he thought, but how could he trust these people?
"This... this is a lot to take in. ALl of this, it sounds huge, and important, but... how can I believe you? Not to mention, you bring in someone as brainwashed as her?" Sy said, gesturing to Gardenia, "That's who you want? Someone who thinks the institute is fucking wonderful and all they do is for the good of everyone? Fine, convince me. But I don't want to be tied in with airheads like her. I know what the institute do."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gardenia eyed that blade wearily. It was eerily reminiscent to Raptus doing, well, anything to her. Her brain spun into a frenzy, Is this a trap?! Are they all part of the Partition, ready to hold me hostage again?! Where is that bodyguard?! Gardenia was panting from fear, almost tasting the metallic tang of her blood should the blade come any closer to her. She closed her eyes, unwilling to face whatever dangers lie in store, when an artificial-sounding voice commanded for her to be set free. She blinked once at the origin of the voice, only to see a white cloak, featuring an opera mask. Her mind was still in a frenzy: should she be relieved or afraid? Another white cloak appeared. This other one seems to be masquerading as some freakish monster, bearing fangs and all. Gardenia tried to run, but her leg muscles would not give in, paralysed by the sheer wonder of this 30-second encounter. Gardenia caught what seemed like their names before being ushered into a quaint and dank room.

So they're EXODUS. Revenant, Dracul, Apollo, Wodan, Gardenia concluded. They seemed to have started speaking. Talking about having something beyond the dome of our city. About this being part of something greater, conspiring something that is completely off the ball curve. Kinda like the Partition, it seems, Gardenia thought, spouting bullshit about something beyond our walls. She was partially listening to the conversation, picking up random soundbytes off from whoever was talking. And how does it concern me?, she wondered, we're busy beating the Partition's ass. We're doing fine as it is, why the hell are you throwing a curve ball into all of this?

"I appreciate this sounds like the ramblings of a madman." It was, and Gardenia was not gonna fall for a conspiracy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gardenia turned towards the other guest upon hearing his remark and stared angrily. "Brainwashed, you say?" Gardenia said towards Sy, "now I know where your loyalties lie."

She pulled out her memory chip and messaged Director Marquese, "Partition spy infiltrated our bases. Sent troops for arrest. Location: the Castius Club, Upper City."

Gardenia stood up and faced Sy, "Now get up and turn yourself in. I have security coming in. Follow what we say, no one gets hurt." Gardenia raises her knife, now sharper and deadlier since her imprisonment.