Whitelist Server 40HoursAday (18+)|Direwolf20 1.7.10 ver 1.0.3| PVP/PVE | TeamSpeak| 24/7

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IGN: Kapersky94
Age: 20
Why would you like to join?: Looking for active, mature DW20 group
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: Time and effort to create most awesome constructs.
Have you been banned from another server?: "we do background checks so be honest." Nope
Any comments or questions?: Is the server good enough to keep me online on it (EU)
Kapersky94 you have been whitelisted and as for you question do you mean is the server up or the people on. Well the first is there is almost no down time at all, as for the people being on at that time. Its hard to say most of the time there are people on at that time, but it does have its days when no one is on at that time.
Why would you like to join?: Tired of playing just by myself. So would like to join a server that doesn't lag for me.
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: Probly start/continue work on a central hub for the server.
Have you been banned from another server?: "we do background checks so be honest." No I haven't.
Any comments or questions?: None
Why would you like to join?: I'm looking for a friendly server and the fact that your a fresh world makes me smile, hate joining a server only to be light years behind everyone else
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?:I am comfortable with most of the mods and love mining. I can offer help with builds and would love to be included in coop builds. I can also offer what little wisdom i have in the setup of tech and the implementation of magic.
Have you been banned from another server?: "we do background checks so be honest." i have never been banned
Any comments or questions?:not at this time
Why would you like to join?: I really wanna get back into modded minecraft I just need a place to start.
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: Wizardry and challenges, my favorite things to do often in any ftb modpack are becoming the expert on a few mods and having races and challenges with my fellow players on builds and tech.
Have you been banned from another server?: yes, was during an interview actually, and on old old faction servers where the entire point was fighting not on ftb though.
Any comments or questions? How many active people are there at night? I work during the day and fight it frustrating to play when no one is around at my play times.
Corvellus I have whitelisted you. night is mainly our active time so you are good there. Also sorry for the delay I had a lot of work today and at the moment I am the only one managing the forums.

IGN: PitekG
Age: 30
Why ...?: As always during shower I was thinking about "things" regarding The Project (...) and a thought came to me that I should look for good server. Good hardware, mature ppl and looks like also admins know what they are doing ( plugins etc. ). Streamers ? Fantastic as I'm already working on Twitch/Youtube (re)start - maybe I will learn something new ;).

Contributions ?: I was maintaining few modded ( both mcp+/cauldron and forge ) servers in the past so I know how to deal with things. I know a lot about mods mostly because I'm tracking
on daily basis changes in modded world ^^. So in short I can provide technical help in decyphering logs for example if needed. I also like to build things, a little bit more creative than (in)famous
9x9 http://tinyurl.com/mg26e73 ^^.

Bans ? None.
Any comments or questions?: They will come in time, for sure ;).
PitekG Nice to see such so much on the app. Oddly enough I think everyone on this list is a YouTubers so a of xp waiting there. but we will be happy to have you you will be whitelisted in the next 2 min.
IGN: nemof09
Age: 24
Why would you like to join?: looking to get back into minecraft after binge watching direwolf current season
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: im very friendly and willing to help others
Have you been banned from another server?: "we do background checks so be honest." not that im aware of, messed up on a server application before
Any comments or questions?:
nemof09 lol I love the messed up on a server app before....
welcome to the server you have been whitelisted nemof09
IGN: 1977batman
Age: 37
Why would you like to join?: Looking for a friendly server to play on - SSP gets boring after a while. Also, I like getting ideas / feedback from other people.
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: I am a friendly guy who likes to help people.
Have you been banned from another server?: "we do background checks so be honest." I have never been banned from any servers
Any comments or questions?: My only comment is that I hope I get accepted. :)
IGN: Senkaru (usually go by Shu, or Shumu)
Age: 21
Why would you like to join?: Looking for a fun place to play FTB with a decent community of mature people who don't mind playing casually and do their own thing while still socializing and coming together at the same time.
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: If I get particularly invested in this server, I'll definitely help however I can with managing it and making sure things run smoothly. Even if I just continue to play casually I'll still probably interact with the others on the server and make a few friends and help contribute to the feeling of community the server has, which I personally feel is very important.
Have you been banned from another server?: As far as I can remember, I have never been banned from a server.
Any comments or questions?: Depending on how things go, my girlfriend may also be joining the server. I'm not sure how actively she'd play but it's just something I wanted to make note of here ahead of time.
1977batman, and Senkaru Its nice to have you apply we like friendly people. we are also more then happy to have the both of you Senkaru if you like the server.
you both have been whitelisted
IGN: NeoYoshi
Age: 22
Why would you like to join?: I have a friend who's playing on the server and he's said good things about it. And I'd like to be able to play FTB with a nice group of people.
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: Cool builds? Haha, I'm not sure. I'd just like to contribute to the sever via either builds or helping with other builds. That sorta thing.
Have you been banned from another server?: Not to my knowledge. I don't really play on many public servers.
Any comments or questions?: No comments or questions.
NeoYoshi you will have to excuse my delay in this response. I have been busy with things today and I did not get back to the pc in time. You are bing whitelisted now.
IGN: dooobz
Age: 25
Why would you like to join?: Getting back into MC and FTB and my old server isn't running anymore
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: I'm really good with bees and focus mostly on that. Aside from that, I was a moderator on my old server, so I can help keep the peace haha
Have you been banned from another server?: "we do background checks so be honest." nope
Any comments or questions?: none
IGN: grimmgin
Age: 21
Why would you like to join?: I want to come play with my boyfriend, Shumults, and possibly meet new people c: I'd also love to have fun of course!
What do you feel you could contribute to the server?: I really enjoy building, and I'd try to help people out if they're new.
Have you been banned from another server?: I have not, that I know of.
Any comments or questions?: None! Thanks for reading over this :3