Announcing FTB Infinity Evolved, FTB Tweaks, and FTB Utilities.

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Is there a place to post bugs? Or is this it?

Well idk if its a bug or not but the witches oven nei recipe still only show the un tweaked recipe which differs from the recipe in the guide under witchery. Both recipes do not work however. The original recipe does show as craftable, but I can't take it out of the crafting table. The modified recipie does not show as craftable in the crafting grid though.
Well, things just got a little interesting in my evolved world. I had noticed that a lot of the trees in this one patch near my base were off color, figured it was just a sub-biome of some kind. Turns out the world considers it a nether biome. On the plus side I have a source of early game gold. On the downside, HEATSCAR SPIDERS IN MY HOUSE.
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So what is the best way to chunk load until FTB Utilities are updated??? I want to go tech, but I never used mfr chunk loader. I hear chicken chunks loaders caused lag but it was never an issue for me which is why I am surprised they were removed from this pack. I also never tried world anchors or personal anchors. I assume they work in the same way as chicken chunks. Will have to look into it but would appreciate any info. Also when does the FTB Utilities update with chunk loading come out? Thanks!
This pack looks freakin' incredible. Been sketching out a flowchart-y tech tree based on NEI recipes just to get an idea of how the whole thing is laid out.

Only thing that confuses me so far: NEI shows no recipe for the Arcane Plinth, which is normally needed to progress to the fifth Blood Magic tier. Am I missing something, or is this an oversight?
in my opinion, I think the new chunk loading system coming soon, is a good thing, I always thought it was stupid that you had to build something to keep a chunk loaded in your area.
So what is the best way to chunk load until FTB Utilities are updated??? I want to go tech, but I never used mfr chunk loader. I hear chicken chunks loaders caused lag but it was never an issue for me which is why I am surprised they were removed from this pack. I also never tried world anchors or personal anchors. I assume they work in the same way as chicken chunks. Will have to look into it but would appreciate any info. Also when does the FTB Utilities update with chunk loading come out? Thanks!

Mod was not removed for chicken chunks,.. was just disabled, and can be re-enabled... just by pressing a button, on the FTB Launcher, that is what i have done.. at least till the new chunk loading system comes out.
There are literally hundreds of mods that aren't included. We can't have all of them.

I'm sorry, but "because" is not much of an answer. I'm not talking about "Virrigoose's Magical Nose-Picking Mod" or "Colored Carrots" or "Teledildonics", either. AE2 Stuff is a companion mod to AE2 that "fixes" many issues that players find, to say the least, irritating. It's clean, it gives more options to players, it's easier on servers, it's well-programmed and it's made by a known name in the modding community. It has found its way in most modpacks and, at least in my opinion, it should be by rights in every one that has AE2.

I'll rephrase my question: rather than "why is AE2 Stuff not in the pack?", I'll ask "is there any specific reason AE2 Stuff is not in the pack?". If the answer is "no", I would like to propose it be added in.
Is there a server side config that can disable the right click on player => friend request prompt?
As a vampire playing Witchery - the prompt breaks the ability to feed on players.
Note - While the railcraft anchors do work at keeping areas loaded.
They do not however function from server startup.
You need to go into the area first to get the object to appear then it will keep the area/dimension in memory.

ChickenChunks did work from server startup- without requiring you to go and enter the area.
This is a breaking difference for anyone who has computercraft loops that need to be kept going non-stop.
Note - While the railcraft anchors do work at keeping areas loaded.
They do not however function from server startup.
You need to go into the area first to get the object to appear then it will keep the area/dimension in memory.

ChickenChunks did work from server startup- without requiring you to go and enter the area.
This is a breaking difference for anyone who has computercraft loops that need to be kept going non-stop.
That might been true in the past but its not anymore.

