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What was the solution in that video?

Let's see...
1. Astral Sorcery tree beacon tree farm
2. Botania Hopperhock adjacent to 3 Ender Storage Barrels, locked and void upgraded (apples, saplings, logs)
3. Flat Transfer Node on log barrel, pointing to Clay Kiln (with lit charcoal underneath obv)
4. Flat Transfer Node on side of Clay Kiln pointing to 4th barrel which stores Low Grade Charcoal output
5. Conveyor belts to take charcoals to GT Small Coal Boilers (dumps into chest above hopper pointing into back of boilers
6. Everful Urn for each GT Boiler

I've since learned that everful urns use up the vis in the chunk over time, so they're not a good long term solution, so switch to Aqueous Accumulators

And I also read a tips page that says there are two steam tanks in this modpack: either a Mekanism Dynamic Tank or a Tinker’s Tank, neither of which I am familiar with but passing it along for whatever they're worth
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Looks like he was kilning wood into low grade charcoal there at the end, to use in small coal boilers. The burn value of the low grade stuff has been changed to be below that of charcoal in recent releases so it might be good to look into the early coke oven/blast furnace line in order to supplement your mined coal, dusts and lignitics with charcoal, coke and steel (which has been determined to be useful and good).

Yeah that's probably a good change, since it does say "Low Grade", I felt stupid that I had been using Coal Dusts for my Small Boiler fuel after I watched his video, but it was only made a week or so ago, perhaps it was a change in the most recent pack update, I dunno.

As a GT veteran, I'm pleasantly surprised (and perhaps slightly disappointed, the GT masochist in me haha) at how easy it is to find the ores thanks to the Plants on the surface... and also, the ore veins themselves seem to be permanently set on the highest ore density possible, which again is a very pleasant surprise compared to previous modpacks with GT in them. It's very refreshing not to have to mine 10x the cobble blocks for each ore block. It's more like 1:1 ratio in this pack, yay! :D

On the flip side... a down note... seems like its only a 25% chance of being able to venture outside the walls of my base... because its 50% chance of being day or night, and also a 50% chance (it seems) of either being sunny or raining. The only time I can go outside is when it's a combination of day/sun, which only seems to happen 25% of the time because every other day it seems to rain, with no way to prevent it during early game (I'm on a multiplayer server and there aren't any beds in the modpack anyway except decorative). Kinda sucks when I need something and have to wait for another day to cycle around...
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Witchery/AgriCraft interaction (1.7.10): Most of the time, having two plants next to the crop sticks breeds the two together and it only ever improves the new plant's stats (every other plant I've dealt with, which is a lot), but with the water artichoke, it's being squirrelly. I started off as normal with one 1-1-1 artichoke and quickly had two 2-1-2 artichokes. But the next plant I got was 2-1-1, then 1-1-1, and now 1-1-2.

Is there something unique about the water artichoke, or is there some bug/feature of which I'm unaware?
Oh, I had a snowbell (10-10-10) in another adjacent block. I think maybe it was trying to crossbreed and kept starting over with a weaker plant as a failed crossbreed.

Does that sound right?
Oh, I had a snowbell (10-10-10) in another adjacent block. I think maybe it was trying to crossbreed and kept starting over with a weaker plant as a failed crossbreed.

Does that sound right?

Sounds pretty reasonable. I usually run my 'crop improvement' on a plot that's bordered-off from my other plants,
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EDIT: Nevermind, the smelting recipe doesn't work, it's apparently just a JEI error. Lapis gems must be made in a Gregtech Autoclave (as has always been the case I guess). So much for putting Looting III on my sword. Sigh. Well that was a great use of an hour, mining all that lapis, macerating it and hammering it... lovely.

FTB Interactions... why is smelting certain items so odd in this pack? Example: Lapis Dust, can be smelted into Lapis Lazuil (dust into gem). But ONLY if you use a vanilla furnace, according to JEI. Cannot be smelted any other way, not in GT Steam Furnace. That's weird, and most likely, an oversight or a bug, no? I always thought smelting was the same no matter what device you use to smelt with... but not for the FTB team. LOL There's many other examples of it in this modpack. Simple vanilla clay bricks, for example. Can't be smelted in furnaces because of the way Gregtech uses a mold, etc... but we can still make clay bricks the vanilla smelting way, if we use the early game Clay Kiln. That's weird too. It's logically inconsistent to me.
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I'm having some issues with silent's Gems. I can't seem to hold a charge. Occasionally, reloading the client works for a few seconds, then the energy bar disappears and stays gone. Any ideas? I'm guessing a conflict with something, but I don't know what.

Possibly related, when I hold shift to pick up a stack of something with storage drawers, I can pull only one stack. From then on, it just increases the breakage counter until it either breaks or attempt time pull an item from another drawer.
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FTB Infinity Evolved Expert Mode -- To make the Brew of Flowing Spirit, you have to be in the spirit world. Do I really have to re-create all my progress in the core mods until I can make this brew, or is there a way to bring items in from my survival world? It seems pretty OP just to make this brew if I really have to start from scratch...

After digging through some forums, I found that the Traveler's Belt from Tinker's Construct lets you bring items with you if Baubles is installed. The GUI for it disappears in the spirit world, but the hotkey is still active and doesn't clear when you go to sleep if it's your alternate when you drink your potion/etc.

