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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Question. I have two tanks. I wanna move liquid from one tank to the other. What ways can I do it? I know ender tanks. How ender tanks need to be pumped into to draw the liquid out. I dont believe I could attach a pump to a tank. So Im guessing there is some sorta pipe that could do this for me?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
Question. I have two tanks. I wanna move liquid from one tank to the other. What ways can I do it? I know ender tanks. How ender tanks need to be pumped into to draw the liquid out. I dont believe I could attach a pump to a tank. So Im guessing there is some sorta pipe that could do this for me?

Try using the ExtraUtilities "Liquid Transfer Nodes" They automatically pull liquid from the tank they're attached to into another liquid-accepting inventory connected by Transfer Pipes.
That, or use a Wooden Waterproof Pipe with an Autarchic Gate attached, if you have no room for the redstone engine. You can set it to automatically pull the liquid out. You'll have to link them with Stone or Gold Waterproof Pipes if it's a longer distance.
Liquiducts also work, but require a redstone signal to extract liquid out of a tank. However, they seem to be the fastest and most efficient at transferring liquid, from what I've seen. Don't quote me on that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Question. I have two tanks. I wanna move liquid from one tank to the other. What ways can I do it? I know ender tanks. How ender tanks need to be pumped into to draw the liquid out. I don't believe I could attach a pump to a tank. So I'm guessing there is some sorta pipe that could do this for me?

i don't understand the part (ender tanks need to be pumped into draw the liquid out ) but i guess that u want pipes so i would say a waterproof wooden pipe with a redstone engine pumping pumping into it and then for the rest of the piping waterproof cobblestone pipes (all from buildcraft) or a liquid duct with a redstone signal all the way (thermal expansion).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i don't understand the part (ender tanks need to be pumped into draw the liquid out ) but i guess that u want pipes so i would say a waterproof wooden pipe with a redstone engine pumping pumping into it and then for the rest of the piping waterproof cobblestone pipes (all from buildcraft) or a liquid duct with a redstone signal all the way (thermal expansion).

I was saying ender tanks dont seem to suck up liquid by themselves. Putting one on each tank doesnt do anything. So Im guessing I need to actually move the liquid into the first ender tank so that I can just empty it out the second one


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
I was saying ender tanks dont seem to suck up liquid by themselves. Putting one on each tank doesnt do anything. So Im guessing I need to actually move the liquid into the first ender tank so that I can just empty it out the second one

Yeah, a Liquid Transfer Node / Wooden Waterproof Pipe & Autarchic Gate / Liquiduct & Lever will do just that. I'm pretty sure that Ender Tanks output liquid automatically to a pipe when orange is on the TOP side of the dial, so you don't have to worry too much about the output.

That, or you could just use a Liquid Tesseract. Though they're a bit more expensive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can a TiCo bows be enchanted in anvil? For adding infinity on it?

And i played my ssp for a while and haven't found any bauxite ore. Is there a specific place for it to spawn?


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
my simple question is what is the persenage for a zombie to have the same sord that i had and the DOPING IT WITH HIGHER DURABILITY??????????
No need to shout. Sure, you're excited, we get it. That's not a simple question, and I doubt that anyone cares enough to do a statistical analysis on vanilla loot chances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I play FTB Unleashed and i want to use gregtech but when i open the folder showing the enabled and disabled mods, it is not there. How can i add it to my modpack?


essentially, from what i've heard, "Unhinged" was created for that purpose. although you could probably add the mod yourself, i wouldn't recommend it though as the 1.5 packs were made with the idea idea that if you want GT you Unhinge. if you don't, you Unleash.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

i'm Unleashed, playing through SSP recognised that BoP was there (in the mods list), didn't think anything of it. via, watching DW20 i decided i wanted to go find another type of tree to farm (apple sapling) and therefore, looked into it, enabled it. which i was a little disappointed at. it being in the list i thought it was already enabled.
so, #1 if you late enable BoP, how far do you have to travel to find any of the BoP's (in consideration of chunks that may have already loaded and such)

upon charging for a while and coming across a tonne of jungle *sign*

#2 are the BoP's difficult to find?
i don't looking but i need a idea on the likeness as i could just build a normal orchard and live with it but thought it would be fun to go adventuring (until that creep you've decdiely grab via portal gun explodes as he's exactly the right distance away from you nose and you haven't notice but due to traveling through jungle your health is pretty low :( that was a very long journey back for my stuff)

i also noticed that i'm purely, for loactign stake, traveling North.
#3 whats the chances of only finding three biome types on that axis?


