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In unleashed 1.1.3 how do you drain water out of an area? I made my base on an ocean island and am making modules out in the ocean but cannot seem to drain the water with a pump do I need two or more?
Get a turtle to move through the water, it destroys water blocks that it moves through. I think the only pump that reliably moved water source blocks was the Redpower one.
Get a turtle to move through the water, it destroys water blocks that it moves through. I think the only pump that reliably moved water source blocks was the Redpower one.
The water will reform, so this won't help.
I've read somewhere, that MFFS can destroy water with its forcefields. Try that.
I gave myself a thaumonomicon cheat sheet so I could use the crystal core (I wanted to move a node into my thaumcraft room before doing any research). I got rid of the cheat sheet, and created a new thaumonomicon the normal way, however its kept all the research. I there a way of deleting it so I can actually do the research?
Get a turtle to move through the water, it destroys water blocks that it moves through. I think the only pump that reliably moved water source blocks was the Redpower one.
Thanks for the ideas. I believe I have found a way to do it. Using a buildcraft pump I used a redstone energy cell set at 100MJ/t output and it seems it can destroy the source blocks before they reform.
Questions about FTB Unleashed Pack:

1. How do you craft the (colored) Force bricks? They look very nice in NEI, but the recipes don't make any sense, since they all lead to a 8 black bricks + ink sac = 8 black bricks recipe.
By the name I'd assume they're from dartcraft, but I can't find any documentation about them.

2. There appears to be the full palette of microblocks in NEI (look the same like RP2 microblocks), however, not a single one of them shows a recipe. Can you make them? If so, how?
In unleashed 1.1.3 how do you drain water out of an area? I made my base on an ocean island and am making modules out in the ocean but cannot seem to drain the water with a pump do I need two or more?

Water sources in 1.5 reform if they're surrounded by other sources, regardless of whether there's a solid block underneath or not. Gets rid of those stupid "water holes," but makes it much more difficult to pump out bodies of water.

Does anyone know what a Force Shard can be used for? It isn't even mentioned on any wiki, web site, or forum that I can find!

You can put Force Shards into the Force Infuser as a source of liquid force. Best to stick to fueling the infuser with Force Shards since that seems to be the only use for them.

1. How do you craft the (colored) Force bricks? They look very nice in NEI, but the recipes don't make any sense, since they all lead to a 8 black bricks + ink sac = 8 black bricks recipe.
By the name I'd assume they're from dartcraft, but I can't find any documentation about them.

Force Bricks can be colored by placing eight of them around whatever color dye you want. If you want pink, put eight around a pink dye. If you want purple, eight around a purple dye. If you want chartreuse, write a mod that adds chartreuse dye and ask BlueDart to recognize it. :p

You can also paint them in-world by using an IC2 painter.

The documentation can be found in the Dartcraft thread under the Features tab as Force Bricks.
For a TC pick, what would be better to use out of Cobalt and Many.... picks. I currently use a Force Pickaxe that has Eff5 Repair2 and Fortune3, which is done really well so far, but I can't help but think there's something faster to mine with...which could potentially be a Cobalt pick. I'm not too sure though..
For a TC pick, what would be better to use out of Cobalt and Many.... picks. I currently use a Force Pickaxe that has Eff5 Repair2 and Fortune3, which is done really well so far, but I can't help but think there's something faster to mine with...which could potentially be a Cobalt pick. I'm not too sure though..
Cobalt is faster and cheaper than Manyullyn, but Manyullyn lasts longer. If you want maximum speed on a TiCo pickaxe, I'd recommend a Cobalt head, paper binding, and Thaumium rod (more durable than paper and also gives you an extra modifier), diamond + gold block, nether star, and a whole ton of redstone. You could go without one or two redstone upgrades and apply an IC2 upgrade, a moss ball, or some lapis.

Alternatively, you could make a Hammer. It mines a 3x3 panel of blocks at once (more like a Dartcraft drill on AoE mode, but not quite), although you'll have to mess around with different combinations of cobalt, paper, thaumium, and maybe manyullyn parts to see what gives you the best combination of speed, durability, and extra modifiers. Also note that a hammer won't mine a 3x3 panel of blocks as fast as a comparable pickaxe can mine one block, but will mine faster than a pick will mine two blocks- so for corridors, hammers are still faster.

Also note that a tool with at least one lapis will occasionally get more lapis when used- so if you don't apply 450 lapis when you make the tool, you'll still get to Fortune 3 eventually.
Not sure if (all of) this should go here or somewhere else, so sorry if it's in the wrong place.

I'm planning to add more stuff to the ftb modpack, but I'm not very sure how can I do it:
1. First I want to merge DW20 with unleashed, which, from what I've read, should rise no problem as they share config (the new fixed dw20 I mean), is this correct?
2. For the mods that I want to add: I plan on adding stuff like Redstone in Motion, for example - as i understand the only problems that could arise are ID conflicts, no? (I know how to fix them, just want to be sure)
3. I'm also thinking of adding GT, as some of its stuff seems fun, but I dont want to have it right from start (dont really like the early game, start enjoying it once I dont have to mine). I know There are various config options to disable the nerfs, but from what I've read its quite a hassle. If I install the mod after creating the world, i could gather the new resources (such as iridium) as long as I generate new chunks no? And this applies for any other mod i guess?
4. As much as i like the tech-like things of the pack, I miss some adventure-like things (for some reason I'm totally unable of finding dungeons). Therefore I'd like to add dungeon generating mods - i was thinking of a hexxit-like world (seen some vídeos and looks cool). How would this be possible? I think ruins and battle towers would have no problems (altough i get a little lost when it comes to the templates thing) but I've heard better dungeons has some compability issues with ic2 - has anyone managed to run ftb together with this mod? I've tríes before, but the only thing i could find were some castles (and I'm not even sure They're from this mod)
5. Now for what matters me most - modpack updates. When this happens, what will happen to "my" pack? Will it just update the ftb mods (which would be perfect) or will it affect the other mods in any way?

