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Playing Sky Factory 3, and I made a Tinkers Construct Crossbow and Bolts. The XP for the Bolts is rising upwards just fine, they already leveled up once for me. However, the Crossbow's tooltip is still showing "Level: Clumsy" and "XP: 0/500", meaning all the XP gained from killing mobs is going to the Bolts, and none at all is going to the Crossbow. Is this normal, and how can I level up the Crossbow?

You have to use the crossbow as a melee weapon to level it up. Dumb i know but i beat on squids to level mine a few levels after a few levels it just gets to be to big of a climb to make it worthwhile..for me anyway.
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You have to use the crossbow as a melee weapon to level it up. Dumb i know but i beat on squids to level mine a few levels after a few levels it just gets to be to big of a climb to make it worthwhile..for me anyway.

Thanks guys. What a mess the modding scene became, after v1.7.10... that is truly beyond dumb, but it fits my opinion of v1.10.2 and beyond. Having said that... playing SkyFactory3 is still pretty fun.

It is sooooooo silly stupid easy to get all the stuff within a week or two of play, but compared to the packs I usually play (Infitech 2 with GregTech in it), I guess I needed a nice relaxing change of pace pack.
Thanks guys. What a mess the modding scene became, after v1.7.10... that is truly beyond dumb, but it fits my opinion of v1.10.2 and beyond. Having said that... playing SkyFactory3 is still pretty fun.

It is sooooooo silly stupid easy to get all the stuff within a week or two of play, but compared to the packs I usually play (Infitech 2 with GregTech in it), I guess I needed a nice relaxing change of pace pack.
your playing a (not heavily tweaked) skyblock pack with 4 mods that have an explicate purpose of providing infinite resources in general , did you expect it to even come close to hard ?

as for chicken eggs i just used storage drawers with void upgrades in them to contain the eggs from a resource chicken farm (could auto craft them into vanilla eggs if u wanted those for something)
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your playing a (not heavily tweaked) skyblock pack with 4 mods that have an explicate purpose of providing infinite resources in general , did you expect it to even come close to hard ?
More than that, Chickens, Mystical Agricultural, Environmental Tech, Ex-Nihilo, Ex Utilities has a quantum quarry, The Beneath, Skyfactory has always had so many ways to collect resources. I feel like that's why it's kind of a really popular modpack series. It's not Magical Crops and that's it.
More than that, Chickens, Mystical Agricultural, Environmental Tech, Ex-Nihilo, Ex Utilities has a quantum quarry, The Beneath, Skyfactory has always had so many ways to collect resources. I feel like that's why it's kind of a really popular modpack series. It's not Magical Crops and that's it.
i said explicate for that reason since exu and eviromental tech are not just resource gathering mods and have other main uses (even though their void miners can generate infinite mine-ables) the Beneath is just a differnt take on a dangerous resource rich mining world and is about as limited in total material as normal word gen (more per area but still finite in the same sense).
your playing a (not heavily tweaked) skyblock pack with 4 mods that have an explicate purpose of providing infinite resources in general , did you expect it to even come close to hard ?

Your comment was not rude at all, you stated fact. I agree with you! After playing Infitech 2 for many months, it was such a shock to my system to see infinite water sources again, and see that one log makes 4 planks, not merely 2... well lets just say my reaction was probably fairly predictable. :)

So how popular is this Sky Factory 3 modpack? It's doing something right... because if you list all modpacks available in the Twitch client, and select "Total Downloads" in the pull-down menu... you'll see how popular... it's now the #1 downloaded pack on Twitch. That was surprising to me, but when I saw it, I figured the modpack was worth a try... I haven't regretted it, and I understand why the pack is so popular now. It is definitely a fun pack, probably because it's one of the easier packs to play and therefore appeals to the widest audience.
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Your comment was not rude at all, you stated fact. I agree with you! After playing Infitech 2 for many months, it was such a shock to my system to see infinite water sources again, and see that one log makes 4 planks, not merely 2... well lets just say my reaction was probably fairly predictable. :)

So how popular is this Sky Factory 3 modpack? It's doing something right... because if you list all modpacks available in the Twitch client, and select "Total Downloads" in the pull-down menu... you'll see how popular... it's now the #1 downloaded pack on Twitch. That was surprising to me, but when I saw it, I figured the modpack was worth a try... I haven't regretted it, and I understand why the pack is so popular now. It is definitely a fun pack, probably because it's one of the easier packs to play and therefore appeals to the widest audience.

