Greylist Server Aurora 24/7[MindCrack][GreyList][LWC][Essentials][Pex][WorldGuard][50 slots]

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Username: bigbuddy2932
Age: 14 Years, 2 months, and 1 week old
Why you want to join: Because I'm bored.
Suggestions: What?
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much: 0 experience :)
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): Nope
Why you want to join:what to join a small server
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much:mindcrack not to much.tekkit for 1 yr on a server
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)n.a

Accepted :)[DOUBLEPOST=1361053405][/DOUBLEPOST]
username: Ilikepie900

age: 13

why: because I realy like mindcrack and playing singleplayer gets boring

expirience: I've played minecraft since beta 1.4 and I played tekkit a lot too. Not so much mindcrack though

I hope you accept me :)

Declined, sorry.[DOUBLEPOST=1361053486][/DOUBLEPOST]
Username: traviz
Why you want to join: I have been playing FTB for a while now and the server i have been playing on has been down for a while.
I am now looking for another great server to play on, this one looks like it could be a great server for my to play on.
Suggestions:Mystcraft would help to avoid the world getting destroyed by people using quarries
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much: i have been playing mindcrack since it became a pack, i have also been playing with some of the mods from FTB since before the launcher was even made

Username: draken9779
Age: 33
Why you want to join: never played FTB and a friend gave me the address for your server

age: 15
reason for server: i want a 24/7 server with respectful players and admins. with very low lag that i can build freely
Suggestions: no lag :)
experience: about 3 months of mindcrack :)

There seems to be some issues with the server lately, keep getting kicked followed by an "Internal exception: Read timed out". From here the server shows as offline until I reboot Minecraft. This has happened before but has started to become more frequent. Is this an issue with the server or the client? because I'm at a loss. lol.

Fixed :)[DOUBLEPOST=1361053922][/DOUBLEPOST]

Why you want to join:i want a server that i can play and i want to help this server grow and help it grow​
Suggestions:i can build massive thing i am a awsome builder my friends say​
[DOUBLEPOST=1361046113][/DOUBLEPOST]i have been playing mind crack for 10 weeks now

Declined, sorry.[DOUBLEPOST=1361053955][/DOUBLEPOST]
Username: bigbuddy2932
Age: 14 Years, 2 months, and 1 week old
Why you want to join: Because I'm bored.
Suggestions: What?
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much: 0 experience :)
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): Nope