Now for the other type of questions:
6. Liquiducts can only output a certain amount of liquid per tick, but how much liquid can it transport?
7. I think I read somewhere tesseracts can only output 100MJ/t, so if I want to use more i would
Obviously need more tesseracts. The question is - would 2 tesseracts need to be in different frequencys or would the same one in 2 different tesseracts?
8. About bees - princess must be always manually collected, right? I mean, theres no way to get more than one of a queen

Thanks a lot!
Not sure if (all of) this should go here or somewhere else, so sorry if it's in the wrong place.

I'm planning to add more stuff to the ftb modpack, but I'm not very sure how can I do it:
1. First I want to merge DW20 with unleashed, which, from what I've read, should rise no problem as they share config (the new fixed dw20 I mean), is this correct?
2. For the mods that I want to add: I plan on adding stuff like Redstone in Motion, for example - as i understand the only problems that could arise are ID conflicts, no? (I know how to fix them, just want to be sure)
3. I'm also thinking of adding GT, as some of its stuff seems fun, but I dont want to have it right from start (dont really like the early game, start enjoying it once I dont have to mine). I know There are various config options to disable the nerfs, but from what I've read its quite a hassle. If I install the mod after creating the world, i could gather the new resources (such as iridium) as long as I generate new chunks no? And this applies for any other mod i guess?
4. As much as i like the tech-like things of the pack, I miss some adventure-like things (for some reason I'm totally unable of finding dungeons). Therefore I'd like to add dungeon generating mods - i was thinking of a hexxit-like world (seen some vídeos and looks cool). How would this be possible? I think ruins and battle towers would have no problems (altough i get a little lost when it comes to the templates thing) but I've heard better dungeons has some compability issues with ic2 - has anyone managed to run ftb together with this mod? I've tríes before, but the only thing i could find were some castles (and I'm not even sure They're from this mod)
5. Now for what matters me most - modpack updates. When this happens, what will happen to "my" pack? Will it just update the ftb mods (which would be perfect) or will it affect the other mods in any way?

Now for the other type of questions:
6. Liquiducts can only output a certain amount of liquid per tick, but how much liquid can it transport?
7. I think I read somewhere tesseracts can only output 100MJ/t, so if I want to use more i would
Obviously need more tesseracts. The question is - would 2 tesseracts need to be in different frequencys or would the same one in 2 different tesseracts?
8. About bees - princess must be always manually collected, right? I mean, theres no way to get more than one of a queen

Thanks a lot!
1-3. You're pretty well correct. You might want to import mods into Unleashed instead of DW20, if you're not certain that the current DW20 has fixed configs.
4. The FTB launcher has an option to add mods to a pack (click Edit Modpack, then Add Mod), so you'll then just need to launch the pack and fix ID conflicts. I haven't heard about BetterDungeons incompatibilities, all I can say is try it and see.
5. Modpack updates like to delete added mods and configs- and I don't know where configs go when you click the "Back up Configs?" button. So you should probably back everything up yourself.
6. It varies with the viscosity of the liquid- you can move water faster than lava, and steam faster still. I don't know any exact numbers, though. Also note that (if I'm not mistaken) liquiducts as well as energy conduits ignore bottlenecks, and only have limits when pulling liquids out of tanks and injecting them into other tanks. So if one liquiduct won't pull fast enough, connect several ducts to the tanks on either end- but there's no need to have separate lines for the same liquid.
7. Correct. With the 20% loss that I have heard is in the most recent versions of TE, if you want to supply 400 MJ/t to a remote base, you'll need four tesseracts there and five at your power plant. They can all be on the same frequency.
8. Correct. The only ways you can get princesses are from beehives (Quarries will get you lots of Rocky bees) or maybe apiarist villagers. I know some of them will buy princesses, I can only assume that some will sell as well.
8. About bees - princess must be always manually collected, right? I mean, theres no way to get more than one of a queen

Princesses can only be gotten from hives normally, yes. However, there's an Alveary block called a Swarmer that creates "Swarmer Hives" in the area around it that you can use to make extra princesses of whatever's in the alveary. Unfortunately, swarmer princesses are unstable and will have a - next to their name signifying that they will eventually die off completely and leave no princess at all. They're handy if you want a boost in output of a certain comb type, but not for breeding.
Peaceful Tables get blazes at nether fortresses ?

As far as I can tell it should, its description is that it needs a chest next to it with a sword, and will "Spawn" mobs of that area and kill them with the sword using durability from the sword, putting the drop into the chest.

So as far as I can tell this means if you put it in a nether fortress, you'd get blaze rods, coal, question is... do you get wither heads?

Also, does the peaceful table work in any other difficulty except peaceful?
Now I understand any mob spawner system should be faster than it, but it might be a good very first system before obtaining MFR/Soulshard spawners.
when im setting up a 64x64 quarry, why does it keep giving me "outside chunkloading boundaries"?
That is the max size for a quarry, and the landmarks will need to be placed at the corners of the chunks, as it keeps all the chunks inside loaded, and the max it can load is 17 chunks (one for the quarry block itself). If you're not sure how to tell, press f9 to see an overlay of chunk borders, that way you can find the corners very easily.