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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, there's "cable only" mode, whack it twice with a Precision Sledgehammer and it should retract all connectors and only connect to other Rednet cables.
Fantastic. I tried this with the omniwrench built into my power armor and it didn't work, but maybe I need a real omniwrench or the sledge.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EDIT: never mind i didnt realize you could not craft brain in a jar without specifically researching it, i thought warded jar was enough. pfft.

Just as a side. Most craftables in TC you can not do unless you resreach it even if you know what it needs. Basicly the TC crafting checks to see if you have the item unlocked before it will let craft it.

This is by design as it would trivlize the resreaching in the frist place if you could just look on the recipes and be done with it.

EDIT: I would like to point out the expection here is that if you can do it in the culdern you can a lot of times do it without having it unlocked. And if you have paper and scribing tools handy it will let you unlock some this way to. A handy short cut for those of you trucking through TC resreach for the 12th time.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to make AE autocraft using 2 or more machines? Ex: I have an industrial grinder with all 4 set up using interfaces. I request 1k irons to be made which is specified in the grinders as 1 iron ore > 2 iron dust. Now this works, but it will only use 1 grinder instead of the 2 specific ones I have set up with the iron ore > iron dust patterns. Which makes it incredibly slow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to make AE autocraft using 2 or more machines? Ex: I have an industrial grinder with all 4 set up using interfaces. I request 1k irons to be made which is specified in the grinders as 1 iron ore > 2 iron dust. Now this works, but it will only use 1 grinder instead of the 2 specific ones I have set up with the iron ore > iron dust patterns. Which makes it incredibly slow.

So far AE doesn't directly use two outputs, but interfaces can export into pipes, which means you can use for example, Insertion pipes to feed across a chain of grinders. It's compatible with buildcraft pipes, probably more, but I don't know for certain about any other types.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I have four igneous extruders running making cobble and feeding it into a recycler with 5 overclocker upgrades then I burn the scrap produced, will I get a surplus of EU? I am looking for an EU source that could be used as a backup generator and is self reliant and works underground. For example, lava relies on a supply of lava coming in and solar isnt active underground.[DOUBLEPOST=1377049162][/DOUBLEPOST]Additionally, how thick would warded stone walls need to be to be completely impenetrable? I know of a couple ways to glitch through and dont want these to happen to me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far AE doesn't directly use two outputs, but interfaces can export into pipes, which means you can use for example, Insertion pipes to feed across a chain of grinders. It's compatible with buildcraft pipes, probably more, but I don't know for certain about any other types.

What pipes would I use and if I were to get this idea right. I can hook up a ME cable to x pipe which can then be programmed to then distribute the items where ever. So in this can I could say use x pipe hooked up to two grinders and have it just split any items it gets across both of them?

Ive not used logestics pipes or any other pipes for that matter so I have 0 ideas where to start. I have those mods, just never used them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What pipes would I use and if I were to get this idea right. I can hook up a ME cable to x pipe which can then be programmed to then distribute the items where ever. So in this can I could say use x pipe hooked up to two grinders and have it just split any items it gets across both of them?

Ive not used logestics pipes or any other pipes for that matter so I have 0 ideas where to start. I have those mods, just never used them.

Your understanding is correct

I personally would use golden pipes, quartz (stone or cobblestone work too) and iron pipes from buildcraft and insertion pipes from thermal expansion, but there's other valid methods as well. The set-up is to have the interface connected to an iron pipe (it's a one-way type pipe, so make sure to wrench it so the clear side is where you want to send it) golden pipes speed up items as they go through, quartz/stone/cobblestone as your transporting pipe, and insertion pipe connected into your grinders. How the insertion pipes work is it will insert an item into an inventory in preference if possible, if not it will send it down the pipe network further. So this will create a sequencial loading. I recommend then connecting the pipes back around to the iron pipe to form a loop, or to have some sort of buffering inventory.

