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Tinker's construct hammer (any as long as it can instantly destroy hardened dirt). Place H.dirt next to obsidian, mine h.dirt, bam all the obsidian around also mined. This can be used to mine obsidian with materials it could normally not be mined with :I
Isn't there a /kill all command?

Do you know how to enable commands? I have never used them

Edit: I googled it. However in my creation of the world I didnt turn cheats on to enable the commands. Any way to overwrite this?

p.s. Looking on the forums I didnt see a /kill all command, just a /kill
Limitations on the AE system in terms of automation via other mod machines.

i.e. Processing uranium through a macerating -> centrifuging system. Placing them into the reactors is cake, but the former couple are something I am unaware of. I read that you can, but a detailed explanation would be nice.
i.e. Processing uranium through a macerating -> centrifuging system. Placing them into the reactors is cake, but the former couple are something I am unaware of. I read that you can, but a detailed explanation would be nice.
If you just want to automatically process the stuff as it comes in, Export Bus to push uranium ore into the Macerator (or in GregTech, Grinder), some other form of item automation like BuildCraft Pipes from the Macerator to the Centrifuge, Import Bus to pull from the Centrifuge (and an export bus pushing Empty Cells into the Centrifuge). If you want on-demand crafting, you'll need an ME Interface replacing the Export Bus on the Macerator. You can also make it purely AE-based by importing from the Macerator and Exporting into the Centrifuge, but this adds additional energy costs.
How do patterns work? I understand the concept, but how you can actually use it alludes me. Can you use patterns in an automation system to craft specific stuff? Wouldn't an auto-crafting table work just as well then?
Patterns can go into an ME Interface, or into an ME Crafting Chamber. In the former, it'll let the associated network know that by shoving these items into a connected Inventory, the network can craft the pattern's output. If you want to produce Bread on demand, for example, you can use an ME Interface connected to an Autocrafting Table with the 3x Wheat -> 1 Bread recipe incoming, and a export bus on the other side. After that, you can simply order whatever amount of bread you want from your ME Crafting Terminal, without cutting unnecessarily into your biofuel production. For small sets of Patterns, an autocrafting table may be a better option than a Crafting Chamber, due to the device costs ME Interfaces or Export Buses are also necessary for any recipe requiring external processing, like a smelter or macerator. The Crafting Chamber, however, can contain a very large number of Patterns in a relatively small space, making it useful for builds that would otherwise require a large number of autocrafting tables and interfaces.
Ahh, interesting.

So for example, somebody wanting to build a fusion chamber would benefit from this. Also, having on hand recipes for MFSU building, etc. That require just a few more recipes than normal, would be convenient.

Though, it is not possible to tell the ME system that "this" is a macerator, so every time you need to macerate something for a recipe, send it "here", where "here" is the generic macerator?
You can program in say, 1 obsidian block = 1 pulverised obsidian, and then it knows, via whatever magical contraption is on the other side (a pulveriser in this case, or a macerator) will somehow end up with pulverised obsidian.

You can't for example, tell it "place x amounts of y in here to get z amounts of y dust" - THAT can't be done, each individual recipe must be done individually.
ME Networks can only calculate based on processor inputs (through ME Interfaces holding at least one Pattern and ME Export Buses) and outputs (through ME Interfaces with at least one Pattern), and only create-on-demand based on outputs. ME Networks don't really handle multiple crafting stations with the same recipe and, at least as of r.v11b, aren't terribly good at handling recipes that require making liquids or similar things.

((In t he specific case of ore processing, it's generally more economical to point your incoming ore at a specific macerator or set of macerators, pipe dusts directly into a Furnace, and then Import Bus the resulting Ingots -- saves you a step or two, along with energy and quartz. AE's more useful as a crafting system, transport system, or storage system than a ore processing technique.))
Can I have multiple recipes going to the same place? I don't want to build a separate macerator for every single recipe. >_>.

Can you have multiple output lines going to the same macerator, with each output line a different recipe?
Can I have multiple recipes going to the same place? I don't want to build a separate macerator for every single recipe. >_>.

Can you have multiple output lines going to the same macerator, with each output line a different recipe?
The Interface has space for nine recipes. You should only need another if you have more than nine recipes for one machine.

Sent from boobs (because why not?)
Like, for example for a furnace, which has a lot of on demand requests.
The alternative would be to use the minium stone coal smelting 7 items per instant thing....

Edit: note, if re processing via industrial grinder, then having AE manage the whole thing is by FAR the easiest solution for dealing with the various nugget, dust and tiny pile outputs that come from the grinder.
However I suggest having a separate AE system handle that, and then have an export bus pushing all the end results into your main system, so as to enable you to have recipes requiring, say osmium dust, and then have an export bus putting all the ore that somehow gets into the main system into the secondary system, however having your main quarry etc input be dealt via this.
Why do you suggest modulation of AE systems to manage separate processes? To keep the inventories organized and clutter free? What are the advantages/disadvantages that you are implying (I may already know them, but I'd like to hear them please)
Can I have multiple recipes going to the same place? I don't want to build a separate macerator for every single recipe. Can you have multiple output lines going to the same macerator, with each output line a different recipe?
Yes. While ME Export Buses can only mark one item types, Fuzzy and Precision Export Buses can mark eight different item types. ME Interfaces can have up to eight item types set to export /and/ up to nine ME Encoded Patterns. You can also have multiple ME Export Buses, Fuzzy Export Buses, Precision Export Buses, and ME Interfaces going to the same crafting station. Leaving one side for incoming power and one side for the Import Bus to take out the resulting product, this leaves four available sides, or 36 separate recipes. If you need more than /that/, you can even set up Buildcraft Pipes to feed from chests into the crafting station (this is almost always overkill, though).

Do note that this can easily overwhelm a crafting station. It's more obvious with centrifuges, which can take minutes to process a single copy of a recipe, but an ME-based ore processor can end up with a large number of ores sitting on disk while the macerator chews through one item at a time.
Why do you suggest modulation of AE systems to manage separate processes? To keep the inventories organized and clutter free? What are the advantages/disadvantages that you are implying (I may already know them, but I'd like to hear them please)

What I was saying?
That pretty much ONLY applies to automating an Industrial Grinder.
And only really in 1.5, where things such as most Mekanism recipes required a mix of Osmium ingots, dusts etc.

Everything else should be done as par with the advice given above.
Oh, I'm just wondering why though. The logic and reasoning would be insightful. It might even help me understand AE better as well =).

gattsuru, you have enlightened me into the world of ME. The 10 or so stacks of each quartz I have saved up... Muahahahahaha.

Will that be enough? How much quartz do you need to start off? How many items can a 8k disk hold in comparison to a... 64k. Sorry for all the researchable questions, but I love hear what you guys have to say, as opposed to reading the boring wiki.

Also, I don't need nether quartz right? FTB ultimate shows this in the NEI.