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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Related to the above;
If I wanted to automate a moistener so that it doesn't fill up completely (jamming it), is there a way? Could I use Managers? I've tried regulators in the past (way in the past), but they worked less than ideally.

1. Don't know.
2. With water and mulch/compost: ~4.5, for fertilizer multiply by 7/6, for apple juice/liquid honey multiply by 1.5
3. 1.212121...
Thanks! So Basically, a single fermenter should be more than enough to run all the steam I'd ever need?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2013
I play on a few different mindcrack servers, one of which runs a few extra mods. Can I set up an extra tab in the launcher so I don't have to manually drag and drop mods every time I switch servers?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I play on a few different mindcrack servers, one of which runs a few extra mods. Can I set up an extra tab in the launcher so I don't have to manually drag and drop mods every time I switch servers?
Download MultiMC and make an instance there for each configuration you need.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is not "the mods of FTB" that are moving towards a late-game system. It is only the Mindcrack pack that is configured as such because of the specific wishes of the Mindcrack server team (they make let's play videos on youtube and the pack is made specifically for them). What you call "reasonable progression", other people might call "too easy".

But, there are many packs in FTB that are not configured with such a lenghty progression. Try the Direwolf20 pack, for example. It's much more focused on instant fun and cool stuff.
Interesting, I wonder which one of them it is... because it seems like they all are upset with the GregTech changes (though mostly the B-Team, and thanks to the bees, they are calming down on that)... and it was from one of the MindCrackers that I found out about the new farming system that costs more to set up and requires constant feeding of fertilizer.

I would like to note that the Forestry wiki indicates that all the 'old farms' are being phased out for the new single farm.
The wiki I refer to is linked by the Collected Guides Thread of the forum (
The implication from that wiki is not that it is an optional higher difficulty... it's just what the mod will be from now on.

I will check out the Direwolf20 pack and hope it is not 'instant' stuff. I like games where I work towards the next teir.
I mean, imagine playing Civ5 and you start with spearmen and the the next military tech to research was tanks and would take 365 turns to complete.
That is not tiered progression.

I have a friend that would call it 'too easy'... but then, if he goes in with no chance of winning and somehow pulls it off after 17 attempts, he ups the difficulty so he stands even less of a chance... and if he can't up the difficulty, he quits.
I prefer 50/50 odds, where my skill can give me an edge... or lack of it hinders me.

On another note, if I dislike the Direwolf20 pack, is there a way for me to build a pack from scratch... or do I have to alter one of the existing packs?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I wanted to automate a moistener so that it doesn't fill up completely (jamming it), is there a way? Could I use Managers? I've tried regulators in the past (way in the past), but they worked less than ideally.
You can use the search function of the forum, this will give you (among others):
You can use Managers: (Bottom of the first post, continues in post three)
You can use BC pipes+gates:
You can use RC loaders/unloaders:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know where the thread is that tells how to add a FTB pack (specifically Mindcrack) to Multi-mc? I know I saw it somewhere but can't find it in the search.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need a bee frame is all. That it is a item you can craft normally then put in the alter and magic it up.
How do I 'magic it up' though? I put it in the worktable along with the wand and nothing happens.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know where the thread is that tells how to add a FTB pack (specifically Mindcrack) to Multi-mc? I know I saw it somewhere but can't find it in the search.
- Install the chosen pack with the FTB launcher
- Open MultiMC, choose the dropdown arrow next to the top left icon, choose "Import from FTB Launcher"
- Navigate to your FTB folder, the one which contains all your packs like MC, DW20, Brony. Choose your pack to import


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know where the thread is that tells how to add a FTB pack (specifically Mindcrack) to Multi-mc? I know I saw it somewhere but can't find it in the search.

Hit the button in the top right corner that you usually push when making a new instance. There's an option there to import from the FTB Launcher.

EDIT: Ninja'd!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So all forestry farms like arboretoreum and all those are going to get removed and replaced by multiblock farms?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So all forestry farms like arboretoreum and all those are going to get removed and replaced by multiblock farms?

Hmm. At least for now, they're just uncraftable. IDK if Sengir is going to remove them completely or not, or even if he's made a decision.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Install the chosen pack with the FTB launcher
- Open MultiMC, choose the dropdown arrow next to the top left icon, choose "Import from FTB Launcher"
- Navigate to your FTB folder, the one which contains all your packs like MC, DW20, Brony. Choose your pack to import

Hit the button in the top right corner that you usually push when making a new instance. There's an option there to import from the FTB Launcher.

EDIT: Ninja'd!

Thank you sirs!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do I 'magic it up' though? I put it in the worktable along with the wand and nothing happens.

Not the work table... You see at the top of the page it says Altar. That is telling you that is what you need to make it.

You should have how to make an altar in your book too just look it up. Or check the spoiler below.
If you look under the heading for warded stone Magical Building Blocks you will see you place 4 down in a 2x2 square and use the wand on them to make an altar.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Saice, concentrate! It is under
Magical Building Blocks
not Warded Stone.

Sorry I just woke up. ... like 5 minutes ago... my coffee is not even done.

But yes Omicron is correct as to where to find the info.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to Disable the Bee Texture of the "Bees" flying around Apiarys?
I have way to many of them...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to Disable the Bee Texture of the "Bees" flying around Apiarys?
I have way to many of them...

Per a previous thread, there is a config option in the Forestry configuration. Give it a look and it should be the only reference to textures.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's the deal with the latest Mystcraft? Can you still do intra-dimensional linking like in the previous version? I tried to make a link modifier but it wouldn't let me. At the moment we're teleporting between overworld bases by going via the End but it's a bit cumbersome.

Also, have any mod authors added their ores to the dense ore world gen, or is it all just vanilla items?


DW20 pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What's the deal with the latest Mystcraft? Can you still do intra-dimensional linking like in the previous version? I tried to make a link modifier but it wouldn't let me. At the moment we're teleporting between overworld bases by going via the End but it's a bit cumbersome.

Also, have any mod authors added their ores to the dense ore world gen, or is it all just vanilla items?


DW20 pack.
I think the link modifier was never intended for play, it was more of an admin tool.

As for dense ores, if this didn't change, it spawns every single ores, even the ones disabled in the configs.
At least, it used to do that, and you ended with 5 types of tin and copper.
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