Something to keep in mind about this type of set-up is since AE isn't directly connected to the inventory, it can't tell the capacity or if it's full or not. This means if you request 1k iron, it will send all it needs to make the 1k at once. (thus the loop)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which is the easiest bee to get the fast productivity serum from?

nei says cultivated, but my cultivated drones have slowest on them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which is the easiest bee to get the fast productivity serum from?
Cultivated made from Rocky and Wintry Bees (4x fertility and all the modifiers from Rocky Bees) will net you 5 (4 drones) bees with fast productivity who will work ANYWHERE, anytime.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your understanding is correct

I personally would use golden pipes, quartz (stone or cobblestone work too) and iron pipes from buildcraft and insertion pipes from thermal expansion, but there's other valid methods as well. The set-up is to have the interface connected to an iron pipe (it's a one-way type pipe, so make sure to wrench it so the clear side is where you want to send it) golden pipes speed up items as they go through, quartz/stone/cobblestone as your transporting pipe, and insertion pipe connected into your grinders. How the insertion pipes work is it will insert an item into an inventory in preference if possible, if not it will send it down the pipe network further. So this will create a sequencial loading. I recommend then connecting the pipes back around to the iron pipe to form a loop, or to have some sort of buffering inventory.

Something to keep in mind about this type of set-up is since AE isn't directly connected to the inventory, it can't tell the capacity or if it's full or not. This means if you request 1k iron, it will send all it needs to make the 1k at once. (thus the loop)

Oh gosh.. Seems like a lot. But I like it. I sorta got what youre saying, so time for trial and error. And to make some massively compllicated pile of popes over my grinders! But, what will happen to the loop? Can it loop 1k items?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what is best a long lifespan or a short one? I would think short so you can get more drones for liquid dna?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Im scared to try it. But essentially this should work? I have two iron pipes because from what Ive read they only accept one input and output in the direction pointed. I dont know if it would loop back up somehow so I added the second iron pipe to just make sure it goes in a circle once it travels down. Then I have stone pipes and insertion pipes. 2 golds just cause.. I like gold? The thing is small enough that I believe theyre not needed though. And the excess should just loop back around, get sucked into the second iron and continue circling Im assuming?

Is there a cleaner version of this with different mods btw? Im just scared of too many items looping if I try crafting say a solar panel and need redstone and iron grinded and it just goes nuts.

Edit: it works. This feels awesome and Im just using pipes!

Now having all of them loop around is interesting. Does it crash over a certain amount?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what is best a long lifespan or a short one? I would think short so you can get more drones for liquid dna?

For getting drones and quick breeding, a shorter lifespan is nice. Longer lifespan means less having to cycle bees, which may or may not be a priority for you if you have your bees automated anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use a redstone energy cell to and gates to cut my engines off. The thing is redstone engine cells only have 100 mj output. The extra bees use alot of energy, so how can i max out my out put. I am making about 250 mj a tick.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is the major difference between the unleashed pack and the direwolf pack? Also, which pack is more likely to not require a world restart when eventually updated to 1.6x?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh gosh.. Seems like a lot. But I like it. I sorta got what youre saying, so time for trial and error. And to make some massively compllicated pile of popes over my grinders! But, what will happen to the loop? Can it loop 1k items?

No clue to be honest...
There probably is better buffering systems than this, but that's not too complicated to set-up once you get your head around pipes.[DOUBLEPOST=1377062702][/DOUBLEPOST]
I use a redstone energy cell to and gates to cut my engines off. The thing is redstone engine cells only have 100 mj output. The extra bees use alot of energy, so how can i max out my out put. I am making about 250 mj a tick.

Output them in parallel instead of in series. So, one cell can output 100MJ/t, then you can use two cells to output 200MJ/t and so on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ran into a problem. My insertion pipes are spitting out items. D= Ill request some large amount and it'll be like.. put in, spit out, then the rest travel on their merry way