So if I edit bedrock in the block.Block classfile of Vanilla minecraft would that cause it become incompatible with other mods? Is it ill advised? I know it may break that balance of other mods but if I were to edit:
would it cause any major errors?
edit so in my baseclass file where I register everything would this work?
public static final Block bedrock = (new Block(7, Material.rock)).setBlockUnbreakable().setResistance(6000000.0F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setUnlocalizedName("bedrock").disableStats().setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock);
public static final Block bedrock = (new Block(7, Material.rock)).setHardnes(_____.F).setResistance(6000000.0F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setUnlocalizedName("bedrock").disableStats().setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock);
edit so in my baseclass file where I register everything would this work?
public static final Block bedrock = (new Block(7, Material.rock)).setHardness(100.0F).setResistance(5000.0F).setUnlocalizedName("bedrock").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock);