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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They don't have hard limit on how much they can overall transfer, only per connection (but it is quite big, 500 or 1000 MJ/t). The one thing that I can think off on the spot is that they are not wrenched the correct way (orange side to engine).
I just double checked the wiki. Orange is output and blue is input.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Zjarek is correct... Conduits are like a peer to peer network. They don't care about (and in fact don't even simulate) energy transfer over distance. They simply exchange energy directly between endpoints. Each conduit section (that is, the block you place down) has a burst input limit and a burst output limit of 1000 MJ per tick respectively, shared among all connections to that block (if I understood KingLemming correctly, that one time in PM).

Also, each input point distributes its energy equally among all output points currently requesting energy (up to the point where output points stop requesting energy, i.e. it won't assign 20 MJ to an output that requests 4).

Without being able to take a look at your wiring, I don't know what's funky about it, but try this:

Place down 6 empty redstone energy cells near your engine bank. Then, disconnect your engines from your conduit network, and instead hook them up to the redstone cells. Only to the redstone cells, nothing else. What you should see is each of the six redstone cells gaining 100 MJ/t. This can easily be seen in the GUI because the tens and ones digits remain completely static, while the hundreds and thousands digits climb rapidly.

If that's not the case, take an EU-reader to the cables supplying the electric engines with EU (ideally one section that has the full load going through it). With 30 fully upgraded and 102 basic electric engines, you should be seeing 1704 EU/t moving through the cable. If you are not seeing that, make sure you are supplying enough EU/t.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If i stumble on an item that duplicates items, how do i report it? I assume, being in 1.4.7 this is a well known bug, but is it considered rude to just post publicly about it?

Which is another question, how would i disable this item, so no one can use it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How can I earn the Pink blob achievement? It seems to be bugged (I just created some UU matter and it didn't unlock the achievement)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How can I earn the Pink blob achievement? It seems to be bugged (I just created some UU matter and it didn't unlock the achievement)
Hint: pink slime is an MFR achievement, not IC2 (the mod that uses / makes UU-matter).

Erm, unless Pink blob IS an IC2 achievement, in that case, I have no idea, sorry, lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have options for how to grow mushrooms/oreberries? I never actually grew them before. I know they grow in caves where its dark. But how do you deal with mob spawns then?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone have options for how to grow mushrooms/oreberries? I never actually grew them before. I know they grow in caves where its dark. But how do you deal with mob spawns then?
Mushrooms grow at level 9 of light. Oreberries do damage like cactus, so you won't really be bothered by mobs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With mushrooms you can just get mycelium (except island you can also get it from MFR sludge boiler or forestry moistener with seeds) and bonemeal mushrooms on there. If I don't have mycelium I just disable light in a room, bonemeal the mushroom, and enable light. For oreberries you can just have dark place filled with only oreberries and access them through slabs or harvest them using mfr harvester. Also mobs shouldn't spawn on oreberries and they won't spawn on slabs, so you can make slabbed road between bushes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1.6.2 so no mfr but will take that into account. Glass floors or slabs or something. Mmk

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a block that will change colour depending on the argument supplied by an adjacent computer or some other source? kind of like a mutlicoloured redpower lamp that changes colour based on what information I send into it from a computer. I dont want an advanced monitor either as I dont want the monitors to connect to each other. It also doesn't have to be restricted to being a computer as an input device, but that would be optimal

I have seen this video
But it requires multiple paintbrushes and it colours more than one block where as I want one input device to change one block (there will be other adjacent blocks nearby i don't want changed) and the input device should be able to use multiple colours.

If you are wondering why, I am thinking of making tetris