Now that Red Power 2 has released, I'm curious what everyone will be choosing as for automated mining. Or, more specifically, what everyone suggests that I use.. heh. I'm running a small Mindcrack server so I need to consider lag. I'm currently well established mid-game, with rp2 auto-sorting and ic2 processing setup. I've been using turtles to branch-mine by hand so far, and while I love the little guys, I'd like to get a more hands-free setup in place. With the added difficulty of Gregtech, I'm wondering if my usual quarry method might not be the best idea.
So I pose the question: What will get me the best bang for my buck?
Buildcraft Quarries - very comfortable with these.
Steve's Carts Mining Cart - semi-comfortable, never used to great effect.
Red Power Frame Bore - never built one, seems cool but complex.
Other possibilities that I might have never considered - yes please!
So I pose the question: What will get me the best bang for my buck?
Buildcraft Quarries - very comfortable with these.
Steve's Carts Mining Cart - semi-comfortable, never used to great effect.
Red Power Frame Bore - never built one, seems cool but complex.
Other possibilities that I might have never considered - yes please!