A number of popular YT'ers have done series based on it - it makes for a fast trip to the exciting endgame of Draconic Evolution (especially if you have the moolah to have a personal server that you can leave running 24/7). Because seriously, who doesn't like the idea of casual stacks of dragon eggs?
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question about Bees. One reas I've never bothered with them is that I thought that you needed to build your bee stuff in the biome/climate that those bees are supposed to work with? Or is it just that that's where you find the bees, but you can have your bee system whereever you want once you have them?
question about Bees. One reas I've never bothered with them is that I thought that you needed to build your bee stuff in the biome/climate that those bees are supposed to work with? Or is it just that that's where you find the bees, but you can have your bee system whereever you want once you have them?

If you just have forestry then yeah, you need to breed bees in particular climates (not exactly biomes). So both forest and meadows bees can be bred in both plains and temperate forests.

But if you have addons like gendustry or binnies mods then you can use machines to genetically 'fix' your bees to breed in other climates.
question about Bees. One reas I've never bothered with them is that I thought that you needed to build your bee stuff in the biome/climate that those bees are supposed to work with? Or is it just that that's where you find the bees, but you can have your bee system whereever you want once you have them?
In addition to what SolManX (correctly) said, you can also breed in tolerances the hard way. A cold-climate bee will always prefer a cold climate, but you can breed in a +2 tolerance to heat and she'll be comfortable in Plains (I think).
OK, that's good to know. That's at least manageable. I thought you'd just always have to have apiaries all over the cubic globe. Seemed like more of a pain than it's worth, but I can see a charm to it, too. Either way, I'll save it for Continuum :P
OK, that's good to know. That's at least manageable. I thought you'd just always have to have apiaries all over the cubic globe. Seemed like more of a pain than it's worth, but I can see a charm to it, too. Either way, I'll save it for Continuum :p
With so many bases set up for bee breeding, it's the perfect opportunity to lay some rail down. :p
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question about Bees. One reas I've never bothered with them is that I thought that you needed to build your bee stuff in the biome/climate that those bees are supposed to work with? Or is it just that that's where you find the bees, but you can have your bee system whereever you want once you have them?

Bee fiend here - there are two ways to accommodate bees with different climate requirements. First off, in Forestry itself, there is a structure called an 'Alveary' which you can acquire through bees that have a reasonably centralized climate requirement (of course, if your main base is in an ice field, you'll have to do this out on the plains - or somewhere designated as 'Normal temperature/Normal Humidity'. Happy bees make better stuff, and while your 'Industrious' bees might tolerate the ice field, they won't produce the Pollen needed to make the Alveary unless they are in a Normal/Normal biome.) It's a bit of a grind to make, and breeding the bees is an exercise in Mendelian genetics and prayers to RNGeesus. Alternately, there is Gendustry, which provides all your bee-breeding and bee-housing needs in exchange for a crap-ton of redstone. Or uranium, if the pack designers make that choice. (Speedy mutation has a price!)

Of course, if the pack designers are really out to get you, they gate Gendustry through a complicated sequence of regular Forestry breeding to acquire bees that somehow produce fully-constructed Gendustry Power Modules. O_o
My DE energy ball stopped working. Anyone ever run into this?

It's been working fine for weeks and looks fully functional from the outside, but it's showing 0 charge stored (mathematically impossible with what I had stored) and won't take a charge. You can see the sparklies coming and going through the pylons like it's running like normal, though.

I have been in the game in a few days, so I'm sure it's a glitch, but I don't know how to fix it. I've tried deactivating and reactivating it. I ran a backup. No go. I'm afraid to like have to break the core block and really lose it all...

Edit: got it! Had to replace the pylons
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Now I'm actually not sure if it was as mathematically impossible as I thought. When did quantum quarries start taking 20k per tick?

This whole thing is so weird, I had never come into the game with less RF than when I left it with this setup, but I did recently connect the quarry directly to a wireless Crystal, so maybe I just didn't realize it was pulling that much, but I swore I've not only read but witnessed first hand a 2k/t cap.
Ok, I guess the fortune book is doing part of that. But it's definitely pulling 20. I'm using a Hell biome marker, so maybe there a tax for that, too?