Edit2: After doing some testing I do believe that it is required for the difference between two nodes to be >25 in order for aura to transfer, but this is calculated on an aura type basis, and it includes drops. But the capacitor takes the total sum of all the aura types, so if you have less than 25 of another aura type floating around in your capacitor, your capacitor's threshold is reduced by that amount, and that aura will never leave the system. Add more aura colors and the issue grows.
Yeah, that's exactly what I see in the code on github (https://github.com/pixlepix/Aura-Ca...pix/auracascade/block/tile/AuraTile.java#L200).
Pixlepix, is this a bug? It feels like one, but I can also see the case for it being intended behavior. I'll be happy to write up a ticket on github if you want one.