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In Infinity, I can't seem to get particles for railcraft anchors to show up. I've tried F9 and F12 but I still can't get them to work. I've also made sure that particles are on and that I can see rain and snow. Is this just a glitch with Infinity or am I missing something?

EDIT: The solution is to use the trackman's goggles. Thank you @ICountFrom0 for the answer!
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Anyone ever had an issue with Botania where you can't move spreader in function mode, and on binding mode when you select something it is immediately deselected?

Edit: nevermind. I was in the Mining Dimension and, somehow, leaving and entering again solved the proble. Weird...
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Hey guys, very new with FTB and minecraft too. Just playing the game for 2 months now and the redstone parts / automatization / managing resources / fabrication is very interesting. I am not so much into the combat stuff. Installed the FTB Infinity mod and overwhelmed with all the extra mods and tools. What is a good basic starting point to explore FTB piece by piece? I also dindt find a clear FTB tutorial on youtube ore something. But now i have seen the load of mods, i understand that. To many and different to cover this in a video. Tips of well know FTB builders that make tutos are welcome of course
You can try playing one of the lighter packs if you want to be able to explore and learn FTB by yourself without too many confusing mods. As other people have said, Direwolf20 is also a great source for tutorials and let's plays that can teach you alot.
Hello all. I recently rented a server from Multiplay who uses the Clanforge console. I am running FTB Infinity Evolved the 2.3.5 version. There are a series of ID issues with several items. Notably the Advanced Heat Vent, MT Core, and several others that I have not run into but have now read about in my search to resolve the issue.

My question is, how do I go about installing scripts for a server? I know how to do this client side for single player but I have no idea how to do it with a rented server.
Thanks guys for your comments. I only would like to have some pointers indeed. And the minecraft wiki is a well know website for me :) I have watched many many many videos for tutorials, lets play's en off course the hermitcraft boys and girls. Now i have created my 4th sugercane fabric, a couple of other farms, playing with redstone.. things are getting a bit... boring maybe.

I found Direwolf20 yesterday and watched some videos. Really good explaining! I think i go with the Tinker construct as a good starting point!
Thanks guys for your comments. I only would like to have some pointers indeed. And the minecraft wiki is a well know website for me :) I have watched many many many videos for tutorials, lets play's en off course the hermitcraft boys and girls. Now i have created my 4th sugercane fabric, a couple of other farms, playing with redstone.. things are getting a bit... boring maybe.

I found Direwolf20 yesterday and watched some videos. Really good explaining! I think i go with the Tinker construct as a good starting point!

These days Tinkers' tools are must haves. There is an interesting (not exploit; intentional) trick with the Lapis modifier. As soon as you can strap at least 10 Lapis on your pick/hammer. There is a chance to increase the value for each block broken (you start with 10, you have a chance at looking at it and read 11). The higher the number, the higher the chance to increase (again, I can't stress this enough: EACH TIME YOU BREAK SOMETHING WITH THE TOOL!). This also happens with weapons when hitting targets.

And now you say "wow, that's pretty neat" and I say

BUT WAIT! That's not all!

Besides having a chance to increase the number, there is a chance to get Looting/Luck I with just 10 Lapis (has to be 10, minimum). You have a chance at Looting/Luck II at 125 Lapis, and III at 350.

Are you still not happy!? Well, fortunately (pun intended) we have one more offer.

This happens each time you use a tool in doing it's function. But a hammer is a mining tool AND a murder weapon. So each time you dig/buldgeon something both Fortune AND Looting chance increase functions are called. So it's much faster to "level" the luck of a hammer than any other tool.

Hope this helps.
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My question is, how do I go about installing scripts for a server? I know how to do this client side for single player but I have no idea how to do it with a rented server.

