Whitelist Server Beat The Beast dw20 1.0.1 whitelisted small community(1.7.10)Nothing banned,fast response

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whitelisted see you ingame soon

kamikaze I don't know what had happened to your whitelist but its fixed now see you soon
AGE..... 24
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU....Trying to find a small ftb server, that I can just play on and have fun. Bring my friends on, and build a small little town would be great. I really hope that you will consider whitelisting me.
IGN: xLiiFezx
Age: 18
Where are you from? USA
Have you ever been banned? No, I've always played on my own servers.
Why should we whitelist you? I prefer to play on small community servers so that I may build in peace, instead of dealing with griefers and hackers. The idea of having maybe 10 people on at a time instead of 50-100 is my preference. I've played modded MC for about 2 years now and have a large knowledge of the mods to date.
IGN: PsychicMan.
AGE: Almost 16 :).
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU: I'm friendly and have been playing Minecraft for 3 years and FTB about 2years, I have things to learn, but I can teach others too. I'm not those a**hole people that greifing/stealing things, and I would like to join a small community like yours which I can build and learn peacfuly without any disorders.
AGE..... 15
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU....Because Feed the beast is my life, I play it all the time and have played it for about 2 years. This is a great opportunity to get to join a community with people that love to play Feed the Beast also.
AGE..... 29
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU....I used to run my own FTB server last year just moved and getting back into FTB looking for a smaller server to join
IGN: xBoom305
Age: 17
Where are you from: fl, USA
Have you ever been banded: nope
Why should we white list you: I've been playing ftb for about a year already so I know the mods pretty well and I'd like to play with a ftb community because I've never done it before and it seems like a lot of fun. I've very respectful and helpful and like to have fun.
IGN: istratmoen
Age: 13 but I'm not a squeaker. ( I would also consider my self mature.)
Where are you from: Minnesota, USA
Have you ever been banned: 1 once I belive because I was stolen from and then stole my stuff back. (Pretty much a rage ban)
Why should we white list you: I haven't played FTB or Minecraft in general for quite some time. I would like to get back into it but need a server to start. I also would consider my self a fun individual and would try to keep a laid back attitde, insted of being super serious.
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IGN.... deadlykiller53
AGE..... 16
WHERE YOUR FROM...... California
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED... Yep, team avoliation (the youtube griefing team)
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU.... Why not? I can program turtles.
sorry im not going to take the chance you sound very proud of your bann history and your on mcbanns so its a no this time sorry.
IGN.... Oakmontowls
AGE..... 19
WHERE YOUR FROM...... California
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED... Yes because of some guy being a jerk
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU... I should be White listed because I will add to the community and i am also proficient in tinkers construct and simi proficient in thaumcraft 4
IGN.... AchaikosMC
AGE..... 15
WHERE YOUR FROM...... North Carolina
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED... Yes, by some hacker who hacked a server that i was playing on, he banned everyone including me, once the server was restored i never got unbanned.
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU. I haven't played FTB in a long time and I would like to get back to it and i thought starting with a whitelist server would be great, especially with a small community i'll be able to get to know all of the members easily :D
IGN.... xXSnowFyreXx
AGE..... 17
WHERE YOUR FROM...... Minnesota, US
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED... None that I am aware of
WHY SHOULD WE WHITE LIST YOU.... I am a quite person but I can be a fun loving guy when I want to, and I also have a decent amount a knowledge on the mods that are in the DW20 pack and other packs.