Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok thanks for #1 Ill try it out but #2, I just got the Launcher like a few months ago and there was an issue that I fixed yesterday. I have only tried 2 packs and I dont know how to up the memory. I did try another server and it did work but there was some lag and I want to do a single player so there are no banned items. Please tell me how to give me more memory

(Edit #1) Ok So I took the download link but it didnt download anything. I tried re installing the map from the FTB launcher its-self but it didnt work, as I am still falling into the void. Please help

(Edit #2) Ok so now I downloaded the map but how do I get it into FTB?

(Edit Extra) So I found how to use the multiplayer map (The one with armor stands and cases), should I seeing as Im having trouble?

On that link, download the "Home Sweet Home" or "Flat Platform" .zip
Open the zip and copy the folder in there to your installation folder %APPDATA%/.minecraft/AgrarianSkies/minecraft/save or something similar.
then go to single player and it should be in there.

For the RAM in the FTB launcher, Go to the options tab, there is a slider bar called "RAM Maximum (MB)" up that to as much as you can


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having a bit of an issue with Tinkers' Construct, and after searching through various config files and wikis I'm hoping someone here might know how to fix it.

For some reason, all Tinkers' Construct tools and weapons are dealing a little more than double the amount of damage I'd expect them to be dealing. For example, an iron broadsword (all iron parts) reads as +6 attack damage on the tooltip, but deals 8 hearts of damage. An invar sword, also labeled as +6 damage, only deals 3 1/2 hearts of damage. My guess is there's some config file somewhere that's tweaking these values.

From a mechanics perspective, it looks like the Invar sword deals (1+6) half-hearts of damage. The TC tools are doing [2*(2+X)] half-hearts of damage, where X is the claimed attack power of the tool/weapon. (In other modpacks Tinkers Construct tools/weapons deal exactly half of the damage that they deal in this modpack.)

While I can appreciate the extra damage, it makes combat feel somewhat cheap, and I would rather not stick with Invar weapons, as I really like the customization allowed by Tinkers Construct.

I have this problem on both the recommended build and 3.0.1, but not on other modpacks with Tinkers Construct (e.g Tech World 2, Magic Farm 2).



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On that link, download the "Home Sweet Home" or "Flat Platform" .zip
Open the zip and copy the folder in there to your installation folder %APPDATA%/.minecraft/AgrarianSkies/minecraft/save or something similar.
then go to single player and it should be in there.

For the RAM in the FTB launcher, Go to the options tab, there is a slider bar called "RAM Maximum (MB)" up that to as much as you can
Thanks for all of that but I've been playing since I got the multiplayer map so I have a lot of stuff done.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
help I cant claim my rewards on the quest (survival is not tasty) I wonder if that will happen to my other quests im playing on version 3.0.1


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I seem to be having an issue where the recipe for a 'spawn chicken' egg does not show up (the one with 9 arrows). The only option is to use a blood altar.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As this is a Bug Report thread could you please move this elsewhere?

Thank you for your consideration.
I am finding out in order to test if there is a bug as I had a feeling there was, and have a feeling now that there is with another one of the quests. I am still investigating however.[DOUBLEPOST=1403306921][/DOUBLEPOST]
Through some jimmy-rigging that I'm sure JadedCat won't be impressed with, Here are the requirements
NOTE: These are ACTUAL spoilers! Not just me shortening a Crash Log or something similar!
Read at your own peril

Surf and Turf (For the Hoarding)
Not so Fast Food (For the Hoarding)
Leafy Greens (For the Hoarding)
Cloudy with Meatballs (For the Hoarding)
Fruit of Veggie? (For the Hoarding)
Most Important Meal (For the Hoarding)
Ages Juice (For the Hoarding)
Toasty Bread (For the Hoarding)
Vegan Delight (For the Hoarding)

Bee Domination:
Comb Collection (Bees and Trees)

Mob War:
Monster Hunter (For the Hoarding)

Passive Slaughterer:
Monster Hunter (For the Hoarding)
AND Kill 100 Passive Mobs

Tinkerer: Craft:
1x Seared Bricks
1x Seared Glass
1x Seared Tank
1x Seared Faucet
1x Casting Basin
1x Casting Table

Crazy Automation: Craft:
1x Octuple Compressed Cobblestone

Thaumcraft: Craft:
1x TC4 Table

Open Seasame: Craft:
1x Flag

The rest are open from the beginning

Thanks alot, I may have found a bug though unless you missed something out. The 'Tinkerer: Craft:' one doesn't seem to show up after crafting all the items, may be a bug or may be missing something.
: My bad, I was crafting a seared brick rather than 'bricks'
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I seem to be having an issue where the recipe for a 'spawn chicken' egg does not show up (the one with 9 arrows). The only option is to use a blood altar.

