Base Design

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Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
I actually want to see a recommendation for a decent shape builder with CC. Is there a goto program?

Another question, do you place limitations on your builds? Like, no "magic" such as enderchests etc?

Well, in my latest build (which I've barely even begun so it probably won't be finished before 1.7 comes out :rolleyes:) I'm not using anything from AE at all (I'm using Logistics Pipes instead) and I'm not using Ender Chests except for a single one that will interface with an Ender Bag I carry (for dumping ores and such if I don't want to return to the base).

One limitation that I've always set for myself, even before I decided to limit myself in other ways, was to write all of the ComputerCraft programs I use by myself, rather than downloading programs written by other people. I think the only program I've ever used that wasn't included in CC or written by myself was Direwolf20's GoTo program (for moving turtles to GPS coordinates), mostly because I had no idea how the GPS API worked at the time. I could probably write it myself now.

Downloading ComputerCraft programs makes it far too easy to automate things with turtles and computers. I decided that if I can't write the code myself, then I shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of turtles and their gamebreaking capabilities.

I actually wrote a program that would manage my smeltery for me, automatically dumping ore in and triggering the faucets to pour into ingot casts. When I eventually scrapped that world, I was in the process of writing code to handle alloy creation (and thus alloy avoidance as well), as well as handling the ability to request new tool parts (made of normal metals or even alloys) through my AE system, which would then be made automatically by the smeltery. I was pretty proud of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love this idea. I'm going to steal it for my next base. I rarely build towers, since traversing up and down multiple floors can often be a pain, but I really love the idea of a multi-floor base with a central column for item/liquid/power transport.

Thaumcraft has some cool levitators.. For the sake of simplicity i just use a mmps suit with jump assist with some holes in the ground that i fill with mffs, then i jump and use the card to get to the other roof or use the card when standing on it to fall.. It drains some power but has some cool advantages (no vis in portable hole, changing mfs settings to npc kill when needed, protection from griefing in multiplayer..) Also, try to remember that there is cable to turn off some sections of ME circuitry, use it to stop wasting energy if your line becomes excesive... You can also use it in conjunction with the signal cable to make all-in-one shutdowns for some floors, shutting down not only the ME system but also every machine that can be shutdown with or with the lack of redstone signal.. Use inverters in the first case :D[DOUBLEPOST=1381265712][/DOUBLEPOST]And also, glad you liked it :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I start with a hole in the ground like most people (I generally try to do dig into a cliff face rather than a literal hole in the ground). Once I have decent auto processing setup, I find a place and build a steam punk house. That ends up being where my main processing takes place. At the same time I re-purpose my hole in the ground into storage (cause it's usually my mine entrance at this time). Then find a different biome with a unique landscape feature and build another steam punk house, then move my storage there. I pretty much do this all the way through. For every project I start it at the opening hole, then find a nice landscape in a biome that i don't already have a base in and build one to contain said project. Rinse and repeat for every project. Once I've got all the basic farms up and running and I'm not worried about running out of anything, even after a couple deaths, I go back through the old bases and rewire them to use as few different mods as possible. This way you already have your main resources and several bases, and this gives me enough relaxation that i can really delve into the different mods and what they have to offer, without jumping to the easiest/most efficient method and forgetting it.

I generally do steam punk houses because they're aesthetically pleasing to me and in the few instances where I simply can't facade or cover a wire or pipe, it doesn't look out of place with a steam punk house to have wires and pipes coming out of windows and wrapping around the outside. I tend to try and make them look like they have lots of different rooms from the outside, but on the inside they're usually one giant room with separately elevated floors holding only a few machines each (no processing lines of more than 3 or 4 machines max).

Rarely do I have a chance to get this far, but then I start making gravel roads to interconnect each base (prior to this it's usually mystcraft, or nether travel). I try to run power and lights and different "mod" things along the roads as well to keep the feeling of a used countryside going. This usually includes some kind of powered lighting, restocking/recharging stations, small food farms, and occasionally smaller mines in case I need to head down and get some ores for something while I'm on the road. I've been planning but never get around to it before an update, but I'd like to add teleport stations along the roads as well, so that if I'm running from something or lost in the wild and find my road, I can teleport to a base quick like.[DOUBLEPOST=1381346838][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've done that on my current base which is on the Omega Dawn server.
I'm in the process of putting a dome over the whole thing (by hand).

I'm hoping you're at least using a filler to clear the ocean.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've done that on my current base which is on the Omega Dawn server.
I'm in the process of putting a dome over the whole thing (by hand).

How big is your circle?

Rarely do I have a chance to get this far, but then I start making gravel roads to interconnect each base (prior to this it's usually mystcraft, or nether travel). I try to run power and lights and different "mod" things along the roads as well to keep the feeling of a used countryside going. This usually includes some kind of powered lighting, restocking/recharging stations, small food farms, and occasionally smaller mines in case I need to head down and get some ores for something while I'm on the road. I've been planning but never get around to it before an update, but I'd like to add teleport stations along the roads as well, so that if I'm running from something or lost in the wild and find my road, I can teleport to a base quick like.

See, here maybe team builds would work well...
So, do people team up and do co-op builds? For long periods? One project or many?
Do people have side kicks?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
See, here maybe team builds would work well...
So, do people team up and do co-op builds? For long periods? One project or many?
Do people have side kicks?

I've only ever played SMP like twice, both times on a local server with a family member. I simply don't trust random people enough to build anything on a public server, so I never play SMP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I still like the idea of cake :3
Has anyone used one of the "hard mode" mod packs? Not counting Unhinged in that...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I always do 16 x 16 which is 1 chunk big, this I expand up and down and after some time it becomes 5x5 chunks, with the first build becoming the center.