Arcane Infusion... Something's not right...

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Thanks guys, I will try the suggestions. @Chris Becke I also have 2 layers of crystals below the floors.
@rouge_bare I have tried different item placement. I seriously think the game has glitched, and I don't know what to do about it. I will try the suggestions above though, before I probe for debugging advice.
You definitely have the items very unsymmetrically, that will make it very unstable.

Haha - i was looking for permanent setup problems with the altar - the items however in those screenshots ARE very unbalanced.
Items on pedestals contribute a lot to instability if not symmetrically placed.
Would anyone mind adding a screenshot of how items should be placed. I am following the recipe in my thauminomicon (silverwood wand core)
No screenshots atm. But try to imitate the layout in the thauminomicon as much as possible, paying particular attention to items being across from other items.
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It's only important to keep their order. Their spacing doesn't really matter as long as you have another item directly opposite.
The order and layout of the recipe does not matter at all.
The only thing that matters is that - every item is mirrored by another item (with the exception of the final item in odd-item recipes).

Thaumcrafts symmetry requirement is very simple - an item / pedestal / infusion reagent is balanced if there is another such in the diametrically opposite space at the same y level.
This means that arranging your altar as a circle is not necessary - e.g. it is perfectly valid to place all your pedestals on the east and west sides as long as each pedestal has a matching one on the opposite end of a line drawn through the center of the altar.
I like to orientate my stabilizers from the center. If I place a skull 2 blocks from the center on thr other side there needs to be a skull 2 blocks away from the center.
Bear in mind I don't think the monster kind of l the head or color of candle matters. But I wonder if the object types need to match. So must a head match a head, crystal to crystal, candle to candle? (Botania pylon to pylon)
I always match types but I wonder if it's nessesary.

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Good question. Worth testing with that stability checker mod.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
When I'm not on a Space Engineer bender it might be the first thing I check.
(That game is really starting to come together, at leasg in single player. I hear multiplayer servers get skitchy)

While thaumcraft is really well internally documented there are many of its mechanics that are still rather black box. Can anyone say with confidence that they know exactly how essentia tubes work. To a point where they can male essentia do exactly what they want.
Stability is another one of these mechanics that is in the dark. Hopefully symcalc can shed some light on stability's inner workings. At least for the player, modders can crack Thaumcraft open and give the code a peek.

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Essentia tubes, if I recall correctly, function on pressure. High to low.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
Stability increasing "junk" doesn't have to be the same things, crystal clusters, mob heads and candles all work the same.

Tubes connected to each other cannot contain multiple different essences and multiple jars cannot be pulling essentia at the same time either. You can use valves to control connections but it gets tricky. If you're doing it manually I find it is just easier to right click with phials/jars on the alembics directly. If you need some specific aspects automated you should make a separate setup with up to 4 alembics with tubes on all sides for all of them (because randomness in the system puts essentias in different alembics all the time) and label all of the tubes to only hold one kind on each side. That way it shouldn't break. Or just use golems, they're probably way simpler to use for that.
When I'm not on a Space Engineer bender it might be the first thing I check.
(That game is really starting to come together, at leasg in single player. I hear multiplayer servers get skitchy)

While thaumcraft is really well internally documented there are many of its mechanics that are still rather black box. Can anyone say with confidence that they know exactly how essentia tubes work. To a point where they can male essentia do exactly what they want.
Stability is another one of these mechanics that is in the dark. Hopefully symcalc can shed some light on stability's inner workings. At least for the player, modders can crack Thaumcraft open and give the code a peek.

If you make yourself an Essentia Resonator, it will tell you exactly how much suction is in a piece of tubing, and what essentia happens to be in that tube. Complete understanding is not far away.
Stability increasing "junk" doesn't have to be the same things, crystal clusters, mob heads and candles all work the same.

Tubes connected to each other cannot contain multiple different essences and multiple jars cannot be pulling essentia at the same time either. You can use valves to control connections but it gets tricky. If you're doing it manually I find it is just easier to right click with phials/jars on the alembics directly. If you need some specific aspects automated you should make a separate setup with up to 4 alembics with tubes on all sides for all of them (because randomness in the system puts essentias in different alembics all the time) and label all of the tubes to only hold one kind on each side. That way it shouldn't break. Or just use golems, they're probably way simpler to use for that.

So the only advantage crystal clusters give is that they can be placed on ceilings and walls? And that a head can be opposite to a candle and still stabilize? So you can have an altar that looks like the back dumpster of a shonky morge and a candle shop and still have a stable altar? So long as they follow a similar pattern.

Also I know all that stuff about essentia tubes but I still can't figure out how to make an on demand essentia for the thaumatorium.
Either the system is designed to never be capable of that or no one yet understands how to do it yet.

It's the inability to easily clear essentia gumming up the tubes that gets me. Stop an achemy craft and the system gumms up. Also how buffers tend to block suction from essentia requestors.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
So the only advantage crystal clusters give is that they can be placed on ceilings and walls? And that a head can be opposite to a candle and still stabilize? So you can have an altar that looks like the back dumpster of a shonky morge and a candle shop and still have a stable altar? So long as they follow a similar pattern.
Yeah, basically. But you don't have to ruin the looks of your setup. You have space up to 12 blocks horizontally, 10 blocks down and 5 blocks up from the runic matrix to put that stuff in. So 25x16x25 volume of blocks. Essentially 7 blocks of space under the floor to hide the junk in which is plenty.

Also I know all that stuff about essentia tubes but I still can't figure out how to make an on demand essentia for the thaumatorium.
Either the system is designed to never be capable of that or no one yet understands how to do it yet.

It's the inability to easily clear essentia gumming up the tubes that gets me. Stop an achemy craft and the system gumms up. Also how buffers tend to block suction from essentia requestors.
On demand stuff is kind of possible but it really would get so complicated you should just use golems to move the essentia around where you need it. You would have to redstone wire valves for all essentias on both ends so you wouldn't end up with wrong essentia stuck in a tube. And put it in phials for easier manual moving. A jar holds 64 and doesn't stack. Phials stack and a stack of phials holds 512. A jar can hold lesser amounts than 8, though.
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So the only advantage crystal clusters give is that they can be placed on ceilings and walls? And that a head can be opposite to a candle and still stabilize? So you can have an altar that looks like the back dumpster of a shonky morge and a candle shop and still have a stable altar? So long as they follow a similar pattern.

While it does permit haphazard setups, the laxness here also gives you a bit of latitude to create something more interesting.

Also I know all that stuff about essentia tubes but I still can't figure out how to make an on demand essentia for the thaumatorium. Either the system is designed to never be capable of that or no one yet understands how to do it yet.

Sometimes things look impossible because they are. Oh, i'm sure that someone could create a redstone clocked system that keeps on pulsing essentia types past a thaumatorium, but it would be slow and impossibly complicated, so I', going to stick with impossible for all practical intents.

It's the inability to easily clear essentia gumming up the tubes that gets me. Stop an achemy craft and the system gumms up. Also how buffers tend to block suction from essentia requestors.

I never seem to have this problem. But then I am a bit OC about measuring out my crafts. And yeah - buffers block suction, as they apply their own. Which is why the on-demand thaumatorium is impossible.
Well.........everyone was wrong. I had tried the original layout exactly as the book lays it out, HOWEVER, it still wasn't working. It was something lame and stupid on my part, and I have figured it out. I didn't have preacantatio essentia :oops::rolleyes:. Thanks for the help, and sorry for all the confusion.
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