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Not RF or UE, but GraviSuite is updated to 1.7.10:
You get the "IC2 nano armour"+advanced jetpack, GraviChest(Quantum+creative flight) along with several other cool features like cool tools etc.
I know but sadly the server I'm playing on got rid of IC2, so no nano armor. :/

Go check out Simply Jet packs for 1.7.10.
It added a new tier of armored jet pack.
Works as an armored chest piece, charging station as well as giving you creative flight.
Cost a lot though.
Okay, I'll look into it, thanks. Also, do you know about any powered leggings,... that run with RF?
How can i setup a ME system (from Applied Energistic) to autocraft for me. Not the big computer thing with recipes. I mean "maintain x amount of y item at all times"

For example i want to always have 10 chests in my system. How can i setup with level emitters that the system automatically craft chests when needed?

Another question

i have setup lots of machines to run when a specific item is low. For example iron dust is smelted when below xxx ingots. Ore is pulverized when iron dust is below xxx dusts. I am using thermal expansion machines.

But as soon as i make any changes to my ME network, like ad a ME cable somewhere else, some of the machines that i have this setup on starts to run. Even if the level is way above the threashold i have setup.

I have tested this several times and every time i ad some part to my ME system, not all but some pulverizers and furnaces starts to run. The me system dup in just 1 stack of each item, nothing more. Why is this?​
Okay, I'll look into it, thanks. Also, do you know about any powered leggings,... that run with RF?
I just watched a mod spotlight and it doesn't look like the highest tier from Simply Jetpacks allows creative flight. There's one with infinite energy but it's only available through creative.

Mekanism has this. I forgot what they are called though.
Like a complete powered armor suit? I've only found the armored jetpack so far but it runs on hydrogen, not RF.
It has multiple articles of armor. There's the jetpack for the chest, free runners for the boots, but I'm not sure what the others are.
How can i setup a ME system (from Applied Energistic) to autocraft for me. Not the big computer thing with recipes. I mean "maintain x amount of y item at all times"

For example i want to always have 10 chests in my system. How can i setup with level emitters that the system automatically craft chests when needed?

Get a chest (or any kind of inventory really), put a precision export bus facing it set to export chests but on "craft only" mode. You'll need the "wood planks->chest" recipe encoded in a MAC to do this. Set the redstone control so it only activates when it recieves a signal.

Then put a level emitter facing the export bus set to send a redstone signal when the number of chests in your inventory drops below 10.

Then put an import bus on the inventory your export bus is facing.

With this, whenever the number of chests in stock drops below 10 it'll craft and import more to bring you back up to the magic number.
Thanks, that helped allot!

But any solution to my ME problem?

Another question

i have setup lots of machines to run when a specific item is low. For example iron dust is smelted when below xxx ingots. Ore is pulverized when iron dust is below xxx dusts. I am using thermal expansion machines.

But as soon as i make any changes to my ME network, like ad a ME cable somewhere else, some of the machines that i have this setup on starts to run. Even if the level is way above the threashold i have setup.

I have tested this several times and every time i ad some part to my ME system, not all but some pulverizers and furnaces starts to run. The me system dup in just 1 stack of each item, nothing more. Why is this?
I know but sadly the server I'm playing on got rid of IC2, so no nano armor. :/

Okay, I'll look into it, thanks. Also, do you know about any powered leggings,... that run with RF?
Well, the Redstone Arsenal does have RF powered armor pieces but they are just powered, diamond level of protection but that is it. No other special effects.
Ender IO's Darksteel armor set can be upgraded to powered armor and there are some anvil's upgrade for them as well, like lily pads on the boots for water walk (or was it faster swimming?)
Tinkers' Construct also has it's own form of upgradable armor set but they do not require power at all.

My own current combination is using Simply Jetpack's end tier powered armor, Tinkers' Construct's Googles (comes with zoom function) and wings (which is equipped in the leggings slot) which can be upgrade to give you slow falling. I do not have any boots on, instead I have Flippers (from BoP loot, can't be crafted I guess...) equipped so I can swim/glide faster when in/on water.

P.S. I do not play on a server nor a pre-made pack, I'm playing mods I clobbered together myself. :p
Thanks, that helped allot!

But any solution to my ME problem?

Another question

i have setup lots of machines to run when a specific item is low. For example iron dust is smelted when below xxx ingots. Ore is pulverized when iron dust is below xxx dusts. I am using thermal expansion machines.

But as soon as i make any changes to my ME network, like ad a ME cable somewhere else, some of the machines that i have this setup on starts to run. Even if the level is way above the threashold i have setup.

I have tested this several times and every time i ad some part to my ME system, not all but some pulverizers and furnaces starts to run. The me system dup in just 1 stack of each item, nothing more. Why is this?

The entire AE system resets when a change is made to it, so in that brief time, your machines start running until they get a signal to turn off again.
How can i setup a ME system (from Applied Energistic) to autocraft for me. Not the big computer thing with recipes. I mean "maintain x amount of y item at all times"

For example i want to always have 10 chests in my system. How can i setup with level emitters that the system automatically craft chests when needed?
First, set up a MAC (the big computer thing with recipes) or an autocrafting table of your choice from another mod and configure it to craft chests using an ME Interface and an Import Bus, like you'd do with a furnace. If you prefer. But, I recommend the MAC, as you will eventually want to put a whole lot of recipes in it.

