Pretty sure it's Dimension -100.For Extra Utilities Deep Dark, where is the Deep Dark stored? Can I edit it in MC-Edit?
I ask because I think a quarry is loading part of what needs to be, and when an item is getting to the end of the chunk loaded area in a pipe, the client crashes. I think a chunk loader in the deep dark would fix this.
Direwolf20 1.6
what should i do then? i forgot to say one is an advanced solar panel and the other is a low voltage solar array. does that make a difference? how can i increase power?Quarry speed maxes out at 50 mj/t or so. An unupgraded electrical engine outputs 2mj/t and requires 6 eu/t to do so.
Your 2 solar panels output 1 eu/t each but only during the day which is approximately half of 1 minecraft day. This means you are making 1 eu/t which equals out to 0.3 mj/t.
A couple of Itemduct questions:
1)How does the servo upgrade work? I put one in an itemduct connected to two inventories and was able to configure filters for those inventories, but when I add one to an itemduct only connected to other itemducts, I can't seem to access the gui at all. I've tried clicking the duct with an openhand every way I know how with no result.
2)In my test world I tried hooking up and itemduct to a quarry in multiple ways, with and without a redstone signal or a servo upgrade, and none of them seem to work. The itemduct connects visually, but the quarry still just spits it's items out of the top. BC pipes work as normal. Is this intentional, a bug, or am I just derping really hard?
You should be able to bonemeal red and yellow flowers to get them to grow big, this may require them to be in the correct biome or on the garden biome's grass (long grass? forgot what it is called). I have only tested it in 1.5 unleashed in the garden biomeIs it possible to grow giant flowers from the mod biomes o plenty?
OkNo worries, I'll just leave the laser running blank and I'll get a bunch of everything.[DOUBLEPOST=1388659467][/DOUBLEPOST]
Nether quartz doesn't really subsitute much in terms of crafting... Stuff like fluix dust requires both quartz dusts anyway.
what should i do then? i forgot to say one is an advanced solar panel and the other is a low voltage solar array. does that make a difference? how can i increase power?
thats the advanced solar panel and low voltage solar array with glass fibre cables attached then hooked up to a batbox with a copper cable into the electric engine
Humidity only matter in how much water the farm consumes when running.Hello!
Just a quickie. In Unleashed I try to set up a Multi-Farm to harvest Sugarcane. I know how they work, but somehow it doesn't harvest them. Does humidity matter like it does with bees? Right now I'm in a normal biome.
Thanks in advance![]()
what should i do then? i forgot to say one is an advanced solar panel and the other is a low voltage solar array. does that make a difference? how can i increase power?View attachment 9041 View attachment 9041
thats the advanced solar panel and low voltage solar array with glass fibre cables attached then hooked up to a batbox with a copper cable into the electric engine
Can anyone help me with this?
... How can I get it focus Certus Quartz Ore? (Quartz is the main thing im in need of)...
Hold shift and click the "?".I've been watching the newest DW20 lets play, and I can't figure out how he crafts things so fast. He finds the machine he wants to make in NEI, hits the question mark, and pulls the finished product out of the crafting grid if he has everything in his inventory to make it.
I've tried to do it myself, but it doesn't work for me. Does he hit a special key or something that allows him to do that, or is it some config setting or something?
Telling you sorry. Fixed itI'm not sure if you're asking or telling me!
I dont think I tried holding shift before hitting the ?, just when trying to take the finished item out. I'll give it a shot. Good idea.