We are currently working on the getting started guide that will be easily accessible in game. This will guide you through your first few days of minecraft. The best news is, its not a book. It is integrated into FTB Utilities and will be directly under the friend list.Could i get advice on where to start? I don't want to spend an hour in NEI just to find out what I can make with a couple of sticks.
There are some things i would like to know. How will the progression actually be? Strictly linear, one mod after enother? Ordered in tiers, with a few mods at each one? Or fine seperated by items/machines? Are there parallel progressions, like a way trough magic mods without touching tech and the other way around? My favorite would likely be 3-4 parallel progressions with some interaction beween each other for higher efficiency. For example TCs Alchemical Constructs need something from later tech tree to build, but they are not really needed for progression, only for quality of life.
And finally, will these utility/tweaks mods become public mods usable in other modpacks?
FTB Utilities is certainly a mod which will mostly likely replace a few of other ones. No need for kit, permissions, world border or server managment mods anymore. Great work there, you guys are amazing.
Why would it need to link to a database? It doesn't do block logging or anything like that.does it work with SQL and MSSQL SQL lite? if not, it will replace nothing.
1.7.10 of course.Huh, the announcement didn't mention the base Minecraft version that it's built on. I assume that's still 1.7.*, right?
Hopefully I am not alone in this. But I really hope someone creates a Evolved Guide that goes through the main mods. There are so many that I have tried using HQM Packs to learn them and its not great. As often the author of the pack makes specific recipes that only work in their pack.
YessireSince it doesn't have any use in the current version of infinity, i assume that the dire crafting table will play a role in evolved ?