Barrel/Router question

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm working on a pretty large sorting system and i'm having a few problems with barrels.

The main problem I'm having is that even though I have a barrel for cobblestone(for example) sometimes the router will send the cobble to my overflow chest (Items without a barrel go here)

I'm not sure if its a glitch or if I'm doing something wrong. Anyone mind lending me their insight? I'm using direwolf20 if that matters at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Routers will currently stick items in random barrels/inventories, even if you already have that item in one of them. Adding a "thoroughness upgrade" to the router makes no difference either. I imagine this is a bug, but I don't know for sure. The only fix I found for this was to put a single item of a different type in each "empty" barrel. That would't help in the case of your overflow chest, but I beleive there's a router upgrade that will let it only target barrels. So a combination of placeholder items and that upgrade might get you there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I don't have any empty barrels so I don't think that's it, I even put my chest at the end of my wall and the cobble barrel right next to the router. It seems to be truly random. Also, I tried setting it to barrels only but then items that don't have a barrel get stuck in the router.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Getting stuck in the router when there's no destination is normal behavior. You can put an overflow handler of some sort on the tube leading into the router, or set up a filter on a long timer to pull jammed items from the router, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As far as I recall, the issue is that the router cycles through the available inventories in order, and puts the item into the first valid one it comes to. However, it doesn't reset after each transaction, so if your cobble barrel is inventory 1, and your overflow chest is inventory 9, and there are no valid slots in between, the first pieces of cobble will be put into the barrel.

Then, you put some dirt into the system, or something, and that can't be put in i1, so it goes through until it finds the dirt barrel (i3, say). When the next piece of cobble comes in, the "selected" inventory is i3, not i1. Cobble can't go in i3, so it cycles through them all until it comes to the first valid one, which is i9, or your overflow chest. There are things that make it reset (or maybe, it increments on each item, meaning that everything doesn't just go into your overflow), so it's not consistently misplacing things, it just happens most of the time.

From what I gather, routers are very powerful, provided that you can be sure of what's going into the system, which means that your overflow chest needs to filter BEFORE the router, not after it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm, I may have gotten an idea on how to fix this problem. Nothing elegant but it should work. Will let you guys know if I find anything that works.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good news, everyone! I came up with a rather compact and effective fix.

Set the router to "Barrel" so it won't mistakenly throw the items into the filter(both of which are empty)
Also, the pipe from the filter is going to my "Overflow" chest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll just describe my path for stuff.

Put stuff in ender chest.
Ender chest has a filter under it with a timer nearby set to 1 second.
Tube out bottom to series of 9 other filters that are presently set to accept wooden buttons (I'll use them later to sort out ores and direct them properly, and other stuff - like books and such).
One of those restrictor tubes.
Now to Router.
Router is set to insert into top, item filter = barrels only, bandwidth, speed, thoroughness (one of these days it'll do what I think it should).
On the side of the router is a cobblestone structure pipe with autarthic gate that does a redstone signal if inventory empty. Next to the cobbstone structure pipe is a timer set for 1 second that's not running if receiving a redstone signal. If an item is in the router more that 1 second, it triggers a signal to the filter on it to pull out the item. That item then goes to a crystal chest for figuring out what to do with later.
The router is on a wall of barrels, at the turn to the next wall is a single barrel joining the two walls and it's filled with a single wooden button - cuz I hate buttons?.

So far ... works like a charm!

Though, I think I still prefer the tube/relay setup I had before. It didn't have any bugginess to it as regards to the thoroughness.

Energetics looks cool, but not far enough along to pull that off yet. This setup just required getting a wrath igniter for the dark iron (9 diamonds cost to get one of the components), and some minor goodies and a logic matrix from a dungeon. No big deal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use a turtle.
It pulls from an input chest, it is important that the turtle maintain control of its inventory slots.
Places into the router.
If the router rejects the input, the item in the router is jammed. It pulls the router's stack out and places it into an overflow chest and retries the operation.
Router set to barrels only.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
God, I love the router so much. RedPower is such a boss mod.

I hope Eloraam is finding time to update it. Its been a month since she said anything.
Routers are factorization though? Or do you love the router and independent of that thought consider redpower a boss mod?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Routers are factorization though? Or do you love the router and independent of that thought consider redpower a boss mod?
Yeah Im retarded, deleted that :) But yes, i do.

Seems like routers have a max distance or max connected inventories. Upgrades help this im sure? Anyone know the exact numbers?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any of you guys got a suggestion for an alternative to the filter, seen as RedPower is not in Unleashed

Also I always thought that routers only sent to barrels that were connected, yet mine is sending items to barrels 2 floors away and that are most definitely not connected :O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any of you guys got a suggestion for an alternative to the filter, seen as RedPower is not in Unleashed

Also I always thought that routers only sent to barrels that were connected, yet mine is sending items to barrels 2 floors away and that are most definitely not connected :O

They may be connected through other inventories. (chests, other routers, even computercraft turtles or disk drives...)

An anternative to the filter will depend on what you are building... im assuming you checked applied energistics but are trying to do some sort of "retro" system? Right now AE outclasses every other storage management (and maybe even automation) mod basically.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its true its a necro, but Tzian is asking about unleashed which is a current pack?

This forum really needs an auto-locking feature i guess.
