Automating the Forestry Moistener

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Golems do not play nice with Forestry machines. They don't work on the moistener well
Bwah? Clay Golem on one side, supply (Precise Amount) Wheat. Clay Golem on top supplying (Precise Amount) some Seeds/Cobble/Stone Bricks. Stone Golem underneath, pulling out whatever the byproduct is. Stone Golem on the side pulling Mulch. Works perfectly. I have a few of these in little mud huts, with Accumulators hooked into the back of the Moisteners.

they won't work at all with multi-farms. You'll get an 'invalid inventory' message off those. Hopefully, Sengir can fix this.
Hatches, man. Hatches. Just like you were going to hook up a pipe.
Bwah? Clay Golem on one side, supply (Precise Amount) Wheat. Clay Golem on top supplying (Precise Amount) some Seeds/Cobble/Stone Bricks. Stone Golem underneath, pulling out whatever the byproduct is. Stone Golem on the side pulling Mulch. Works perfectly. I have a few of these in little mud huts, with Accumulators hooked into the back of the Moisteners.

Hatches, man. Hatches. Just like you were going to hook up a pipe.

On one hand - thanks! Hatches DO allow a clay golem to attach to a multi-farm. On the other won't put the fertilizer into it. Any ideas on that one?
For those of you off-topically talking about steam boilers: Liquiducts can actually transport a whole lot of steam (which is a gas, after all). The boiler, however, can only output two industrial steam engines worth of steam per pipe connection- so a liquiduct network that connects to nine of the boiler tank blocks will be able to send all the steam produced by a 36HP boiler through a single liquiduct to an array of engines.

For the on-topic people talking about moisteners: I should note that item loaders unloaders will not only power the track facing it, but also any other tracks adjacent to the loader/unloader, meaning that the cart might not actually stop if you have just the wrong configuration.
Let me try to explain: A chestcart comes up on top of an unloader above the moistener (or any other machine, for that matter), unloads its seeds/cobble/stone bricks, and is pushed off by a holding/boarding track. It then immediately rolls onto a downhill holding track atop an unloader on the side of the moistener. This track, however, is adjacent to the other unloader, and is thus powered, so the second unloader has very little time to unload wheat. I've found that in this situation, a wooden booster track in place of the second holding track will slow the cart more than any other track I tried; but simply running the cart in the other direction (unloading wheat to the side of the moistener BEFORE unloading seeds/cobble/stone bricks to the top) solves the problem entirely.

If you really want to use Redpower here, you might be able to tube items into a Railcraft Item Unloader directly (without any actual minecarts), which will then properly obey iSidedInventory. You might even be able to tell the unloader to keep one stack of wheat supplied, which would solve the problem of stuffing too much wheat in the moistener (making it not work) as well.

As a final note, Thermal Expansion adds Tesseracts, which are basically teleport pipes.
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For those of you off-topically talking about steam boilers: Liquiducts can actually transport a whole lot of steam (which is a gas, after all). The boiler, however, can only output two industrial steam engines worth of steam per pipe connection- so a liquiduct network that connects to nine of the boiler tank blocks will be able to send all the steam produced by a 36HP boiler through a single liquiduct to an array of engines.

To confirm, this limit deals specifically with the connector's output rate. So, the logical thing to do is to add more connections to your liquiduct. I use six liquiducts connected to my 36HP boiler to run a big old row of engines. I have yet to see if I can saturate the liquiduct's max. possible bandwidth as I've got a turbine on that boiler, so it may be that a 36HP needs more than one liquiduct run (but I doubt it).
To confirm, this limit deals specifically with the connector's output rate. So, the logical thing to do is to add more connections to your liquiduct. I use six liquiducts connected to my 36HP boiler to run a big old row of engines. I have yet to see if I can saturate the liquiduct's max. possible bandwidth as I've got a turbine on that boiler, so it may be that a 36HP needs more than one liquiduct run (but I doubt it).
Which is basically what I was saying. On Direwolf20's SMP series, I remember that he had a 36HP boiler >> 9 liquiduct connections >> 1 liquiduct >> 18 industrial steam engines, all of which I'm fairly sure were producing 8 MJ/t.
What I'm saying is, I think you'll need nine liquiducts connecting to your boiler, but you'll need more than one boiler's worth of steam to max out a liquiduct. Liquiducts can transport gases (steam, Gregtech gases) much faster than liquids, and also obey viscosity of liquids. So if you want to max out a liquiduct, try lava or (presumably) honey.
Which is basically what I was saying. On Direwolf20's SMP series, I remember that he had a 36HP boiler >> 9 liquiduct connections >> 1 liquiduct >> 18 industrial steam engines, all of which I'm fairly sure were producing 8 MJ/t.
What I'm saying is, I think you'll need nine liquiducts connecting to your boiler, but you'll need more than one boiler's worth of steam to max out a liquiduct. Liquiducts can transport gases (steam, Gregtech gases) much faster than liquids, and also obey viscosity of liquids. So if you want to max out a liquiduct, try lava or (presumably) honey.