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
There's not only the issue of enabling the BoP mod, there's also the world type. There's a separate "Biomes O'Plenty" world gen option when creating a world. There's also settings in the config for allowing vanilla biomes in BoP world gen, but I'm not sure about whether BoP biomes will be added to default world gen. You might need to edit your level.dat to change the world gen setting in order to get BoP biomes.

I think it's a bit of a catastrophe that BoP is disabled by default because a lot of people are going to have made that mistake. And, every time you update the mod pack, remember to re-enable BoP or you'll lose all BoP blocks when you log into your world (all the trees and flowers will disappear). You will get a warning as you enter the world though so you can back out and fix it before losing everything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's not only the issue of enabling the BoP mod, there's also the world type. There's a separate "Biomes O'Plenty" world gen option when creating a world. There's also settings in the config for allowing vanilla biomes in BoP world gen, but I'm not sure about whether BoP biomes will be added to default world gen. You might need to edit your level.dat to change the world gen setting in order to get BoP biomes.

I think it's a bit of a catastrophe that BoP is disabled by default because a lot of people are going to have made that mistake. And, every time you update the mod pack, remember to re-enable BoP or you'll lose all BoP blocks when you log into your world (all the trees and flowers will disappear).

so, in short. i'm been searching for no reason. sounds like a load of work i'm not currently willing to go into. shames i would have liked to find some of the biomes available. by any chance can i still get to the promised land?


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
so, in short. i'm been searching for no reason. sounds like a load of work i'm not currently willing to go into. shames i would have liked to find some of the biomes available. by any chance can i still get to the promised land?
I'm afraid so. Like I said, having BoP disabled by default in the pack was a bad idea. If you enable the mod, you might be able to get there. You will have to cheat in the items since there won't be any gems for you to find to make the staff.

I'm not sure if BoP biome pages will show up in Mystcraft if your world was generated with vanilla world gen.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why does the Aqueous Accumulator "light up" when MJ power is applied? Is this purely for fun, or does it pump faster when powered, or something else?
Bumping myself -- I mean this is about the simplest question in this thread :D[DOUBLEPOST=1377009724][/DOUBLEPOST]Might as well bump this one too :)
I've been working with rednet lately and have a couple of questions:
1) is there any way to force a rednet cable to be an "input" rather than an "output" when attached to blocks that have both redstone input and output characteristics? For example, when I place a rednet cable next to an MFE, which can emit a redstone signal if full/empty/partial, it automatically connects as an output cable instead. Wrenching doesn't do anything that i can see, aside from change the color code.
2) similarly, is there a way to tell a rednet cable to just ignore whatever it is placed adjacent to? For example, my rednet cable is running along several blocks which cause the cable to take on the "input" shape, but I would prefer the cable just ignore those blocks and look like a cable, not an input.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you enable the mod, you might be able to get there. You will have to cheat in the items since there won't be any gems for you to find to make the staff.

I'm not sure if BoP biome pages will show up in Mystcraft if your world was generated with vanilla world gen.

ah, i totally forgot the staff was needed :( to get there. bugger!
in which case if i could get some clean instruction on how to properly enable BoP without catalytic destruction of my currently build i will put it into play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bumping myself -- I mean this is about the simplest question in this thread :D[DOUBLEPOST=1377009724][/DOUBLEPOST]Might as well bump this one too :)

It's not simple when nobody can answer it! :p I mean, I wasn't even aware that the aqueous accumulator would even connect to a conduit in the first place.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm afraid so. Like I said, having BoP disabled by default in the pack was a bad idea.
I'm not sure if BoP biome pages will show up in Mystcraft if your world was generated with vanilla world gen.

If BoP was enabled by default, everyone would have BoP stuff in the game, because the world type is only relevant for the overworld. Adding it later, makes it available everywhere except the overworld. Much easier to do that. And yes, you will get mystcraft ages with bop stuff if you enable it, even if it wasn't active for world creation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EDIT: never mind i didnt realize you could not craft brain in a jar without specifically researching it, i thought warded jar was enough. pfft.