I actually want to see a recommendation for a decent shape builder with CC. Is there a goto program?
Another question, do you place limitations on your builds? Like, no "magic" such as enderchests etc?
Well, in my latest build (which I've barely even begun so it probably won't be finished before 1.7 comes out
One limitation that I've always set for myself, even before I decided to limit myself in other ways, was to write all of the ComputerCraft programs I use by myself, rather than downloading programs written by other people. I think the only program I've ever used that wasn't included in CC or written by myself was Direwolf20's GoTo program (for moving turtles to GPS coordinates), mostly because I had no idea how the GPS API worked at the time. I could probably write it myself now.
Downloading ComputerCraft programs makes it far too easy to automate things with turtles and computers. I decided that if I can't write the code myself, then I shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of turtles and their gamebreaking capabilities.
I actually wrote a program that would manage my smeltery for me, automatically dumping ore in and triggering the faucets to pour into ingot casts. When I eventually scrapped that world, I was in the process of writing code to handle alloy creation (and thus alloy avoidance as well), as well as handling the ability to request new tool parts (made of normal metals or even alloys) through my AE system, which would then be made automatically by the smeltery. I was pretty proud of it.