A Little Liquid Help, Please

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Stormy Outerland

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now, I'm not completely FTB ignorant, as I've got three different automated bee farms, an underground science lab, wizardy stations, ect ect...
But I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to pump liquids out of machines.
I've got Genepools full of bee DNA, Squeezers full of honey, yet no idea how to get them out.
I've tried waterproof pipes and liquiducts connected to tanks, but they don't come out...
A little help, please?


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
for waterproof pipes, use a wooden waterproof pipe connected to your machine. power it with any engine or an autarchic gate just like any wooden pipe or machine, and connect this to a tank or any other waterproof pipe.
for liquiducts, first have a wrench (buildcraft, TE, or omniwrench). place the liquiduct next to the machine and right click it with the wrench. there should be a little arrow on the yellow connector portion. now apply a redstone signal (lever, redstone torch) and connect it to other liquiducts or tanks. to connect a liquid-filled liquiduct with an empty one (they don't connect by default) just right click with your wrench.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do the liquiducts have a redstone signal on the output side?
And are configured to "force suck mode" ie hit them with a wrench and the texture changes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got Genepools full of bee DNA, Squeezers full of honey, yet no idea how to get them out.
I've tried waterproof pipes and liquiducts connected to tanks, but they don't come out...
A little help, please?

just reading the title it sounds like you're an alcoholic XD

Now it sounds like he's been a little too friendly with the bees and got pregnant and can't deliver a baby.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just googled pregnant bee and came up with this...


Stormy Outerland

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
for waterproof pipes, use a wooden waterproof pipe connected to your machine. power it with any engine or an autarchic gate just like any wooden pipe or machine, and connect this to a tank or any other waterproof pipe.
for liquiducts, first have a wrench (buildcraft, TE, or omniwrench). place the liquiduct next to the machine and right click it with the wrench. there should be a little arrow on the yellow connector portion. now apply a redstone signal (lever, redstone torch) and connect it to other liquiducts or tanks. to connect a liquid-filled liquiduct with an empty one (they don't connect by default) just right click with your wrench.

Thank you so much for the help, and for not linking me to pregnant bees.