Whitelist Server Arelia FTB | Mindcrack 8.3.2 | A friendly community server! | Expensive Recipes Disabled!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Cyberin
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: Since first Beta release
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 2-3 Months
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Buildcraft and IndustrialCraft. I really enjoy machinery and making things automated. Trying to make really awesome machine creations while keeping them as compact as possible is a really enjoyable time.
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Building of course...taking my imagination and turning into into a "reality".

I'm 27 and actually run a small private server (running Ultimate pack) for just me and my brothers, looking for another place to call home when they aren't around or I just want more people to connect with...fun in numbers!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I hope that Robbo gets on and fixes this mess, I am almost certain that the server crashed unexpectedly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would assume that Robbo knows nothing about it. Would also mention that his internet is about as much use as a chocolate kettle, (so I hear) so I can imagine it is difficult to check on the status of the server often. It would be nice if there was a different method to contact him though. Stirky is the only one who can do this I think.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This was my fear joining a new server. This, and then the fear that he could just shut it down at will, and all my work gone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think he is going to shut the server down. It has shut down before and Robbo knew nothing about it. Have a little faith my friend :D. Its 2pm in UK. Im not sure how old he is but i would imagine school/work would be over about 4-5 ish. Hopefully it should be sorted by then


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: themaster1
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: since alpha 1.1.2
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 3 months
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack are: IC2
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The freedom to do anything


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: Coolab91
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: just gone 2 years in november!
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: since it came out
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: portal gun- i love portal. twilight forest- the experiance changes every time
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: the change from vanilla minecraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Apologies for seeming 'inactive' recently but I would just like to clear a few things up! :)

Apologies for the downtime yesterday. As a few of you from HavenCraft may know, servers often restart every few hours due to the high amount of memory (and memory leaks) FTB has. Our server doesn't currently have this feature, and so now and then it does leak memory and crash due to this. It can take anywhere between one and five days for this to happen, and simply restarting the server fixes this. I can do this in seconds so long as I am on my computer connected to the internet.

Yesterday, the server was down for a long time. As Blockolot stated, work is a contributing factor (as I often don't get home until about 6pm, 6.30. Unfortunately, I couldn't be at a computer that evening as I was at a concert performing as part of a Jazz Band (I play the saxophone for those that didn't know), and I only got home at 10:30pm. You'll note that it was up within minutes of me getting home!

Please feel free to add me on Skype! (My username is 'Robbo905'.) _Castiel and Stirky have already done this. Stirky does know me in real life so that if I'm not connected to the internet, he can send me a text and I can try and find a work around (which usually involves setting up my phone as a personal hotspot for 5 minutes and throwing it out a window).

Finally, be assured that the server is going nowhere! Any donations I receive will go straight into the upkeep of this server but nonetheless, I have ran many servers before and just because this server is new, it doesn't mean it's more likely to disappear. Because of my history of running servers, I know I can and that I will keep this one running as long as possible!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for being a part of Arelia! I hope I've cleared things up.

P.S. All above applications that haven't been accepted have been denied I'm afraid (With the exception of Cyberin; welcome to the server!) - Now that we have a strong community, we need much stronger applications! :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name:trixes
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: about 2 years
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: Few month im not a expert, but im decent
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Thumcraft i like to be a wizzard:) I also like to set upp farms. I have ideas to start with bees
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: Is to play with others, team upp and have fun. The mods make it more fun and you can learn something new every time with all the mods :D
  • I hope to see you in game and play with you guys


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name: The_Newbity
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft: 2-3 years.. idk actually.
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: 3-4 months now.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: Buildcraft & Forestry
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: The freedom in this game


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name:liawjunwei1999
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft:For about 1years
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast:For about 2months already.
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are:Gregtech. Mostly IC2 because I like building and mining ! :3
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is:MINING!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • My in-game name:Midgardsg
  • How long I have been playing Minecraft:2 years I think
  • How long I have been playing Feed the Beast: not much :) 3 months maybe
  • My favourite mods in the Mindcrack FTB pack and the reasons I like them are: industrialcraft (it might be a bit funny but I love the pipes :D ), computer craft (oh all that interesting stuff that you can do with it... especially mining turtles. I love those little guys). mby thermal expansion too :)
  • The thing I enjoy most about the game is: friends and building stuff together!