Declined, sorry.
Username: xXTallmanXx​
Age: 14.7​
Why you want to join:i wanted to find a Mindcrack server, because I've been playing single player for a while and well it lost its touch...​
Suggestions: none at the moment but as i play i should give good feedback​
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack?: almost two months of solid playing​
Why you want to join:i want to help the server grow and be a grand server and help with the red stone and building on every thing make a community with tons of player make a great server and have so much fun doing it!​
Suggestions:i would like to help make then tram system run well and and just help out​
my wourld files are to big there in the next comment​
[DOUBLEPOST=1361080288][/DOUBLEPOST]its an old pic sorry ):
Username: nfgaff​
Age: 16​
Why you want to join:​
  • Feed the Beast is fun alone but I would like to play with other people
  • This server looks legit and it seems like there will be good moderation
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much: I played Tekkit so I know some mods, and I played a little bit of FTB but not a ton​
Username: Bellitoris
Age: 15
Why you want to join: Just want to find a good FTB community
Suggestions: None
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much: Not much experience but hoping to learn more
Username: teammates89​
Why you want to join: Recently start playing with mindcrack and thought it would be a good idea to see what others have and learn from them. Also kinda find it boring on single player.​
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack: I don't really know, I have played with some of the mods for a while but there is still alot in the pack which i don't know exist let alone how to use it.​
age 15(soon 16)
why i want to join: I want find a server with nice people that i can get to know.
Suggestion: Mystcraft is a nice mod but when many people are on different dimension it can cause lag, it could be a good addition.
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack: played it a couple of months, and before that i played tekkit which have alot of the same mods.
Username: iMoohsher​
Age: 13​
Why you want to join: I am looking for a whitelisted, Mindcrack pack server, and here it is. I wanna play with some good guys, or girls, and i just wanna have a good time​
Suggestions: It looks like your server gets handled pretty well, i might say :)
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much: I have alot of experience with the Mindcrack pack, yeah​
Pictures of what you've made: Sorry, i am not the best building expert, but i am super with redstone :)
Username: Timelord_Jax​
Age: 20​
Why you want to join: Several reasons:​
#1: A server i was playing on recently shut down due to lack of funding and players just randomly stopped playing on the server.​
#2: I have been looking for a mind-crack server that seemed to be setup decently, you also happened to have a nice page format and were accepting new players to the server.​
Suggestions: Well, i really don't have one. i really have only played on Direwolfs pack recently but if there are tesseracts in this modpack i would say make a public lava and water farm.​
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you haven't much: I have gotten fairly far in most all the mods in mind-crack and i am somewhat knowledgeable of most of it.​
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): If i did have any pics they were on my old computer which has been scraped, and that other server i played on that i mentioned... that had all my good builds on it and i usually delete my SSP worlds after my sessions. i never save anything.​
Why you want to join:i am looking for a good nice server that has a freindly community and no greifers
suggestions:none at the moment
i have got alot of expirience with mindcrack and love forestry/thaumcraft
Username: jonny154
Age: 15
Why you want to join: beacuse i want to play on a server, have fun and not get griefed also this server seems to have a good community
Suggestions: nothing
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much: i have played tekkit, alot of ftb beta pack and dw20 pack
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): my saves are on my old computer that broke and i just got a new one
Hey, I'm wondering when the server is going to get updated to the latest version of the mindcrack pack?
hello all i just want a respectful server to play on i will not abuse anyy cracks/bugs i will report all i find (bla bla you get it)
redstone_robot is my ign my real name is zac gordon i am used to minecraft and tekkit this will probly be my first ftb server and my experience is mostly with admining servers (if you want me to be one just ask ok :) ).
username: EL1TxKiller2333

why you want to join?: I want to join this server because it seems like it has a great community and i really want to be a part of it. Another reason why i want to join this server is because I want to have a good time and have fun.

suggestions: Mystcraft would help avoid getting the world destroyed by quarry's

how much experience do you have in mindcrack?: I have alot of experience playing this game.

thank you for looking over my application and i hope to play on your epic server!!
IGN chris123chris123
I want to join because I've been looking for a good server that is whitelisted since the other one I played on was shutdown.
Suggestions=Have fun!
I have no pictures but I am very good at picture art, most servers I play on I built the spawn or helped if they need art.
Email [email protected] if you need to contact me
Username: traviscaruth
Age: 22
Why you want to join: the server i have been playing on is pretty much abandoned (if i wanted singleplayer, i'd play singleplayer)
Suggestions: i really like the idea of community builds, and wouldnt mind helping to set some of that up
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? the photos will attest to some of this, but i'm pretty familiar with thermal expansion, buildcraft, some* ic2, and just started getting into redpower sorting and stuff. very into computercraft and miscperipherals. as far as actual mindcrack goes, i do watch most of ethos minecraft videos, and some of the others on the server.

area pretty well eaten by turtles. i missed one section in the middle, but it was because i cant count to 20.

my poor excuse for pixel art. also functions as a cow farm. to the top left you'll see my first base on this server, pretty much abandoned now

my proudest piece of work probably, a turtle replicator. the turtles dump their mined goods into an enderchest, which feeds into these tesseracts, and ends up as more mining turtles that get set with a deployer and a startup script to keep the quarry going faster and faster.

also note, its terrifying to watch turtles create themselves
Why you want to join: you server looks fun and interesting :) I love the community attitude​
Suggestions:non for now. I might have a few after I start playing​
How much experience do you have in Mindcrack? don't worry if you havnt much:quite a bit :) I've been playing it for quite some time. :)