I've opened the 3 COFH config files on Notepad++ and compiled the following data:
And I have some questions:
Lapis has the same min and max height: does that mean it only generated at 16?
What is copper high? Is it code to make it spawn on the floor and ceiling of the cave without spawning in between?
Ore: height
Luminite: 40-75
Dark dirt (?): 0-48
Compound: 50-75
Nether Quartz: 0-64
Emerald: 0-32
Yellorite: 0-36
Certus Quartz: 38-54
Aluminum: 36-128
Copper: 40-75
Tin: 20-55
Silver: 5-30
Lead: 10-35
Nickel: 5-20
Platinum: 5-30
Copper (High?): 48-96
Dirt: 0-128
Coal: 0-128
Iron: 0-64
Gold: 0-32
Redstone: 0-16
Diamond: 0-16
Emerald: 0-32
Lapis: 16 (WTF?)
Quartz (ore): 10-118
Luminite: 40-75
Dark dirt (?): 0-48
Compound: 50-75
Nether Quartz: 0-64
Emerald: 0-32
Yellorite: 0-36
Certus Quartz: 38-54
Aluminum: 36-128
Copper: 40-75
Tin: 20-55
Silver: 5-30
Lead: 10-35
Nickel: 5-20
Platinum: 5-30
Copper (High?): 48-96
Dirt: 0-128
Coal: 0-128
Iron: 0-64
Gold: 0-32
Redstone: 0-16
Diamond: 0-16
Emerald: 0-32
Lapis: 16 (WTF?)
Quartz (ore): 10-118
And I have some questions:
Lapis has the same min and max height: does that mean it only generated at 16?
What is copper high? Is it code to make it spawn on the floor and ceiling of the cave without spawning in between?