Do you have console access to the server using putty or another SSH client? If so see if a sftp client like WinSCP will connect to it. That will enable you to copy files up to the server. Beyond that, you might need to ask the host provider how but to copy up individual files. You should have this type of access to fix other issues as they arise (restore from backup, clean up old backup and logs, fixing a corrupted entity/block by using MCEDIT, etc.)
These days Tinkers' tools are must haves. There is an interesting (not exploit; intentional) trick with the Lapis modifier. As soon as you can strap at least 10 Lapis on your pick/hammer. There is a chance to increase the value for each block broken (you start with 10, you have a chance at looking at it and read 11). The higher the number, the higher the chance to increase (again, I can't stress this enough: EACH TIME YOU BREAK SOMETHING WITH THE TOOL!). This also happens with weapons when hitting targets.

And now you say "wow, that's pretty neat" and I say

BUT WAIT! That's not all!

Besides having a chance to increase the number, there is a chance to get Looting/Luck I with just 10 Lapis (has to be 10, minimum). You have a chance at Looting/Luck II at 125 Lapis, and III at 350.

Are you still not happy!? Well, fortunately (pun intended) we have one more offer.

This happens each time you use a tool in doing it's function. But a hammer is a mining tool AND a murder weapon. So each time you dig/buldgeon something both Fortune AND Looting chance increase functions are called. So it's much faster to "level" the luck of a hammer than any other tool.

Hope this helps.
But why would you want fortune? Silk touch is always the best option for mining, just so you don't have an inventory full of coal/redstone within minutes
But why would you want fortune? Silk touch is always the best option for mining, just so you don't have an inventory full of coal/redstone within minutes

I read a statistical post on Reddit stating that, for basic ore doubling (not sure if Pulverizer or SAG Mill, and I'm not sure on the augments or grinding balls involved), Fortune III provided a better result. And from my experience, that is indeed it.
I'm in agreement with the silk touch. For example in Infinity you have TE & Ender IO. I would always make sure redstone was done through TE to get cinnabar. That cinnabar was used to process ferrous to get shinny ingots. Basically, I would customize the ore processing to maximize my secondary outputs. So certain ores go to Ender IO orthers go through TE.
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Hmm. Well, what I said I saw took into account just shoving ores into machines. I didn't see (nor thought of) any efficient processing that would take into account side products such as cinnabar.

This needs some heavy sciencing done. And it's especially hard because it can vary very much from pack to pack.
Actually, I didn't mean it for any other reason other than storage while mining.
You have 27 slots (assuming a full hotbar, and nothing more; and no bags)
So that's 27 stacks. But 1 stack of redstone ore, is the equivalent of 2.5+ stacks of redstone dust, for example (and that's without fortune). So it's always best to mine with Silk Touch, and then fortune it when you are somewhere you are close to some extra storage (i.e. back at base)
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Actually, I didn't mean it for any other reason other than storage while mining.
You have 27 slots (assuming a full hotbar, and nothing more; and no bags)
So that's 27 stacks. But 1 stack of redstone ore, is the equivalent of 2.5+ stacks of redstone dust, for example (and that's without fortune). So it's always best to mine with Silk Touch, and then fortune it when you are somewhere you are close to some extra storage (i.e. back at base)

oh... OH! I get it now. Much better, yes. At least you can mine the cobble with the fortune pick to level it and silk for some ores. Nice concept.
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oh... OH! I get it now. Much better, yes. At least you can mine the cobble with the fortune pick to level it and silk for some ores. Nice concept.
shame cobblestonestone has the lowest xp yeild for a tinkers pick .
i believe i read that guaranteed 2x is better then fortune 3 and for redstone induction smelter can guarantee u get 9 redstone dust worth from 1 ore . and if 2x is enough to surpass fortune then gotta remeber ender io and te both have options for more then that (rich slag for te , flint/dark steel grinding balls for ender io ) . this also assumes u dont have ic2 or mek(mekinism) or rotc(rotary craft) . the only way fortune can beat guarrenteed doubling is when u can get more then fortune 3 without there being a method get more guaranteed percent past 2x . there are some deeper numbers about it some where
bottom line silk all the things ! but there are a few specfic ore expeceptions (that work lovely with a tinkers pic with fortune 3 and auto smelt like cinibar(tc) and dimensional shards )
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I guess my question kinda fits in here, at least I hope it's okay here.

