I have seen this issue mentioned a few times but I could not find a single solution on this forum that could solve it for me.
I am using version 2.1.9 of the mod pack and I am attempting to build a deep tank, and when I click on the controller, my game crashes to desktop.
The crash report is here.
Some of the solutions indicated that you should not have any High Oven blocks in the tank at all and I have confirmed that I do not.
I have built a 5x5x5 structure as follows.
The base is 12 Scorched Drains, 3 per side and 4 Scorched bricks in the corners. The center 9 blocks is TC Clear Glass.
The next three levels are a perimeter of Clear Glass with the center 9 blocks empty on each level
The top is 3 Scorched Drains on the left side, the controller in the center of the front and the remaining are Scorched Bricks. The center 9 blocks is TC Clear Glass again.
I have made sure there are no blocks touching the sides or top of the structure. The bottom is sitting on 25 Stone Bricks.
Images of the build are below
WAILA reads the controller and indicates that it's Empty, but clicking on the controller to look at the tank contents consistently crashes the game with the report above.
Thanks in advance for any assistance,
That is an excellent bug/crash report

Does it crash just after a server restart?
Try break a block and place back to reform after a restart/loading SSP world.
I'm not sure what causes this though.[DOUBLEPOST=1402741014][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oops. My Derp.They are disabled since this pack doesn't have ComputerCraft, and would do you no good. If you want to do intelligent control of the reactor, you'll have to do it with RedNet. (I just wish we had more high-resolution output metrics so I could build a real controller.)
I've been jumping between Tech World 2 (which has CC) and Ag Skies
I'm wondering why CC wasn't included. I'm guessing that the turtles makes expanding the platform too easy.
But they should be able to be disabled and leave normal computers. :/
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