From the way you worded it, or perhaps my tired brain's way of processing it, it seemed as if you were saying that you'd have to run the engines in small chunks each branched off of their own liquiduct. I'm glad that isn't the case, as yeah, that'd be wasteful. And good to know that the liquiducts can handle a full boiler in bandwidth.
The answer is 2.

3 industrial steam engines equalize around 15MJ/t off 1 liquiduct. 2 run at the max 16 MJ/t

so liquiducts are 2x as good as golden waterproof when dealing with steam.

probably true, but if you have more liquiducts conneted to the boiler, it can compress the steam, so you can have twice as much steam in a single liquiduct.
DW20 dit this in his SMP an dalso SP world(season 4 and 5 respectivly)
Ah~ so many thread necros happening relatively often lately.

Regarding liquiduct throughput, it's a ton higher than what you think. In my test world I have 4 36HP boilers feeding into 4 liquid tesseracts of the same frequency. I then have a single tesseract of that frequency feeding a total of 72 industrial steam engines through two different lines (for space efficiency mostly, but haven't tried making it a single line). Each of those lines fully powers 36 industrial steam engines each at full power. So, each line is transporting 1440 steam/t via liquiducts.

Now here's the important part. Liquiducts seem to have similar problems to those encountered with waterproof pipes in some instances. For example, if you put 8 pipes in a square with a hollow center leading into another singular pipe you would tend to lose steam. Now this might have been changed recently, but this is why for the testing I had to do a 3x3 grid of liquiducts with a tesseract in the center to get all of the steam to flow properly, one for each boiler.

And since I felt like it and it was easily doable, I modded the setup to output all the steam for those 72 engines through a single liquiduct line and, low and behold, it is now pushing 2880 steam/t, enough to power all 72 engines a 8mj/t.
Daemonblue did you get the moistener automated using RP in the end, mine works fine, in fact better than fine and it's all RP automated.
I decided not to bother with it at the time due to it being fairly easy using a mix of RP and managers from factorization, and then swapping to a different concept for fuel in general. I'll probably end up going back to tree farms for saplings via steve's carts though due to the new farms in forestry.
thread necros gah...

yes, liquiducts have a much higher throughput of steam than 2 engines worth. Yes my test was flawed. It's months later now. We didn't even have RP2 when this thread was current...
Daemonblue did you get the moistener automated using RP in the end, mine works fine, in fact better than fine and it's all RP automated.

Hate to revive an old thread but how did you get it set up with RP? According to the wiki it's not suppose to let wheat get pulled out, unfortunately my retriever didn't read the wiki it seems.
Use a Manager with 64 wheat in the Manager GUI, means it leaves 64 wheat in there at all times and when the mulch is done and cycles into the top section, the manager pulls it out.
You could also do what I did with RP2 and Factorization - have AE export wheat into a router that only puts wheat into the top left slot of all connected moisteners and another router to pull out mulch, mossy cobble, and mycelium. With an ME interface you should be able to eject items from the routers directly into the AE network. You also should be able to eject the items into an item tesseract that then ejects items into your AE sorting network.

There are benefits to both systems. If you're able to get it working right just using AE you won't have to rely on other mods, but your network will consume more power. If you go with my method you won't use as much power and can set up a large box of moisteners if you wanted - from as little as one moistener to way more than you would ever need (my first practical test of this was an 11x11 grid of connected moisteners), but it would require at least AE and Factorization and routers with the appropriate upgrades (item filter, machine filter, bandwidth, ejector, and possibly speed boost if you have a massive system) have a pretty high front end cost.
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Has anyone found a configuration to make the Moistener work with Applied Energistics?

ME Export on top with seeds in the Export filter
ME Export on the left side with wheat (or whatever your Moistening in the Export filter)
Set both above ME Export pipes to stacks

Interesting thing here is the 6 spaces in the Moistener do not all get filled, only 5 will.

Water in the back

Output - Right side via a ME Import pipe - pulls out both Mycelium and Mulch.