Applied Energistics and Boilers

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Yeah, but you won't have to come up with a way to get some power to your AE without having access to the tools locked inside. You just gotta restart your wood production.

I dunno, I guess it's the difference between having an extra cart in a chest as opposed to having a few charged cells lying somewhere, but I still think that there's no reason at all to drive your dumb always on production trough your smart sorting, crafting and storage system.

I made a tiny stub AE network that only managed my boilers and stored the resources used in them, then connected it to my main network with an interface/storage bus (which creates a 1-way link). I cant imagine running my boilers off my main AE network though, no. That just seems silly and prone to failure.
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I made a tiny stub AE network that only managed my boilers and stored the resources used in them, then connected it to my main network with an interface/storage bus (which creates a 1-way link). I cant imagine running my boilers off my main AE network though, no. That just seems silly and prone to failure.
Yeah that's what I mean and yours is a good solution.
You can still do it safely if you just be aware that this can happen. Keep a reserve supply of wood by using level emitters to disable exporters. My next build will buffer boiler fuel into barrels and use ME storage busses, so that I can keep huge supplies of planks onhand w/out fear of storage cells filling up.
As I said, I use emitters to disable sawmills, so, exporters stop exporting when there are 64 wood in it. And I sometimes use a big portion of my little supply when I'm heating up a new boiler ^_^
Didnt know tesseracts could transmit more than 1 liquid at a time... how do you achieve this?

Ive always thought of them as a 1bucket endertank...
Yeah, but you won't have to come up with a way to get some power to your AE without having access to the tools locked inside.

This would be why I still have hobbyist engines on my power line. Punch a few trees, drop the wood into the hobbyist, power for AE, kickstart the rest of the system.

Well, that the fact that I'm right on 8k wood which, in my current system, represents 13 hours of boiler time in my SSP world. >.>
Yeah, but you won't have to come up with a way to get some power to your AE without having access to the tools locked inside. You just gotta restart your wood production.

I dunno, I guess it's the difference between having an extra cart in a chest as opposed to having a few charged cells lying somewhere, but I still think that there's no reason at all to drive your dumb always on production trough your smart sorting, crafting and storage system.

or have a portable redstone energy cell
I also have a lot of biofuel in tanks and I don't use it at all. I have some combustion engines in a chest which is not an ME-chest, so I'll be able to recover mys ystem if something bad happens to my boilers.
Even in my non AE system, I always have a reserve power system that can reboot everything. There are a million and one ways to do it with or without AE.

For myself, my Biofuel tank has two valves at different heights, the bottom one is normally closed, and keeps enough reserve fuel to kick start everything.

For solid fuel I'd keep a powered cube on the system somewhere with output to 0, perhaps some dark me cable things so the system can be split, or a sub system, or just having a higher priority store of charcoal somewhere on the system.

Or, have the /input/ to the system for the wood being a regular chest that next to the boiler, and have the wood inserted into the chest by golems or something else thta doesn't require power.
I have absolutely fallen in love with tesseracts for boilers/combustion engines recently. In addition to this trick, you can do a similar thing with liquids, but in that case it works even better since you only need 1 tesseract for both water and fuel if you put it right next to the boiler/engine. Normally you run into issues trying to get both liquid types out of the destination, but since the boiler/engines have filtered tanks they happily fill both up from a single tesseract and never cause problems. For boilers it just saves a tesseract, but for combustion engines it also means you can make significantly more compact designs, if you are willing to commit to using a lot of tesseracts.
Regarding combustion engines... are you saying I could set frequency 123 to a receiving Liquid Tesseract next to my engine. Then set up a second Liquid Tesseract (also on frequency 123) pulling fuel from a tank. Then setup a third Liquid Tesseract (again, on frequency 123) connected to a water source. This will supply both water and fuel to the combustion engine?
Regarding combustion engines... are you saying I could set frequency 123 to a receiving Liquid Tesseract next to my engine. Then set up a second Liquid Tesseract (also on frequency 123) pulling fuel from a tank. Then setup a third Liquid Tesseract (again, on frequency 123) connected to a water source. This will supply both water and fuel to the combustion engine?

I am, and you could cut one tesseract out of the equation by using only one supplier connected to both the fuel and water on different faces. Two works just fine as well though in case your water and fuel are coming from different places.
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I made a tiny stub AE network that only managed my boilers and stored the resources used in them, then connected it to my main network with an interface/storage bus (which creates a 1-way link). I cant imagine running my boilers off my main AE network though, no. That just seems silly and prone to failure.
I've done something similar -- my fuel system for my solid boiler has just one ME Drive with a 16K storage unit in it. I have a lever available that I use to turn on the dark cable connecting it to the rest of my AE system when I need a stack of wood, or some charcoal etc.
Well, I run everything on my main AE. It's easier to build stuff like this, and I have a backup plan that goes on when it runs out of power that can power the whole AE network for 2 real days. That way I put a bunch of wireless points everywhere and I can access my storage no matter where I am.
Yeah, but you won't have to come up with a way to get some power to your AE without having access to the tools locked inside. You just gotta restart your wood production.

I dunno, I guess it's the difference between having an extra cart in a chest as opposed to having a few charged cells lying somewhere, but I still think that there's no reason at all to drive your dumb always on production trough your smart sorting, crafting and storage system.

I'm having a hard time figuring out why you would not put your boilers on the same network as the main AE system. Right now all of my boilers are liquid, (I churn out so many frames I don't even have the wood to power a single solid fuel boiler) but I used to run a solid fuel boiler with sawmills and I never had any trouble with it.

It even ran a surplus of charcoal cause I ran all the sawdust into a fabricator and then into a powered furnace and back into the AE system. The nice thing about putting it on the AE system directly is that you avoid the need for a buffer so you don't have any resources hanging around un-used.
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Is there anyway to get an export bus to export directly into a solid fuel firebox? At the moment I have it going into a chest with a RP timer outputing it into the boiler, but I'd rather have it go directly into the firebox so I can skip the RP buffer.

I've tried putting export buses and interfaces but no luck. any ideas?

my export works fine on the solid fueled fire box. it works on all sides just like water or any other liquid in a liquid fueled box.

to all others saying interfaces work great because of the autocrafting of charcoal thing:
you can tell the exporter to only export either single available items; stacks of then; or single and craft if none is available; craft the item and not touch the stock.
Yeah and then one of your steve's carts vanishes and you're too busy IRL to logg in for two days, your wood supply runs out and all of your boilers go out.

That's why I have 2 backup systems:
- A 12x12x12 tank with biomass
- A 12x12x12 tank with lava

I feed my boilers simply with an AE exporter. Works just fine. The boiler firebox is an inventory.
That's why I have 2 backup systems:
- A 12x12x12 tank with biomass
- A 12x12x12 tank with lava

I feed my boilers simply with an AE exporter. Works just fine. The boiler firebox is an inventory.

has. it has an inventory.