You now have multiple types of world anchors. World anchors force the chunk loading on world load. Passive anchors are similar to world anchors but they do not force the chunk loading on world start. You need to visit the chunk for it to load and then the anchor will keep it loaded.
And then you have personal anchors, which are passive chunk loaders that only work when player is online.
And lastly, admin anchors, no fuel, always loaded.
Hmmm, if its not the admin spawner, it must be computercraft.
I was basing the assertion that the chunks werent getting loaded on my observations that computercraft loops were being broken on restart.
I assumed since a redstone repeater loop would be continuous after a restart (at least I think it was in the past), that a computercraft program would also continue.

In any case- I am reasonably sure that the Admin spawners are not keeping dimensions in memory.
When a dimension is in memory, entering it and exiting it causes no 'backing up dim-x' message

Despite me having admin spawners in my mystcraft dimensions, I am seeing these backup messages for the first time I enter the dimension, suggesting that the dimension is only being loaded when I am entering it.
It never fires the message again, just the first time I enter.

Ordinarilly it would fire that message only on enter / exit of a dimension, at which point it either saves or loads to to the hdd.
That is a common issue with Mystcraft dimensions. if you google for mystcraft chunk loading you will find it a lot.

Railcraft personal/passive chunk loaders will keep chunks loaded after you force the chunk to load when players manually load them or force a chunk to load automatically if its an admin chunk loader. But I do not think they force a dimension to load...

Usually, when a world starts, you see all dimensions loading and then unloading if there isnt something to keep them loaded. Mystcraft dimensions are only loaded when required and seems the option to force them to load on start was removed...

Chicken chunk loaders seem to force the dimension to load. Another trick seems to be using ender chests or ender tanks. Since they need to check all of them for the content on server start, it forces the dimension to load. You just need to have one in a chunk that gets loaded in the overworld, like spawn.
I do not mean Applied Energistics 2, I mean the mod called "AE2 Stuff", which is an addon for AE2 that introduces machines like the Crystal Growth Chamber (no more throwing stuff in WATER, which in my opinion is a terrible idea), the Pattern Encoder (which makes it so that you don't need to have an item in your ME to craft a pattern that needs it) and other nifty things. Again, I find it essential and I am very surprised it was left out. So, since I am curious, I was asking why this was.
Oh I forgot that add-on was called AE2 Stuff
Did you even checked the recipe?

If I recall its made with normal cobblestone since the normal furnace is made with compressed cobblestone, to make survivalist generators a little more resource intensive
I'm sorry, but "because" is not much of an answer. I'm not talking about "Virrigoose's Magical Nose-Picking Mod" or "Colored Carrots" or "Teledildonics", either. AE2 Stuff is a companion mod to AE2 that "fixes" many issues that players find, to say the least, irritating. It's clean, it gives more options to players, it's easier on servers, it's well-programmed and it's made by a known name in the modding community. It has found its way in most modpacks and, at least in my opinion, it should be by rights in every one that has AE2.

I'll rephrase my question: rather than "why is AE2 Stuff not in the pack?", I'll ask "is there any specific reason AE2 Stuff is not in the pack?". If the answer is "no", I would like to propose it be added in.
In my personal opinion, it unbalances a lot of AE by making autocrafting too easy. AE has specific, well designed crafting gates that are intended to be difficult to automate. AE2 stuff completely bypasses them.

However, the only reason it is not in Infinity is indeed just to keep the number of mods down. There are a large number of well built mods, designed to complement other mods, that are not included.

I'm not going to go over the many reasons we don't take mod suggestions again. It's very unlikely we have overlooked a mod, especially a well known one like AE2 stuff, and it's difficult for us to constantly field questions about why someone's favorite mod isn't included.
Just to make sure i understand. If I build in the Spawn Zone from the FTB Tweaks Map on my Infinity Evolved Expert Server. I don't need to Admin in a Chunk Loader.
Just to make sure i understand. If I build in the Spawn Zone from the FTB Tweaks Map on my Infinity Evolved Expert Server. I don't need to Admin in a Chunk Loader.

The system for the chunk loading is not in yet, as it says coming soon, but that is how it will work when its implemented.. no more chunk loaders to build.. just click.