Whitelist Server Beat The Beast dw20 1.0.1 whitelisted small community(1.7.10)Nothing banned,fast response

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IGN.... vetleice (no caps)
AGE..... 15
WHERE YOUR FROM...... Norway
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU. I have been playing all the others DW20 pack and would like to start playing on the new one. So what better way to start playing it than playing with an awesome community like this one looks like. Plus I want somewhere to record for my youtube channel link: //www.youtube.com/user/VetleIce39
whitelisted see you soon

vetleice you have been banned for steeling and I have screen shots to prove it so you have no right to appeal
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IGN NimeniAltu666
AGE: 19
WHERE YOUR FROM: Romania, EUrope
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU: I'm a fun player who likes being a nice small community, with quality people. Enjoy playinh modded Minecraft, especially the tech mods. I am definitely not a good aestethical builder, but I'll try my best :)
IGN.... Omniscientx
AGE..... 19
WHERE YOUR FROM...... Poland
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU.... I want to play on an ftb server with nice community.
Omniscientx you have been banned from a server before so we don't accept your app this time its the fact that you lied about the ban not that you where banned but6 good luck in finding a server to call home.
IGN: agent56p
AGE: 16
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED: not that i can remember but i could be wrong
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU: I'd like to get back into minecraft after not playing for a while and singleplayer isn't as fun as multiplayer.
IGN: supercocoapuff
Age: 15
Where are you from: Ontario, Canada
Have you ever been banned: Nope never
Why should we whitelist you: I love to play with other players in smaller communities. I would be a friendly addition to the server, I love to help out and do fun stuff with other people online. I used to play on a whitelisted server and it was a lot of fun and I'm looking for a new one to join. Hopefully I'll see you in game :)
Omniscientx you have been banned from a server before so we don't accept your app this time its the fact that you lied about the ban not that you where banned but6 good luck in finding a server to call home.
Ah, that. I forgot that ban. Was over 1 year ago and it was just because I destroyed 10 honeypot blocks. I don't even remember anything of that.
IGN: Karhn
AGE: 25
WHY SHOULD WE WHITELIST YOU: Friendly player who enjoys the building side of minecraft, just looking for a friendly and grief free server to call home and much prefer to play along with others.
whitelisted see you ingame we are in the middle of an update so it will be down for few mins
IGN: Manuel033
AGE: 16
WHERE YOUR FROM: Argentina but i can speak fluent English
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED: Nope: http://fishbans.com/u/Manuel033
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU: Great experience with most mods, friendly and looking to enjoy a small community, i had one before but the owner stopped the server and now im looking for a good community.
IGN: Techmo2
AGE: 16
WHERE YOUR FROM: United States
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED: No http://fishbans.com/u/Techmo2
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU:I have good experience with most mods and hope to learn more. I have been trying for a while to find a good server with a kind community and a good staff. This server looks very promising. I have hosted a few small servers (mainly for friends).
IGN.... kni0002
AGE..... 14
WHERE YOUR FROM...... Australia
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED... I have been banned for Surface mining witch I never knew that was a rule. I may have been temp banned from some servers But I was very immature 12 year old kid. I have changed a lot and now I rarely get banned from servers and I always follow server rules.
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU.... I have tons of experience with mods, and I started Playing with mods in 2012. I used to be on a similar server but it went down under 1 year ago.
IGN: iOnlyUseMyFists
AGE: 18
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED:not that i through off until i found out 24 hours ago that i have 1 ban from a server ive never played on
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU: i have good knowledge of mods and i am willing to learn and help others with mods i like a small or big community to interactive with and have a good time (i don't mind using a voice chat to talk to others too)