Rotarycraft question. Does anyone know what the average amount of lubricant you get per canola seed is?
Working on making sure production will keep exceeding usage as my base starts progressing.
Does a resource pack with lots of the mods that are textured in the resource pack consume lots of ram perhaps?
I used the 32x sphax texture pack for monster. With normal one I've used it seems that I don't have that freeze on the minecraft. But because I add some extra mods into my private monster pack and also I add the missing textures into the resource pack now sometimes I could get lag freeze that makes me have to force close the minecraft. I wonder what causing it then.Not a lot, but more than before depending on resolution.
Anyone know of a way to automate pams harvest craft seed planting/harvesting?
Does it not work with MFR?
Focus two Autonomous Activators (from Thermal Expansion) on it. Fill one with boneneal and seeds (if necessary); set the other to right-click and leave it empty. Have this second activator dump its products into a chest, Itemduct, or something similar.Anyone know of a way to automate pams harvest craft seed planting/harvesting?
You mean MFR's biofuel?Hi there, i haven't played since weeks.
Has someone some documentation to make biofuel, store it and use it ? I found nothing concluding...
You mean MFR's biofuel?
The bioreactor consumes plant matter (seeds, saplings, vegetables and also dyes such as cactus green) and creates biofuel. The conversion gets more efficient the more different types of items you feed it, up to a maximum of 9 types.
You can store biofel like any liquid in the tank of your choice, or in buckets. Most engines and dynamos that accept liquid fuel will burn it. It is pretty much interchangeable with Forestry's ethanol and has the same burn value.
Yes, you can pipe the biofuel into semifluid generators just like you'd pipe lava into geothermals.Thank you !
We build the structure the same way as we do for the geothermic engines for example ?
Configs \o/Does anyone know how to get pechs to spawn quickly in monster? I have a pure node or 7and it made the magical forest biome; but I only got a couple pechs once, but they despawned in my pech holding area (with personal anchor in there). FYI I play on the DeVco servers so theres no auto-spawning pechs.