Applied Energistics storage help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trying to make a sorting system in my base that will sort out valuable items (such as ingots or diamonds) and put into one Applied Energistics chest then block items into another and so on so forth but I was curious is there a way to sort all this out without the use of another mod?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make the ME preformatter:

Format your disks with what you want on them.

Items you want in the network can then come through an import bus on an external inventory (say an ender chest). Or piped/tubed directly into a an ME interface. AE will route items to their pre-formatted slots.

Items you have not formatted will go to unformatted disks or unfiltered storage busses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2 ME Chest with formatted disk? On a seperate system from the main system.. In front? Then you can feed from the ME Chest to where you want??

AE is not a mod of sorting really :(. 2 make the whole system sort correctly like you want you would have to formatt every single disk you make and decide what you want on each disk... Other then that no.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right clicking most storage parts of AE with a wrench brings up a storage priority window where the highest number will show first in the ME Terminal if you sort by priority/Cell Order. This applies to ME drives, ME chests and storage buses.

Also if you get a ME Drive the order of items is in the storage cell order (again sorting the Terminal by Priority/Cell Order) . So an item on Storage cell at the top left shows up before the one to the right of it and those below it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right clicking most storage parts of AE with a wrench brings up a storage priority window where the highest number will show first in the ME Terminal if you sort by priority/Cell Order. This applies to ME drives, ME chests and storage buses.

Also if you get a ME Drive the order of items is in the storage cell order (again sorting the Terminal by Priority/Cell Order) . So an item on Storage cell at the top left shows up before the one to the right of it and those below it.

Dam never new about the wrench thing.. Thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make the ME preformatter:

Format your disks with what you want on them.

Items you want in the network can then come through an import bus on an external inventory (say an ender chest). Or piped/tubed directly into a an ME interface. AE will route items to their pre-formatted slots.

Items you have not formatted will go to unformatted disks or unfiltered storage busses.

Thanks, I just did that with my storage cells and now I'm running two quarries and a few mining turtles and all looks good.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AE is honestly fine for sorting. You just need to have it sort to individual ME chests that hold whichever materials you want. Every time one fills, just make another formatted disk and slap it in another chest.

It would take a fair amount to fill it up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks, I just did that with my storage cells and now I'm running two quarries and a few mining turtles and all looks good.

For quarry or farm inputs that are likely to fill up your formatted disk i like to put a storage bus entry for that item to an incinerator block (or your favorite way to destroy items).

So say you preformat the lowest disk for cobble. It can hold 8128 or so blocks -- the disk is filled first. Without anything else in the system any non pre-formatted disks will then get cobble and slowly fill up until all your disks are full of cobble.

Some people like to handle this overflow with an export bus that is redstone controlled. A level emitter then turns it on/off to dump excess materials when they go over a certain amount. That is descent, but you got to do that for each item.

If you use a storage bus to something that disposes of items you can stop the overflow of 54 items per storage bus. Your bulk items go to their pre-formatted cells, then extras go to the filtered storage bus interface, leaving all your unformatted disks safe for valuables.



Overflow items to destroy:

Stored items:

This leaves your low count items to go to unformatted disks. Easy to add more space for them by just tossing a disk in and later consolidate them to formatted disks if you end up getting a lot of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depending on which modpack you are using, you can direct the excessive stuff to deep storage units while keeping the less-frequent stuff in normal, unformatted storage cells.

Video of when I did my setup.

I later set things up to connect to my deep storage units (and I am thankful the mod creator made it so when you break a Deep Storage Unit it DOESN'T spill its contents all over). Export Buses and Storage Buses work great with them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depending on which modpack you are using, you can direct the excessive stuff to deep storage units while keeping the less-frequent stuff in normal, unformatted storage cells.

Video of when I did my setup.

I later set things up to connect to my deep storage units (and I am thankful the mod creator made it so when you break a Deep Storage Unit it DOESN'T spill its contents all over). Export Buses and Storage Buses work great with them.

This is another really good idea.

I'm glad to see that MFR works well with AE, for the most part.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is another really good idea.

I'm glad to see that MFR works well with AE, for the most part.
I am very impressed with the AE mod.

