Playing with 2 other friends and we just got a cursed earth mob farm up. For Thaumcraft reasons we build it in a magical forest so Pechs would spawn and be killed for the drops.
So when I just finished the farm with some dark glass. That way we could see inside the spawn area. The watch area was 3*10. Just when all the cursed earth finished spreading I saw a very annoying lighting bug in the backend of the farm. My friend in the skype call said I should ignore it because I would likely be killed.
Needless to say, I didn't ignore it.....
As soon as I opened up the spawner, all hell broke loose. I got attacked by several invisible mobs (this is also the day i found out that cursed earth gives certain perks to mobs). Got killed by a spider. When I got back down the watch area was swarmed by mobs. Luckely you could only enter it by elevator. Took the diamond armor you get from a reward and went back down to collect my goodies. I didn't found anything when I cleared most mobs out. My friend (the thaumcraft expert) told me that one of the Pechs probably picked up my stuff and that I had to kill it to get it back.
The moment I hit the single Pech that was down there, 5 other Pechs spawned. For those who don't know, those little buggers swarm you and kill you before you have a chance to say: SHI.....