Arrow recipe was removed- blood altar recipe replaces it![DOUBLEPOST=1403308330][/DOUBLEPOST]
help I cant claim my rewards on the quest (survival is not tasty) I wonder if that will happen to my other quests im playing on version 3.0.1

Have you got enough room in your inventory? Have you actually completed the quest? Check those things. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe I have found a bug, under the steel powered flight quest. At the up up and away splat quest I cannot get it to show completed or get my reward. It stays at 0%. I have crafted the jetpack 4 times, two in the me crafting terminal and two on a normal crafting table. It just doesn't seem to register, it bugs me because I'm a completionist and this is the last quest on the tier to finish the steel powered flight quest progression.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The hidden Quest 'Tinkerer' in bragging rights, requires us to CRAFT cracked seared bricks, however there is no recipe for these? Ive done abit of searching and cannot find a way to craft them!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe I have found a bug, under the steel powered flight quest. At the up up and away splat quest I cannot get it to show completed or get my reward. It stays at 0%. I have crafted the jetpack 4 times, two in the me crafting terminal and two on a normal crafting table. It just doesn't seem to register, it bugs me because I'm a completionist and this is the last quest on the tier to finish the steel powered flight quest progression.
Jaded knows about this.
In the interim look over the last few pages. There has been several posts about people who have solved it.[DOUBLEPOST=1403312723][/DOUBLEPOST]
The hidden Quest 'Tinkerer' in bragging rights, requires us to CRAFT cracked seared bricks, however there is no recipe for these? Ive done abit of searching and cannot find a way to craft them!
Isn't it a chisel with the seared bricks?
I'm not near a computer at the moment so I can't double check.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Jaded knows about this.
In the interim look over the last few pages. There has been several posts about people who have solved it.[DOUBLEPOST=1403312723][/DOUBLEPOST]
Isn't it a chisel with the seared bricks?
I'm not near a computer at the moment so I can't double check.
AH well I wasn't sure, I done a few google searches and came up short. But I'll look back and see what I can find.

EDIT- Thank you! Weird how adding the particles fixes it, but eh at least it is working now!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Jaded I have Been Playing AS and am Trying to Make a mob grinder with Cursed Earth. for some reason the cursed earth isn't spreading and there for Mobs are not spawning as fast or furiously as they should be. if you could tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be much appreciated. i don't know if its a bug and i was looking for something in this thred that mentioned it but couldn't find anything. I even looked in the config files and couldn't find anything that would have been done to change cursed earth. thank you again. Love the Pak hope to play another of yours soon.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
I've experienced a slight issue during Sugar High dev. The Flux Taint potion effect is entirely gone. It's nt in the potion list in NEI and none of the method of applying flux taint work. This means that tainted mobs re entirely impossible to obtain. The issue is that something is conflicting with the flux taint effect ID. I fixed it by changing "I:potion_fluxtaint=30" to 50. That fixes the issue entirely. It shows up in the potion list and mobs get tainted again. This is not a major issue, but I would love to require taint tendrils for a sugar high quest. I think that would lead to some really interesting automation designs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I crash every time I am looking at sieve uses. This time I hit "U" on taiga grass block. Before, I was hitting the arrow to change the uses pages of what you get from sieving different blocks. Thanks for the great mod pack:) I have been playing for awhile now with no problems except this one of course.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nope not a chisel with a seared brick.
As far as I can tell the only way to get them is
1. Cheat
2. Reward for "I'm Smelting... I'm smeeelting" (you get 4x)

Just realised it needs to be crafted. ergo un-completeable :/

I put my exo-shoes in a TC Crafting Station, and the game crashed. This repeatable.

Crash log or it didn't happen.
I just tested in 3.0.1 with the Exo-Shoes in the Tinkers Crafting Station (also the slab version) and....nothing
Also as a rule of thumb try to provide as much information as possible. What was on your Exo-Shoes for example.[DOUBLEPOST=1403340397][/DOUBLEPOST]

I crash every time I am looking at sieve uses. This time I hit "U" on taiga grass block. Before, I was hitting the arrow to change the uses pages of what you get from sieving different blocks. Thanks for the great mod pack:) I have been playing for awhile now with no problems except this one of course.
Do you mean "Topiary Grass" ?
AFAIK Taiga Grass doesn't have a different block from the Vanilla Grass (Different colour)[DOUBLEPOST=1403340438][/DOUBLEPOST]
Jaded I have Been Playing AS and am Trying to Make a mob grinder with Cursed Earth. for some reason the cursed earth isn't spreading and there for Mobs are not spawning as fast or furiously as they should be. if you could tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be much appreciated. i don't know if its a bug and i was looking for something in this thred that mentioned it but couldn't find anything. I even looked in the config files and couldn't find anything that would have been done to change cursed earth. thank you again. Love the Pak hope to play another of yours soon.
1. Is it surrounded by dirt?
2. Is it completely dark? (Light "burns" the Cursed Earth away)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi I just upgraded Agrarian skies server and client to v3.0.1 and get the following error message:
Forge Mod Loader had found ID mismatches Complete details are in the log file
ID 20424 from Mod Exaliquo is missing.

Any ideas.... in mean time gonna try a re-install.

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