Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

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I placed down 2 strong boxes with an impulse item duct in between them with a servo set to disabled and stack size of 64. I filled the "sending" strong box with full stacks of leadstone energy conduits. I let all of the items arrive into the receiving box then filled the sending box back up. Does not really matter the item as they all react the same whether it is vanilla blocks or TE items. Now you would be thinking with a single impulse item duct and this being 100% TE that the communication of this "stuffed" scenario would not have a problem, but sure enough TE duct system is SOOO hyperactive that in the time that I take half a stack of items from the receiving box and it announcing that it has room for 32 items and the sending box saying, "ok, here have 64" it then sends another 64.

So, you tell your 'input' connection to send a full stack at a time, pull out half a stack, and curse the mod for being dumb when it sends a full stack. This seems illogical to me.

Also, this IS the test platform. There is a reason 2.1.3 is a non-recommended beta update. If you're not willing to be a beta tester, wait for recommended packs!
Hello there!

I had a weird crash today, related to loading and unloading chunks. I was flying around to find biomes, and when I returned, my energy system had "frozen", so many machines were not powered. Replacing one of the conduits re-started the system.

Then, I found this under my AE system:


The missing block was an energy conduit. The entire ME system in this picture is within chunk borders. If I try to place a block here, the block immediately disappears and gets spit back again. If I try to place blocks around the "ghost block", the game crashes.

Here is a crash log:

Could anyone give me a suggestion on how I can remove this ghost block?
Thank you!

A separate issue, not sure if reported:
Ore dictionary items are accepted in consume quests if sent manually, but not if sent automatically via the QDS. I'm doing the Oak Wood quest now, and if I have any Natura or Minecraft wood on my inventory, I can "manually submit" and they get counted. On the other hand, if I send these logs through the QDS, they don't get counted.
Hello there!

I had a weird crash today, related to loading and unloading chunks. I was flying around to find biomes, and when I returned, my energy system had "frozen", so many machines were not powered. Replacing one of the conduits re-started the system.

Then, I found this under my AE system:


The missing block was an energy conduit. The entire ME system in this picture is within chunk borders. If I try to place a block here, the block immediately disappears and gets spit back again. If I try to place blocks around the "ghost block", the game crashes.

Here is a crash log:

Could anyone give me a suggestion on how I can remove this ghost block?
Thank you!

A separate issue, not sure if reported:
Ore dictionary items are accepted in consume quests if sent manually, but not if sent automatically via the QDS. I'm doing the Oak Wood quest now, and if I have any Natura or Minecraft wood on my inventory, I can "manually submit" and they get counted. On the other hand, if I send these logs through the QDS, they don't get counted.

Have you tried to "wrench" the ghost block with a crescent hammer? Try removing the conduit that connects to the ghost block. Maybe try to break it in creative mode. Otherwise, your only option may be to use mcedit to try to remove the offending block.
Just wanted to report a quick bug in Pam's harvestcraft.
When any pam's harvestcraft related crop is being grown on farmland and then the dirt is being removed while the crop still keeps floating, even block updates don't cause it to collapse and i think randomly flying crops aren't meant to be in here. (is in 2.1.2 So not 100% certain if 2.1.3 fixed it or not but just putting it out there)
You have 2 choices. You can roll back to 2.1.2 or you can edit the config.


about 3/4 the way down find the line with


change that to


if you are having issues after updating to 2.1.3 and the game crashes with "thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.truncateStuffedItems(ConduitItem.java:914)" in the crash log.

Based on the shear number of players having this problem it is very suspect that this new code was even tested to any degree at all.

The code was tested on multiple servers and multiple saves, and none of them have this issue. NOT ONE SINGLE ONE. Non-recommended packs are non-recommended for a reason. Because sometimes different server setups, can cause issues that don't occur in testing. Especially when you throw in more players doing odd things.
I get it, some servers and players are having issues with the TE backstuffing solution in 2.1.3.

  1. Do not continue posting a bug that has already been reported. That does not get it solved faster it just blocks other bugs from being seen.
  2. If you updated your server or client to a non-recommended version and didn't take a backup I can't help you recover it.
  3. This is the reason we release test versions before pushing them to recommended. TO find these type bugs and fix them BEFORE we push them to every server.
Again repeat bug reports of bugs already reported will be deleted since they only serve to drown out other bugs that are being reported.
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Ok 2.1.4 along with including a fix for the TE fix will include a disabled by default mod for saving your world. Some people will of course abuse this to avoid death (you cheaters), but the goal is for it to protect people from the CCC unexplainable random crashes. And to protect people who update to non-recommended pack versions without backing up their folder.
If you can't fine one that works, I used to have one for previous versions of mc, now it's merged in ForgeEssentials. If you'd like I can make it into a seperate mod. (Might take a day or 2)
I can't breed Esoteric Bees. Tried several times using Apiaries and also with the Mutatron. It always gives the Charmed Bees although they have the same mutation probability as esoteric.
Thanks for checking up on this issue.

