Thanks for the temple advice, I went in a little over prepared
Having access to a blaze spawner, I was able to make potions and stockpile plenty of experience. The ender io experience obelisk makes using the exact amount you need such an easy task. The only issue was I could not find any puffer fish for water breathing or the ring of chordata but once I got the respiration 3 enchant and the night vision ability on my dark helmet I was able to gather Actually Addition's treasure chests off the ocean floor. I found some puffer fish in one of those so with 8 minutes of water breathing. night vision, essentially diamond armor with protection 3 or 4 on everything and a sharpness 4 sword. I was more than ready. What did help was some Tinker's shurikens for eliminating the horde of guardians in the treasure room, I probably should have made 3 or 4 of them out nothing more than just netherrack. They don't go very far but you can still throw them fast and you don't get hurt by their thorns ability. After that it was pretty simple to collect the 8 blocks of gold and go back to my base to start building the void ore miner.