So no restarting my entire game just to get higher-tier items to the spirit world for use!

Any recommendations on larger item-transport options would be great. This only allows for 9 items at a time, with the added cost of the brew of sleeping.
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On that note, anyone who's played this pack before have suggestions for using the spirit world to my advantage since I can bring over a few items at a time? I watched a video where someone had set up a chunk anchor of some sort so he could set up an automated wispy cotton farm, but I don't know how much of that stuff I'll end up needing later on.
What are the most important design elements for the interior of an actively cooled reactor from Big Reactors?
I'm having some issues with silent's Gems. I can't seem to hold a charge. Occasionally, reloading the client works for a few seconds, then the energy bar disappears and stays gone. Any ideas? I'm guessing a conflict with something, but I don't know what.
as far as i remember the player character can hold so little of it(chaos energy) in there own body and that bar might hide when not in use in this case.
as far as i remember the player character can hold so little of it(chaos energy) in there own body and that bar might hide when not in use in this case.

No, that's not it for sure. It's not my first rodeo with Silent's Gems, it's not behaving correctly. It will work normally for a few seconds when I pop into the world then breaks. Even when it's full, my chaos orb is set to refill and I'm standing under a charging crystal.

I don't think it's silent's gems. It's something else and it's causing the issue I described with storage drawers where it will only let me pick up one stack until I interact with a different drawer.

Something is causing items in my hand to malfunction. Particularly when holding shift.

(Edit: yes, I've looked through keybinds. Sneak is the only thing on lshift, but it does come up in yellow. No idea what that means. Only other feature linked to sneaking that I know if is Veinminer.)
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Aaand found it. Something in Ice and Fire. Man, that mod wants to be good. And really, artistically and conceptually it's really impressive. But it's just got so many bugs. I did everything to make this work. It just doesn't.
On that note, anyone who's played this pack before have suggestions for using the spirit world to my advantage since I can bring over a few items at a time? I watched a video where someone had set up a chunk anchor of some sort so he could set up an automated wispy cotton farm, but I don't know how much of that stuff I'll end up needing later on.
With just vanilla and witchery it's possible, albeit exceptionally difficult, to make an Enderchest in the Spirit World. If 27 slots is enough, that'd work. If you want your entire base linked, I'm pretty sure Infinity's version of AE has Quantum Bridges, and you should be able to stuff the parts for one and a simple fuel loop into a bauble bag with, at worst, two naps.
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Does anyone know how to prevent Cyclic cables from connecting? For example, the pipes in extra utilities 2 could be blocked with a utility wrenched, and if you blocked both ends it would simply remove that connection. This does not seem possible with Cyclic cables, and there is no utility wrench as far as I can tell.
With just vanilla and witchery it's possible, albeit exceptionally difficult, to make an Enderchest in the Spirit World. If 27 slots is enough, that'd work. If you want your entire base linked, I'm pretty sure Infinity's version of AE has Quantum Bridges, and you should be able to stuff the parts for one and a simple fuel loop into a bauble bag with, at worst, two naps.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the quantum bridges! This is the first mod pack I've played with AE2, and I haven't gotten to those just yet. If I find something is worthwhile, I may take a look at that. And since the vanilla Enderchests were disabled for this pack, I didn't even think about the fact that I could bring a better enderchest with me in my belt and use that. That'll certainly make things easier. Heck, if I needed more than 27 inventory spaces for a project, I guess I could even front-load more storage to pipe in what I needed at my base so I could pull out everything I needed on the other end!

Does anyone know how to prevent Cyclic cables from connecting? For example, the pipes in extra utilities 2 could be blocked with a utility wrenched, and if you blocked both ends it would simply remove that connection. This does not seem possible with Cyclic cables, and there is no utility wrench as far as I can tell.
I don't have any experience with that mod, but if it's in a pack, sometimes the pack author will make wrenches cross-compatible. So if you have a yeta wrench from enderio or the wrench from IC2, you could try one of those on these pipes.
Just started playing Ultimate Reloaded after a long time of not playing.

What mods do you guys use for mid game autofarming? I made a big forestry multifarm but I'm having trouble keeping up with with all the Apatite it needs since I started on a cool desert island in the middle of a huge ocean spawn.

What mods do you guys use for mid game weapons/tools/armour? I got so used to TC I'm not really used to any others! I have a decent RF supply for anything that uses those but haven't started an EU power system yet.

You used to be able to see a list of mods in NEI and clicking a mod would show you items from that mod. Is there a way to do that now?

Thanks guys.
So, my server keeps spamming this:

[15:51:44] [Server thread/INFO] [BuildCraft]: Awarding advancement to HardCheeze! Or we would do, if this was 1.12...

Only, this IS 1.12 and hardcheeze isn't even online.

The rest of the internet doesn't seem to know either because nothing comes up in my searches. Anyone know how I can make this madness stop? Besides removing BC.
I don't have any experience with that mod, but if it's in a pack, sometimes the pack author will make wrenches cross-compatible. So if you have a yeta wrench from enderio or the wrench from IC2, you could try one of those on these pipes.

I already thought of that and had tried every wrench in the pack. Honestly not even sure why Cyclic Cables are the main pipes early game in this pack... they are terrible. There doesn't appear to be any way to filter liquid either :/ -- might just have to inject EU2 or something in the pack.
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