/edit: We got them now. After crossbreeding 10 times, I guess we were just very unlucky :D
@Jadedcat: Wow fast answer, thanks for the hint!! :)

/edit2: that's fine for me ;) I just felt stupid because exactly when I posted it, I finally got the Esoteric bees. Guess that's like the demo effect.
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Bug/Problem: I can't breed Esoteric Bees. Tried several times using Apiaries and also with the Mutatron. It always gives the Charmed Bees although they have the same mutation probability as esoteric.
Thanks for checking up on this issue.

Try using the Advanced Mutatron, it lets you pick the mutation.

Edit: Since I answered I also undeleted your post , someone else may have the same issue :p
So after i built my first drop mob trap i decided to make a tinkers bow. i also put a blood magic alter in the bottom to collect blood i then accidentally right clicked the alter with the bow and my game crashes as soon as i did and now i can not even log on to my world with out it crashing sorry no crash report it goes to a white screen then closes. i am am running the recommended version if that helps any. :) After going in to mcedit and deleting the blood alter then i logged back into the world and i still crashed so i do not know what could be causing this any help would be greatly appreciated. also i would rather not revert to a earlier save as the last one i saved did not have my ae system or the mob trap.
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When ever i post my crash report my post gets deleted why?

It's a duplicate of a bug that's already been reported. As the first post of the thread says. "Duplicate bug reports will be removed to keep from drowning out other bugs". Use the search feature to search for the top line of the stacktrace of a crash report and you will find if its been reported already.
On AS version 2.1.3, every time i try to load my world, it crashes instantly. It only loaded one time, and it crashed a few seconds after. Does anyone know why? I have the RAM for FTB set to 3.75 GB. It only started to do this after i made a high oven and a redstone energy jetpack, and i am wondering if the crashing is because of one of those things.
So this is considered odd behavior?

1. Place a redstone furnace and connect it to power, set the left side to input and the right side to output.
2. Place an item duct on the left side of the redstone furnace of whatever length you may think your drop-off storage might be. I used 8 item ducts in my most recent test. I have seen peoples drop-off chests dozens of blocks away from their furnace. Use the items ducts you can see through to watch this in action.
3. Place a strongbox at the end of those "input" ducts.
4. Place a servo in the the item duct, set the redstone mode to low and whack it with a hammer so it pulls out of the strongbox and into the furnace.
5. Place a strongbox on the side of the redstone furnace that is set to output.
6. Fill the "input" strongbox with a bunch of stacks of ores.

Almost immediately you have a "stuffed" item duct scenario. I consider this to be normal behavior for 98% of minecraft players that I have played with and watched videos of people playing.

This scenario results in a crash with a fresh install of not only Agrarian Skies, but a fresh world with only TE installed and the config set to 20.

This is my last post about this bug, but I just wanted to voice my opinion that this is NORMAL player behavior for anyone that does not have intimate details about item stuffing in ducts and what issues it can cause not only for server, but single player worlds. I have failed to get this "new" code to delete these items instead of crashing the client in every scenario I have tested.
I don't want to argue, I am trying my best to improve this great creation best I can by testing things out and to help troubleshoot bugs and help other players solve their issues.

If you would like additional testing for existing bugs before releasing an update to the pack, feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to test things out for you to ensure a smooth release of each update.

Yes, I understand that non-recommended updates are that way for a reason and I choose to use them with my knowledge of backup and recovery and my interest in discovering bugs and solutions.
believe me i understand. i read that about the testing and immediately thought, so what, i'm the only sonofagun who actually tried it in ssp that wasn't a launch from within his likely eclipse] dev environment? multiple server configs isn't the first step ssp[i've seen builds that failed due to failure to launch outside of dev env on the part of the author before]? all of my what when i can break it in 5 minutes in ssp on multiple computers churning stock pulls of the pack? remember immibis' waxing poetic on the power of defaults?
get zeldo/skyboy to ensure this cannot happen for starters.
30 second build, waited 1 minute after initial machine filling until backstuffing started lasting long enough to stick for a few moments. using only te3 and vanilla. the duct from the resonant strongbox to the pulverizers is set to stacksize 1, round robin. pulling smoothstone, sand, gravel, cobble in whatever strongbox slot order it prefers from the resonant strongbox fed there from the creative chests, in whatever order the chest fills. this is not unique. this can and will occur at this level of complexity left right and center.

if i double the number of pulverizers the backstuff begins to exponentiate into taking longer and longer to clear even with stacksize 1.
when he fixes this behaviour he will be addressing the cause and not the symptom.

