What was the solution in that video?
Let's see...
1. Astral Sorcery tree beacon tree farm
2. Botania Hopperhock adjacent to 3 Ender Storage Barrels, locked and void upgraded (apples, saplings, logs)
3. Flat Transfer Node on log barrel, pointing to Clay Kiln (with lit charcoal underneath obv)
4. Flat Transfer Node on side of Clay Kiln pointing to 4th barrel which stores Low Grade Charcoal output
5. Conveyor belts to take charcoals to GT Small Coal Boilers (dumps into chest above hopper pointing into back of boilers
6. Everful Urn for each GT Boiler
I've since learned that everful urns use up the vis in the chunk over time, so they're not a good long term solution, so switch to Aqueous Accumulators
And I also read a tips page that says there are two steam tanks in this modpack: either a Mekanism Dynamic Tank or a Tinker’s Tank, neither of which I am familiar with but passing it along for whatever they're worth
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