Question: As casual gamer without a server that runs pretty much 24/7, does playing expert mode actually make sense?

Reason I ask is that I watched alot of lets player about expert mode and I'm kinda interessted in trying it. But what always comes in mind are the following sentences "I let it run over night", "It runs for a week now and I just got enough/still not got enough" and such things. Especially when it comes to mid/late game. Especially the "without a server" part is important to know for me.
I guess my question kinda fits in here, at least I hope it's okay here.

Question: As casual gamer without a server that runs pretty much 24/7, does playing expert mode actually make sense?

Reason I ask is that I watched alot of lets player about expert mode and I'm kinda interessted in trying it. But what always comes in mind are the following sentences "I let it run over night", "It runs for a week now and I just got enough/still not got enough" and such things. Especially when it comes to mid/late game. Especially the "without a server" part is important to know for me.
It depends who you're watching and how you play.

For example, to say he plays modded MC a lot, Direwolf20 is actually quite bad at it. He doesn't really do stuff that efficiently, and tends to ignore/forget about the easier options in favour of going for the "better" options; so you may find him using survival generators until getting solar panels (for example) forgetting you could get the furnace generator.

But no you don't need a server, it would be helpful, but you can play without one. You will find yourself spending a little longer on boring things, such as waiting for power to build up/assembly table to craft stuff. But it's totally doable. I did it in singleplayer until I got to the point of getting bored with the pack (about to start getting RFtools dimensions) and the only time I was SUPER bored was when I tried to make a resonant machine frame without a decent generator :P

All I can say is be aware it will take a while. And my little tip to you, extra utilities. When you are at a point where you can make the QED (I think it needs a resonant machine frame) make that first! Then get yourself the energy transfer node, as the extra utilities energy pipes are super cheap, and you can transfer 10k rf/t, more than you will need for a long time, and it isn't going to cost you a load of resources when you need to extend the wire a little more
Thanks for the detailed answer and the hints :)

I guess for a casual-gamer skyblock is then better because you pretty much get free ressources through sieving.
Or does it take away alot of challange when it comes to search for alternatives to mining (like bees, these infused thaumcraft flowers - only read about them once - and such things)?
Thanks for the detailed answer and the hints :)

I guess for a casual-gamer skyblock is then better because you pretty much get free ressources through sieving.
Or does it take away alot of challange when it comes to search for alternatives to mining (like bees, these infused thaumcraft flowers - only read about them once - and such things)?
It depends what your play style is. If you don't like mining too much, then either one is just as good.
However, if you like mining, go for the non-Skyblock.
However, if you go for the skyblock, I recommend you get an auto-clicker, Murgee's Auto-mouse click program, is the best I have found so far. Reason being is you will find the early game quite boring and repetitive. And using these types of software you can set up a "mouse macro" (murgee allows for keys too) to just hold down left click with the chicken hammer to get yourself a load of gravel.
Then to scroll up, right click (place gravel/sand), press R (keep the stack full so the process continues), scroll down, left click (break block)
And then one which will right click a few times, and press R (for the sieve)
And then you can run them when you go to get a drink, make some food, go for a shower/bath, etc. Just so you are ignoring some tedium; I just sieved 20 stacks of dust while in the bath using this. Now I can finally get a cobble stone generator ;)
Thank you again :)

Guess I will sleep a night and think about which one I will try to start.
Thanks for the hint about mousclicker, but I guess I'm too stubborn to ever use that. When I play, I play myself :D (likewise I never log in somewhere just to be afk. I'm just too stubborn and actually torture myself with the most tedious tasks *smirks*)
Note too that in many cases, it's best to have many irons in the fire. This helps the tedium, because when you have a project that is working, albeit slowly, you can go do something else while it does its thing. Then when you finish your project, two are actually done and waiting for you.

Too many people (myself included) stand around watching a boring thing do what it does instead of using the time more productively. Remember that time is the only nonrenewable resource in bot MC and RL. Treat it as such.
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