this also works as a test case with the duct feeding the pulverizers in normal mode instead of round robin and still on stacksize 1. increasing stacksize only amplifies the problem because it seems to prefer that a backstuff from say, pulverizer #2, only be resent to any destination when pulverizer 2 says "i have space" instead holding it for some time even if pulverizer 3 is emptied manually. worse on the backstuff stacks, they do not condense while in the pipe or backstuff buffer. 1000 single cobble, or 1000 stacks of 60, will always remain in said stack size taking a slot in the backstuff queue. remember way back when buildcraft pipes wouldn't condense items of the same type in a pipe into a stack, or item entities littering the world as pickups that didn't condense into stacks? i understand why it doesn't in this case, but this seems to explain why marsupilami couldn't get backstuff 20 to delete. none of the stacks were 20, they were all 1s. minor logic error?

adding a mechanic to autodelete backstuff in a volume processing environment like this pack is kind of a non starter as it promotes lossy systems requiring even more volumetric throughput to compensate. this in turn promotes more built that can backstuff to the new lesser degree and delete items as well. in short the ducts are the new mj power system. it is stone simple to have it backstuff, and thus will be guaranteed to be lossy.
Nevermind, just read the topic and my crash is (i guess) the TE backstuffing bug:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.SubList cannot be cast to java.util.LinkedList at thermalexpansion.part.conduit.item.ConduitItem.truncateStuffedItems(ConduitItem.java:914)

Is 2.1.4 available already? I saw it mentioned a few posts back, but it doesnt show in my launcher.
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I am seeing "Harvester / <ERROR> / Minefactory Reloaded" from WAILA a lot.

2.1.2, I believe (not my server).
The mod pack is very fun to play, and I haven't had any major issues until recently when I started Bees & Trees. (Using 1 Gendustry hive, and 6 Apiaries hooked to a small ME network).
Now the game starts running slower and slower. I went around double checking for stuffed items but did not see any.
No crash log because the game doesn't actually crash - just get ridiculously slow (5-15 second delay when opening chests)
I am not sure if this is related but when I quit and save, I get the following in the Minecraft console log:
2014-05-06 20:48:35 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] A TileEntity type extrautils.tileentity.TileEntityTrashCan has throw an exception trying to write state. It will not persist. Report this to the mod author
net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Exception getting block type in world
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72798_a(World.java:423)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_96440_m(World.java:4484)
at net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity.func_70296_d(TileEntity.java:195)
at extrautils.tileentity.TileEntityTrashCan.processInv(TileEntityTrashCan.java:90)
at extrautils.tileentity.TileEntityTrashCan.func_70310_b(TileEntityTrashCan.java:64)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75820_a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:317)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75816_a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:127)
at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73242_b(ChunkProviderServer.java:232)
at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73156_b(ChunkProviderServer.java:329)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(WorldServer.java:181)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:657)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:587)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:129)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:484)
at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.NetClientHandler.func_72552_c(NetClientHandler.java:841)
at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.sendPacket(FMLClientHandler.java:511)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToServer(PacketDispatcher.java:38)
at atomicstryker.infernalmobs.client.EntityTracker.askServerForMobMods(EntityTracker.java:27)
at atomicstryker.infernalmobs.client.EntityTracker.onEntityJoinedWorld(EntityTracker.java:18)
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_225_EntityTracker_onEntityJoinedWorld_EntityJoinWorldEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:39)
at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:108)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72868_a(World.java:3749)
at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76631_c(Chunk.java:1077)
at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:150)
at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73154_d(ChunkProviderServer.java:166)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72964_e(World.java:529)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72798_a(World.java:414)
... 14 more
Prior to that, just get a whole bunch of "Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?" warnings once or twice a minute.
Nothing obvious to me - not a ton of entities laying on the ground, no huge mob packs (I actually disabled my mob farm to check)...
Quitting and restarting cuts out most of the lag for a while but it builds slowly up again.

Hmm - running latest launcher (1.3.9) which I did update to about the same time as problems.
Advanced java string I am using:
"-Xms2048m -XX:permSize=256m -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=50 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -Xnoclassgc"

Running some more experiments. I may backup the world save and delete all the beekeeping setup to see if that caused it.

UPDATE: Updated Java, reloaded the mod pack, chopped down my tree breeding area, and the delays disappeared. (I can live with the small 1/4 sec delay that remains) Will try replanting the trees to see if the bees & cross-breeding makes it come back. (Still get 1 or 2 of those "server overloaded?" messages)
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Version: 2.1.3
Problem: High Oven no longer works. After I upgraded I went to the Oven and it was stuck at 0C even though there was charcoal inside. I broke the controller and put it back. It now shows 20C but won't heat up. I've put the items for making steel inside (redstone/gunpowder/iron) but it still won't heat up. Have tried charcoal, charcoal block and coal.
I'm running AS v2.1.3, and just started messing around with TiCon. I made a pickaxe (Alumite head, Obsidian binding and Green Slime rod) that said had a mining speed of 8.
However, after leveling it up it took on two levels of the Haste modifier independently (100/100 redstone), but has reduced it's mining speed to 5 instead of its original 8.
Is there some mechanic I don't know about that slowed down my tool? It seems like a bug having a tool be faster without the Haste modifier than it is with it.
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