I run the server myself and my server tick speed (after I had converted the majority of my system to AE from RP) went from 30ns to 7ns (running 4 quarries, many chunkloaders, etc). It isn't as impressive visually, with a lack of objects flying around, but server-wise it works a lot more efficiently.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good info here. I'd like to ask this question tho. I've read over the AE storage maths page and am a bit confused as to what "stacks of items with 63 items in cell" means. I use 16k cells and the number of item stacks on that page is 1040. Does 1040 equate to 1040 total item stacks for that cell or 1040 item stacks for each of the 63 items able to be stored on that cell?

I assume it's the former, since my cells are close to overflowing, but I don't have anywhere near 64*1040 of 63 items. Some in depth clarification on this would be appreciated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good info here. I'd like to ask this question tho. I've read over the AE storage maths page and am a bit confused as to what "stacks of items with 63 items in cell" means. I use 16k cells and the number of item stacks on that page is 1040. Does 1040 equate to 1040 total item stacks for that cell or 1040 item stacks for each of the 63 items able to be stored on that cell?

I assume it's the former, since my cells are close to overflowing, but I don't have anywhere near 64*1040 of 63 items. Some in depth clarification on this would be appreciated.

Yeah, the former - You can have upto 1040 total stacks of items, regardless of type, and you can have a maximum of 63 different types of items.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AE storage math is pretty weird... i think i have a decent grasp of it, and it makes me sad when people craft a single 64k disk as their first storage thinking it will be the best.

I currently have 2 drives of 1ks, and a third drive with preformatted 1ks for the farm stuff.

theres multiple quarries of stuff in the first two.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My system is set up so that my quarry devices feed into tessseracts, which then the receiving tesseract at my base dumps into a small Logistics Pipe network. I then have DSU's for things like Cobble, Dirt, Netherrak, tainted soil, soul sand, etc and a default route in the LP setup to my AE interface. I also have storage busses on the DSUs so that the materials are accessible by the AE network. This way, all of those high volume blocks don't have to go through the AE network to get to the DSUs, and yet they are still accessible.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My system is set up so that my quarry devices feed into tessseracts, which then the receiving tesseract at my base dumps into a small Logistics Pipe network. I then have DSU's for things like Cobble, Dirt, Netherrak, tainted soil, soul sand, etc and a default route in the LP setup to my AE interface. I also have storage busses on the DSUs so that the materials are accessible by the AE network. This way, all of those high volume blocks don't have to go through the AE network to get to the DSUs, and yet they are still accessible.

You do that to save on AE energy usage?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You do that to save on AE energy usage?

Not really. The power sending it through the ME system would use is a drop in the bucket compared to what the system draws at idle. I figure there's no point in having that massive volume of stuff get dumped into the ME system, just to get spit out a storage bus. Plus, with a quarry running full speed, I could end up with a backlog int he ME system as it can only output so much per tick. I also have a void pipe on the LP setup, so if I decide I no longer want certain items, I can just route them to the void pipe and they never hit the ME system. Prior to the DSUs, I simply kept a few thousand of each of the blocks (dirt/cobble/etc) and then once I had them, I just routed them to the void pipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My system is set up so that my quarry devices feed into tessseracts, which then the receiving tesseract at my base dumps into a small Logistics Pipe network. I then have DSU's for things like Cobble, Dirt, Netherrak, tainted soil, soul sand, etc and a default route in the LP setup to my AE interface. I also have storage busses on the DSUs so that the materials are accessible by the AE network. This way, all of those high volume blocks don't have to go through the AE network to get to the DSUs, and yet they are still accessible.

For some unknown reason, I can't get the item tesseracts to function in I just use Ender Chests. I've managed to save power, and ME cable by setting up a small independent AE network under each farm site which pulls from the farm and outputs to an enderchest...all powered via a milk-throttled force engine. At the base, everything is sucked into the central AE network and all farm drops / over-abundant resources are then stored in DSUs. Didn't know about the possibility of a backlog...

One thing I did notice is that for on-demand crafting through an external machine, sometimes the AE network can get confused if the same machine is used 2/more times in the craft process.
Ex: REC or Conduit - hardened glass and electrum made by same induction smelter. If the smelter is waiting on obsidian dust from the pulverizer, AE will go ahead and send the gold/silver and the smelter will end up with an incorrect recipe [lead and silver/gold]. My fix is just to use 2 different induction smelters, one for hardened glass and the other for electrum.