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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My server admin disabled Wireless Redstone mod saying it caused 'world leaks', is there any other way to transmit redstone signals wirelessly in FTB ultimate?
GregTech's cover system has a solution, if you're desperate. I don't have a link off the top of my head, but if you google "GregTech community wiki covers", then you should find all the pertinent data.

Sent from boobs (because why not?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My server admin disabled Wireless Redstone mod saying it caused 'world leaks', is there any other way to transmit redstone signals wirelessly in FTB ultimate?

Another solution is to set-up a T Flip-Flop at the site of where you want the signal received, and have the signal coming from some sort of redstone pipe/item detector type block in which it detects an item coming in. That way you could use tesseracts (recommended but there's other ways) to "transmit" your redstone signal

there are limitations to this method, but entirely doable with the default packs minus wireless redstone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im completely clueless when it comes to programming although id love to use turtles for everything. Click a turtle and have it fly over to my backup generators and turn them on? Yeah that would be cool (yeah i realize this is not what you meant.)

The idea with tesseracts or ender chests and gates is genius, if not as clean as turtles, but i could pull those ideas off, thanks for replies. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will a storage bus keep a chest stacked with an exact amount of items, even if it has to craft them? Thinking of putting a storage bus/chest combo for a Thaumcraft room holding something that can supply every single aspect.

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Will a storage bus keep a chest stacked with an exact amount of items, even if it has to craft them? Thinking of putting a storage bus/chest combo for a Thaumcraft room holding something that can supply every single aspect.

Use an ME Interface. It will keep a certain amount of in it. It will also trigger crafting of an item if needed to replace it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Question. Ive run into a problem I didnt think of. I want to use solar panels for my power(Yeahyeah get the whining out of you) but I forgot my mystcraft world has no days. Which means Id need solar panels in either the overworld or a second world. Now, what would be the most efficient way to transport that power? Tessaracts are the only idea I can think of, but theyre slow at transporting power and Id need to powerconverters both sides. I would ideally have mfsu or higher transporting across dimensions to another one. What are my options that cost the least amount size wise. I could create a lot so given only the constraints of wanting to save the most space but have the least amount of powerloss, what can I do?

For that matter, can you link ages to each other?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been working with rednet lately and have a couple of questions:
1) is there any way to force a rednet cable to be an "input" rather than an "output" when attached to blocks that have both redstone input and output characteristics? For example, when I place a rednet cable next to an MFE, which can emit a redstone signal if full/empty/partial, it automatically connects as an output cable instead. Wrenching doesn't do anything that i can see, aside from change the color code.
2) similarly, is there a way to tell a rednet cable to just ignore whatever it is placed adjacent to? For example, my rednet cable is running along several blocks which cause the cable to take on the "input" shape, but I would prefer the cable just ignore those blocks and look like a cable, not an input.


Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Question. Ive run into a problem I didnt think of. I want to use solar panels for my power(Yeahyeah get the whining out of you) but I forgot my mystcraft world has no days. Which means Id need solar panels in either the overworld or a second world. Now, what would be the most efficient way to transport that power? Tessaracts are the only idea I can think of, but theyre slow at transporting power and Id need to powerconverters both sides. I would ideally have mfsu or higher transporting across dimensions to another one. What are my options that cost the least amount size wise. I could create a lot so given only the constraints of wanting to save the most space but have the least amount of powerloss, what can I do?

For that matter, can you link ages to each other?

You could also use ender chest to transport lapotron crystal between an MFSU connected to your solar panels & another MFSU in your myst age. Direwolf20 did this in one of his 1.4.7 videos. The items he used could be adapted to a 1.5 pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could also use ender chest to transport lapotron crystal between an MFSU connected to your solar panels & another MFSU in your myst age. Direwolf20 did this in one of his 1.4.7 videos. The items he used could be adapted to a 1.5 pack.

While a valid option... I dont think it'd be that good. o.o There has to be direct energy to energy transportation somehow out of some item I never use.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While a valid option... I dont think it'd be that good. o.o There has to be direct energy to energy transportation somehow out of some item I never use.

If you have gregtech use an Interdimensional Energy Storage Unit.
Like an ender chest for eu.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the answers so far. Reposting the ones left hoping to have some more luck with them now :)

Is Forge Multipart working OK? I've read about several situations where Forge Multipart crashed/stopped working/whatever, therefore the progress getting lost. Anyone has more information on this? Is it better to stick with Immibis microblocks?

Does it exist any guide explaining the gates available in the RedNet controller (MFR)? Or, for that matter, a guide explaining redstone gates in general. Text better than video if possible . If there wasn't such a guide, how could I set a timer with the RNController?

What type of spawners can the Force Wrench pickup, and which ones it cant? And the MFR portaspawner? I think I read force wrench cant pick twilight forest spawners, for example, thats why I'm asking. Also, can blocks that are picked up by the portal gun travel dimensions? I would try this ones by myself, but cant play MC right now.

Thanks one more


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why does the Aqueous Accumulator "light up" when MJ power is applied? Is this purely for fun, or does it pump faster when powered, or something else?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so i am playing ftb the direwolf's pack and was just flying around with my jetpack and then i saw a zombie with a diamond sword just like mine then went closer to him and saw that it was enchanted (as mine), then i let him hit me and go me way down on health (because my diamond sword sharpens v, knockback II, looting III) killed him the i GOT THE SWORD THAT HE HAD SAME ENCHATMENTS AND EVEN HIGHER ON DURABILITY. my simple question is what is the persenage for a zombie to have the same sord that i had and the DOPING IT WITH HIGHER DURABILITY??????????



i switched the swords palaces to proof that i am not showing the same swords (notice the swords durability)