Ars Magica has a Journal that can store XP. EnderIO Experience Obelisk is an option at some point, but might be out of reach for early game. There are other ways, but not all of them are obvious.
I didn't know about the one for ARS Magica. I was bracing myself for having to go straight for the obelisk, but that requires soul sand I believe!
Luckily, I'm a great big cheating cheater and I added openblocks, and that has XP storage options as well. I just need to get me some obsidian!
DON'T use the ars magica exp storage method its broken and gives back less xp then u put into it , and no one mentioned the tome of perdita from blood magic which if u keep inside your inventory will also auto absorb any xp orb drops that touch u (u can still manually move xp into and out of the book with right clicks ,shift+ right click does the other direction). There is also the hero's medallion from reliquary which has a secondary use in a mob farm as an xp tank.
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