@fight4anarchy One more thought for you. Every time I start a new play through, I make it a point to learn, or at least begin to learn, a new mod. Pick one mod you want to work with, watch a few how to videos, and learn what the limitations to that pack are, and then look for a mod that will fill that gap.
My personal suggestion to any person new to modded is to learn Tinker's Construct first, EnderIO second. These are probably the 2 most mainstream mods that do a little bit of everything exceptionally well. It doesn't take long to learn that both mods are lacking auto mining capabilities, so the next mod to learn is whatever mod in your pack will fill that gap. You also discover pretty quick that while EnderIO does have item and energy conduits, they are not exactly inexpensive to build, so take a look at your pack and find out what options are available that does the same thing for less resources.
Hope that helps.