Then, somewhere else in your network, place down another Interface with a Precision Export Bus aimed at it, then a Level Emitter aimed at the Export Bus. Configure the Export Bus to export chests, only craft items, and only run when given a redstone signal. Then, configure the Level Emitter to emit a redstone signal when there are less than 10 chests in your network.

When there are less than 10 chests, the level emitter will emit a redstone signal, which will turn the export bus on, which will craft chests and dump them straight into the Interface, which will then immediately shove them right back into the network.

You'll need a separate setup like this for each different item type that you want to keep stocked. You can, of course, use one Interface for multiple different items, but you'll need a separate export bus and level emitter for each.

If ME Interfaces in the version of AE that you're using can be configured to only craft items (this might just be an AE2 thing, I'm not sure) and you're only interested in stocking a few stacks of items, you could probably configure the Interface to stock the items you want and only craft them, then place a Storage Bus on it in Read-Only mode or Extract Only mode or whatever it's called- should be the one with the magnifying glass and no floppy disk. This way, the Interface won't try to restock itself by pulling items out of the Storage Bus and thereby itself (which would create an infinite loop) because it has to craft the items and pull the necessary resources from somewhere else; and the Storage Bus won't try to store items inside the Interface (which would also create an infininte loop) because it's configured to not do that.

This has the advantage that with two blocks, you can keep eight different stacks of items stocked in your AE system, but the disadvantages that you get only eight stacks and it may not even work. The first setup is better if you want to keep a whole lot of items stocked, but it requires two or three more blocks for each type.

Another question

i have setup lots of machines to run when a specific item is low. For example iron dust is smelted when below xxx ingots. Ore is pulverized when iron dust is below xxx dusts. I am using thermal expansion machines.

But as soon as i make any changes to my ME network, like ad a ME cable somewhere else, some of the machines that i have this setup on starts to run. Even if the level is way above the threashold i have setup.

I have tested this several times and every time i ad some part to my ME system, not all but some pulverizers and furnaces starts to run. The me system dup in just 1 stack of each item, nothing more. Why is this?
It sounds like you machines are configured to run without a redstone signal, and you've got a Level Emitter turning the machine off when there are more than however many items. When you add a machine to your network, it reboots itself, momentarily disabling all the machines connected to it. This will turn off the Level Emitters briefly, which will in turn briefly enable your machines, no matter how much iron dust is in your network.

Try swapping the redstone modes on the level emitters and whatever they're aimed at. That is to say, if my assumptions about your setup are correct, set your machines to run with a signal and your level emitters to give a signal when there are less than however many items. When your network shuts down, this will briefly turn your machines off. If your level emitters are instead aimed at your Export Buses, once again, try swapping the redstone modes on all the ME components involved. It's possible that the export bus might come back online before the level emitter can turn it back off, in which case making the bus wait until it is given a signal before it can run should fix your problem.

Or, you could enable autocrafting on the machines, by placing an Interface with recipes on an input side and either an Import Bus or another Interface on an output side, and use either of the setups I described above to stock some ingots, regardless of the crafting chains involved.

Also, please don't re-post questions for at least a day or two and/or a couple pages of posts.
So i made a moo moo farm world with mystcraft.. And then?? What is so special about this place? Any secrets? Just some stupid cows..

Sent from my smoke signals
So i made a moo moo farm world with mystcraft.. And then?? What is so special about this place? Any secrets? Just some stupid cows..

Sent from my smoke signals
That's technically not supposed to be possible, and I consider it a "feature".
Anyway, the Moo Moo Farm dimension is supposed to only be accessible by making an AM2 gateway and "using" an evil-looking book on it. I'm not 100% sure what it's (the dimension's) purpose is exactly, besides gathering the life essence of said "stupid cows" so that they can be summoned via spells to pwn enemies. There may be a boss or some resources; not sure.
However the biome "Moo Moo Farm" is usable in Mystcraft ages, so it looks like you've just found an easier way to access the dimension, while not actually going there.
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That's technically not supposed to be possible, and I consider it a "feature".
Anyway, the Moo Moo Farm dimension is supposed to only be accessible by making an AM2 gateway and "using" an evil-looking book on it. I'm not 100% sure what it's (the dimension's) purpose is exactly, besides gathering the life essence of said "stupid cows" so that they can be summoned via spells to pwn enemies. There may be a boss or some resources; not sure.
However the biome "Moo Moo Farm" is usable in Mystcraft ages, so it looks like you've just found an easier way to access the dimension, while not actually going there.

Yeah i found a mystcraft page and tested it.. Cant find anything other than the cows.. Maybe just a funny diablo copy gimic world or something? Sorrry for my bad english

From smoke signals to the North
@Reika Is there a way to whitelist people to a guardian stone? Cause on a server that i regularly haunt i need to get access to players protected areas and i cant figure it out...... am i just stuck out or do i have to remove the block?

Edit: cant remove the block! Anyone know if world edit works?
Is there a way to whitelist people to a guardian stone? Cause on a server that i regularly haunt i need to get access to players protected areas...

Edit: Anyone know if world edit works?
.....?? So much "wut?" here.

Question is legit, but haunt...? Wut?

World edit should work you mean the offline map editor? Or the OP "worldedit wand/tool"? That I can't answer.
@Reika Is there a way to whitelist people to a guardian stone? Cause on a server that i regularly haunt i need to get access to players protected areas and i cant figure it out...... am i just stuck out or do i have to remove the block?

Edit: cant remove the block! Anyone know if world edit works?
/guardstone add/remove <name>.

Or the OP "worldedit wand/tool"?
TIL "balance" still matters in Creative Mode...o_O