Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I open Minecraft but it don't open. I were trying to restart PC but same again. (Playing on Agrarian Skies). It's opening and and closes shoving Mojang logo. What i must to do? In console it shows crash. Can you help me?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a problem in which after a minute or two, I click so play the game and the game crashes. I know it's nothing to do with RAM as I have allocated the most amount of RAM I can (5.75 gb). Can someone help me please?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I seem to have found a bug where items just disappear from existence when using ME and TE together or perhaps i'm just misunderstanding something.

I have an ME system, sitting on top of that system i have an ME interface that has a pattern that crafts 1 iron ingot from 2 broken iron ore. That interface is pointed at a tesseract set to a frequency of 2 that is set to send items, and receive items and fluids. The tesseract on the other end is set to send items, and receive items and fluids. i've got a fluiduct pulling in lava from a third tesseract to the second one, i've also got an itemduct on the tesseract to pull out the items and send them off to a smeltery and a second itemduct that has a whitelist filter for ingots. Each of the smelteries also have an input itemduct with a whitelist for certain broken ore types.

Now, if i add a third itemduct with no filter, it will send back any broken iron ore it cant use, but if i don't it takes the items, sends them, but i get back signifigantly less ore than i requested in the ME terminal and the autocrafter just sits there waiting for forever. I'm pretty new to AE, so am i just not understanding how this system works correctly or am i encountering some sort of known cross-mod compatibility issue or is this a bug or what?

TL;DR i request 64 iron, rather than taking 64 sets of 2 iron ingots, it only takes 32 sets of 2, so a stack of 64, but AE seems to think it sent all the required items(issue 1), and even if that's expected(i assume it isn't because the crafting monitor expects the same amount i input), in return for those 64 broken ore, i should get 32 ingots, but i only get 27 back after everything is done, which is 10 broken iron less than i sent(issue 2).

I was assuming my ratios were off, but 2 broken ore in a smeltery always gives me 1 ingot an an empty smeltery so... i'm very confused.

In case this was too confusing or wordy, skip to 2:12:20 in my stream video to see me showing the problem ingame (from 2:12:20 to 2:25:00).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You infusion crafted the wand focus warding, which infuses several items into a nether star. Then picked up your new wand focus once complete, then after logging out/back in, there was still a nether star on the center pedestal, which you were able to pick up?

I can tell you that was not my experience...but once you can make a wither fighting chamber using the wand focus, the next ones come quite easy, so NBD IMHO.
Well i Can just keep getting Unlimited Nether stars


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to follow up on my other post, it's definitely an issue of the items getting deleted somewhere along the chain. i'm guessing in the itemducts, as there have been item deletion issues there in the past, iirc? If i use a buffer at one end, like a hopper, all the items arrive in the buffer and are then sent into the smeltery and i get 64 ingots. If i don't use a buffer and just have the itemducts input directly into the smeltery, not all the items seem to arrive and i get way less ingots, somewhere random between 50-85%


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I open Minecraft but it don't open. I were trying to restart PC but same again. (Playing on Agrarian Skies). It's opening and and closes shoving Mojang logo. What i must to do? In console it shows crash. Can you help me?

Have you tried force updating? I had a similar problem and that fixed it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Is this an intended recipe?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing the map in SMP. We just completed the "Crazy Automation" quest and claimed the reward. We didn't get any quests unlocked, even though it says the end quests and bragging rights quests aren't done (According to the percentage).
Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance. I really like this map :)

Edit: I just found this thread. That soulved it. Thanks :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is Agrarian Skies 3.1.1 map too easy now? this version of the map you need to only get one bucket of each type of fluid. Same for the hoarding you only need 64 types of glass and clear glass it used to be a 1000 of each same for the pistons you only need 100 now . In the older versions of the map they were harder but fun


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is Agrarian Skies 3.1.1 map too easy now? this version of the map you need to only get one bucket of each type of fluid. Same for the hoarding you only need 64 types of glass and clear glass it used to be a 1000 of each same for the pistons you only need 100 now . In the older versions of the map they were harder but fun

Have you completed those quests yet? I'm guessing not, as otherwise you'd have noticed that once you complete the small stage, you unlock a new quest, with the larger quantity. That is the one with the epic reward bag too.

BTW, the glass was/is 10,000 of the two types.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well i Can just keep getting Unlimited Nether stars
I'm assuming the answer to my question was "yes", sorry if I wasn't clear on the question. So assuming Yes, you infusion craft a warding focus, then can log out, log back in, and you both have your wand focus, AND your nether star is still sitting on the center pedestal, right?

First, it sounds like you're playing in SMP. Next, what version are you on, 3.1.1?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, this one I don't know what's going wrong.

Every time I go into 'certain' inventories, it kicks me back out. I find this to happen first with the Forestry Apiary and then happen to ether a gold chest or a centrifuge. If I go into other things, it's fine and then I'm fine going back into the gold chest and centrifuge but not the apiary; then it arises again.

Other info is that I've been using the Industrial Apiary all the time and I was about the use the basic apiary and all this happen. I'm still good to go, just want to put this out here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
iv asked this before but had no reply but my pams harvestcraft saplings will not grow for me no matter how much bonemeal i put on them tried them 2x2 as well but nothing HELP i cant get much further.
p.s i started the world in creative mode to build my own platform would that be the cause?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
iv asked this before but had no reply but my pams harvestcraft saplings will not grow for me no matter how much bonemeal i put on them tried them 2x2 as well but nothing HELP i cant get much further.
p.s i started the world in creative mode to build my own platform would that be the cause?

Check your biom. You might be in a snow biom or another that can't grow plants.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok so apparently im in a swampland biom good or bad?

No idea. :/ Sorry.
You should also check altitude. Being a world limit or way down might also effect it.
To be sure you might want to try a normal map and break the house down and build there.

Since you are in creative mode it should be easy enough to test. Also no harvistcraft trees need to be in a 2*2. And they will destroy blocks once they grow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No idea. :/ Sorry.
You should also check altitude. Being a world limit or way down might also effect it.
To be sure you might want to try a normal map and break the house down and build there.

will have to try the height issue problem solving thing then i also tried a couple of other bioms and didnt work their either never thought about the height issue tho so thanks heaps hope its not going to be too much of a major :s
again thanks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm hosting a local server for my and my SO to play on, game is completely default, no mods added or removed, latest version. I'm getting a repeating issue where if I place a blood altar and fill it with blood, it will crash the server. There are no crash logs being created for this, we are simply getting the socket timeout error. Kind of a kick in the teeth as I've never used Blood Magic before, never would have used it and yet the HQM changed the spawn recipes so you have to use it.

Edit: Also, while skirting around the problem, have discovered that I have a similar issue with chests from the Iron Chests mod. Still no crashes, server console just says end of stream for each player. Forces a restart every time. Am I missing something major here?
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