Beginner's Guide to Blood Magic

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have any suggestions for an addon now that the API is out? I may or may not have been convinced to actually release a mod, and despite me joking that "Mortgagecraft" would be the mod and that you would summon a banker for the "mortgage" with BM, I don't actually want to do a joke mod... right now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have any suggestions for an addon now that the API is out? I may or may not have been convinced to actually release a mod, and despite me joking that "Mortgagecraft" would be the mod and that you would summon a banker for the "mortgage" with BM, I don't actually want to do a joke mod... right now.

I've always wanted a Spell Crystal / Bound Weapon Blood Gauntlet....
aka, Powerglove from MPS...only...more evil.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
Anyone have any suggestions for an addon now that the API is out? I may or may not have been convinced to actually release a mod, and despite me joking that "Mortgagecraft" would be the mod and that you would summon a banker for the "mortgage" with BM, I don't actually want to do a joke mod... right now.

I wouldn't mind seeing something focused around having more multiblocks like the altar. Something a bit like what beacons could have been, but with less GUIs and more useful things.

Edit: And what about having a custom bound blade, a bit like the Bound Armor? Be able to specialize in certain traits on the weapon at the cost of others.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've always wanted a Spell Crystal / Bound Weapon Blood Gauntlet....
aka, Powerglove from MPS...only...more evil.
A bigger version of the sigil of holding?
I wouldn't mind seeing something focused around having more multiblocks like the altar. Something a bit like what beacons could have been, but with less GUIs and more useful things.

Edit: And what about having a custom bound blade, a bit like the Bound Armor? Be able to specialize in certain traits on the weapon at the cost of others.
2nd one is a great idea, honestly. As for the 1st idea, something akin to Player Beacons that runs off LP maybe?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually a mod that expands the difficulty and challenges available would be amazing. Demonic temples spawning as worldgen, villages with demonic overlords that sacrifice villagers, mobs that seek to infiltrate your base and leech the blood from your altar, spirits that feed off your LP network, etc. Give people a reason to want to make all this incredibly OP gear.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
As for the 1st idea, something akin to Player Beacons that runs off LP maybe?

Umm, sure? I can't say I've ever used Player Beacons.

Edit: Just looked it up, and that's kinda what I was thinking, so toss that idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New rituals?
Ritual of the cutter (cuts wood inside it)
Ritual of magnetism (attracts like the magnet)
Ritual of the cursed (spawns mobs)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@James_Grimm @SawBlade @YX33A So when I have no weekend because I'm documenting everything on the wiki, I'll blame you three.

But the blood @Padfoote it calls, it calls ... ;)

I love that I take a 5 min break from writing grad papers and I have 4 alerts of "person mentioned you in a post". Y'all are so nice. I'll definitely try and give a weekend to doing more blood magic stuff, as soon as my finals are over in 2 weeks, IRL sadly must get done first. So glad the "grumpy old mage" style is enjoyed. I may try and do some more like that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a simple question for my fellow bloodies. I typically just make one T5 altar and work with that, but I'm using more rituals now and am running into LP problems. How many of you run multiple altars...and how many is 'multiple'?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a simple question for my fellow bloodies. I typically just make one T5 altar and work with that, but I'm using more rituals now and am running into LP problems. How many of you run multiple altars...and how many is 'multiple'?

I have four T5 altars at the moment. Two of them have wells of suffering sucking the LP from a dozen witches beneath them, and have 26 displacement runes and the rest sacrifice runes. Another altar is optimized for filling my LP network, and has 13 displacement runes and the rest runes of the orb. My last altar is optimized for crafting, and has 34 displacement runes, 28 capacity runes, and the rest speed runes. Each altar is hooked up to a tesseract that feeds blood from the witch altars to the other two.

If I need more LP in the future, I'll likely move to having three witch altars, two LP altars, and my crafting altar.

Also, shameless plug for my current project - I'm automating alchemy. All of it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have four T5 altars at the moment. Two of them have wells of suffering sucking the LP from a dozen witches beneath them, and have 26 displacement runes and the rest sacrifice runes. Another altar is optimized for filling my LP network, and has 13 displacement runes and the rest runes of the orb. My last altar is optimized for crafting, and has 34 displacement runes, 28 capacity runes, and the rest speed runes. Each altar is hooked up to a tesseract that feeds blood from the witch altars to the other two.

If I need more LP in the future, I'll likely move to having three witch altars, two LP altars, and my crafting altar.

Also, shameless plug for my current project - I'm automating alchemy. All of it.

Lots of people use the witches method, how do you go about keeping them from despawning?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Multiple T5 altars ??? ...
T5, Tier 5, altars are the ones that you finish off with four beacons made from nether stars. They're the top notch altar....but sometimes it's not enough and so you make more...apparently four or five isn't unheard of. :) @CodaPDX For example.