I've started this playthrough because while discussing FTB Continuum, I was reminded that somehow I never got around to playing this pack back in the 1.7 heyday. Probably it was GT that scared me off, I was never a huge fan of that mod, but maybe it is time to revisit that.
Journal Entry: Day one - a strange text
Let it never be said that I shied away when life issues me a challenge. Or perhaps it might be better said that I have a tendency to let my curiosity get the better of me. Either way, when I found a strange manual, it sparked my interest. No mere subsisting in a village anymore, it was time to go forth and forge a new life for myself. Perhaps to die horribly, yes, I accept the risks, but to see before me a path to something more than subsistence level farming and to turn from it... that would be the far more cruel way to die.
The village priest took one look at the text and recoiled in horror, urging me to destroy it immediately, muttering something about a great evil, even moreso than the feared Herobrine... that name, uttered in whispers, was nothing less than Gregorious himself. That name struck fear in the hearts of many, but for some strange reason, it never did for myself. Maybe it is a fey mood that has struck me, maybe it was just that anything seemed better than the utter boredom of village life. The priest then gave me the ultimatum: destroy the book, or be banished. I chose a third option: to leave, with nothing more than the clothes on my back.
I journeyed for some time before pausing to get my bearings. I was well and truly lost, which simply removed one more temptation from my path. How could I go back now, when I didn't even know where 'back' was? With this last tie to my past severed, the only way onward was forward.
On one side, a dark and forbidding looking forest. On the other, and equally dangerous looking jungle.
My first goal is to establish myself a defensible position. Food, water, shelter, and the tools to make them with. Fortunately, a small pond had a gravel bed that I can start the process of obtaining flint to make the most basic of tools with.
Equally fortunate is that there was a small flock of sheep nearby, so I could make a bed, because I was certainly not ready to take on the night.
Journal Entry: Day four - New Beginnings
I seem to have found a few stumbling blocks into what I thought was a trivial process. It seems that I can no longer simply craft flint from gravel, I will need a mortar to do so, which requires smooth stone. Fortunately, wood stands in as an acceptable substitute for coal or charcoal, but apparently it takes a coking oven to make charcoal these days. I've also got a very primitive farm going, with a cereal grain and tomatoes. Hopefully, I will find more hearty foods in my adventure.
Once I had finished the task of crafting the flint tools and the mortar, I found some coins that had been left on the crafting table, and no clue of how they got there. Very mysterious. However, even more mysterious is that the book has expanded and given me some information on ores, what can and cannot be obtained yet. It took me a bit to find a herd of cattle for the leather needed for the book, and poking my nose into a cave yielded some small ores that were obtainable with my petty flint pickaxe, but I found myself incapable of producing paper for the book to make the guidebook with.
It seems clear that now I must obtain either many small piles of ore to produce a hammer with, or find some limonite. But without an ore guide, I will be blindly staggering about. But if I wanted easy, I would've stayed back in my home village.
Journal Entry: Day one - a strange text
Let it never be said that I shied away when life issues me a challenge. Or perhaps it might be better said that I have a tendency to let my curiosity get the better of me. Either way, when I found a strange manual, it sparked my interest. No mere subsisting in a village anymore, it was time to go forth and forge a new life for myself. Perhaps to die horribly, yes, I accept the risks, but to see before me a path to something more than subsistence level farming and to turn from it... that would be the far more cruel way to die.
The village priest took one look at the text and recoiled in horror, urging me to destroy it immediately, muttering something about a great evil, even moreso than the feared Herobrine... that name, uttered in whispers, was nothing less than Gregorious himself. That name struck fear in the hearts of many, but for some strange reason, it never did for myself. Maybe it is a fey mood that has struck me, maybe it was just that anything seemed better than the utter boredom of village life. The priest then gave me the ultimatum: destroy the book, or be banished. I chose a third option: to leave, with nothing more than the clothes on my back.
I journeyed for some time before pausing to get my bearings. I was well and truly lost, which simply removed one more temptation from my path. How could I go back now, when I didn't even know where 'back' was? With this last tie to my past severed, the only way onward was forward.

On one side, a dark and forbidding looking forest. On the other, and equally dangerous looking jungle.
My first goal is to establish myself a defensible position. Food, water, shelter, and the tools to make them with. Fortunately, a small pond had a gravel bed that I can start the process of obtaining flint to make the most basic of tools with.
Equally fortunate is that there was a small flock of sheep nearby, so I could make a bed, because I was certainly not ready to take on the night.
Journal Entry: Day four - New Beginnings
I seem to have found a few stumbling blocks into what I thought was a trivial process. It seems that I can no longer simply craft flint from gravel, I will need a mortar to do so, which requires smooth stone. Fortunately, wood stands in as an acceptable substitute for coal or charcoal, but apparently it takes a coking oven to make charcoal these days. I've also got a very primitive farm going, with a cereal grain and tomatoes. Hopefully, I will find more hearty foods in my adventure.
Once I had finished the task of crafting the flint tools and the mortar, I found some coins that had been left on the crafting table, and no clue of how they got there. Very mysterious. However, even more mysterious is that the book has expanded and given me some information on ores, what can and cannot be obtained yet. It took me a bit to find a herd of cattle for the leather needed for the book, and poking my nose into a cave yielded some small ores that were obtainable with my petty flint pickaxe, but I found myself incapable of producing paper for the book to make the guidebook with.
It seems clear that now I must obtain either many small piles of ore to produce a hammer with, or find some limonite. But without an ore guide, I will be blindly staggering about. But if I wanted easy, I would've stayed back in my home village.
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