What is your minecraft in game name? Odrau
Why do you want to join? I have been looking for a server with mature adults who enjoy ftb. The server information looked appealing and well thought out.
What is your past experience in minecraft? Playing vanilla for a few years, Ftb since Dec 2012.
Where did you hear about Automation Inc.? From checking out the Forum.
Have you played on a Feed the Beast server before? I have played on 2 servers.
How old are you? 24
Why do you want to join? I have been looking for a server with mature adults who enjoy ftb. The server information looked appealing and well thought out.
What is your past experience in minecraft? Playing vanilla for a few years, Ftb since Dec 2012.
Where did you hear about Automation Inc.? From checking out the Forum.
Have you played on a Feed the Beast server before? I have played on 2 servers.
How old are you? 24